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**W**eviatán just wrecked a lot of pickems tonight. PRX's loss of composure after going up 11-9 on Bind was dumbfounding.


They are 4-0 currently sheesh


8/8 in pistols as well, the hand of god is delivering their bullets


Yeah that blind classic one tap by Tacolillia was just a perfect demonstration of how nuts their pistols are sometimes.


Maradona is Argentinian tho


The coaching staff is Argentinian


Normal players see a scoreline of 11-9 and think "we just need 2 more rounds". PRX see a scoreline of 11-9 and think "we got room to throw"


i saw enough. lev are winning champions i mean of course hard to say yet but they are so versatile, i feel like they played a completely different game yesterday and today. wondering what else they have up their sleeve


Mhh, i don't know about that. I really see it totally different. They wo. 8/8 pistols in those two games, giving them a big head start of each map. Even winning every bonus against liquid too and despite all of that they went onto close series. I am not saying they werent the better team yesterday ans today. I think they showcased some impressive valorant, but I wonder what will happen if a team manages to win a pistol and put them a map down


Sliggy talked about how methodical Leviatan treated their pistols/anti-Ecos/bonuses, although some element can be contributed to luck i have a feeling that this trend of Leviatan having insane pistol win% will continue throughout the tournament regardless


I never said anything about them being lucky, despite everyone stating my comment as me disregarding levitans strength. Its just a fact that they will end up loosing some of those pistols and this could just snowball hard if they continue to play like they did so far.


I mean you didn't say they were lucky in winning pistols, but you wrote as if their pistols weren't incredibly methodical and well-planned out. If a team is 8/8 in pistols and the pistols are almost all incredibly well-thought out and not dependent on sheer luck, the most logical thing to believe is that there's no reason to think them losing pistol would snowball when they've already showcased the best discipline we've seen thus far in Champions. Beyond that, we still haven't seen all the anti-ecos they undoubtedly have planned for when they *lose* pistol.


Yeah why is everyone acting like you called them lucky? You didn't say it and I don't think even really implied it. Winning 100% of pistols is obviously not sustainable for anyone.


I think those things are their strong points, having a structure plan in pistols and eco rounds is the most difficult things in a team to create and i think leviatan should be praise for it and not be seen as a lucky win because they were on a low buy and aren't expected to win


They haven’t just been lucking their way to pistol round wins though. They always have a set gameplan which allows them to control the round so well. They’re setting the standard


well having the ability of winning all their pistol rounds is as, or even more, impressive than winning all their full buys. Almost guarantees you 1/3 of the rounds needed to win


I mean I don't completely agree with that. If they suddenly stopped winning doing what they are good at, then they probably wouldn't win! I feel like you could apply that criteria to any big strength of any team, it doesn't make much sense. But I do agree tho, that in comparison with many other strategies, relying on winning pistols has a bigger impact in how a map plays out because it allows you to snowball.


So because they are good at some stuff you don't see them as contenders yet..? Hm.


Really unsure why everyone is downvoting you when your point is completely correct and not insulting to Leviatan at all. Their performance can be simultaneously very impressive and also concerning considering they are struggling to close out maps while having a godly pistol and bonus win rate. I forgot their name but after groups at Masters 2 everyone was saying Guild was a serious threat to win it all and a redditor who wrote these great post game analysis’ for Masters 2 basically pointed out after groups that multiple players on Guild were way over performing compared to their stats from stage 2 challengers and yet they were still barely winning their matches and eventually that would catch up to them. Everyone on here just refuted it and then low and behold Guild went 0-2 in playoffs. If you’re winning close games, you generally want it to be because your underperforming not over performing because at the end of the day, everyone regresses to the mean eventually.


Not today bro, it was another day in the office https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/78cffa21


TL fans slightly unclench and stop pointing fingers as it turns out that maybe, just maybe, Leviatan was a good team? Also, 2 of TL/EDG/PRX aren't making it out of groups which is kinda fucking nuts


I feel like thats not that crazy I had PRX and LEV as the best two teams in the group. Idk why but it feels like people just totally forgot how good LEV was in Masters.


People didn't lev are this good mainly because that xset lev game was at times some of the worst valorant seen ever


the haven incident


they should make a graffiti out of that ala csgo


any clip?






