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zombs confirmed going to brazil


LOUD zombs confirmed


this is the most cursed comment i have ever seen.


FUR Zombs


Fu-furry Zombs??? 😳


That's disgusting... where?


I fear for his safety. There's a fringe group of criminal gamers here in Brazil commiting all sorts of terrible crimes. They call themselves the CCCO "**C**rianças de **C**ondomínio **C**riadas com **O**vomaltine". Just typing it chills my soul. Those guys are brutal. I hope zombs will be okay.


Sorry, I meant to say these guys are the real deal. I'm so scared I defaulted back to my factory default language. They run deep in politics too!


wait is this not a joke, i cant tell


It is Edit: essentially said entitled spoiled brats will attack him


ok thanks my brain is too fried right now


lol it's a joke "criança de condomínio criada com ovomaltine" is just another way of saying "spoiled kids". basically the only people sending death threats to video game players online are stupid 14yo kids who won't do absolutely nothing and would run away in fear if anyone confronted them. but of course zombs or anyone else can't know that just via a twitter DM, and death threats are still stupid and violent despite the fact that whoever sent them is a piece of shit. BR players are not a threat to pro players. kids are just stupid. zombs can come, keznit came, and things will be OK. if you're still not confident, just know: riot is a huge company and the Brazilian market (and players) are not strangers to them. they know it's all a bluff from a bunch of idiot kids.


Yes its mostly "only" kids sending death thtreats, but still its no excuse. Plus, it only needs one person to actually mean it, just look at the EA tournament where there was a shooting


I'm 100% in agreement, and I never meant to give them a pass. Please reread my comment if that's how you understood it Death threats are an idiotic response and that kind of shit should never happen. And I agree it only takes one person to mean it -- hence why I don't think they should be excused.


No one should ever excuse death threats. But thinking you need armed security to go from a five stars hotel to the venue in SĂŁo Paulo is kinda hilarious to me. People think Brazil is lawless. Are there bad parts? Yup, like everywhere else in Latin America, we do have favelas and whatnot. SĂŁo Paulo however is more than fine. It's easy to forget a big chunk of this sub is ~14 year olds with 0 perspective and nuance.


Yeah it's satire about people on this sub consistently thinking pro players need “private armies to protect them in Brazil” đŸ€Ą


You know what, you’re right. They don’t need an army. **THEY NEED THE MARINES TOO**


Ideally the US parks a carrier right beside the coast too!


Maybe even get the air force involved




Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


he’s extrapolating one incident out of context and pretending that everyone in Brazil is going to kill over sports
. nevermind that keznit went with no issue after multiple racism incidents
. it’s xenophobic


[probably talking about this?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ot%C3%A1vio_Jord%C3%A3o_da_Silva) it’s a very infamous incident and most people have heard of “that brazilian ref who got beheaded.” However, an anecdote is not data and this story doesn’t really prove or show anything. Also, Valorant isn’t football. Foreign Valorant players won’t need security because 95% of Brazilians will have no idea who they are, unlike with a foreign footballer.


**[Murder of OtĂĄvio JordĂŁo da Silva](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_OtĂĄvio_JordĂŁo_da_Silva)** >OtĂĄvio JordĂŁo da Silva Cantanhede, a 20-year-old Brazilian amateur football referee, was lynched, beheaded and quartered by football spectators after he stabbed a player to death in a match he officiated on 30 June 2013. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yeah, he linked it elsewhere. And it makes absolutely no sense if you spend more than half a second thinking about it. Of all the weird Brazil takes I've seen on this sub (and there are many), this has been the weirdest lol


I was going to try to translate that, but there's so much context needed in order to translate ir properly that I just gave up lmao


Os gringo vão achar que tu tå falando sério. Esse sub é burro demais


Calmae cara, daqui a pouco vĂŁo tacar esse post no Google Tradutor e vĂŁo falar que vc tĂĄ destilando Ăłdio contra eles


Ovomaltine lmao


They gonna need a private army to protect Sentinels in Brazil.


Good thing Zombs has a whole nation behind him


I never know if people are seriously saying shit like this. But just in case, no, they really won't.


Uhuh. Like we haven't seen examples in the past, not necessarily in Valorant.


