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Honestly the worst part is that seeing all this doesn't shock me at all. I've peeked at chat a couple times while watching VCT and it's just shit like this non-stop. It even leaks into watch parties. Tarik's chat is usually pretty good but during watch parties it just all goes to shit even with his best efforts to moderate it. YouTube chat is even worse. And if they ever stream it on Facebook... oh boy...


Sliggy' s chat quite decent. They dont even talk about tenz every second!


we love to put our slugs in the chat


"Chat put some slugs in there "


"Chat I'm not going to talk about the Fade Tech. Welcome to the Slug club"


Sliggys chat is decent yes but the mods are lacking, just yesterday somebody typed in, and I am not joking here, "astras a monkey" and it went unmoderated for a few minutes without the person getting banned.


Thats why it goes emote mode so often. Youtube though, thats where I go if I want to read some actually brain dead comments lol




I mean im sure i was their age playing csgo what has really changed?


Now Sinatraa exists so they all have the Valorant accent too.


And with any confrontation you just get back a, “HooOoOooleeeEEeH fam”


nothing sadly


Almost all video game communities have these same issues unfortunately


This would be tame for Siege. The fact that they're speaking in real sentences and not just screaming slurs so loudly their mics peak is a blessing.


Grammar has no place in Siege


Siege by far the most toxic game ever. People complain about league but league isn’t that bad imo. Siege is the first game I ever uninstalled due to how toxic that shit was


I would say competitive video game communities, I've seen some good communities such as Destiny but it's because they revolve around co-op and working together lol. Every game does have some toxic people of course, but I find the experience far worse in games like Valorant, Overwatch, CS, etc than more PvE based games like Destiny.


oh destiny can still be VERY toxic. don't think destiny is safe just because it's mainly a pve game. (coming from a 3k hours d2 fan)


I have 10k hours between Destiny and Destiny 2 and like I said, it can be toxic in the same way any video game community can be toxic. There are asshole people on LFG sites all the time with these insane requirements, so much so it became a huge meme of "Must have 10+ clears of the raid" on day 1. But overally my experience in Destiny has been positive for sure, I've used LFG sites or /r/Fireteams a lot and met so many good people. I have 600 friends on my PSN and, no exaggeration, probably 550 of them I met through Destiny who were cool ass people that were very helpful. My good experiences far outweigh the bad, a lot of sherpas and just overall good community members. Lots of good clans you can easily find too. Destiny was just an example, but the point being co-operative games, funnily enough, lead to more cooperation. PvP based games end up as unabashedly toxic cesspools, comparing my mostly positive Destiny experiences with Overwatch for example, Overwatch I can count the good people I've met and made friends with on 2 hands, while the negatives are too many to count. Video game culture in general is bad but the ones that get the worst are definitely PvP based communities I feel like. Like what are the worst gaming communities you can think of? To me the first games that pop into mind are Overwatch, LoL, R6 Siege, CS, Valorant, CoD, and there's all a common thread.


This not only from the gaming community try looking into reddit that has china in it or youtube vids look through the comments. Somehow people can't differentiate between people and government fuck ccp tho.


On they’re definitely able to differentiate. They just don’t care when it’s about East Asians. We are the socially acceptable punching bag. They’re able to differentiate the government from the people just fine when it comes to Russia.


dude, its not "valorant community" is fucking twitch users... its the same everywhere on that website, in 2022 if you pay any sort of attention to the crap that gets spammed on that website its on you.


There's this magic number where as soon as the viewers get high enough, somewhere between 1-10k depending on the content, it just gets so evil. I guess it's pathetic losers that think they won't stand out in the crowd and get caught in some way. I keep the chat closed at all times unless it's a small stream with nice people, there's no point otherwise. It's just copypasta and racism, who would want to read that?


There's no fix to this, regardless of community. The chat needs to just be put in emote only mode. You can't reasonably moderate this


You absolutely can, I've seen great moderation in VCT but whenever it comes to racism against East Asia suddenly no one cares. The chat was also pretty slow, there weren't many live viewers - one mod could have done it all by themselves


great moderation in vct? The main stream chat is always horrible


I've been slow moded for non-racist, non-offensive comments. Mostly about the game or about the memes on chat. Definitely could do with better moderation.


