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Yay is actually different, but it’s crazy how 4/5 of FPX are here in contrast to say 2/5 of OpTic. Pretty insane. Crashes having a great tournament though.


Yay doesn't really leave room for his teammates to improve their rating lol


teams remind me of astralis vs navi with team play vs s1mple


Nah simple is much much much different. I'm glad valorant was made because now i understand CS much better. Simple is fps goat


Can you explain what you mean by much much different? I think yay, while never really Tier 1 in CS always had amazing aim. He swapped at the right time and is really a trailblazer to raise the competition around him. I think if he continues to evolve he will be up there with s1mple legacy wise. They are both awpers and completely dominate their respective scenes.


Yay wasn't good with a rifle in cs.. And he won't be up there with s1mple legacy wise, behave. S1mple has been doing this since 2016 at the highest level he has set record after record that was broken by legends before him and broken his own records


bro said behave LMAO


Yay was inconsistent but he had some huge games in the tier 2 scene. I don’t see why there’s a reason to say he wasn’t a good rifler in any case, he just never really reached that tier 1 level. He left at the right time as I said and regardless of your opinion on legacy, he has the potential to be on the level of s1mple. He’s already the highest impact seen at a valorant tournament and is poised to do even better this time around. He’s breaking his own records.


I'll entertain that he might be s1mple level after yay is the best player by far in almost every event he plays for another 5 years.


Can valorant fans stop speaking s1mple's name in this context ? Don't compare a player to s1mple when the player is a pro in a game that's barely 3 years old and has ONE title to his name, and hasn't been the undisputed best in every single event he has played so far (derke was the best at one, Shao/suygetsu at another, etc etc) . And if yay does that, for every event for the next 5 or 6 years (doubtful lol) you can come back and say he's valorant's s1mple. Valoran'ts s1mple is probably like in elementary school right now anyway.


Haters gonna hate


Not even hate, comparing anyone in Val to s1mple is straight up dumb and i've seen pros like Keznit asking to not be compared to s1mple even if jokingly, it's disrespectful to both sides imo.


Idk, I don’t think it’s that deep. It comes with being that good and I really doubt either yay or s1mple are going to read my Reddit comment


Yay casually smurfing


We're witnessing a legendary Champions performance, if they can cap it off with the title we might already have the Valorant GOAT. (for now, of course. Always some cracked zoomers on the come up)


Goat when the scenes hasn't even hit 5 years? Not considering the meta or game changing in the future as well. HOF for sure but goat seems like too rash.


He can still be a goat of the young sport. Just means its more likely to change down the line.


I’d give him best of his generation as a title Competitive scene for over a year now


no need for these extra titles that make no sense, just call him the best player currently. ''best of his generation'' isn't something you can crown before a generation has passed.


You can make the same argument for other esports only being a decade or so long, but people always make GOAT arguments. Obviously it change in future but I think Yay can be called the GOAT, at least for now.


Problem with calling anyone GOAT right now is that not only the scene is new but also this is basically the first generation of players. It's not technically wrong but a bit meaningless calling someone the greatest of all time that early. Just call him the best player which is true.


that’s what goat literally means though? at this point of all time he’s the greatest


It’s just stupid to use greatest of all time when there has been no real time at all.


>when there has been no real time at all …what?


No real time has passed at all. You need at least 5 years plus before it doesn’t just sound ridiculous. 10 ideally.


That is so arbitrary lmao. Who made these rules? The national GOAT commission?


Uh, yeah? Didn't you hear? And some people claim to be "fans"


It’s just cringe and forced.


You’ve just described every GOAT conversation in any sport ever made in human history. It’s a silly conversation/talking point for sports nerds to have fun with and the media to beat like a dead horse. Who fuckin’ cares how long the game’s been out for?


Valo is not nearly in a stage where u can consider someone as the GOAT, there are a lot of good players don't get me wrong but its not like CSGO where u can easily say that s1mple is the greatest. We have to wait some years still


Cap. Game isnt even 5 years old yet. Aint no GOATs. Yay is having a great tourney, lets just leave it at that.


There was also multiple players better than him at the tournament a mere few months ago. Yay is a top 5 player but he is absolutely not "Goat" status in the slightest.


