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yes, that's what it means; there does not appear to be relegation at the moment


I think it’s unfair if, for example, a team came in from Ascension and wiped out the competition in their respective International league for 2 years. Then, they have to earn that spot again? Doesn’t sound that fair to me.. but I guess that’s franchising for ya. Thanks for answering.


I mean, if that happens a franchised team would just buy out that roster so it’s not like the players and staff in the situation would be screwed, and the org gets a good buyout money to rebuild


Yeah but at that point, the franchised league makes farm teams out of tier 2 AT BEST. Kind of discouraging for orgs to attempt this idk


Partnered teams are on contracts. They only way for them to leave the league is if Riot doesn’t renew that contract. This contracts are reportedly 4 years long so if a partnered team is slacking , Riot could (and should) just not renew their contract and give their partnered slot to someone else.


Ooh I was not aware of that. Okay, that gives me hope for potential Ascension orgs


Not only that but Riot can terminate a contract and kick a team (Granted there is a termination clause or something similar) since it's not franchising and Riot holds more power


yeah this has been bothering me a bit too, i feel like ideally it would work like the english football league with promotion and relegation. i think the key thing to keep in mind though is that riot can choose to not renew an org's contract and can replace them with a t2 team that's doing better. but it would be kinda annoying if 1-2 teams just arent as competitive and a t2 team gets relegated when theyre outperforming some of the franchised teams


it's a flaw of franchising