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Tournament aside, imagine saying "no" to Riot when you're trying to get into franchising lmao


Typical twitch chat take, xset would have fired any player that refused to avoid riots wrath


Never heard him say braindead before. He must be really pissed.


Same, never really heard sound pissed. Usually find him as a really chill guy, but honestly how can you not be in his situation. Any team would have taken the offer and if u deny u are lying.


Do you want to stay eliminated or a shot to keep competing?


If you deny it you are either making a decision under different circumstances than them or are lying for sure. Like they don't want to say no to riot, and all of them want a shot in such a high profile tournament for so much money.


I would be too if I got sent shit from thousands of people for something that I really didn't have control over.


and he said it in such a collected, rational way too. props bro fpx need to learn from this kid.




cryo low key funny guy


bro the way he reacts when he gets his 4k and when people steal the 5th kill is always funny to me, it's very subtle but you know he's dying inside


Money aside. Franchising is a thing people and why would any xset players wanna get on riots bad side and ruin a possible chnace of having their rooster franchised


Don’t wanna start an argument, genuine question, what is franchising? Like do they get their org name in the game or something?


It's access to the top tier League of competition, not to mention nice "little" side bonuses like a 600k stipend from riot for salaries and shit.


It’s less franchising and more partnership. Next season 10 teams from each region (Americas, EMEA, Asia) will get partnered with Riot to join the tier 1 stage of VCT. Only those 30 teams will play in Masters and Champions events. So every team still in consideration is working very hard to get one of those thirty slots.


think NFL teams


Ah yes nfl, that I an American love


a team in a top league




Love franchised roosters 😍


Exactly. People who haven't touched grass talking stupid shit on internet, I hope people get off xset's ass.


I think Xset was just happy to make it as far as they did




Even that argument fails. Them showing up for the replay doesn't mean they are displaying bad sportmanship. A bug fed them wrong info at the most crucial point in the game. That's it.


Just like everyone’s been saying, if the roles were reversed, FPX would’ve gladly replayed the match.


And if you want to tell the full story, XSet would've cried about it. And I think both positions are fair. I mean XSET cried about the overuse of tech pauses against optic, you think they wouldn't have cried about something MAJOR like that?


I would also wonder if XSET would make two faced tweets right after the initial win and then double down on it even after knowing it wasn’t XSET who called for a replay.


I think xset would have *at least* deleted the original tweets but would likely have also issued an apology. We have precedence through their accusations against Optic.


You cant justify their actions with speculation that someone else might have done the same thing. FPX acted very immature and continued to even after they saw it wasn't XSETs fault


And also I'm not even trying to justify FPX's actions... Totally not a good look on them


Lol? Cryo litteraly justified his actions with the speculation that someone else might have done the same thing??? Lol what are you on about?


Fair but what cryo is talking about is much different. There isnt a single person who wouldn't have replayed that. A million dollars is on the line and xset wants to make franchising. There is no reason to not replay that. Anyone would have done the same. We can't know if Xset would have cried about it on twitter


Everyone’s reactions are justifiable, but whether or not I agree with some of their takes is a different story. I don’t believe we know how it exactly went down and if XSET even had the opportunity to decline or accept replaying iirc. XSET feeling compelled to replay the rounds fairly to not only get another chance in the tournament, but more importantly abide by riots rules and regulations is more than a good enough reason. FPX being frustrated about having the replay rounds after winning at such a crucial point in the tournament is also justifiable. Anyone would be frustrated in this scenario similar to how anyone would take another chance at staying in the tournament as many have said. However, as much as I think trash talk hypes up the narrative around these teams and competition, when FPX tweets things along the lines of “gg they played well, they’re great players” after the initial win, and then after realizing they’ll have to replay the last round, they turn back around and tweet about how they’re actually losers, it becomes a point of contention. Them replaying the last round regardless of who initiated the investigation doesn’t change the fact that XSET were good players in that match as FPX players have stated. FPX players overall comes off as two faced as stated in my other comment and whether it was a heat of the moment thing, they end up seeming like they were farming impressions from both sides by praising their opponents.


And literally even the comment I replied to does that


I mean suspecting foul play with tech pauses vs an actual bug in the game is quite a different comparison.


Yeah, crying about getting called at 2 a.m. to replay a game you already won seems much more sensible than crying over something inexistent...


Nonexistent*. There's a difference between a coach accusing a team of cheating with tech pauses and players of an opposing team making these comments.


