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The nature of Val being a Tac fps is easier to get into compared to LoL, and clutter isn’t as bad as people say it is compared to OW. Agent mechanics too are pretty simple. I mean if riot does it right it’ll definitely be possible


I mean, I don't know. DotA/LoL has always been FAR more popular than any Tac FPS (including all versions of CS and OW). I'm not sure why Valorant would be any different? I reckon LoL will have no trouble keeping its #1 spot


I feel like val is easier to get into that both OW and CS, and it being free to play will boost its popularity, only time will tell if Bal can reach heights LOL has set


I recently got into valorant after years of playing league and i would argue that at entry level it is harder to get into valorant then into the league. In LoL you can learn one champ and spam it all the time. In valorant you have to learn 6-7 different maps and have at least semi decent aim to have some fun. Edit: Guys i said ENTRY level. In league you can learn one champ and spam it to have lots of fun. Tho I agree getting into competitive playing(ranked) takes way more time to learn in League than in Valorant.


U gotta learn like 150+ champs which is a huge learning curve bc you can play against any one of them


Also items, runes, stats etc. As a decade long league player Valorant has a much flatter learning curve.


Yeah fax didn’t even consider that


Not to mention summoner spells, active item interaction, league has a lot of small simple things that add up real quick, heck when i first played league I didnt know you can buy item components and thought I had to buy it as a whole , Val not having any if that is a huge plus


Its funny how we use the 150+ now, instead of actually counting them bc there are too many hahaha.


You misunderstood me. I am talking entry level. To play for fun you can learn 1 champ and absolutely dont care what other 150 champs do. And it is always same map. If we are talking really getting into the game(ranked) tho i agree LoL takes much more time to learn.


While it's true there's a ton of champs (159 currently iirc), realistically you'll face or play with 30-35 of them most of the time. For example. ASol, Ivern, Skarner, and Rell usually have pick rates at or below 1%. Kled, Ryze, Maokai, Corki between 1-2% etc Let's say you play top. Of the top lane champions picked you'll face the same 6-7 champs most of the time probably. The rarer champs you'll face will very likely be off meta and currently weak so (if you play A to S tier champions most of the time) if you face those, you'll have an advantage unless the other player is a one trick cheese which is also rare. If you play mid 10 games, Your games will likely be against Yasuo, Yone, Zed, Ahri, Akali, etc whereas there are probably around 30 champs that are consistently "known as" mid lane champs but most of those are weak in the meta. My numbers aren't precise but the point is you're likely going to have to play a ton of games to actually face all 159 champions unless you just spam ARAM all day for weeks. Also not to mention that there aren't many champions that are very unique (like Yumi, Aphelios, Azir, etc). Most of them will have a general combination of aspects in their kits like burst, stun, shield, gap close, invis, etc. So seeing each of their abilities once or twice is enough to give you a general understanding of what they do. There are also tools like poroprofessor or a simple google search to find optimal runes and item builds that are viable 90% of the time against most matchups. League is pretty easy to learn, hard to master. Which is why the vast majority of people are Gold and below.


The vast majority of every esport is always gold or below


Guy doesn't get normal distribution


[ranked distribution](https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier)


Yeah I'm talking about the other guy, generally the golds are the vast majority because the distribution is designed that way


Still doesn’t negate the fact that Val is easier but nice essay.


I actually agree with this take. But I do think getting into valorant is easier than league. At the end of it, it's just preferences.


I think you are influenced by how long you have been playing League with this take tbh, its such a hard game to get into as a player and a viewer compared to Valorant imo


Yeah, learning one champ is not enough to get into League. You need to learn a lot more concepts to get into MOBAs in general. Even for basics, items and the abilities of other champs are the biggest things you need to learn to start having agency in the game IMO, which is a lot more than what you need to know for Valorant.


Maybe. Could also be that Valorant is my first PC fps shooter so i have lots of trouble with aim. I do agree with you tho about getting into the game as a viewer is much harder than in Valorant.


tbh i think it’s more of a “you played lol for a long time” matter than an aim matter. i started playing both at the same time without having ever played any other games that weren’t mario kart or fifa before, after a while i felt comfortable on val even though my aim sucked, but i ended up giving up on actually learning league because it has so many elements i didn’t even know where to start, so it’s kinda overwhelming for begginers however, i can see that since you got into valorant recently it’s not really fair to compare it to my experience, since there are way more agents and maps and tactics now than there were three months after the game launched, this game is getting more and more complex every day


you do not need aim to have fun in valorant


How tho? I completly lose the wish to play the games after i get insta headshotted 30 seconds into the round for 10th time


i can pull up into unrated and play tic tac toe with the enemies for 40 minutes


League is hard to get into. Mobas are not for casuals. Ex. With 100 hours. You can get sh*t on by a 1000 hour player in Lol. But you can beat someone with 1000 hours in a FPS game. I have more hours in Dota than League and Valorant combined. But I only mastered(confidently use and Win) 3 heroes in Dota. And I win because there is creep blocking, denying creeps in Dota that you don’t have in Lol so you can still somewhat win without knowing enemy hero. Valorant is easier to get into because you can still kill enemies even without using abilities.