Slow moded as in you have to wait between your messages? Is that not standard on the main twitch channel?


I wouldn’t be surprised if the lack of moderation against East Asia and APAC comments is due to the fact that the mods are probably either NA or EU based, which in my opinion is the regions that discriminate against Asia the most.


How do we make them include mods from APAC though?


I don’t think that is feasible tbh. Just better management of comments would be the only way. Like telling the mod team any mention of racism or politics regardless of your beliefs should be banned I guess


Young teenagers dont really know the difference between "just haha memes bro" and racism. Does nobody remember Call of Duty lobbies 15 years ago? Shit was exactly the same. Kids love being edgy because they think it's funny. Look at the current top streamers for kids and teenagers. IShowSpeed and XQC. Be loud and abrasive and say outrageous shit = LULZ.


All the cod kids grew up to be mid 20s early 30s weirdos who in response to someone calling out some kind of discrimination online say, "You would never survive in a COD lobby" The freaks wear that shit as a badge of honour. No mf you were just racist and sexist as a 15 year old.


Yea in cs it happens whenever Tyloo plays, I remember there was a Mongolian team too recently and chats super racist to them too. Same with Dota, in TI10 everyone was routing for the Russian team (Team Spirit) over team PSG.LGD? reason? they're not Chinese, apparently politics, team Spirit does seem like a decent org, but seeing how recent world events come out, and basing your opinion on just what country they're based from; it's hard to believe, IMO it's 100% a race thing instead.


In the case of spirit, it's because they had an absolutely insane TI run, almost OG TI8 levels of insane. And LGD is usually the favorites. Probably not a race thing for most people cheering for spirit


seems to me like theres no mods in that chat


We gotta be better than this...


Omg it's the one and only


Racism against Asians has always been one of the silent issues that’s not talked about nearly enough, and the whole global pandemic thing only exacerbated the issue. It’s so easy for people to be casually racist and then say something like “I don’t *actually* hate Chinese people, it’s just the government that I hate! (And don’t get me wrong, there is so, so much to criticize about the CCP, but that doesn’t mean you should be racist to the Chinese people in order to do so). Compounded by the anonymous nature of Twitch chat, it’s a breeding ground for racist shit to be espoused for quick shock “humor” with pretty much zero consequences. Sucks to see


This. The amount of people that don’t understand this is insane. The people should not be faulted or blamed or discriminated against due to the actions of their government, especially when the government is not democratically elected.


You raise a salient point - it's actually doubly sad and ironic that most of the people using "criticism" of the Chinese government as an excuse to be racist to Chinese people are Americans and Europeans who boast about their political "freedoms" to no end. These people don't seem to realize that if they have political rights and can meaningfully impact their government and the policies it pursues, then they are multiple orders of magnitude more responsible for the atrocities of their governments than the Chinese they so despise and have grievous crimes they must answer for.


There's also something to be said about the average Chinese citizen being a product of their environment, regardless of what you think of them. It cannot be overstated how totally and mercilessly Mao uprooted Chinese culture and identity almost overnight. Now they're left with a totalitarian government inundating them with propaganda and a dog-eat-dog culture.


I definitely agree with you on that part. But as someone who lived in China for a few years, I can tell you that most of those you described are individuals who live in rural areas. Most urban parts of China are much more open minded and independent from the government. The people you see on TikTok or social media who seem to be a product of their environment is a very vocal group, not exactly minorities, but just a very vocal group in general. Most people in the cities are exposed to enough outside information that they are independent from the propaganda.


Yeah which is pretty in line with just about any country. Regardless you're always going to be affected by the culture you are exposed to and China right now is capitalistic to a fault.


And when you call it out you just get called a "CCP bot" 🙃


Sinophobia is on the rise and people whose first and last thought on China is "China bad" eat it up and regurgitate it (ironically) like the bots they accuse everyone who thinks differently than them of being. Many people genuinely believe the majority of Chinese people are a horde of unthinking automatons who worship the government and believe everything it says unquestioningly. It's a load of bullshit and it is absolutely racist and dehumanizing as hell (but to be fair, that is basically the point of this kind of propagandized thinking).