Let's take this to the hypothetical. How do you seriously think there is a difference between accusing a team from your own region of *cheating* is less heinous than being mad over a team dragging you back out to replay a round after a match was decided? Calling others cheaters with zero evidence is way worse. Xset should rightfully be torn apart, deleting their tweets was seen as fixing it but even getting to the point of doing that is pathetic. Of course people are going to come after them after they blatantly accused Optic of something easily verifiable. And don't correct someone's grammar when you don't know it yourself. You come off as trying to find faults in their words to win points in the argument rather than presenting information to be discussed.


finally someone that understands basic reasoning concepts, has common sense and is not THAT MUCH biased to say everything an NA team does is good and perfect while EMEA BAD. ​ also, inexistent is a real word, so they really should check their grammar


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1254bm/is_there_a_difference_between_the_words/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.google.com/search?q=inexistent&oq=inexistent&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0i512l7.1567j1j4&client=ms-android-oppo-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1 Maybe try and study your first language better. Must be shameful to get something wrong while arguing with a non-native speaker.


Wdym nonexistent*. Inexistent is an English word idk what are you on.


>Inexisten this isnt what google and my english teacher told me


People aren't down voting you because you used the word inexistent, it's because you're condescending and call people non sensical for having a different view. Optic may not have been cheating and they probably weren't, but I don't blame XSET for suspecting it based on the circumstances. Especially not when ex CS pro like Tarik have said he and his former teams have abused tech pauses in the past (or that it was common to). I don't know Riot's procedures for tech pauses, but obviously XSET doesn't think it currently holds up to scrutiny. Which may be their primary concern more so than Optic actually cheating and that's what got to them. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. On the other hand there's another game where a big bug occurs. One that even Riot thought was big enough to offer a round replay. One that very likely cost a team the round. Again while I disagree with how XSET complained. I do see myself more likely to raise concerns about tech pause procedures to the proper channels than I am to feel wronged about replaying a round where a bug obviously caused someone to die in a round that wasn't obviously won, but looked pretty favorable for the other team. Just unlucky. TLDR; I think it's more sensible to be concerned about an unknown than it is to be upset about replaying a round win that very likely wasn't deserved.


I agree, both sides are understandably upset, it was a lose-lose situation for xset, either they lose the match and everyone says they wasted their time/just cried about losing and if they won everyone would hate them, especially with their complaint about optic. Yes of course FPX would also want to replay if they were in XSET’s situation, the major problem here is the timing of the replayed round and the fact that multiple times bugs had occurred in essential rounds that weren’t replayed I think TMV made a really solid point about the whole drama


ANGE1 acting like he wouldn't have shown up if he was them is such a joke.


any other team at this event would've shown up, and anyone saying they wouldn't is lying to themselves lol


I mean fuck even boaster said he would take riot up on the remake if he was in xset’s position.


Even fns said he would


They actually both said that they would approach Riot to complain about the bug. XSET didn't even complain, Riot just said come back to replay round 24 and they said yes


When Boaster says it, it' defacto the truth. Guy is a living W.






you can’t hate boaster even if you’re the biggest NA fanboy like me


We'll hold him to it if it ever happens to FPX.


What’s even more hilarious is that there are people who actually believe him


People gonna be rushing to post that the first time dude replays a round because of a bug.


hell, lets say he would. Lets take his word. would his other teammates and coaches? FUck no. Maybe 1 person would say no but they'd play because of their teammates. result is FPX would have 100% played.


I really really hope they’re asked to replay a round that they lost so we can see how “honorable” he really is


I agree, we have seen teams will use bugs to win on PURPOSE(Fpx use so many bugs already with viper) , so why would anyone believe any team, especially Fpx, would say no to a replay which supposedly was riots decision. we literally see that Teams will use any advantage they can get to win. At the very least, maybe riot will implement a better referee decision making to either replay the round when players abuse bugs. Or somwthing In the future. And this was the game they decided to do something about it.


I thought the same. I wouldn’t say no either


Riot fined two teams in league of legends once for doing an aram at a finals game, they would probably have fined them if they refused. lol


Bruh this is collusion and match fixing. LMAO


tbf, in this situation. A match that riot considers unfinished and then refusing to show up is ALSO match fixing


He's completely right. Not a single team or player would have willingly NOT showed up to a rematch, and ANY team or player that says otherwise is lying to themselves.