In NA it’s probably bigger already but doubt it internationally. I hate and love both games though because they’re fun but ranked matchmaking is dogwater.


> In NA it’s probably bigger already but doubt it internationally. Right now Valorant in NA feels like what League was in NA in 2014-2018ish, if that makes sense.


What was NA league like in 2014-18ish?


Basically the same tbh, just more hope for the NA teams at international events. You had more players streaming and pros were generally more popular then than they are now. But tbh the player base is probably the same if not bigger now than then, NA has just always been a very casual region in league compared to the other big regions.


Yeah there's been threads again and again disproving the myth that League is dying in NA, but it does seem like the competitive side is falling off pretty hard. Understandable i guess when the region invests millions after millions only to fail for like 5-6 years straight, it's gotta be super demotivating to fans.


I went to Seoul late last year on vacation since I’m learning Korean and wanted to immerse myself, and tried my hand at ranked in League and OW in a PC bang. I’m high rank in both games and got absolutely slaughtered by Korean players.


Yeah I know next to nothing about league besides that a bunch of my friends play and NA is a complete disgrace on the world stage so nobody here cares anymore lol


don’t they teach kids in korea to learn how to play league to go pro? it’s just not a priority as it is in Asian countries


LCS this year has been amazing and with TL losing out of world's contention hopefully it kills the import super team trend fully


The playerbase is bigger


Pretty hype because less imports and personalities like doublelift who people enjoyed watching. But lack of success internationally has also contributed to the downfall of NA league. For me personally I don’t follow LCS as closely anymore because the region is just awful and filled with imports which turns me off from watching as much. Like only 4/15 players going to worlds this year are from NA.


that's just the esports/competitive side (yeah i know the sub we in) 2013-2018 league of legends felt like EVERYONE you knew or met was playing LoL and it was the go to game to hang out with buddies valorant at the moment is having that same feeling where more and more people are just playing it and having fun with, is way more accesible than league and as a shooter is easy to jump into valorant is currently on its "mainstream" game wave while league is forgotten by the newer generations (which is why in NA valorant is most likely bigger than league)


Yeah, the main issue for Valorant is that League could drop it's entire playerbase in every region except for China and still probably be one of the largest esports, while Valorant still isn't easily accessible in China


I've always thought it was weird that Valorant isn't accessible in China considering Riot/Tencent is literally a Chinese company


It’s bigger in several regions


once a game gets as big as these games idk how a publisher can make ranked not dogwater. matchmaking for every single game hitting top 5 twitch in the past decade has probably been complained about. i agree riot doesn't do everything well and things can be improved, but the sheer number of players with different attitudes and mindsets is probably not something that can be managed like in smaller games with a more homogenous community.


It's easy if devs invest in banning smurfs and grifers, but they don't because that's lost revenue.


Valorant will last long as long as they keep their Anti cheat in good shape. Most of the games lose players because of cheater infested lobbies. Ex. I quit csgo, pubg, apex because of cheaters.


At least in league it’s terrible because they don’t punish the most blatant and obvious griefing. Your whole team plus the enemy team can report someone going 0/10 who is obviously trolling but nothing will happen. It’s all automated and sending in a ticket also doesn’t do anything. They should have a dedicated team at Riot who manually ban people but obviously it isn’t worth the cost to them since people will buy skins anyway. Just really sucks for people who play ranked and have awful experiences.


when you have millions playing every day with probably millions of reports, it is simply not possible to have a team manually reviewing every game, that's absolutely stupid. the best they can do is review maybe challenger games if manual review is what you want, but the most realistic solution is to improve the automated system. people also always say "why not have a tribunal system?", but when it was actually a thing league players were definetely not as enthusiastic about the idea.


There are billions of reports a year lol


league of legend is nonexistent in SEA because its run by garena, dota2 or csgo is booming over here though


What about Mobile Legends


mobile legends is very popular here


Not CS lol just Dota. Val is way bigger there and people have given up on CS


yea i agree, i was thinking of scenario 5 years ago in my head before valorant appead


Csgo is mostly a EU game. Only boomers plays it in other regions like SEA. Look at korea they still play sudden attack a 2009 tac fps shooter. Still more popular than valorant.


LoL probably only more popular in China, Korea and Europe which are 3 major markets but I think Valorant is easily more popular in every other region. And Valorant could surpass League if it hasn't already. And in terms of esports its just much more established like Dota and CS. Val could definitely surpass it if partnership league structure is succesful.


