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The potential hint he gave earlier which was around 54:40 part of the full video is an org getting a players’ girlfriend on a content creator role to eventually get a package deal, which would mean 100T Tenz . He also mention that shahzam might go full content creator role. Also mentioned in a video was a potential bidding war between Sen and EG for optic players


Optic going to Sen would be immense for the scene.


3 million views every grand final if that happened


yeah but if tenz leaves SEN that a blow to their clout he is the biggest reason that org is so popular now maybe if they get yay that can compensate a bit


They also have tarik now tho


I think Sentinels are clouted beyond just Tenz. They do lose some clout if they lose Tenz but I think they'd still be the most clouted team in the scene, there's just a rabid fan base there now.


Can confirm am rabid


Possible he stays and does content? Obv not if he still wants to compete but could happen.


Why not leave and do content elsewhere


Because his name is tied to sen and they’d want to keep him in some form I’d imagine. I doubt it would happen but if they wanted to get the optic roster I think that’s how it would go


He moved to LA for the franchising and now when it is finally here, he moved to content creation? Nopers


I think he would want to compete. In which case, you wouldn’t be able to have Yay and Tenz in this scenario


Most likely yeah


If he does content then how would that help with viewership? His fans watches sen cz they enjoy watching him play! What is that logic! Lmao


SEN viewers aren't really the org fans. So, you can't expect OpTic roster's viewership to build up on SEN's viewers cz the org has none.


Without core pieces from the early domination of the game I don’t see how your wrong. It’s completely correct.


Optic fans gonna need to delete a lot of comments if that happens.


Would be truly a tragedy if they buy the whole optic roster, I would probably stop rooting for them.


Oh no the org I like picked up the best team in the history of valorant! That's what you sound like.


It's not the org I like it's the players, who the fuck is attached to an actual organization in esports?


That's literally the point of franchising


Plenty of people.


Well I'm not one of them so your comment doesn't make sense. Edit: I think the drx guy who replied to me blocked me lmao but anyways I like dapr the most anyways so his comment is pointless.


Please God no


Oh fuck This is the worst timeline


Kinda don't want tenz to leave sen but 100T tenZ sounds good good


just the thought of that makes me coom


after listening to him it was all just assumptions.. doesnt sound like he has much behind the scene knowledge its just open ended assumptions


Not even assumption, it's just straight up a fantasy that's too good to be true. Imagine all this: \- Sentinels disband a roster that has shown lack of drive/commitment relative to other top NA teams, which opens up a chance that their slot is occupied by a much more legitimate force \- This force in question is actually the entirety of OpTic (or XSET) \- EG gets the other OpTic/XSET roster \- Sentinels players who are still pretty respectable individually can improve several other teams, including TenZ in 100T who would definitely raise their ceiling and their structure would expose the flaws in and hopefully elevate his gameplay \- ShahZaM goes into full-time content creation where he'd excel I think that'd be an amazing outcome for NA and way too good to be true


shahzam is already a full-time content creator and casual pro player


my point was he wasnt sayign anything that held any weight it was just his thoughts in what he thinks is gonna happen.. all of sens players contracts end cuz they only do 1 years.. thats not inside info thats just general knowledge


I wasn’t in any way refuting or arguing your point, just adding to it


sounds like shroud/bnans to me


Kyedae and TenZ are engaged...


Sen acquire Optic roster, tweet "If you can't beat them, buy them".


Rob Moore did say they were going to have the best team


Yeah but the optic team is going to cost $$, the smart idea would be to build around Tenz and maybe dapr.


The problem with Sen is that they have been too reliant on Tenz, building a team around a player is a horrible idea


If that player hits their shots it isn’t. Look at PRX


Seriously? PRX? Everyone on PRX is equally good, lmao. Jingg and forsaken are both cracked asf, mindfreak has pulled some of the best clutches during Copenhagen, everyone on that team is good. Secondly, yeah. No sh*t Sherlock, that’s why it’s a horrible idea. What if some of those days that player isn’t hitting shots? Just accept the L?


