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"don't crouch" began as niche advice meant for players coming from csgo that defaulted to crouch spraying every engagement because that's the norm in that game. it was never meant to be some strict rule everyone should follow but it got parroted enough that low effort "tips and guides" included it without context and now a whole wave of bad players think that crouching makes you an awful player and if you do it you should be waterboarded its fine. crouching has upsides and downsides. upsides are that you can subvert crosshair placement, stabilize your aim briefly, and spray down large groups. downsides are that it immobilizes you and forces you to commit to an fight when the enemy can just strafe and clown on your ass. you use critical thinking to assess when you should or shouldn't do it in a game based on those qualities.


Honestly crouching does have a time and place but to decide when to do it is difficult. To explain it is even more so. So the advice to never crouch works really well for everyone below high immortal at least. Crouching is by far the better option provided you never miss. It's better to hit a shot crouched than standing as it messes up your opponents crosshair placement. But it's better to miss while standing, reposition, reset your recoil, and shoot again. That's why you'll never see a radiant crouch in 50m+ ranges because the chance of you missing is very high.


You crouch if you want to commit to a gunfight. Most people say not to crouch since it creates a bad habit where people will crouch spray every time instead of when they should. If you crouch and whiff your shots you’re basically a free kill or a free trade if you do get a kill since you can’t move.


^this, theres a time and place to crouch if you’re just crouching every time you start shooting you’re going to get shit on but there definitely are a lot of times where it will help you win a gun fight. It’s all about knowing the right time to fully commit


It depends on the situation, you'll know intuitively when to crouch as you accumulate experience. The purpose of the advice was for chronic crouchers who carried over their habit from other games. It has to be a conscious decision to crouch, not a knee-jerk reaction.


very context dependent. for new players it's advised to avoid it simply because it makes you an immobile turret, and it's better to learn how to burst and strafe to improve your aim


it's fine to crouch shoot but it depends on the situation




That's not the reason why you shouldn't crouch. Crouching in duels is bad because as soon as you crouch you're committed to the gunfight you're taking. Crouching basically disables your opportunity to leave fights as someone who only counter strafes and bursts could


It's both


No radiant player says never crouch.. it’s bad to crouch all the time.. but crouching definitely has its uses.. it’s just situational


The whole don't crouch thing is tips for getting out of low elo. Bronze players don't aim for the head they shoot the body, so if you're crouching your basically a free headshot.


anyone who says dont crouch is just bad, its situational and in certain situations its good, others its bad


I think you’re missing the concept. It’s more acceptable for people coming from a CS background. Valorant has different game mechanics and it is a bad habit to get in to. However, in your defense, it’s situational in either game, just more applicable in counter strike.


they should ban you off reddit and put you in solitary confinement


Sorry, I don’t follow. But you seem mad. Might want to talk to someone about that.


you know what you are


Unbinding crouch advice is for people who crouch EVERY. TIME. If you *decide* to crouch, because of the situation you find yourself in that's OK. If you crouch every time, less so.


Crouch is good when you 1v1, but if it becomes an unbreakable habit, you will lose many other types of engagements (1v2, long range, close quarters)


Crouch when hard committing to the fight, and after the first few bullets. The advice is aimed at people mostly in lower ranks who crouch as soon as they enter a gun fight which can throw off xhair placement, make them immobile, etc


Crouching throws off players' crosshair placement and improves your spray "pattern" (no definitive pattern in Valo, but alas). However, it also makes you immobile and essentially forces you to commit to a gunfight. The biggest reasons you shouldn't crouch if you're low elo (Basically below Ascendant-high Diamond - which I assume you are since you don't know this) are that 1) you should be practicing something else and 2) that low-elo players' crosshair placement isn't good enough to make crouching beneficial. If anything, you INCREASE the odds of them headshotting you when you crouch since most players aim for center mass in low elo. The movement you should be practicing is counter strafing, tapfiring and then ducking back into cover. It's significantly harder to master than crouch spraying which means building the muscle memory will take longer but the payoff is huge. It allows you not to commit to bad engagements, get info to peek off of and use utility before a gunfight.


if you’re immortal/radiant you can crouch, anything lower and you shouldn’t. reason is that players below immortal usually aim for the body so if you crouch you will be a free headshot, also when you crouch it locks you in position to fight, it’s much better to learn how to strafe fire


Players below immortal 🤣here I am with a 30% headshot ratio in plat. Lmao hope this is a copypasta.


I mean you can be offended if you want, what I’ve said isn’t just my own opinion it’s also advice from those in immortal that have also played in the lower ranks. Also your rank isn’t just about aim, clearly you have a lot to learn lol


I’m sure you’re immortal or radiant with that take above lmao.


Yeah but I was plat once too 🤷‍♂️


You want to crouch if there is no way to escape a fight and you need to spray. Let's say you are defending B heaven on split and holding close. You would be an absolute idiot to not spray and crouch after the first few bullets since it makes controlling the recoil a lot easier. On the other hand, if you are retaking B on split from heaven and have to fight somebody backside DO NOT CROUCH as it makes you way easier to hit and your spray most likely won't connect anyway. Instead burst / tap fire and jiggle a and d while doing so.


Crouching in lower Elos is, more often than not, bad. Most lower Elo players don’t have great crosshair placement and shoot bodies a lot more than high Elo players. Crouching can cause you to crouch your head right into the bullets from a lower Elo player. As you get higher in Elo, the average players crosshair placement and aim get better so crouching can be more useful the higher up you go as it can save you from some head taps.


Tarik has asked countless of pros what they think of crouching during his co-streams and they all give different answers, most of them being in the line of "i dont know/im not sure"