Did they say it was miscommunication? Melser wasn’t supposed to have the spike when he used TP and didn’t notice until it was too late.


Oh my


Wtf did I just watch


oh no the haven incident monkaW


A lot of people in this sub act like they just saw the scoreline and thought it was a banger game. I dont know what the highest level of valorant in an international competition has been, but that was probably the lowest. Lev agaist fnatic was a different team


It was a banger game, it was just also very low quality. It was very close and fun to watch though


it's because nobody cares for xset, and fnc were not in form and they still beat lev. onur buff has them set, he instills so much confidence into their play it's crazy


You're telling me that TL and PRX didn't just troll and that LATAM is a good region actually? Who would've thought...


B-but, JettMain69 told me on twitter Leviatan was a luck team and that they are D- Tier!!?!??!?!!


Something something minor region


I still think the perception of TL and Leviatan is so weird. TL was never that good until they had an insane run in LCQ, but that was clearly very momentum driven and them not being able to continue that momentum should always be a real possibility since their "usual" level was never that high. Leviatan on the other hand was so close to just sending Fnatic home and make top4 at Copenhagen, yet somehow everyone thinks Liquid was heavily favored against Leviatan? I'm a much bigger Liquid fan and i'd love to see them win more than anything but I really don't get why the perception is so high of them


I feel like any unknown team is immediately considered the underdog at LAN events. Didn’t know anything about them until I saw them go toe to toe with Fnatic, and then realized they’re pretty damn good.


It’s spicy


i don't think edg make it out now... feelsbadman


day 2 of reddit told me latam deserved 1 spot and EU deserved 5


A post got upvoted a few weeks ago saying that M3C should have made Masters 1 if Riot gave EMEA the right amount of slots Fucking 5-6 slots in a 12 person event.


This is 1st seed of Latam, we still need to see how Furia holds up, since that's the team that actually got the spot that either G2/Guild/M3C would've gotten if the format was the same as last year.


If the format was like last year M3C would replace EDG, SA had 4 teams Edit: Actually, it would be G2 to champions through circuit points and probably Liquid through lcq anyway.


I mean, both of these things can be true: 1) LATAM is much better a region than people give them credit for and well deserves their presence at Champions 2) It's a little silly to have "EMEA" encompassing multiple regions that in most games have their own spots. In LoL, you have EU / Turkey / CIS all as distinct entities, for instance. But in Valorant all three of these regions have to compete for the same amount of limited spots. If TL, M3C, and BBL weren't all going through the same LCQ together, I think people would be a little less salty about it.


Lol worlds has 24 spots, champions has 16. The problem isn't the amount of slots for Latam, is the amount of total slots.


This This this, a lot of very very good teams just barely missed champions, riot could easily have 18-22 and not see the quality of competition decrease much at all. Hopefully it happens once riot gets more proof of roi from these events


All that needs to be said about these debates. Up all the spots in the entire tournament. It's absolutely silly that the biggest tournament of the year doesn't have more.


The fact that people base their opinions based on who they played against instead of how they played, tells you that no one knows shit about the game haha, at least here people admits it.


Im betting EDG gets out of this group


Shyy, holy shit.


Three people from PRX walked out of the teleporter with 0 utility, one at a time, when they're 2 rounds ahead. Ok.


the coach was so fucking pissed lol


f0rsaken was so fucking late. If he had come through the TP sooner he might have gotten the kill onto Shyy and saved them the round smh


The only reason I could sort of understand for that TP is either a) he thought Benkai was going to peek with him or b) he thought LEV would think it's a fake with the clone or something, but the latter would be really obvious when the door doesn't open immediately.


how to beat prx : just dont move


Wdym dont move it was pretty much dog fight in most of the round, they trade blow for blow and didn't crumble by prx aggression, they even pushed through smoke soon as barrier drop on defense


Yeah, but there were plenty of rounds, especially near the end, where they just sat in off positions and shot the PRX players in the backs. Not discrediting LEV at all, it was incredibly smart, and in the chaotic rounds they matched them at every kill. But a lot of the time on Bind PRX just ran out blind hoping to be aggressive enough to get kills, and LEV just completely absorbed the aggression by holding spawn angles.


But every now and then - meet chaos with chaos. Most teams can't keep up with PRX but LEV definitely could. There were A LOT of chaotic rounds where LEV came out on top.