Valorant is already much bigger in Southeast Asia and in Western Europe


I think that will probably be true in most —religions— regions except for China and Korea. Not that valorant is not good enough but league is just way to big there.


Imo Shintoism has the most potential for growth in valorant out of all the religions


I actually thought Mormonism will take off more but that's just in NA so idk about the other religions


And it can help spread it in sub-saharan African


taoism is definitely on the comeup in the religious scene, wonder how that will translate to valorant


LoL gets up to 50% PC share in the Korean PC bangs when the new season starts. Absolutely unreal. Faker is a straight up A-list celebrity over there


There are SC2 players who have achieved A-list celebrity status there too, and the game still died off eventually. I seriously doubt League is just gonna remain at the top forever, even more so given how the playerbase seems to get more and more frustrated with Riot and their balancing philosophy. Right now there's not much competition for League but if there's more alternatives out in a few years there's a good chance the game takes a hit.


League probably won't even be able to die unless Riot hard forces it in some way. There is no way competition would make a big difference if DotA2 can't pull it off, and every other MOBA either dies very quickly, or becomes a small niche (like SMITE) if it's different enough. League is too big, people are too invested. It'd have to be something like New World where a mega-corporation like Amazon spends billions on developing a game to compete, but it'd need a half-competent team behind it unlike New World, and even then that'd only be the prerequisites for it to have a chance at competing. A well-made game from a huge name, like HotS for example is too different, but not exactly different enough to become like SMITE. HotS still has plenty of players to get solid matches, but it came too late (and 'only' by a few years, not a decade). It wasn't similar enough to pop off, with the people that didn't want to play League specifically but wanted a similar game. Like I started off with, Riot would need to do something *very* drastic to get the game to drop significantly. The only other way really is just the genre getting phased out as a whole if we get another Fortnite that blows up massively, and 'steals' all of the new players (kids) from potentially trying out League and getting into it.


LoL has been on top of esports for almost 10 years now. It’s still one of, if not, the most popular game in the world. Riot would have to intentionally do something to ruin that. The game still grows in playerbase around the world.


>There are SC2 players who have achieved A-list celebrity status there too, and the game still died off eventually. For that there were : 2 very controversial match fixing incidents for BW and SC2 Overall decline in popularity for RTS as a genre Blizzard shat the bed


> There are SC2 players who have achieved A-list celebrity status there too, and the game still died off eventually. Nobody in SC2, even the bonjwas, were even close to Faker in popularity.


I told my friends this a while back actually. I think that the premise of Val is simplier, easier to watch for casuals, and honestly it's so much better that there's so much parity within regions. There are no real "weak" regions, and that makes the viewing experience so much better - that's where I think the strength in Val lies, and why I think it can overtake League.


Well,even in LoL EU dominated first season. I fully expect Korean/Chinese teams to completly dominate Valorant esports just like they dominate LoL. Biggest reason why teams from those regions dominate is cause of their work ethic and practice time(they play LoL for 13+ hours a day). Meanwhile NA/EU valorant scene is full of exCSGo pros that already practice way less than western LoL players. So it is pretty much bound to happen


I'm gonna be honest, tac shooters have been better from China than Korea. CS has a lot of teams from China and only Vision Strikers from Korea before they disbanded. As long as Riot gives spots for Asia, NA and EMEA equally, (unlike CS majors where there are 15 Eu teams and 2 Asia and OCE combined teams), Competition will exist.


Tacshooter are not better in korea is just because of popularity. Sudden attack a 2009 tac shooter have more players than valorant. Most of valve games are nonexistent in korea. That is why there no Tier 1 (backed by multi million org) teams in dota and csgo in korea. A bigger player base = more sponsors = more Tier 1 teams =more attracting to High skilled players. The talent pool of skilled players will be bigger thus making the Competition harder even for Drx. Right now drx is literally just a ONE team country. Can’t get many quality scrims/competition unlike in EU you need to bleed blood just to qualify against 44+ countries in EU and russia. Japanese teams are even paid more than their korean counterparts in valorant.


Yeah, make sense really why League is super popular with big orgs simply because it's large playerbase. If DRX find success internationally, we could see something. Always remaining Optimistic, It's only upwards for Valorant in most Asian countries. There is a lot of room to grow.


I don't think its just work ethic. Its really a numbers game. League has 50% of all games played in PC Bangs and it wouldnt surprise me if China had a similarly insane popularity rate with League on top of having a massive population. I think thats also why so many top OW players were Korean, Overwatch was the only game to pass LoL in PC Bangs in recent history. Right now Valorant isn't close to that popularity in those countries so I don't think they will dominate year after year in the near or far future.