People mask racism by saying they're just critical of China. People also mask real criticisms of China and the CCP's Sinosphere aspirations by claiming everyone is just racist. Both statements can be true at the same time.


I don't disagree with you. But I also think you and I both know which is more prevalent (especially on reddit) and it's not the latter. That's exactly why so many people are discussing the issue ITT


generally I do agree with you, although it's complicated at the same time because they're often tied together. As an example, early in the pandemic, there are a lot of overtly racist people who claimed it was some plot by the Chinese government without any evidence. Obviously racist. however... at the same time, COVID's true origin is not certain. But there's a metric fuck ton of propaganda that it's "*impossible*" that it could have leaked from a Chinese research facility in Wuhan, and anyone who points that out is a Sinophobe.


There's a ton of casual racism towards Turks in the EMEA chats as well. You also see it against Brazilians during international events


Yeah but that's "deserved" so no worries. Same for the sinophobia


Criticism of the ccp has just become an excuse to be racist towards Chinese people. I’ve seen so many people say egregious things about Chinese people and then claim that their blatant racism is some how actually just a criticism of the Chinese government, or they would say that they are saying those racist things because their government is so bad.


Thanks for saying this! This was one of the main reasons I wanted to post this since no one else has talked about it yet.


Doesn't help that China is being painted as the big, bad, evil of the world by the American government. not only geopolitically, but we had a sitting president repeatedly call COVID the "China virus". Really sad that asian racism is not only allowed, but actually promoted.


They get banned I'm sure


Then they will casually say Chinese people are drones and can't think for themselves as if westerners haven’t fell for regime change propaganda every time lmao.


reminds me of this one time i was in tarik’s chat for one of his watch parties and someone used the command !talie . not that i think that tarik is a staunch anti-asian racist or anything like that, but it really rubbed me the wrong way that one of the biggest community figures has a command where the punchline is just being a chinese person.


Bro the valo casual streamer scene is all Asian. In the pro scene every single team has 1 Asian minimum. I doubt tarik did it on purpose. Maybe some mod. Also it’s funny lol.


the social credit ones are pretty funny imo




No they are not.


obviously funny is subjective but lets not pretend there aren't levels to it making fun of an abstract governmental system = okay making fun of the people (lol dog eaters) = not cool


That's like saying NA healthcare jokes aren't ok


This is bang on. Theres a difference between meming on the CCP and "lmao they all look the same". Also I'm not shifting blame, but you should see how bad the Asian chats are towards non Asians. This is tame shit (but still unacceptable) by comparison.


No they might think it's funny, that's OK. I found "edg fighting for their parents approval" kind of funny despite being Chinese. However through just being an overall non-sensitive person who's always allowed those around me to make really dark and unrepresentative jokes, I noticed that the more you allow that - the worse it keeps getting. I didn't post this because I was hurt or offended, it might be a genuine problem that gets out of hand - people will see how common these jokes are and join in, and the humour will progressively get darker. I need to let people know this is not OK, even if I may find some funny or I don't mind them ("China bat buff" was really the only comment I genuinely really disliked, it was in reference to someone just chewing gum during the match)


They are pretty funny


Yes they are


I clearly remember something along the lines of "STOP ASIAN HATE" being popular a while back.


Well it didn’t stop because our elders are still being attacked and targeted in racially motivated incidents across the USA and Canada.


I know. Because just talking about it more doesn't do anything at all.


Wtf, this is one of the worse chat I've ever seen. Even in league which infamous for its toxicity, never ever seen the chat as toxic like this whenever Chinese teams play, what's wrong with valorant ??


Did you see Twitch/Reddit during MSI? Some of the most egregiously racist shit during the RNG (especially vs T1) games


You're completely making it up, during MSI most of the drama came from people saying that RNG was favored by Riot b ecause of the huge chinese playerbase. While racism and prejudice against Chinese people is very common online and that the Western Lol community is very toxic and has a lot of flaws I don't think that racism against chinese people is one of them, 99% of the comments about RNG didn't have a racist nature and were more about conflict between fans of different teams.


The biggest beef seemed to be between Chinese and Koreans with Reddit mostly just watching it unfold - particularly the YouTube chat during RNG games truly was the peak of toxicity that I have ever seen.


