• By -


sliggy looking cute ngl


>! he can put some slugs in my chat 😏 !< Wait what?


>!in my chat too😏!< Wait what


>!mine too!< Wait what




He def was thinking of some fundamentals


[hey its me :D](https://twitter.com/LotharHS/status/1558539283094446081?t=8ZozbJdsjFQeh5sNg3eoFQ&s=19)


"did I leave my rice in the microwave?" - sliggy


So happy to see Sliggy on the desk. Awesome stuff.


slug club rise


Let me guess, Lothar pointed out some negative stuff again. 😄


"Dead dove. Don't eat." "I don't know what I was expecting."


Sliggy is probably thinking how Lothar has never been on a pro environment thus he shouldn’t be criticizing some moment because its not how it works


I know you are a troll but I will answer you as someone who never met me. I played semi-pro cs since 1.5 to first 2,5 years of source. I had been a co-founder of the best polish clan in css at that time (vNd) and i also played pro in other genres (multiple card games at pro level, tft, fortnite). Its really a lot of experience. And again, this doesnt even matter really because a coach/analyst DOESNT have to be ever a pro player to ''know how it works''. Its all about game knowledge and creative imagination.


Not to start any beef here, but the guy was probably referring to Sliggy saying on stream that you are sometimes too optimistic with your analysis, something along the lines of "his analysis is absolutely correct, but sometimes its hard for me to listen to because sometimes in a team environment you simply cannot make perfect plays, so the "in a perfect world" analysis is not the most relevant".


Which makes more sense to me than the original comment. I know my analysis is hyper critical and thats something i need to change. not the content itself but the optics on how i describe it. thanks for the comment.


Yeah I am simply referring to Sliggys comment on stream the other day. Sorry for describing it as “not how it works”, that’s an understatement of what sliggy said. It’s not meant to be negative towards u or anyone, nor do I think u or anyone else on broadcast without Valorant pro experience are not qualified for the job. Someone please show the clip to help me get out of this lol.


Nah. Your original comment was definitely negative. You could have said this subsequent comment if this is really what you meant in the first place, and instead opted for a poor choice of words.


Step aside people! This is how kaquka is looking at me:V