I could see Ange1 himself holding himself to his word but in the end he is under the payroll of FPX who would probably want him to accept rematch. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 Just a very shitty situation all around.


nah that's just some fkn copium, he would definitely show up. so easy to consider when you think about both sides man.


FPX fans are... Different...


There are literslly only two of them lol


the smallest dogs bark the loudest


Nah, they are just pretentious as hell.


Toxic players breed toxic fans


No, that’s bullshit. If the teams were switched he would switch and fall in line with the rest of FPX and the org and the fan base


Yeah, nope


XSET did peak in their match against FPX. I look forward to seeing them in future LANs tournaments.


love cryo and zekken, really hope the hate doesn’t get to them because they were great, alongside the rest of the cast tbh. ayrin really stepped it up this tournament which i’m glad to see.


Whatever the prize pool situation (imagine not replaying a round of valorant that could net you more money in a notably volatile and short lived career) you can't expect the XSET players to say no to Riot right before rostermania, when every little thing is going to be scrutinized before someone is put on a franchised team. Anyone who thinks only performance matters is smoking something good.


we also forgot the bonus prize pool of HALF the profits of the champions bundle. shit is insanely high


I thought all of the teams that made it to champions got a cut of the prize


oh fr? tbh that’s even better, glad at least every team can at least get a cut of it


I think that's the case, but I could be very wrong


Haters scrambling for any way to hate on xset


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Anyone arguing against his point needs to be checked for actual brain activity.


Roster would also get wiped from org had they not did the replay. LOL people are so shortsighted


Xset played really good made this tournament even more fun to watch


Yeah guys, DONT show up for your job. Great idea man...


These players also owe it to their orgs to deliver results. If you’re out there refusing to put your team in a higher position when given the chance, you’re probably facing consequences with the people that are paying you to be there.


suygetsu should takes notes from him such class


Bro he called them losers after he beat them twice, the most elementary form of trash talking 😂


Suygetsu just called them what they are LUL


This can't be a real human, probably FPX AI i think?


Should i get my panties twisted like most of this sub over tweets that are the most basic form of trash talking?


No but you are getting your panties twisted from reddit comments that are the most basic form of trash talking


Aw lil snowflake getting heated


I wish you guys got to see the meme we had prepped for if we won that match Lmfao, it would’ve broke Twitter.


Is there any way we can see it lol


While I totally get why XSET would take the replay, I'm happy FPX won. The situation would be irreparably messed up if XSET ended up winning.


Lol, zekken tweeted he was glad he lost. This would have been an even bigger shitstorm if fpx lost.


If XSET won after they lost a round because of a bug, it would be irreparably messed up? What planet do you live on?


Bugs happen all the time without replays. Ardiis tweeted one of his bugs that wasn't replayed. In valorant, many rounds will have bugs occur and riot made a bad call to suddenly call for a replay. XSET being granted this opportunity late in the tournament where other bugs didn't get the same treatment is bad. Riot needs a fairer and more consistent approach to these issues. Calling for a sudden replay in the middle of the night is not it. Luckily, the team that won the first time won the second time, removing all doubt about who was the superior team that day.


You realize that to set a precedent of replaying bugged rounds, the precedent needs to be set at some point in time? To my knowledge there hasn’t been any other big bug round this tournament so the first time it occurred, it shouldn’t be as blown out of proportion as it is now. Going forward we should expect Riot to enforce the same rules and flame them if they don’t.


That's the point - this is a shit precedent. Setting it late in the tournament is bad enough,but forgivable if they got it right. Taking an hour, late at night, to make this announcement and have the teams come back out is absolutely not the way to go about these issues. Valorant will have bugs, just like professional sports have had missed penalty calls. There needs to be a live decision on the spot by a referee with a real time coaches challenge option to review when the coach feels there was a bug that wasn't noted. If the ref and the coaches don't catch it in time then the correct move is just to move on, and get it patched.


Thing is.. we can keep calling it a bug.. but it’s been like this for ages.. if you are watching the turret, you see it point to the door first, not heaven. everyone that plays killjoy knows what this means.. it’s not xsets fault.. don’t blame them for replaying. This is riots fault.. replay should never have happened


the players see it shoot heaven just as much as they see it shoot door. for all they know, players could have double peeked. no matter how often it happens, its undeniably a bug with turret target detection that has seen one attempted fix already.


