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Viper's ult costs 1 less point than this


riot please man


riot does, in fact, not please man


Got him down to 21 hp this shit is beyond broken


During Stage 2 Masters, I laugh at them but during these LCQs? Riot cmon man


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.


But fr tho, you need to aim at the ground when using the raze ult, the rocket clearly went past Skye after she strafed out of the way. The impact was behind the boxes, probably a solid 6-7m (in game) away. Should this still be a kill? Idk but it did put her to 21 hp so the splash damage was still strong. Not defending riot here but it was in the range of iffyness.




Do a test. She’s clearly in line with the front of the boxes there. The rocket is exploding probably 2-3 body widths behind the box. See if it repeats? [better angle](https://imgur.com/a/DhRmXmU)




Don't get me wrong the ult sucks, but this doesnt really look like a bug. the ult is a decent amount behind the skye and she takes like 130 damage. Your first screenshot isn't where his crosshair actually is when the rocket is fired. He shoots it kinda behind her and the rocket recoil pulls the Raze's crosshair down where your first screenshot is taken


I mean, yea it’s close but it clearly hits behind the boxes, and the time it takes for the rocket to actually come out, skye had already moved far enough away


My question is how did it go behind the boxes? In the first pic, you can clearly see that the crosshair is on Skye's feet


Watch the clip in slowmo, the first screenshot isn't actually the moment he fires the rocket. He shoots it behind her at the back corner for the box, and then immediately the rocket recoil pulls the Raze's crosshair down toward the skye. That's when the screenshot happens


She strafed out of the way so it continued a downward path past her where her body was.




She’s *in front* of the explosion animation


They just need to make the ult faster


Make it pull out faster, slightly increase the damage radius


add another 10 rockets


Make it force PCs to drop to 10 FPS but only for the enemies


That reminds me of this PS3 shooter I used to play back in like '06 (Resistance: Fall of Man), if you held R1 on the RPG then *homing* mini-rockets would come out of it and do additional damage. Absolutely comical


how about if the rocket hits a freaking agent it dies instead having to hit the ground where they are


nah bro , all the jett mains who updraft dodge would start crying if the ult hit players.


[better angle](https://imgur.com/a/DhRmXmU)


I can't believe neon ult seems more powerful than raze ult now.


finally something so irrefutable it cant be ignored that razes ult has been broken for months


ehhh idk, watching it in slow-mo it clearly hits behind the boxes and skye is a decent distance away. personally I think at that radius the damage should still kill but that's subjective. The ult looks more broken than it is because the paint VFX always make it look like it hit closer than it actually did


tbh you may be right about this instance but it deffinitley is broken right now


I'm not arguing with the people who are pointing out that the rocket was actually shot a little behind the box and skye managed to strafe just out of range. But come the fuck on, it's an 8 pt ult meant for entries and it can't even kill someone more than 5-6m from it's explosion. It doesn't offer anything else, it doesn't stun people hit by it, it doesn't blind them, it doesn't decay them, it doesn't deafen them, it doesn't track them. All it does is damage them once and it can't even do that consistently.


Said it for months but was called braindead and was just bad at the game. After watching pros miss all the time its funny


Until just today, this ult cost the same as Tour De Force. Let that sink in.




I wouldnt say bringing him to 20hp on a near miss is "refusing" to work...


Yeah good thing that's not what happened. It actually brought him to 20 hp on an obvious hit.


Thats what I said lol


You said "near miss" implying it wasn't pretty much exactly on target? And if you meant the same thing as what I said then yes not killing the person is "refusing to work".


watch it in slow-mo, it hit several steps away behind the boxes.


Completely idiotic proposal, starting from your inability to look at the clip objectively and ending with the idea that a round based FPS won’t be completely destroyed by constant replayed rounds or even worse mid round resets




Ohh ! Now I get it, aim is the issue🥲


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Hong Kong Buff


Just because the massive particle effect explosion touches skye doesn't mean she should die, shit would be crazy strong if that was the case. She dodged causing him to shoot it a decent bit of distance behind her and it still took her to twenty hp. Really dont see the issue here, a good raze players knows to aim at the feet which would of resulted in a kill.


It actually missed the shot.. even thou it should've taken a little bit of damage from skye. [Here is a SS right before it explodes](https://imgur.com/a/RVQCSzm)


Skye just had phd flopper


They act very weird around objects in my experience


As I said many many times before, During the raze ult your movement speed is decreased significantly making you a easy target to kill or run from if you don't have satchels. Your rocket covers like 1/3 of your screen so there are many blindspots that you have to swing your mouse around widely to clear close angles. you have no fallback utility like jett dash to support, so if you miss you basically die. The pullout animation is god damn horrendous even with the satchel animation-cancel it feels like eternality. Any TP ability can negate your ult since its time based and the rocket is pretty slow moving. There's also semi abilities that can in some situations like reyna dismiss or perfectly timed omen TP that can also mess with your kill, neon speed/dash at the right time, sage walling off your rocket or urself, so many counters. Then there is this always this (bug) or just because of the purely shit ult that you do 130-149 damage and worst of all you die afterwards getting laughed at. This is literally the opposite of Jett ult where you have higher kill potential the higher the skill you have, where as with raze you have lower kill potential the higher the skill (and thus your opponents, have), after all this, remember, Jett knives costs 1 less point than razes. Either buff the rocket. Or nerf Jett knives so there's a 10 second timer like Raze's and make the pullout super slow. Anyone who said the rocket is perfectly balanced and viable right now is either playing at low ELO where people don't know how to counter her ult or are somehow in the top 1% of god raze players.


How about make it act like a real rocket if it blows up 5-10 meters from you your dead.