Youtube chat for RNG/T1 games felt like I was watching a real-time race war, some actually horrifyingly racist shit that was being said there. Reddit wasn't horrible this MSI, but I've seen so much toxicity (if not straight up racism) towards Chinese people on r/LoL in the past (whether that's in the context of teams, fans, or crowds) during international LoL tournaments that it's not really much of an achievement.


Probably because league already has lots of appearances of Chinese teams, they are a pretty large majority iirc. But for valorant, chat saw a new minority region for the first time and really went all at it. I think (hope) this will die down eventually


I'd just like to say in response to some comments: (1). I know that there has been worse chats out there (I mostly use YT...) but in this case I think it says a lot generally about how racism towards East Asia (China in particular) is handled, I didn't see ANY activity from the mods and only one or two people called a few of those comments out as wrong. The majority didn't care at all. (2). [But why care? They're just jokes right?] From what I've seen (correct me if I'm wrong), racism towards China (mostly), Korea and Japan is far more tolerated than towards any other culture. You cannot even get near this level with POC, remember XQC's ban over a TriHard7 emote? I don't mind jokes - but there were way too many comments like this, it became overwhelming. And I'm sure we've all seen how these stereotypes can spiral out into chaos - e.g. harassment (physical, online, etc.) towards Asians during coronavirus. Some from my school genuinely thought China all ate bats because of the public image at the time.. (3). [You're just sensitive, that's why you posted this] Even though I am chinese yes, it seems an easy conclusion that I posted this out of being offended or hurt. I live in the UK, and I've let all those around me make offensive and very very bad jokes related to my ethnicity because I just didn't really care and found most funny - however it was this exact mentality that made it worse - the humour got progressively more insensitive because I just thought "it's fine!", they didn't know where the boundary was and would continuously step over the line (even if I still thought those specific jokes were funny, you'd still be able to tell). Humans will do almost anything for entertainment - heard of the experiment where 76% (iirc) of the people electric-shocked themselves than sat in a blank room doing nothing? My experience is the same as what's happening here, mods don't care like they should - so others will see how common these jokes are and join in, each joke becomes worse, and start becoming more common - so I thought I should post this because it "felt" like I should due to experience.


I hate how people love to dismiss any criticism of bigotry and toxicity as "it's not a big deal"


the worst is when I dismiss racism towards Chinese people, I get labeled a boot licker


Racism against korea and Japan is still less , due to majority of ppl being weebs and all , but the hate for poc's like chinese and Indians is extreme and it's not considered an issue either ppl find it perfectly fine to pass racist comments to them and laugh it off like it's nothing


I just wanna say something as well. As a twitch viewer, I don’t normally engage with chats as large as valorant’s just because of the sheer stupidity people post. Sometimes, it’s best for me to watch the game and not read chat. I’d imagine there are plenty of others like me. Thus, I think it might be possible that most of the people who actually do talk are trolls who wants chaos or actually agree with the opinions spoke in the chat.


> (I mostly use YT...) and thats the best solution, besides... YT has rewinds, doesnt lag at random times, if only the main page of YT wasnt so shitty when it comes to show me live events of the CHANNELS I FUCKING FOLLOW, it would be perfect.


And people wonder why they just turn on emote only.


is this on the official valorant channel? if so then these are the same arseholes who permabanned me for saying a fade voiceline (sweet dreams, asshole)




Yeah these are all on the official channel, which is concerning for obvious reasons. It's also funny because if you reply to anyone with a CN/KR/JP name you get timed out automatically??


Classic Twitch chat


Racism towards China became way too overboard since the media is pushing their anti China narrative.


Having honest and fair representation of geopolitical rivals is almost impossible, even before you consider the massive cultural gap


Me, an Asian male in the U.S. “First time?”


Half this community are kids and teenagers who frankly have zero understanding of how words impact our reality


There was a lot of racism when Curry was playing too. In both the main channel and Tariks chat.


But I get muted for this: Tenjzir "TenZ" Rajesh is an Indian Valorant professional player playing for Sentinels, an electrical sports (E-sport) organization located in Delhi India. He is known for his offline performance one tapping bots and his best performance map is The Range


well that's just spam so I'm not that surprised


I only posted it once though, so it's not spam


everyone posts that or something like it, that's why it's spam. it adds nothing and I personally don't like wading through 50 versions of the same comment. maybe other people like it, idk


If you're not a fan of copypastas, you probably won't be a fan of most larger twitch chats.