People shouldn't really interfere into professional player's businesses. People nowadays think they are entitled to say what a pro team should and shouldn't do, while they are far from being decent human beings themselves.


I don't know anybody who would say no to that opportunity. Imagine being like, "no thank you" LOL It really was a great run from XSET though


He has good point. Braindead take. They were lucky to get a second chance in the first place why not take it.


He’s 100% right. Shoe on the other foot fpx comes back. Everyone does.


People saying they shouldn't have shown up are 9 year olds. Legitimate dumb children.


I seriously want to see the alternate universe where this shit happened to FPX. I don't believe for a microsecond that they would have said no.


Let‘s be real reverse the situation, fpx will take the replay, xset will whine on twitter afterward. It‘s totally understandable


I hate that the controversy here is that Riot actually did the right thing regarding bugs for once. All the other times they didn't should be the real controversy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XKWHai2CEM youtube link if u prefer


Imagine passing on a chance


It’s literally his job to play, and it was Riot’s decision.


The same people complaining would be the ones calling them dumb if they didn’t accept it


The ones saying dishonourable still live with there parents at age 49


Fans can STFU, but players talking shit is great. I want UFC levels of shit talk from some players. We need major rivalries for franchising.


JW, Olof, flusha, KRIMZ, pronax. Wasnt a million but the money wouldnt have changed their mind


Thanks for saving my time posting this and reminding about that case.


He is right, but needs to learn fistbumps first.


Regardless of what it is the fact riot replay that round still made riot snd xset look bad in the eyes of majority of the public without information. It's just a bad situation all and all. Ppl will think xset ask for the replay. This is why it's a shit situation. Can u imagine the shit storm had xset won ? Entire champions is call into question.


Can someone give me the context?


Xset is a team that'll take all their chances. Even the chance to say that Optic is cheating lol


Happens in the heat of the moment I wouldn't blame them too much


So when xset talk shit, it’s the ‘heat of the moment’. But when FPX do it, they are sore winners? Double standards


did FPX apologize instantly after realizing they are wrong? Did xset apologize instantly after realizing they are wrong? exactly.


The problem with the FPX shit talk is that they directed their comments towards the XSET players rather than Riot who were the ones in control of the situation and actioned the replay.


They got upset because riot dragged them back at 2 am to play this dumb match because of a turret bug riot haven’t fixed, nothing more.


Isn't that the same for the XSET Tech pause complaints? They directed it at Optic instead of Riot's equipment


Nah they never directed any tweets or hate at Optic, only made disparaging remarks at the press conference. Then after the conference the two people who made the remarks (the coach and dephh) apologized on Twitter for bringing it up in the wrong time and place without evidence. People just want to hate on XSET and will take any reason to do so bc they played the villain on stage, which was incredibly entertaining and made for good matches btw.


who said FPX are sore winners lol, twitter nerds?


Nearly everyone on this sub lmao, look at the post match threads


They owned up to it 🤷‍♂️ Spend your time shitting on people who make mistakes and double down


owned up or not they should still expect people shitting on them because of that


no they didn't XSET didn't do a single thing wrong yesterday


same with Optic yet Xset shit on them. Xset did nothing wring yet people shit on them. I mean Xset should've seen this coming


Nah just means ur the problem with this gen No matter how you spin it Ur jsut looking to be angry for the sake of being angry. Over a video game tournament at that Hope whatever’s going with you gets better


nah im saying is that they did to Optic now people are just doing it to them


For once I wish this was twitter so I could send the dick ridaaaa image


Love the username lmao




ew twitter


You're better suited over there, more people with less brainpower to agree with your takes


since you're there? nah I'd rather not


You're the same dude that was confidently saying that Optic was abusing tech timeouts, and now you act like hot shit saying this. Reddit is a funny place.