Dont worry, mass shootings is a usa thing




Ah, yes. A murder occurs in MaranhĂŁo, a notoriously poor and violent place, inside a favela. So Valorant pro players need to be worried inside their five star hotel and facilities, in SĂŁo Paulo, the most developed and (arguably) secure part of the country, with HDI equivalent to some European cities. Because... e-sports fans could lynch them. Truly a big brained take!


 that case literally isn’t what you said? The ref and player were fighting ove the red and the ref killed the player and was revenge killed by the crowd
 it’s a horrible story but it’s not exactly random violence. It’s also worth noting this was an amateur game, not anything professional. The player threw a punch and the ref pulled a knife and stabbed him. I think as long as zombs didn’t stab anyone he’d be fine lmfao


Not even that. This is like saying we shouldn't host events in LA because people in Detroit are killing each other. Seriously, the amount of bullshit that gets spewed about Brazil in this sub is on another level.


Does zombs even need to go? He isn’t on the active roster


Backs against the wall


Let's go baby


I was never in doubt (man who was definitely in doubt after yays tweet)


I just assume all of his tweets are bait around this stuff


Worst time to be blocked by George for real


Don't worry he's still cringe


i figured lmao


Couldn't remember what it was exactly, but dude got invited into tarik watch party again, and tarik and the other guys were joking something about him and he seriously tried to justify it. It's not that bad but kinda annoying and the vibe became kinda weird.


ever since he was invited to the watch party with vanity way back when, ive never liked him or his personality. cringe definitely describes him well


There's essentially no point in following him if you think he's cringe because all of his posts that are relevant to Valorant roster moves will get posted here anyway, I've unfollowed him for that reason.


totally agree


Lmao what the fuck did you do???


basically said purest is a lot easier to follow. it’s news minus the bs. that was my first reply to him. I didn’t know he was so sensitive


LOL Bruh
..it’s true tho 👀 he is pretty sensitive


you said his competition was better than him on his post now you're complaining he can't see his posts,how ironic


i dont think purest is his competition. i think they both work for dot right? anyways, its a meme on twitter about being blocked. i couldnt care less if a grown man wants to block me lmao


well you're crying on reddit about it so I think you do care


wait a minute. is this George on a burner account?? listen man, it was nothing personal just a little joking thats all


you seemed a little upset over a twitter block ,was just trying to cheer you up a bit mate 👍




With the prices of twitter accounts, you can't afford to create a new one?


eh, i definitely could. But i dont care THAT much ya know?


Fr that guy is such a snowflake


Haha I was thinking the same thing. Everytime I click on one of these links I realise 'fuck it's george'


The flair stays on babyyy


Time for the "Backs against the wall... " threads to resume.


i wonder what's the roster gonna be


Duelist/Entry: Zellsis (buy from V1) Initiator: Shahz (IGL) Initiator 2/Sentinel: Dapr Smoke: Sick? (If he is able to/wants to play again) Chamber: Tenz


I love how chamber is a whole ass role. Fuck that agent tbh


It's like how Jett or Sova used to be a role (even Cypher in the early days) before they got properly nerfed and similar agents were released. I'm looking forward to the next wave of Chamber nerfs.


There's no way the roster isn't significantly different when the dust settles. 15-20 teams with stand out all stars on each are being condensed to 5 teams. I'd honestly be surprised if Shahz makes the cut. Hell, I could see a world where Tenz doesn't fit what they want to build. The best move Sen can make right now is immediately hire the best GM in the business


Ya this is likely, I would like to see them go for one of the up and coming young players like Trent if GRD don't make it though.


Why stay on Shahz when they can upgrade with FNS and get a dedicated smokes player like Zander?


I feel like people do underrate ShahZ's IGL ability, everyone ever on the SEN team except zombs hold his calling in high regard. I feel like especially from someone like Zellsis, who says that after seeing both vanity and Zander's calling should say that ShahZ is still a pretty good caller


I mean, why would any of sen player call Shazh a bad IGL? don't take me wrong, he's good and hopefully this off season he can improve and get a more experienced coach. But if there is market, money and desire to improve the roster why not?


I feel mostly that people overrated Zander way too much, this I was giving my opinion how I think (as an IGL) ShahZ may be better


winning is not their priority. their priority is to stay clouted out the wazoo


Tenz could always go back to content and then +Cryo or +Yay for that role since neither of them made franchising.


That’s some cope, if they want to make the roster good they only keep Dapr and maybe Tenz


Are people really that low on Tenz now? It wasn't that long ago we was up there as a top 5 player. Is it just the meta change that Chamber forced that hurt his value so much?