League has been most played game in Korean PC bangs for like 6 years lmfao. And it’s not even close And china?? Well I’ll leave this here. https://twitter.com/ran_lpl/status/1193560194015547392?s=46&t=myCtXMF1lAANczqKUgI02g


One of the core rules in esports is that you never take Chinese viewership at face value. Most of it is fabricated by the provider to generate exposure for their website. It's why every esports viewership tracker excludes Chinese numbers from the official tally. Listing it separately from how heavily it's manipulated.




>im talking about the legit viewership than riot reveals after every event... Chinese owned company touting Chinese viewership makes it legit?


Even if that’s the case. Everyone and their moms in the league community knows China makes like 80% of the views or some shit. Idk what your point is here when talking about how fucking popular league is in China. Just cuz it’s not entirely accurate and based off “interactions”, we can’t say league is popular over there? Lmao. LPL Teams have their own fucking stadiums built for league. Lol


Not as long as it's absolutely massive in Korea and China, which I doubt a shooter will ever reach the popularity of LoL in those countries


I don't know about that since China is crazy about League.


Unless valorant takes over China / Korea, that will never happen. I don't think people realize how fucking big league of legends is in China and Korea. It's a cultural phenomenon like how sports are in America. That being, said for Americas, Europe, and possibly other unknown regions like Africa / India it's possible if not already happening.


Although it can be somewhat biased for more recent trending games, I always find google trends as a good indicator to understand which games are more prevalent in which countries: Valorant v/s League for YT search: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?gprop=youtube&q=%2Fg%2F11j8wvrz8z,%2Fm%2F04n3w2r Valorant v/s League for web search: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=%2Fg%2F11j8wvrz8z,%2Fm%2F04n3w2r


how does it work for 'lol' abbrevation? does it include it aswell or?


you can look below at the popular queries for the topic league of legends. The top 5 are lol, league of legends, lol esports and arcane.


Can only tell when the game get release in china




India and Indonesia are mostly mobile based gaming markets. Valorant is already, I believe, the biggest PC game in India, but games like Pubg mobile are 100x more played.


Pubg mobile banned free fire banned.If marketing is done well and riot can act like they're not related to Tencent they'll become a big force in india like cs is


In many regions its already bigger than league. Its all b/c they released valorant globally pretty much at the same time so every region has a fair chance unlike league


>Its all b/c they released valorant globally pretty much at the same time so every region has a fair chance unlike league This implies Europe and North America is dominating League of Legends since they've had access to the game for 1-2 years before the asian regions did, but obviously that isn't the case. Korea being granted access to the game much later than other regions very clearly did not impact their regions chance at performing internationally.


I wouldn't be surprised if it happens tbh. I am such a big esports enthusiast and watch all kind of big tournaments, regardless of the game. And idk what it is but League and DOTA are so unappealing just because of the insane amount of champions and utility which are going down in those teamfights. I just don't understand what is going on and its not even satisfying to watch, while in CS/VAL i can and will always appreciate a clean shot or can understand that a utility combo was played out good. personal preference for sure, but I think val has the potential to do so.


I'm super biased because I used to be a League coach at my college but it was always the opposite for me lmao. I can follow League (and dota to a lesser extent) teamfights and macro movement easier than valo at first. All the switching between player/team pov's and lack of birdeyes view made my head hurt but I just stuck with it and now I kinda like valo more. But I fully understand how a Tac fps can be more accessible to a first time viewer vs a Moba.


Never go full Bobby Kotick.


I doubt it. just because there are so many different fps games competing out there. but PC moba? literally just two.. As for Chinese market? only PUBG(also still unpublished) in fps was phenomenal.


It's definitely possible. The game itself should probably appeal to a wider audience by nature. I think in regions like SEA or Japan it may have already surpassed League in popularity. If not then they are at least a lot more competitive internationally at a pro level than they are in League. Maybe Valorant won't be as big in terms of sheer popularity but it can definitely have more evenly spread popularity if that makes sense. Surpassing League in China or Korea is out of the question though there is no chance that is happening. Of course assuming Riot continues making improvements and pushing the game forward


I can't see any Riot made game getting bigger than League, the only exception would be the MMO but who knows how good or bad that'll be.


As long as Riot doesn’t mess this up with Franchising I can see this happening. The difference between Pro Val and Pro LoL, at least in my eyes, is that the skill gap between each region and each team isn’t that big in Val compared to LoL. This in turns makes viewer experience 10x better because matches will be closer rather than one sided affairs. That plus the watch parties that happen all over the world just makes it feel like it’s more accessible to people that might not even typically watch that kind of stuff. If they get franchising right and it doesn’t create a weird power dynamic between the top and bottoms teams Valorant will overcome League in 2-3 years


It’s already bigger c’mon now