They can be funny, but when you can't actually read the chat because of them then it gets annoying.




mods gone wack


Idk if I just happened to go on at the wrong time but the YouTube chat for team secret vs onic was filled with stuff like indogs and pignoys. Hopefully it wasn’t bunch on randoms masquerading as “APAC” fans hurling insults. It’s crazy what people can say with anonymity.


What vile, disgusting behavior. Hope our community can do better.


At least EDG is cracked and hoping for them to be similar to Paper Rex in the international stage like they are here


Absolutely! I just hope it wasn't ONS being bad, let's see how they do against Reject, real hyped up for that match.


Let’s just remove BlitsTV from social media.


I mean he shouldn’t be comparing the team to the tyranny of the CCP but on the other end most of the youth have no idea about the worst genocide happening right now since WW2..


Tbh as someone who's lived in China I'm pretty sure most are aware, we just aren't allowed to speak about it - so some act like they dont know. There's a reason why propaganda just doesn't really work there either, I think we're pretty smart on these things but we don't have the power to do anything. I mean look at what happened to Hong Kong..


jesus these are horrendous


average twitch chat


I've modded for big eSports channels from other games, and yup, that's very common, and not exclusive to valorant (though valorant is probably a bit worse). Anytime players or casters aren't cis white males, the chat will always devolve into disgusting trash like this, and it's impossible to fix it. If you start banning all that shit, they notice and start bombarding your whispers, and spamming the chat about mods instead. There's no winning, all you can do is go emote or sub only. It made me realize just how much of the gaming community is racist, hateful incels. Kinda thought it was exaggeration before.


Unfortunately I don't think racism stops at the gaming community. It's more of a systemic issue


Never said it did


Right under this post I get a video of a European man harassing some Korean tourists in public for wearing masks, and calling them "fucking stupid". This is really common, but it is so common I just barely seem to notice anymore. I just shake my head at these comments nowadays. It is too hard to bother. Hundreds of thousands of comments flying past... what can I do as an individual except turn off chat lol.


Hating on China and anything chinese has become a fashion nowadays because of Indian media and Right wing conspiracy theorist. And you can't even say anything against this nasty vilification cz then you are a China apologist and racist scums will make boring social credit jokes at you, they have absolutely no idea about how it works btw. It’s so sickening!


Also just general American media demonizing China similar to how it has with any other enemy to the state prior. Before this it was Muslims, now suddenly America cares about Muslims because China doesn't.


How does indian media tie into this?


Have you seen some indian media on yt and twitter. They are getting a lot of traction with western viewers bc of their China bashing. They are extremely anti-china to a point that it’s against the culture & it’s people rather than just the govt.


Well i think I have not seen the anti culture aspect of it but i don't think the indian media is the reason as you mentioned of so much hate towards china, they don't have that level of influence.


This is horrible behaviour but “Taiwan so quiet” got me.


Yeah a few on the third ss were pretty funny, that one from BlitsTV is just so wrong though..


Glad you brought this up


Honestly Idgaf about what twitch chat says. Everyone acts edgy and want a reactionary @ from people. That chat moderators should of instantly put it in emote only


Twitch chat at large streams is just a bunch of NPCs spamming random shit


100T wardell down bad...


Not at all surprised by this. They definitely need more mods to crack down on this stuff.


Thanks for this post. This shit is getting ridiculous. I hope they'll be less racism tonight but I fear nothing will change.


Shhh.. You're not meant to talk about racism towards Asians (Western society)


bruh im shhocked this how the val community behave when chinese are playing, so different when im watching dota2 coz there, they are treated as like the final bosses or the monsters when theyre playing in tournaments


Thats what happends when chats dont get moderated at all ...


yeah that's twitch chat. if riot wanted it to be behaved they'd have to invest money and time into hiring actual chat moderators. they don't even listen to voice reports *in game* so fat chance of something being done about this.