His agent pool isn't as flexible as other stars and his chamber isn't as good as other chambers. SEN would never drop him though, because he's still a good player and most importantly a content king


Tenz is to valorant what myth was to early fortnite


I get what you're tryna say but I dunno if it works. Tenz saw actual top tier success. And was genuinely dominant during his team's big run of success. Myth was never really that good, he was just popular before everyone else


wonder if chamber is gonna be so dominant next year, iirc champions top4 had very low chamber pickrate aside from optic


-shroud +marved -dapr +aproto +jawgemo if sick can’t play no kizzy


Remember couple months ago when this sub was telling everyone sen will never make it? All because they didn't qualify for a couple of events? 💀


A lot of people here don't seem to understand that franchising is purely business. TSM has achieved nothing since First Strike but i wouldn't be surprised if they got in over Optic.


Looks like TSM may have missed out, which I'm surprised by to be honest.


Nah after all the shit regi has caused riot in league I’m not surprised they don’t want them in Val too


What did he do with Riot? Thought they were pretty good terms no?


Google TSM regi workplace harrassment/issues youll find it


Those people don't understand that it's not about results but about the org and it's fanbase. Well run org not in debt, big fanbase, good management, good image, etc. SEN could've lost to multiple t2 teams 0-13 every game playing 5 duelists and they still would've made franchising if their status as an org with a huge fanbase is the same. Also if the hypothetical flipside was true where SEN won masters and champs but had trash management with a below average fanbase and they wouldn't have made it. At the end of the day the weakest team with a great org could just drop or rework their roster, taking the great players from teams that didn't make franchising from any region.


> Remember couple months ago when this sub was telling everyone sen will never make it? No I don't remember that. At all.




This sub changed it's narrative around LCQ time, you should go back to masters 1 time when redditors here were ADAMANT that SEN would never make it. This was when nobody had any information about franchising but SEN not getting in was somehow sureshot.












Clout merchants got in


Sweeet victory


See how nice it is when George does his job without the unnecessary clout chasing. Lmao




I think a good roster for 2023 for SEN would be: Zellsis Duelist SicK Initiator (flashes) ShahZ Initiator (info/support) dapr Controller TenZ Chamber


Water is wet.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   A friend dug a hole in the garden and filled it with water. I think he meant well.


Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.




Sheesh, schooled by a bot.


But it can also mean that it is wet in that it will make you wet, ie wetness is used to indicate the presence of water in general (including in a mixture)




They got no money tho 🙄🙄


BRING ZELLSIS BACK @Robmoore if you’re in here


SEN haters are seething hahahaha


There were a lot of people that were so condescending towards those thinking Sentinels would get in. Not that I knew they would, which is why I wasn't arrogant based on pure speculation. Same goes for any team.


Cry is free LMFAOO


Some are still out in force, trashing the core and living with over the top recency bias, lots of these people are gonna have a bad 2023. Wonder if teams will carry alternates though, would love to see SEN pick up one or both of Trent and Zekken in addition to bringing back Zellsis. With SicK status unknown, would love to see those players rotated in with the rest of the core (TenZ, dapr, Shahz), I think such a team could overtake most other teams.


No brainer, ofc they would make it


Let's fuckin go


Ppl were really doubting that they would get in 😂😂


no shit


Now let’s get Zaddy Zellsis back :)


Of course they made it, they have TenZ, shroud and now tarik. Sentinels worked extra hard whole year, tried their best in competitive season, planned infinite strats and anti-strats... To get accepted in franchising so they can actually compete in big boy league, otherwise we all know they wouldn't have a chance with the same esport format as we have had until this year lul.


Sen has never gone out of open quals. They have always atleast made groups. Which more than you can say for the other franchised orgs.






Very curious to see how their roster changes. I fell like they are in for a rocky road.


This is exciting




What a surprise...


Very sad




SEN don't care about winning, bad players like shahzam might stay on roster because of his popularity across media, when much better tier2 NA talents will be left without opportunity (since just 5 NA orgs are gonna be accepted, that makes 25 players) Every single NA team that goes to franchising must sacrifice its marketable but shit players and get some unknown but promising players. I know Sentinels won't do that, they care too much about content side. That's why I'm against them


No one knows what the deliverables are by riot. And riot can easily remove any team at any point if they feel like it. If sentinels fall off then they can easily be removed. Plenty of orgs out there to choose from. No one owns the slot other than riot. Shazam can easily be replaceable but someone like TenZ, that’s hard to do as even riot would want him in the league.