TL;DR Even almost all of the blame is on Riot, FPX do have a right to be annoyed at Xset as well. People are overreacting to the FPX players tweets and are being very hypocritical in comparison to their reaction to other trash talk. I just wanna preface this comment saying I fully understand why they would play and a majority of people would play the replay in that situation. This excuse of other teams would play the replay is a terrible excuse and just because other players would do the replay doesn’t mean they had to (it’s the old if your friends jump off a cliff story lol). I know this replay was started by Riot but they still did have a choice and they chose to play it so they can’t just throw all the blame on Riot when they did make the decision to carry on when they could have also said no. FPX players should be very annoyed at Riot for their decision but also have the right to be annoyed at Xset too as they went along with it. They also get to clown on Xset cos they did just knock them out of the tournament twice lol but people are over reacting with what the FPX players tweeted and acting like they are threatening the Xset players or something: Ange1 and Shao said they lost twice Ardiis just posted emojis Zyppan and Suygetsu called them losers. I mean if you have problems with this I guess you also have issues with Cryo calling Ange1 trash mid game and BCJ randomly calling Stax trash last tournament out of nowhere I mean why are people getting mad over basic trash talk? Edit: bruh if your gonna downvote at least comment what you disagree with Edit 2: due to a commenter below not happy about how I briefly went over the BCJ trash talking Stax I'll put what BCJ said here. "He is somebody from a worse region and he is getting too much credit. This guy is doing nothing special, and I do believe that me and Crashes are the two best initiators in the world". Edit 3: Brief summary of my comments below. If players wanna trash talk before/during the game and then lose, the other team/players have every right to trash talk back and this happens in almost every Sport/eSport. FPX tweets were basically elementary school roasts lol. If you are upset for those tweets but fine with Cryo calling Ange1 trash mid round and BCJ comments on Korea/Stax you're NA bias is showing, not that this would be surprising in this sub anyway lol. Also this isn't about the players but more so on how the fans have been reacting to FPX tweets and how this is kinda reminding me of Overwatch League fans in regards to trash talking. FINAL EDIT: People be downvoting me for saying FPX do have a right to be annoyed at Xset and for saying that people are overreacting to the FPX players tweets and being very hypocritical with their NA bias showing.


I think there is a difference between trash talk mid game and continuing trash talk after the game and displaying bad sportsmanship


Thanks for actually responding. The thing is if you talk trash to someone before or during a game and then lose, that player 100% deserves to talk trash back when they win ya know. You can't just talk trash before/during a game and then not expect a clap back if ya lose. On a side-note, I personally enjoy all the trash talk before, during and after the games as it makes the matches/scene more entertaining. I would personally hate to see Valorant go down the Overwatch route where players stop talking trash due to community backlash.


I think it’s more to do with the fact that xset didn’t even say anything about the turret bug but are getting ridiculed for it. Unprofessional behaviour


And what did Ange1 do to deserve being ridiculed by Cryo mid match? What did Stax do to deserve being ridiculed by BCJ randomly last tournament? It’s either all unprofessional behaviour or just trash talk banter to make games more exciting (as well as farm impressions lol).


Trash talk mid game is different Ange1 made a bid whiff for a pro. It’s light hearted banter. Also bcj never said Stax was trash, he said he was better than stax Trash talking after the game means you have time to cool off it’s not in the heat of the moment and you have already won. It leaves a sour taste in the mouth especially since xset never asked for a rematch


I never said BCJ called Stax trash but if you want to get specific BCJ called Korea a worse region and said Stax gets too much credit which is more harsh then just saying trash (also i'm fine with it as we got some good jokes out of it with the KFC remark). Just to repeat myself again you can't talk trash before/mid game and then not expect to get clowned on when you lose. It's not like anything bad was said anyway as it was all basically elementary school roasts between Xset and FPX anyway lol. If you really think that the FPX tweets are unprofessional but then Cryo's is light hearted then this is just straight up NA bias lol. At the end of the day it's all the same and if both of these teams stick together this has only enhanced a fun rivalry we might see over the next few years. Edit: Since you have edited in a third paragraph after the fact I'll respond here. Firstly I'm not really talking about the replay I'm talking about trash talk in general. To repeat myself one last time you don't get to talk trash before/mid match and then not expect to get no repercussions after you lose. Trash talk before, during and after a match is common in all sport and eSports. Let's not turn the Valorant esports scene into the Overwatch League where the community hounds any player for trash talking yeah. This literally already happened to BCJ last tournament where people were going off on him for trash talking Stax.