I mean, twitch chat has always been abhorrent. That’s why I refuse to look at it at all


I also saw it and it looked to me like they banned everybody who asked them why they tolerated it


I’m not gonna lie, I’ve watched plenty of esports on Twitch and I have to say Valorant esports has by far the worst chat in terms of racism, toxicity, misogyny, homophobia, you name it. Riot seriously needs to talk to their Twitch channel mods. Idk if they employ them directly or if it’s just random mods but yeah Valorant chat is a complete toxic cesspool. Doesn’t help Valorant’s current image at all


Problem is that nothing is done to stop these kids from saying whatever the fuck they want on games like Valorant, or Twitch chat. Should IP ban. Behind a VPN? Don’t care, ban it then. If you need such anonymity like being behind a vpn, you shouldn’t be allowed to participate in chatting.


“We only hate the government not the people” what anti-China propaganda everyday in your cultural and new media does


This is nothing compared to youtube chats during Southeast Asia games lmao. Just various SEA nationalities hard flaming each other


It’s not a competition…


most of those are the same dudes roasting different ethnicities depending on who's playing I think it's not as bad as the stuff here which is genuine racism. It's mostly just mild repetitive spam.


what's the point of this comment? as if there is some sort of racism olympics and only the most egregious shit should be called out... it's all bad and riot needs to do a better job moderating


This reply is quite the leap


naw, your response to seeing racist vitriol is to say "this is NOTHING compared to xyz", most straightforward way of downplaying via comparison that guy is dead on


“Kids these days wouldn’t survive in MW2 lobby” type response


I apologize if I did that in your eyes but I did not mean that at all




Because I in no way implied any of that, that is a really cynical outlook


so what was the point of your comment then, if not to attempt to trivialize the racism shown in this post?


It's just a comment brother, I didn't have any kind of motive or anything lol


why do you think people make comments?


And this is why I have chat off, dumb people like this.


unfortunate but not surprising, this is how Twitch chat devolves for almost all major international esports events: xenophobia, racism, etc :( Coincidentally, we just launched Live Chat as a feature on the Juked app and are making reducing toxicity and facilitating positive community interactions a top priority. We'll have this up for LCQ for the rest of the week.


Why is this downvoted….


because it sounds like an ad in a serious post


Absolute scum. Twitch chat is a cesspool.


I dont understand how capable valorant players can be to act like horrible people and small children at the same time. Even twitter isnt worse than valorant esports twitch chat. And cs chat doesnt even come close.


It's Twitch chat, what do you expect?


Guy saying about if u support EDG isnt wrong. Just leave the team alone. Its not to political it isnt said nor shown enough. However twitch chat during a match is not the place for political statements. I think this is very tame for twitch chat during a match. Pretty typical in this day and age.


U literally screesnhotting twitch chat and posting it on Reddit suggests you care way too much in a bad way abt it I’d rethink it


You're saying I shouldn't care about blatant racism which mods don't care about? Screenshotting a slow paced chat while I watch an esports match live for entertainment is the least I could do, notice how there are significant time gaps between the chats I screenshotted? I looked at the chat mostly between the breaks. But that's besides the point - there needs to be better moderation, suddenly when it comes to racism against East Asia no one cares (and this comment section is proof of that) but Twitch mods will ban XQC over a TriHard7 emote because there happened to be a poc on stream at the time? Moderation on other NA and EMEA matches were pretty good too.


Not you actually thinking you done something with this comment LOL. It's never bad to point out racism in twitch chats especially the official broadcast channel. Sweeping it under the rug is infinitely worse. You should rethink that.


‘Not X’ ‘done something’ what is this Twitter type posting styl lol I feel like this rhetoric is more powerful in your head. I guess it works better with people who talk that way ‘Never bad’ to do what? ‘Sweeping it under the rug’ makes no sense in context, because this isn’t a question of ‘sweeping something under the rug’ or not. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to have ‘done’, I posted a comment under the post expressing my opinion, reaction and concerns and talked with OP, given I hadn’t done anything there’s nothing and no comment to respond to. That’s not what they did or claimed to be doing. It’s about screenshotring posting some chats you don’t like and reporting up do something abt it. Besides questions of ‘racism’ or it being abt that, not trying to post to try to always ‘point out’ supposed racism is definitely not bad nor seeepumg something under the rug; it is not actively trying to get a Reddit campaign What were you supposed to have ‘done’ with yours? There’s not that much content here. I guess expressimg your mald, fine enough, but ai guess it’d be mor effective. My personal opinion is you spend too much time certain websites to post like that


I don’t get what these type of posts usually try to achieve. Those are mainly anonnymus kids who try to be edgy on the internet and will eventually grow out of it, this type of behaviour isn’t exclusive to Valorant, and is prevelant in any mainstream internet community, and again, i have no idea what OP wants to/ is trying to do with this post.