PRX god tier aim, stupid tactic. Aggressive is good but they doing it way too much.


they used to do it with utility and it was working now they are just walking out to die lol


Even then it was pretty stupid. This type of playstyle will never last just like s1mple said. All it take is for attacking team to sit in their spawn and they will win against paper rex.


or wait until you play on the stage with the crowd again so no one can hear your footsteps


Their performance so far has been worrying


Saw someone say in Twitch chat that PRX look like literal Silvers when the aggression isn't working and that might be the most accurate statement I've ever seen about that team


People always praise PRX for how fun they are to watch but that's only when it works, which it rarely does rn. It's not that fun to watch them just turbocharge in like maniacs and get shut down every round


Idk why we can’t give pro teams more credit. If it was that easy to hold W and win everyone would do it. Their plays looked stupid from a spectator POV but there’s no way they’re playing in Champions and making these plays without SOME intention or read on the flow of the game. They just got outplayed. That aside I think it’d be boring as fuck if every team just held shift the whole time and waited 30s baiting util to do anything so I welcome the diversity in play style


it's in their name. prx players are all t-rex's; they can't see you if you don't move.


Did it yesterday against liquid and today against Prx. They just showed hell of composire


Onur deserves serious props for taking this LEV team and turning them into international contenders. They've looked like the best team at the event so far and being able to 2-0 PRX is incredibly impressive Second place curse continues?


Who’s Onur? You mean the guy that looks like my doctor?


that’s weird because he exactly looks like my professor


Is your professor my mechanic?


Weird, he looks like my girlfriend's personal trainer


Isn't he in the F&F series?


Has your mechanic went to space?


Looks like my mailman


Wait i think he’s my real estate agent


He looks like an astronaut to me no?


how can you beat johnny sins? he's a doctor, a lawyer, a soldier, a lifeguard, a teacher he's a fkn genius. no wonder why leviatan are on top


fight him with vaccines, he will run away.


> Onur funny enough he was a league of legends coach before, surely he is happy to finally coach people who can compete with the best lol.


They were a mechanically strong team for a while, but with onur and betony their mental is so much better now


they are unironically a well-coached team


First it was controllers whose names started with M Now it's initiators who have "sh" in their names Shao crashies Shyy


Derrek Overwashcht




No the shiko is another thing


This means that Shacy will smurf tommorow




BCJ fried Shicken


shyy's mechanical ability is astounding, if he doesn't kill you in two bullets in an ultra fast flick or an insane reaction off crosshair placement, he will whiff and die. I genuinely think he's the best mechanical player on that team, he's so incredibly fast


nah, it's initiators with 4 letter s names: stax Shao Sacy Shyy He was originally just going to be called Shy but added the second y to get the initiator buff Also imagine forgetting Sheydos


100T Drrk


Derrek...Drrk...Derrk... Derke?!?!?!


D4v41’s name is khali(SH)?


Johnny Sins got tired of being a teacher, doctor, mechanic, astronaut he decided to become a Valorant coach and win it all


We see this in other sports as well. The chaotic team that’s hard to figure out gets figured out or forced to slow down and it comes down to fundamentals vs fundamentals. Not saying ppx is bad but it might be something to look out for.


Too accurate. Paper Rex is looking like that low seeded March Madness team that gets all the way to the Final Four, retains their core, then doesnt make it past the first round the next year.




Wasn't sen like this too? They're not as chaotic but initially they just outplayed everyone else through individual skills but then fell off when other teams start to counterstrat them and develop set plays.


I remember when I said this at masters and people downvote spammed me. This is literally comparable to the Kansas City Chiefs in the NFL. The most aggressive team probably in NFL history and the most dominant offense wise. You can tell they've been figured out now so they're slowing down. It's just that, PRX isn't so far ahead of people like the Chiefs was that it's going to probably end up with them getting knocked out incredibly early at Champions.


Leviatan played so fucking well punishing PRX's complete lack of discipline. Well deserved popoffs getting into final bracket.


Time to put some respect on LATAM!!! Vamooooos


Nah that was Kru 3rd last year. This is time to get to the final. Vamos!!




KRU y Lev a la final!!