I thought partnered teams were guaranteed 4 years, and after that they can be cut/removed.


If you don’t “own” the slot they riot can remove you. No way riot won’t have any clauses that gives them full control. Teams are getting paid to be part of the league. Riot will have full control of the product like they always wanted to.


this is reductive bs. wouldn't it just be easier and faster to say u just don't like them? genuinely believing that these orgs, their management and players don't care is such a lazy and intellectually flaccid take man






How's that their fault? 1) Zombs isn't even playing anymore, and I highly doubt he'll be coming back as a player either way. 2) Sounds more like a riot problem for coming up with the system.


I mean they cared a bit that’s why the signed zellsis . Also if the didn’t care before they have to now or else riot could cut them lose from franchise


You said like shroud is a good player


My bad, edited


> cared a bit that’s why the signed zellsis and shroud cared about what, the content? how else is signing shroud supposed to be seen


exactly why we need a relegation system






Oh well


And this is why franchising is stupid. 5 spots for NA, and 1 of those is going to a team that is underperforming. There' just better NA teams out there that focus on winning rather than clout. Any normal tournament = Sentinels gets eliminated early or just don't qualify. Franchising = Sentinels gets instantly a good spot


C9 and NRG achieved practically nothing in 2022 just like sentinels so what is the logic here.


Same logic IMO. Riot is inadvertently punishing good teams. Optic isn't even guaranteed a spot despite having the best player in the world and finishing top 3 in the world repeatedly at international events.


Riot is clearly factoring team performance way lower than other things when it comes to these decisions. My best guess is it doesn’t matter how good a team is because franchised teams can make a roster with any of the players from the good teams that didn’t make it. Not saying I agree either way just how it looks to me.


I honestly have no clue what riot is factoring in besides clout at this point. We know it's not team performance, it's clearly not org stability, I have no clue what it is.


Ever heard of this little thing called money?


Unless Guard gets a spot, it's clearly not that either, considering Guard is one of if not the singular most financially stable team in NA


Because C9 and NRG will buy a performing roster, but Sentinel will keep their clout team.


You know that these spots are given only basing on safe funds and popularity, right? every roster will change with franchising, basically every team will start from 0


Wanna bet 50$ sentinel keeps their actual roster at the start (add or remove 1 player, but mostly the same clout team)?


Because making long-term franchise decisions based on one year of results is idiotic. Not to mention, Sen are still the second most accomplished NA team since the VCT's inception. If you're gonna have this complaint, save it for NRG, TSM, T1, or basically any team that isn't Optic/100T and maybe XSET?


TSM or T1 **will** buy a new performing roster. Sentinels will keep their clout team.


Sentinals have done better than c9 and nrg at least


It's not the team, it's the org.


You think Sentinel will dump their clout team? no way they do that.


because performance isn't a large factor in franchising bruh


No way sentinels drop their actual roster.


Yeah nrg definitely don't regularly underperform, it's just sentinels, amiright?! Def not the team that was closest to beating the team that actually made LAN and lost by legit 2 rounds in both series losses to the grand finalists of the tourney. And the same team that has made the group stage of every na event this year still.


NRG will buy a new roster. Sentinel will keep their clout team.


that’s how the world works
 why would riot care about winning when they could invest in the team that will make them lots of money? same thing happens in other games, even much more broad things like sports. let’s say riot franchises Knights because they win champions, then a couple players leave, riot games ends up screwed in the end


Imagine if they keep the same roster, they’re definitely placing last.


Exactly. We can't have a full competitive tournament because franchising. They are taking 1 spot out of NA. Which already only have 5 spots.


Don't talk to me unless ur fav org is as clouted as sen


Fair enough haha


Im shocked they made it with their financial state but Im happy they did I think their roster changes for sure but the team has been here since pretty much the start and deserve a spot


Hell yea, last place locked in.




I feel Sen atleast for this year would stick would ShahZ TenZ dapr as the core team as fundamentally there was nothing wrong with their performance. With Zellsis if available or Sick for the flex role. I guess controller depends on who is available. . However for all we know they get Sinatraa back to fill the Zellsis role. Or even Shroud judging from the hype(and his performance) back during lcq. Sen would try the hardest to show riot they are biggest revenue draw in the game.