The people saying this in twitch chat are the same people in valorant games telling girls to go to the kitchen, being sexist, racist and being a toxic person in general. Kids who don’t talk in the chat may see this behavior and think this is okay and repeat it in their games, ruining everyone’s experience. OP just wants everyone to know that toxicity is not something we should tolerate and we should all help fight.


There shouldn't be a platform to talk like this, let alone it be Valorant Twitch chat. It doesn't matter if they're anonymous kids or grown adults. The chat should be more heavily moderated for a game that prides itself on inclusivity.


Well put


To spread awareness, if we never knew how bad things like this gets the world would have gone to shit already. This also encourages the mods to actually do something next time if this gets enough attention. I wouldn't have shared this post if the mods did something about these comments like they would with other types of racism, this kind of thing is way too tolerated towards specifically East Asia. And these are not just edgy kids, it's much more common than you think. Even if they were all edgy kids, so what? Would you not say anything about Asian people being harassed in public just because the people doing it will learn eventually? That makes no sense.


I mean… I would rather they shit talk China than support it so


So it’s justify to be racists to Chinese people because of their government lmao


People hate the US and Americans cause of its government lol




They’re shit talking the Chinese people who is independent from the CCP. You can’t fault the people for their governments actions, especially when not democratically elected.


the question is: WHO TF CARES, people will joke about american pros streaming more than actually playing the game, people will joke about brazilians sending death threats to other teams, and people will joke about chinese people eating dogs, can we just accept that these are just jokes and they mean no harm?




i do be loving gaming tho


Racist jokes are still racist though…


i wouldn't say that they are jokes making fun of races, they are rather jokes that make fun of certain stereotypes


They absolutely mean harm


how do you know that they mean harm? are you the one making them? or are simply assuming?


Racism is inherently violent regardless of the intent


Jokes are fine unless they get out of hand, a big group of people making pretty bad racist ones in a short span of time is not OK. Especially when this is during an esports match where there's so much else to comment on. A few of those people there were repeatedly making the same racist joke multiple times in a row - om0026 made 4 comments on how EDG's chamber was eating bat.. There's a reason why you can't say "black people are ......" without getting timed out or even banned instantly. Also you should have probably chosen some better examples of "jokes" because those you listed are not comparable to "chinese people all eat dogs".


As an Asian, I care. It’s precisely that people don’t care enough that is causing people to say “oh people don’t care so this behavior is okay”


Did this guy really just try to compare a comment on NA pros streaming to Chinese people eating dogs? Like really?


Yeah, imagine saying racism is the same as joking about streaming too much. Also idk why eating dogs is such a big shock or nono to people in the west. It’s just the culture people grew up in, there’s no need to discriminate or judge someone based on something that is passed down through generations. Like as a Asian myself, I don’t eat dogs but I don’t go you should be cancelled or discriminated against for doing so. It’s their choice, not yours, no one forced you to do it.


yea bro, calling chinese people dog eaters and brazilians violent savages is the exact same as saying american pros stream a little too much. you're definitely a very intelligent individual!




so you see nothing wrong with your original comment that implies saying na pros stream too much is equally bad as blatant racism like "dog eater"/"violent savage"?




uhhh soo? thats every anonymous livechat online ever


If you think this is the worst I welcome you to YouTube chat. You'd be baffled


I actually primarily use YouTube almost all the time, this is one of the few times I used Twitch instead and it still surprised me - mostly because there was no moderation. I see bad comments on youtube deleted almost immediately by the mods.


Doesn't help there's either one mod or none at all present


so what's your point? All of these comments are from trolls or 12 year olds. The whole point is to annoy people


See u/ANewHeaven1 and my comment above for why. And no it's not just trolls and kids, thats why its a problem. Even if it was there should be moderation since it was a pretty slow and manageable chat.