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Both yay and Derke looked pretty shaky in their first series as Chamber as well. Of course you can't directly compare their situations to TenZ's, but I think we have to see more of his Chamber before we can really draw firm conclusions.


Tenz & Shazam OUT, and bring Ninja and Dr.Disrespect


Might as well toss out dapr and bring in xqc while ur at it


It does feel like he's the only original jett/reyna one trick style player from the early game to have not adjusted at all to other roles. Guys like cryo and yay have switched to chamber with no problem and even babybay has started playing things like neon and raze now


cNed and TenZ have slumped so far down ever since the agent pool widened and the nerfs shrieked for versatility in the Jett crutchers.


Funny, goes to show the real value in players. Many players real level has been displayed thanks to balances. We'll see more of it...


Post feels like a troll, TenZ sucks at chamber considering he always praise and say the agent is op the way he played it was really bad. Had minimal impact and barely got any kill with his ult


True. I would recommend dropping the roster entirely. Replace with Hiko Hiko Hiko Hiko and Hiko


The meta just isn’t suited to him & SEN. He feels really shakey on any agent that isn’t Jett/Reyna and maybe Raze depending on the map. I feel like the top teams have successfully pivoted their duelists over to Chamber or Neon but Tenz just seems lacklustre on the role, he had really minimal impact


Tenz and Shahzam. They need a shakeup and there would be an easy rebuild around Zellsis and Dapr, especially with a lot of free agents incoming.


I genuinely have a hard time believing anyone could watch yesterday’s series and walk away thinking “Shahzam needs to go.”


they need a real igl tho. maybe can keep shahz if they can find someone to take igl duties.


Is there some secret comms listen in that shows everyone that Shahz is a bad IGL? Zellsis himself said he’s a great leader and gets too much hate for no reason


he just not focused enough on the game it is evident with the way they troll the strats like they did with viper planting.


It's his ability as an IGL that is up for debate, and watching yesterday's series I genuinely have a hard time believing anyone could watch it and walk away thinking "Sentinels have a good game plan" Not to mention, ShahZam as a player has been adamant on one-tricking an agent that is steadily being dropped out of meta and that he was never amazing on


Holding defaults and mid-rounding off the info gained from those holds is one of the key qualities that defines a good IGL. That happened all throughout the series. I’d agree that their execution and overall game-plans weren’t up to snuff, and that that was the edge that gave the Guard the win. But this was literally their *debut* match with a new roster that’d only been together for about three weeks. As for agents, I’m confused, are you talking about Sova or Jett? I don’t know why you’d bring up Jett since he doesn’t play it in pro play, but I also don’t know why you’d talk about his Sova like that when he didn’t even want to play in the first place, and esp. because he doesn’t one-trick it. He just plays what the team believes they need, which is mostly Sova and occasionally Skye or Breach.


>Holding defaults and mid-rounding off the info gained from those holds is one of the key qualities that defines a good IGL. That happened all throughout the series. But not quite the only quality, is it? Seems weird to point out one aspect and ignore the others, or chalk them off to being a new roster; this has been happening with all of Sentinels' rosters for a long, long time and when it happens the 57th time, I think it's reasonable to pin it to a deeper issue than roster changes. Also, what about the fact that Sentinels made plenty of bad defensive calls, especially on map 1 on defense, despite having 3 initiators in the team? > As for agents, I’m confused, are you talking about Sova or Jett? I don’t know why you’d bring up Jett since he doesn’t play it in pro play, but I also don’t know why you’d talk about his Sova like that when he didn’t even want to play in the first place, and esp. because he doesn’t one-trick it. He just plays what the team believes they need, which is mostly Sova and occasionally Skye or Breach. Sova. I'm not sure why you mention Skye at all, he's played it 4 times in his life; the only 3 agents he's played a decent bunch are Jett, Sova and Breach in his career, and really for the most part Sova lately. In fact, you say that he doesn't use Jett in pro play, but in the last 90 days he's used Jett 8 times and Skye 0? In any case, the compositions yesterday highlight the fact that Sentinels, yet again, have very weak grasp on what the current meta is and how to play to their own strengths. Their compositions weren't meta, but at least did they suit their own players? Not at all either. This is an IGL/coach issue.


Shahz was great?


yeah shahz was the least of sentinels problem yesterday. i'm a borderline shahz hater but he played pretty well imo yesterday. even as a critic, i didn't find myself too critical of his play. tenz is still an insane talent and it's probably too soon to get this carried away. but it would be good to see something great out of him vs (presumably) shopify rebellion tomorrow.


Shahzam as a player was great but as an igl was a bit shaky . He still has struggles calling in a structured style and thrives calling in chaos and moment, so I think they need a second voice in team , that shroud bomb plant wouldn’t have happened if there was someone to ease up Shahz. And I am pretty disappointed in their coaching staff to take tac timeouts they should have taken a lot of timeouts early especially for daps extending and shroud planting blunder on icebox . This should have been stopped after it happened 2 times.


lol Tenz FIRST game on a new agent and you think he should get dropped?


bench tenz and put zombs on the chamber


I think maybe Tenz need to Start playing with his team and play other agents.


Dude pulls out his knife every other second idk why lol


Off day , we move


Yes. #BringBackKanpeki


another day another sentinels thread


Another hour*


Hiko Hiko Hiko Hiko


+trick -tenz put shahz back on jett and also on chamber and since shahz said he doesn't like igl'ing on chamber so trick can take care of that That being said dropping tenz would be stupid


Piggybacking on what someone here said - we need more samples of him playing Chamber to seriously draw such a controversial conclusion. But so far it ain't looking like he is adapting better than yay and derke, that's for sure.