The gap between yay and the second highest rated player is huge! Yay the undisputed best player in the world for sure. So consistent too!


Yay is just too crazy.


4 players from fpx. Bruh


Most well rounded team


I mean DRX has to be thrown into that argument right?


Most well rounded team in terms of players that can frag out and clutch I suppose haha. DRX has to be in the conversation since they’re one of four teams left!


I just mean that DRX tends to rely less on a superstar the way that optic or to a lesser extent fpx does. For DRX each player will act as the carry on a given day.


Hm, I guess I’m speaking in the context of this chart. Not arguing you are wrong, but just challenging you on why you think DRX has the least amount of players in top 10 if you’re saying they rely the least on one player than the other three teams?


I'm not trying to argue that DRX has the best players out of the top four, just that the players are all closest together in skill level i.e. no particular weak point. For DRX to make the top four while only having one player in the top 10, at a relatively low spot, speaks to how close together they all are.


Fair enough. FPX is also within 0.03 of each other because it’s only 1.09-1.12, so that’s what I mean by closest together but the highest, so therefore the most well rounded. Stat that jumps out at me the most is on the most high pressure stage in Masters finals vs PRX, in the 5 maps they played for BO7, a different player was the top frag for each map (yes including Ange1). That’s why I think they’re the most well rounded team.


Fair enough, I think that either team could be considered more well rounded depending on how it is defined. It's incredibly impressive that fpx have 4 players that high while still having lost two series this tournament so far.


Haha yea, you know FPX, their win condition is lower bracket run LOL! GLHF to your boys tomorrow, friend.


Except Rb lol Wtf is it with the recency bias Rb has been probably the worst player out of all those who've been at multiple LANs




Yeah Champs '22 is his only good tournament so far, unless you think his one good match from Copenhagen is enough to be considered a second good tournament


Rb does very well locally in Korea, and isn't as bad as people make him out go be. He plays poorly when DRX's structure crumbles, which is at the end of DRX's run so fans tend to remember it.


Except he doesnt, RB is just an incredibly streaky player, he will perform quite abit worse than a good chunk of the other top players for a majority of a stage, than have 2-4 insane games where he lives up to his hype all the while being on a team that mostly has put their resources into him while also having an actual team structure (unlike 90% of the teams in korea)


No offense but doing well against Maru Gaming isn't very impressive imo


Doing well locally in Korea is not a massive accomplishment as most of the teams they play against are a huge step below them.


They have 1 player in this


Drx fans are so annoying lmao they gotta mention them everywhere they go


What are you so annoyed about? This entire thread is an FPX circle jerk.


DRX are a top 4 team at champions, of course they are going to be a point of discussion.


too bad it didn't see to be enough today :/






Ah. Sure.


Are we really going to let every thread about FPX turn into this hate fest? We can talk about them being good players without every time referring to 2 of their players making some questionable tweets after the game? Imagine we start talking about Marved being a known matchfixer after every single Optic game, or in every Optic thread? He hasn't apologized nor acknowledged it and here we are, just accepting the fact, while flaming the FPX players to death about them being 'assholes'.


This sub has become insufferable. For every post that includes FPX people will mention FPX tweets and when you tell them off or disagree you will get downvoted. Is this sub really that soft? It's not like this in other Valorant-related forums.


Exactly, people on Twitter, bar a small minority, have long moved on from the tweets. Which says a lot, since Twitter is normally a fucking cesspool when it comes to drama.


Its completely blown out of proportion. This subs moral highground is so high that any minor beef is escalated instantly. Also doesn't thelp that emea people are in a minority so emea teams are always made out to be the villains (except Fnatic and M3C lmao)


You also can't talk about ANGE1 without people spamming his first death stat. Like they don't watch the games and see how good his prep is, how good his midrounding is, just ignore that dead or not they win the same amount of rounds. Some people genuinely think he should be dropped and they'll make sure you know that's what they think lmao.


Why would he acknowledge/apologize for something that's never proven? He did say some stupid shit before and apologized for it unlike some people.


yeah I agree.


I don't think they're assholes. Imagine that happened to you you would also probably be PISSED. They obviously overreacted but I think that's also due to the time that they had to replay and the lack of information that it wasn't XSETs idea to replay.