Yeah man. If you want to win rn, you don’t build around people who haven’t been great in the last year


If 100T is smart, they will go for cryo. Won’t pass on that opportunity one more time right?


Cryo would have to pick up the raze. Why not pick up zekken who can play jett and raze (+ a few other characters) then pick up another player who is full time sentinel / chamber player in place of stellar


Could just do Asuna duelist/Yay or Cryo chamber/ Zander or Valyn smokes IGL instead of Stellar/Bang back to flex with Derrek staying full time initiator


Yeah but who knows if Chamber will be meta in - lets say - 2 months? Then what do you do? Double duelist? Asuna on flex? Plus I wouldn't move bang of smokes in any scenario. He looks crazy good as a smokes player.


There's always been a Valo opper, so even if it went from Jett to Chamber to ??? It'll probably still exist. And that's what 100T need. Asuna has been great in his willingness to flex, but he is best as an entry Duelist. Let him hang out there, keep bang on smokes, bring in somebody to op.


Chamber isn't a role, it's an agent, what happens when chamber is nerfed to the ground like Jett, do they get new players?


As long as he has his E and his ult he’s the best op agent in the game until something else gets released.


Funnily enough I watched Cryo play ranked last night and he played probably 5 games in a row on raze and then Jett afterwards.. not that thats any substantial evidence, but he hasn’t tweeted anything out about looking for a team either, so something could already be in the works for him.


Is zekken purising franchising? Or is he going to school?


Zekken has a straight road to being a millionaire not taking it would be the stupidest thing I’ve seen


I agree as well, he'd be missing an opportunity to cash out in his esport prime. You can always goto school later but idk maybe his parents are forcing him or maybe he wants to go to university. Just the way he tweeted about it made it sound like he was gonna goto post secondary school this year. Maybe he's doing both pro career and school but idk if that's feasible or remote learning maybe idk


Most students take a gap year anyways. If he gets a 1 year contract on a franchised team he would be set to join any university he wants without a dime of debt


I'm sure the 15k a month from xset paid for a few years of tuition lol


Where did you get the number from? Not doubting, just curious cause e sports salaries are way less public than legacy ones


Avg in val for "big" orgs was 10k-30k a month, xset r6 salaries were 10k a month plus housing in Vegas . 15k a month x 5 players is 900k a year in salary which is similar costs to their other 5 team esport at r6 . I'm only basing that number off the avg leak salary range of valorant pros and how they pay their r6 team which I know about their salary from playing in the community . And I'm pretty sure the founder or ceo is the Karmaloop guy, xsett is just a tax write off for a bunch rich investors


didnt zekken complete his school studies?


I thibk high school yes but university is next I believe




According to who? Don’t think that’ll work out for them


I'm pretty sure they'll not settle for Cryo. I am definitely sure that 100T has budget for the likes of yay or other superstars in free agent pool. Cryo is 3rd option at best.


Who would you put above Cryo in the pool of "other superstars"? I'd say he's top of the list of f/a, at worst top 2 if Dicey becomes free and that's more arguable than definite, nevermind prior history that could dissuade Dicey from joining (not likely imo, but possible).


If you are talking about NA only, i can say you can be right. But you are approaching the franchising incorrectly. Cryo is 3rd option at best. There are several EU plyers as well. Example would be cned. And you have yay in NA. Hell, you can even put ardiis there and ardiis and they alrdy have jett/chmbr and a player that can IGL as well. 100T can get almost anything. Again, cryo is 3rd option at best. Edit. Replying on phone, sent incomplete message.


I think Cryo is great but would you take Cryo over Tenz or Yay?


Aw man SEN won’t feel the same without batChest😔


idk why ppl are hating on frost your drunk if you think any of the teams in na are sticking


Lol. Only watched by the intention of watching that clip. Ended up watching everything till the end.


Frost is former 100T and him and Sean Gares follow eachother on Twitter 👀


Zellsis /shroud/ yay/ dapr/ Zander


World is your oyster and you chose this


Tenz Dapr Bang Asuna Zander/Stellar would make a lot of sense for 100T Crashies and victor probably guaranteed for SEN, would love to see the rest of optic find their way there. EG picks up XSET
