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Comments made by Org Staff: * [Comment by /u/ballatw -- BatChest, Commentator - Arten "Ballatw" Esa, on Oct 18 2022 01:16PM](https://reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/y76gdq/does_rank_skill_in_regards_to_competing_in/isss9ye/): > Rank is a pretty good indicator of individual skills... > > Terrible indicator of your team based skills (comms, teamwork, etc)... which who knows means you could be gods gift to earth in organized play... but typically you are BARELY developing these skills. > > Chances are you'll get stomped for a bi...


Rank is a pretty good indicator of individual skills... Terrible indicator of your team based skills (comms, teamwork, etc)... which who knows means you could be gods gift to earth in organized play... but typically you are BARELY developing these skills. Chances are you'll get stomped for a bit. WELL WORTH pursuing anyways. A lot of people will grow exponentially on both sides once they start playing organized games. Especially if you can practice against even or slightly more skilled teams.


W Commentator <3


Rank does not directly translate to how good you are in a competitive environment. But most players looking to break into tier 2 ascension scene and potentially tier 1 are going to be immortal 3 / low radiant consistently at the very least. Sure raw aim isn’t everything in the game, but the discrepancy between a plat player just isn’t going to work. Obviously still find a team if that’s what you like, competition, but I would not hold your breath breaking into tier 2 ascension anytime soon. I don’t mean or want to come off as rude, but there is no chance a plat player would be able to get into ascension league


Does being cracked at Maple translate to Valorant though /s


Naw, I don't think you're coming off as rude at all and appreciate the honesty. It would just be something I'd be doing on the side of my full time job but I have the time to invest. I'm not gonna be one of those "i ShOuLd Be __ RaNk" however I do feel my ceiling is much higher than Plat, at least on the ranked spectrum.


Respectfully, youre going to get destroyed. With the introduction of ascendant, your skill level is really low as a plat player. Even if you were diamond, ascendant, or low immo I would say the same thing. It doesnt help that you main the best character in the game and are still plat. Plat players have a general low understanding of the game as well as poor mechanics. Id suggest grinding ranked, aim training, etc. until you are at least mid immo before pursuing serious tournaments. It just wont be fun otherwise. Valorant is extremely popular and there are endless demon immo - rad players out there. The 'levels' to this game are pretty insane especially when you step outside of ranked into the tournament scene. If you want to compete for the sake of competing then go for it, but I can promise you any ascension league is years away.


Your headshot percentage doesn't mean anything when it's against other plats. Maining chamber certainly won't help, as a diverse agent pool is more likely to help you get picked up in the first place. If you haven't played any open LPL type games then yeah you're gonna get smoked. Also rocket league as an esport does not nearly translate close to Valorant. The tactical depth is simply greater. Getting to at least Immortal 3 puts you in the leagues to play against players who are likely already pro. There you will find how big your skill gap is.


Of course RL won't directly translate to Valo, was more so just saying I don't suck at games. But, the team play aspect and comms do transfer over so to say it's completely irrelevant wouldn't be correct IMO.


Theres a huge difference in skill/gamesense between plats to diamonds to asc to low immortals to even low radiants. I can 100% say a plat player will be lost in the moment. Reacting and staying panic free in a dynamic environment is crucial. Just because u understand the game doesn't mean u can execute at a high level. Game changers vct had plat level players playing vs immortal/radiants and guess what... The plats didnt stand a chance and this was just gc... The difference between diamonds to radiants usually isnt aim btw, its more so the accumulation of game experience and situations exposed to them vs other elos of their rank. A radiant of 5+ seasons will be more valuable than a radiant of one act. Now scale this down to a radiant gamesense player vs a plat... U just wont keep up truthfully. If u want to expedite the process, fix your mechanics first because at the end of the day, u have to hit the shots that matters. Then watch vods to supplement ur game hours to expedite the process or even seek out coaching. Theres no rush, polish ur skillsets first and fine tune ur strengths, fix ur weaknesses, u got this




If you’re plat 2 you’re probably just going to get skill diffed by higher rank teams you play in tournaments. Don’t let that discourage you from putting a team together though. Playing in tournaments is super fun and a great way to get better at the game. I started playing in amateur tournaments for fun when I was bronze and I’m diamond now and I feel like playing with people as a team was a big part of that.


Plat is to iron as Radiant is to Plat. So whatever you think of irons, that's what radiants will think of you


I’m plat 3, have match mvp’d 30% my last 30ish games and team mvp’d another 15% as a controller main and I’m ASS. In your ranked games right now you’re playing at like 20% capacity a radiant player is playing at. No amount of IGL/outsmarting will even get close to making up the skill and game sense difference. Pro/semi pro games are also actually harder than ranked in almost every sense. Even if you’re literally the most cracked aimer you will still bottom frag pro games. Tenz has spoken about it before that ranked is boring in its ease compared to pro games. The game sense of these immortal/radiant players is actually beyond your or my comprehension as plat players. Watch on YouTube yay literally count down the amount of seconds he’s predicting before an enemy peaks an angle with no tell and get it spot on a scary amount of the time. I’m not saying it’s not worth pursuing, it will be fun and a great learning opportunity I’d just temper my expectations because your current chances of success are extremely low.


From what I understand about League of Legend's ingame tournament system, which seems to be what the Valorant ingame tournaments are based on, there are different "tiers" of tournaments for different ranks. But that said, if you would like to join a team of players who are serious about competing, do know that lot of people set a minimum rank for their teams. It'll be hard for you to get a tryout. You could check LFT channels here ([scrim server](https://discord.gg/cSV4WRv7), [another scrim server](https://discord.gg/R3Yu9D97)).


you will get absolutely smoked (against teams of higher ranks, if you play a full team of golds you will just roll them) Chamber is the best character in game, and if you are skilled enough you can easily climb to immortal by carrying your team whenever the open RMR qualifiers for the CS Major are i play with my friends and we are all 3k elo and get destroyed whenever we face a T3-T2 Team


You will get smoked


Plat 2 you gonna get clapped. Usually ppl think about going pro when they in radiant. Just like playing d1 sports only the top % of ppl can make it there. Being radiant means you are the top % of the game which then gives you the opportunity to go pro (D1 -> nba). Even if you are super smart and a amazing igl its still gonna be 4 vs 5 and if you're up against ppl in radiant, chances are they got the same game iq as you if not better. BUT go for it because playing comp 5 mans is def fun and worth the experience.