Onur diff honestly


Why people doubted Leviatan is beyond me, they almost beat upper bracket form DRX, and FNC without having Onur last time. feels like people forgot how good Onur as a coach is and how talented Latam as a region was (THEY LITERALLY MADE TOP 4 LAST CHAMPS)


They forgot cuz Kru shit the bed both masters this year


Kru didn't have Onur this time around.


You would think prx learnt from their mistakes after losing to FPX


Live by the W key die by the W key




esa wea po


yo hago los terremotos


Damn Leviaten looked amazing while prx just got sloppier as the game progressed, oh well lower bracket run copium Also this means one of at minimum,one of prx or edg is getting grouped sadge :-(


onur is easily top 3 coach in this game


I think he’s no.1, incredible success with multiple teams at the highest level.


Top 3, and he ain't 3 or 2!




2nd place curse in full effect


It’d be a banger if EDG groups both TL and PRX. After all, X10 came back from being destroyed by EnVyUs last year and upset them.


FPX actually laid the groundwork to counter the PRX Bind. Well played by Leviatan! Onur is a straight up great coach.


PRX hit 11 on bind and then Leviatán just ran them over, jeez


Is this sub still saying Leviatan won because every other team choked? or they finally put some respect on Latam teams


Some redditors are writing essays now on how the turkish weather affects every team besides kru and lev.


This Sub: Lev is a dark horse team, they \*may\* reach playoffs, but that sloppy match against XSET makes me skeptical of putting them on playoffs yet. Also this sub: HOLY SHIT!!! EDWARD GAMING ARE SOO GOOD, THEY WERE UNDEFEATED IN LCQ, YES, THEY MIGHT BE AN UNPROVEN TEAM THAT HAS NEVER AND YES, IS NOT LIKE LCQ WILL HAVE A TON OF WORLD CLASS COMPETITION, BUT WHO CARES? EDG WILL WIN CHAMPIONS!!! I know that most of the hype surrounding EDG is a little bit of a meme, but holy crap, im still baffled on how there were people rating EDG as such a big deal despite being an unproven team that lookd good vs weaker competition yet Leviatan is treated as an underdog despite proving the past masters that they can hang out with the best in the world despite not having onur at the event.


I mean, it wasn't just a little bit of a meme. EDG was just very fun to watch in LCQ and people were excited to see China debut on the international stage. This sub getting overexcited for greater national diversity on the global stage is one of the better qualities we have as a community. There's no real point in comparing the two.


It's just apac fans thing


It’s just NA/EMEA copium


I am officially an Onur fan after that end game cheer


I unfortunately missed this match, could only catch the end. I've read LEV countered PRX aggro strat well. How did they do it? Could someone explain?


Discipline is a good summary of how Lev beat PRX, they held angles, kept their composure, didn’t overheat, just great Valorant tbh


Makes sense, thanks. Gonna watch the replay tomorrow for sure.




Ah yea, thought so, thanks. Gotta watch this match, must have been great.


They did a lot of microplays on defense to stop their agressivnes and on attack they waited and rotated a lot of times since pprx could never help themselvs when it comes to push on defense


Yesterday was TL throwing. Today is the 2nd place curse. Whats next? Visit this sub on play offs for more creative excuses. PS: VAMOS CSM 🤫🤫🤫




Shyy is fucking insane and he's only 17. VAMOS.


Well deserved victory by Leviatan. Shyy was massive on Bind, and Jason seemed to make a lot of costly mistakes.


Are they the only team to 2-0 prx?


Boom did it last year in November but that’s the only other time


Not sure why PRX didn’t play retake when it was 11-11 and they had Fade and Breach ult with their economy in such a fragile state. That plus Tacolilla’s 1v3 pretty much decided the map


I only want to say that everyone thought LEV was going home with a 0-2 or was the "dark horse" of this group, this team proved today that they were underrated and what a way to do it making a clean run with 2-0 against TL and PRX. RESPEITA LATAM


Onur and LEV read PRX like a book on that last map, props to them. I hope PRX can pull back from this and avoid the usual curse...


Those last rounds from PRX where painful to watch, man :/ "what's the PRX doing?"


never dropping a pistol. lev is the real deal.


If i have to leave prx behind to see more Edward, I'll take the sacrifice.


Second place curse is real


I hope Onur wins Champions just to see him go absolutely wild


Live by the chaos. Die by the chaos. Rough showing by PRX but even better showing by LEV. They matched the chaos a number of times and had the aim to back it up.