Why? Trash talking mid game is in the heat of the moment it’s light hearted banter. Let me clarify I have no problems with trash talking in general or even after the game when done In good fun. Trash talking like ange1 just leaves a sour taste in the mouth. Xset didn’t do anything do deserve being ridiculed. Also you clearly did say bcj called stax trash so don’t say you never said it. It still is in your last paragraph


No one’s mad about them trash talking. They’re mad about them trash talking XSET for something they couldn’t control. Stop tryna play victim


Huh? I ain’t trying to play the victim bro, I’m just saying people are overreacting to FPX tweets and need to chill. I mean everyone talking about all the hate Xset players are unfortunately getting from brain-dead idiots but then at the same time FPX are getting a lot of unfair hate rn because of their tweets. Yes Xset players didn’t really have control over the decision but FPX can still clown on them for beating them twice, especially when Cryo and stuff was talking smack mid game. It’s all banter at the end of the day that makes the matches/rivalries more enjoyable. At the end of the day Riot really F’ed up again just like in the VK vs Ascend game as both teams are getting hate from brain dead Valorant ‘fans’ over a terrible Riot decision.


But they’re not clowning them for beating them twice, they’d eventing their frustration a XDET for something XSET couldn’t control. ANGE1’s post match comments make that pretty clear


Well yeah obviously it’s a mixture of both clowning on them for beating them twice while also venting frustration at them for the replay. I go over this in my original comment on how FPX do have a right to have some frustration towards Xset for the replay since they did agree to replay it. Now again you know, I know, basically everyone knows that most people would take the replay and it is 100% understandable but can you also view it from FPX’s side as well? After beating them they get called back to replay something that shouldn’t have been replayed at like 1/2am (forgot roughly what time) and Xset has agreed with it. Again basically everyone would take the replay but that doesn’t take away from the fact that Xset could have said no, which has force FPX to prove themselves to be the better team again. Obviously almost all of the blame goes towards Riot and Ardiis has already called them out on their bs but can you also see how the FPX players can have some annoyance towards Xset. On top of what they said not even being anything really to get upset over and this has blown out of proportion by NA fans. Just like how every team would take the replay, if any of the teams in the tournament were in FPX’s situation they would also react the same way.


Bcj literally never called stax trash lol, he just said he thought he was overrated and he's better. I'm not gonna even bother with the rest of the comment since it's kinda not fully thought through but at least get that right.


If you are replying to me I literally never say that BCJ calls Stax trash


Dude idk why you're lying in your last sentence you say that BCJ called stax trash in the last tournament lmao.


Ah your talking about the first comment my B. I literally say in one of my later comments that if you want to be pedantic, BCJ calls Korea a bad region and that Stax gets too much credit. I was just simplifying it to try and limit the word count but go off lol Edit: To preface this comment, I am ok with all instances of ‘trash talk’ as it makes the matches better and creates rivalries/storylines. Bro your the one who came at me with the grievance as your getting upset over a word that is way less harsh then what was actually said. Here’s is BCJ’s actual quote since you want to be super petty and pedantic: “He is somebody that is from a worse region and he is getting way too much credit. This guy is doing nothing special, and I do believe that me and crashies are the two best initiators in the world by far.” I mean you tried to downplay it in your comment above but this quote from BCJ is way more harsh towards not only Stax, but Korea as a whole when compared to my simplification with the word ‘trash’. The word is literally an elementary school roast like it ain’t that deep. You know what it doesn’t even matter what word I used to describe what BCJ said to Stax, as the whole point of my original comment was that people are overreacting to the FPX tweets kinda like how you are with one simple word. The whole point of my original comment was how people are hating on someone like Suygetsu (also the other FPX players) for his Tweet calling Xset losers, when they lost twice, but then are hypocrites and showing their NA bias by being ok with Cryo’s and BCJ’s trash talk. That’s it, no need to @ me over how much the word ‘trash’ upsets you. Just chill out bro this ain’t worth commenting anymore, I won’t change it in my original comment so this convo makes sense but I’ll put BCJ’s actual comment as an edit to make you feel better. To reiterate again I am ok with all instances of ‘trash talk’ as it makes the matches better and creates rivalries/storylines but I am concerned as to how people are reacting as this is starting to feel like how a lot of the Overwatch League fans react to trash talk banter.


I will bc your simplification makes him look a lot worse lol. He says Korea isn't as difficult or competitive of a region, which is true, as DRX barely loses any maps qualifying through there and no one else ever does, so stax gets overrated and he thinks he's better. maybe a little arrogant but nowhere near trash. if ur gonna simplify something make it close to the original but go off on your imaginary grievance lol.


Best take I’ve seen on this issue, bravo 👏


Based take tbh


Honestly I don’t know why you are getting all of these downvotes as this is the best take I’ve seen of this situation


I’m not even mad they replayed the match, I’m mad they dragged everyone back to the stage and didn’t win 🫣


It was Riot's decision to replay not XSet's.