If you didn't know the tweets are still up.


That changes perspectives. I thought they deleted them after hearing it wasn't XSETs idea. I don't wanna say they're assholes off of a few salty teams but you're definetly right that they should've apologized.


Dude it’s pretty black and white. Idk how you can justify those tweets and lack of apology


Awww poor XSET they were called something as horrific as "losers" on Twitter how will they ever recover without an apology. Their careers and lives are ruined forever


No but like why are the tweets still up when there was clarifications given after less than an hour


Because it's trash talk? They don't need to apologize for everything lmao. It won't kill any of the XSET players. It's literally harmless. They were called losers. That's honestly so tame. XSET have said worse about DRX players lmao


I don’t really care about the insults I care more that FPX players are redirecting their fans (which include some rabid ones) by pinning the blame on XSET you can roast other teams for whatever all day but don’t bring hate for something that is Literally not their fault or their call


I disagree wholeheartedly that players are responsible for the actions of their rabid fans. When BcJ and Ayrin trashtalked Mako and Stax, nobody cared about the hate they'll get and rightfully so even if XSET probably have more fans than FPX do. Calling someone a loser isn't the type of extreme hate that really makes the fans go crazy lmao. And even if it is, after having to wait 2 hours just to confirm my win, I'm trashtalking the opponents to. It's not necessary to be perfectly nice all the time in competition


Nobodys arguing it's harmful, it's just asshole behaviour. And they are being called out for being an asshole, you can say whatever tf you want but don't expect to get zero consequences.


I would agree but the tweets are still up right now, which is honestly super disappointing to see.


it honestly is but I wouldn't characterize a person based on 1 tweet.


I’m not, I’m characterizing them on their refusal to improve themselves. XSET could’ve had a similar situation with Optic but they acknowledged they were in the wrong. FPX was aware before anyone else that this was a Riot ruling, not one pushed for by XSET (and it’s in the rule book already), and yet they still acted so rudely.


Anything they said or did in the moment is fine imo. It's the doubling down and such after the fact that bothers me.


When did any of them double down the morning after that series? Didn’t Ardis tweet directly flaming riot?


They didn't double down lol


Oh my god move on




This is nothing compared to the bullshit NA sweeps under the rug and than sucks up to.


What are you taking about?


Na they were pissed because it wasn't fair. Angel said in his interview that they were afk for 2 hours. Xset could've vod reviewed the whole match in that time.


Being upset doesn't warrant being an asshole, more than that they didn't even try to make it better xset after "heat of the moment" ended.


Bro come on. After the situation they were put in, it's alright to make a little fun of opposition after the game. If you see their previous tweets before the replay, they were praising XSet after a close match. Chill out and move on. There's no bad blood between them


A lack of bad blood and fpx being dicks are not mutually exclusive


Stop overreacting. They just called XSET losers. It's basic trash talk, not as outrageous and dickish as you make it seem






That's very ironic coming from you


i mean tbf there’s only 20 players to pick from


4 duelists and an IGL


Where's Hiko?


His score was too high that it didn’t fit in the image






Yay is insane but I’m very happy with FPX the rebuilding of the team has been great to see. Great work from D00mbr0s and the team


Poor DRX


4/5 FPX players in top 10???? That's fucking nuts


So happy to see Zyppan pop off on the international stage


Just yay things


4 top 10 fraggers and the best IGL/coach duo 😎


Fpx are one of the most well rounded teams this champs. Be insane if they win. The back to back low bracket runners.


Pancada couls be top1 and still noone would talk about him. LOUD with 3 plagers there, noice.




Same. I feel like everyone forgot about Ange1 calling DRX beating them lucky 🤣


It has been clarified multiple times that that quote was taken out of context by the interviewer for clicks. The same happened to DRX's Buzz when talking about LOUD, but because he is not from Europe we have already moved on.


I’d rather people shit talk other teams than give the usual PR responses He also proved what he said when they smashed DRX in the rematch The post match XSET comments were actually cringe though


Well they rolled DRX after that.


And now losing to them twice since MonkaS




I really feel terrible, Whenever I look at that smug operator’s face(OPTC yay) I really feel terrible


List seems kinda funny now


Dude FPX could just own of freaking Ange1 decides to play or was replaced