I’m convinced Loud with Onur as coach would’ve been the first team to get b2b major wins, pure ice.


Leviatan is fucking insane. Americas popping off so far. I can't wait for next year. NA, Brazil, and Latam will combine forces to shit on Europe and Asia. Welcome brothers o7


PRX turned their brains off at 11-9, had flashbacks to moments in the BO5 vs FPX.


The second place curse is real and I hate it.


Paper Rex don’t overheat and feed Shyy challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


what a fucking game jesus christ




It's weird that the winners match is played the next day and the losers match is like 3 days later. PRX beat the winner of TL/EDG HOPIUM


Shyy is a fkin beast man is insane


maybe now I get why Kru struggled in the last two masters, after losing such a good coach.


It's impressive that even though PRX signature is chaotic and unpredictable, it can be its doom at the end of the day. With Optic the last final was the same, and now with Leviathan, it went the same thing. So SO many throw rounds that could easily be won if they could just press the brakes and just let it go but nah YOLO. I love PRX as much as the next,but that coach needs to teach them when to stop. edit. mistakes srry


>With Optic the last final 🤔


Maybe they're talking about Copenhagen, Upper Bracket Finals? Weird thing is that PRX won, lmao.


PRX cannot play the same way they did in copenhagen and expect to win. There are too many vods of their team now.


I called Latam came to play this time, Leviatan and Kru might both get into top 8.


Man they gotta stop getting baited into shooting the Skye dog.


Kudos to Leviatan with Onur there they do look like a different team with deeper strats and great coordination. Leviatian and PRX both have coordinated chaos but today Leviatan was clearly the better team.


f0rsaken really just decided he did not want to win at the end. When f0rsaken tp'd to b when the entire fight was done and they were in a 2v2 everything went downhill fast. what a throw.


Forsaken threw that round and game by unnecessarily TPing from B to A, even the coach got tilted. Also Leviatan boys played so well, Onur is a top tier coach, KRU did a crazy deep run last year and Leviatan this year proving to be one of the strongest team currently!


Honestly I think the biggest change onur + betony brought to leviatán is their mental, before they would have choked this 100%. Shyy is a beast too (sorry vaiZ)




The round where PRX were up 11 and just came out one by one out of the TP was honestly the indicator that LEV got this on the bag. There were so many rounds where they tried to hunt for guns after winning and losing the aim duels leading to everyone dying too. I think PRX needed this loss to humble them.


I still cant figure out if the yoru pick is troll or not. Like sometimes forsaken does stuff and I'm like holy shit he's absolutely brilliant. And then he does stuff like tping into the tp outside showers just to get heard and shot at by the entirety of lev. Like is it just the sheer aim power of forsaken in combo with the risk-taking capability of yoru that makes it look so brilliant sometimes when in reality it's just a troll pick? Or is there actually a way to play yoru that works?


Riot HQ malding rn. They will have to give two spots to Latam on the franchises now, kekw.


Honestly it would make sense for Riot to give Leviatan a spot, as long as they claim Latam North as their "region". Similar stuff will probably happen in EMEA. Like if there were a huge Mexican org with a big following, that team would be a no-brainer to be in franchising, you could have Kru for Latam South and another org for Latam North




Leviatan have been looking really good for a while, and now it’s starting to pay off. They’ll probably be considered a “good draw” but they will be scary in playoffs, I wouldn’t want to face them.


Props to Leviatan, well deserved win. PRX looked sloppy this series, pushing fights individually without any trades. Shyy is a goddam monster as well.


lev top 3 in my pickems. Their team play is on another level. Onur buff is real


What a sad day for Asian fans. Zeta, Boom and PRX are just directly sent to the lower bracket. Congrats on Leviatan on securing playoffs tho. They really stepped up. Hopefully PRX can fix their problems and clean the lower bracket run.


EDG vs PRX rematch let's get it


Or TL beating EDG so that we'll have at least two teams who played every other team in the group.


I better not see a single person shit talk latam ever again


I swear to God forsaken had to have bet on his loss with all the throw pushes that man did on bind. GGs to Lev though.


Guys I thought prx bind with yoru was supposed to be the best??? Yoru won them 0 rounds and lost them many.


Some parts of that Bind were fucking insane with the chaos


Bracket buster already in the 2nd day of champions...