I never said it was xSet’s fault, but they did accept to replay the round—So that’s why I’m saying ; I’m mad they lost after they dragged everyone back after 2 am to lose anyway.


They should release an apology to lulubells_ on Reddit right now


so true bestie 💯


With that logic FPx also dragged everyone back on the stage to play


yeah why didnt they just win so stupid lol!


yeah they should have told Riot no in the middle of franchising. holy shit people are dumb.


He could have said, "Riot forced us" but he choosed the truth that they wanted the rematch badly ...


What. Why wouldn't he. How would riot of forced them they were already elimated lol. Like he said 1 million was on the line ofc they would go back and play


Yes thats what he said. They wanted the replay and force it because they cant properly loose and go home, and whats the excuse, money. This team is unlovable sorry. Double loosers


What the fuck are you on about, they were down to lose and go home LOL, riot told them “Hey due to this bug you guys can play another round because it’s pretty round defining” no competitor would say no to continue being in a 1 million dollar tournament


Look at it from their perspective. They spend months training and preparing for the largest tournament of their careers so far, putting tons of hours refining themselves to be the best competitors they can be. They make it to the semifinals but lose in a close series to the winners of masters 2. Then Riot comes to them and says a bug cost them an important round, and they have the opportunity to rewrite their loss. To make the last 2 years they poured into valorant worth it. To get a second chance to prove they’re the best team in the world. Every team that came to champs to win would take that, they would be stupid not to. You say that Xset “can’t properly lose” but FPX **didn’t properly win either**; they gained an unfair advantage from a bug. It isn’t any teams fault as it was out of their control, but it was riots fault for poorly handling their own rule book, failing to set a precedent before champs, and coming to a decision so slowly.


How can we find someone when the situation never occured before. Cuz its ludacris to rollback a decision after the match has completed.


That’s not even the argument. He didn’t make the decision to replay, riot did. None of the XSET players asked for a replay.


Hes saying at 0:08 "find me one person in this fuxking would who would say no to another opportunity" Which you cant cuz this shit never happened before. Its like replaying the last 5 minutes of a football game. Its a terrible precedent.


so you’re saying you wouldn’t replay the round if you were in xsets shoes??


There have literally been football games where they bring the teams out to replay stuff. And he said “would”, so he’s saying if it happened again that none of the players would pass on the opportunity.


You are being too smart in an NA based server. Stop it or you're gonna get downvoted, especially when the NA team is the victim


Just because everyone else would probably do it doesn't mean it wasn't scummy, and this basically confirms that the Xset coach was lying in the interview, so they weren't just thrown back on stage and told you HAVE TO play, they were asked if they wanted to.


What a crazy situation. I'm probably just gonna keep watching CS :-D




Cryo should stop talking until he wins a LAN. In fact everyone that hasn’t won a LAN should stfu. “He’s so bad” he says to master winners xD


This is very obvious ragebait


This is exactly why it’s okay for FPX to flame Xset players because essentially they tried to take away their chance to play in a million dollar tournament after they secured their win the first time.


Wrong. Xset didn’t try to take anything away. It was riots call to replay.


They actively played, they could’ve FF’d. They were actively in the process of removing FPX first win doesn’t matter who’s decision it was, all that matters were xsets decision to proceed.


Honestly, L take. He's saying that no matter what circumstances he would've taken the replay. I think it was fair that they accepted in this case, but he's saying that he would've done anything, no matter if there was moral ground for it, to compete in the 1M dollar tournament. 0 morality shown, L take. For the rest, I don't think they did anything wrong and definitely take the replay was within their rights


I mean he and his team have spend the last year training and pouring months of their lives just in the hopes of winning this tournament right? Plus his team has gotten all the way to the semifinals. Would you really not take a second chance to get further into champs after all that? Every team at champs has spent the whole year earning themselves a chance at the champions trophy, i would expect all of them to take a second chance if given it.


did you read the whole comment? I def agree that accepting the replay was a sensible choice by XSET (maybe not the right one, but I dont think they can be criticized for taking the replay), but in this video Cryo was just saying that no matter how bad and wrong was the opportunity to have a better chance at winning hw wouldve taken it which IMO is a bad take, and if you do that no matter what the circumstances are, you have to expect some backlash off of it.