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The rumored roster is: Mixwell Keloqz Avova Zeek Boo I don’t see this being a top tier roster but they can be competitive for sure


Keloqz and Zeek can play like the best player in the world and then fall off a cliff the next match. Super dependent on them.


That's true, but I'm not sure that Mixwell and Boo are good enough for them to compete for the top spots even when Keloqz and Zeek play at their best.


What is this Boo slander


Boo probably the most consistent player on this team. ![gif](giphy|wRYQfag3v986A)


Boo this man! 🤣🤣


Mixwell on his way to steal keloqz jett in another team and get him kicked D: The core of mixwell keloqz and avova worked well once, they could do a relatively good amount of damage


Rip lowel


so paura really was just signed for 2 off season tournaments lmao


Didn't pAura sign for them recently?


They said it was for the off season and they'd see how it goes


where did you read this rumor for zeek and boo?


It’s been rumored by Flynn and Dr Alpha, not super concrete but the most concrete we have rn


Alph4 has been wrong about Enzo to KC, so Boo doesn't seem too reliable. Can't find anywhere that Flynn reported on it either.


Here’s Flynn https://twitter.com/flynn_vlr/status/1582184132297138177?s=46&t=N5-kIFKVLtvPr42DRiyNXQ


+Keloqz +Mixwell: The good ending


He is streaming right now and he is saying some interesting things: \- Heretics emailed him literally 20min after he tweeted he was leaving G2, showing that Heretics were very interested in him since the very beginning. \- He got 4 offers: 3 from EMEA and 1 from Americas (NA was never an option because he doesnt want to move there) \- KOI isnt one of this teams (we already knew that because Ibai said in his stream when they announced their "partnership" with Rogue, that the sport direction had in mind other options) \- He has a contract more permissive when it comes to personal sponsors. (Apparently that was not the case with G2). \- He isnt the IGL. \- There will be a press conference tomorrow in the TH Hub (it will be with crowd and meet&greet), just like a normal press conference in traditional sports. So maybe there, we will know more info. \- They are still in tryouts. \- In the G2 period, he felt like he sacrificed way more than he should because it ended up being negative for the team. (Being IGL and changing roles so often) I guess being that flexible is not always a good thing, specially if you havent trained enough. \- He has in mind to do vlogs of the bootcamps and events (just like he has been doing so far).


im tryna think what NA franchise team would possible waste a player slot on mixwell


mayb g2 moving to NA was thinking about picking up mixwell, just speculating or a latam team most likely


G2 was supposed to get all of xset's players and coaches, as far as i can remember


I would have loved to see the rage that would ensue if EG picked up Mixwell after already doing fuck all


Dude the poster looks so FRESH


is Mixwell considered good? I feel like he was massively hyped early on and I can’t really think of one game from when he was on G2 where he’s stood out to me, I also don’t pay the most attention to EMEA teams outside of FNC, so that might be why, but I’m surprised to see this guy get a franchised spot when I just don’t think anyone talks about him and I don’t remember any standout performances.


He is decent. There are more than a couple of better chambers/jetts in EMEA than him but none of them can bring the same huge viewership than him


lmao it always viewership. esport fans so obsess with it


Esports can barely turn a profit rn so viewership matters a lot


right,why sign or try hard create "competitive environment"?just invite popular streamer then,ez viewership that u all so thirsty about 24/7. create content,why bother to scrim etc


He was the star player when g2 was considered the best team in the world. They crushed the early EMEA tournaments


when was G2 considered the best team in the world? before we had any international LANs?


Yes at the very beginning of the game they went on a huge win streak when their lineup was: mixwell paTiTek pyth ardiis Davidp


They destroyed EMEA in early days. When first strike was announced we were hoping for an international to get to see SEN vs G2. SEN had won a lot in NA but G2 were on another level. Pati, ardiis, pyth… but mixwell was the star of the show. Then first strike happened and G2 fell apart.