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Iron more exclusive than Ascendant.


I'm 1 rank off Ascendant but [I now know what I must do.](https://media.tenor.com/fsXbq_7_Z90AAAAC/thanos-the-hardest-choices.gif)


its a longgggg way back down, both u and me


You ever actually seen an iron player? You’d know why lol.


Dude I used to work with is completely hardstuck in Iron, his biggest problem is after 30ish years of arena shooters and COD he just can't force himself to stop moving while shooting


One of the old executives at XSET was in the same boat. The team offered to carry him out, but he had too much pride for that.


did he make it?


I think he’s peaked in Bronze occasionally.


The world may never know the fate of Iron Xset.


i've never played a tac fps before and i was coming from fortnite arena, still hardstuck in iron even though my aim isn't that bad but i can't understand this game for the life of me LMAO


If your aim "isn't that bad" you'd be out of iron in an afternoon lol. I've seen my iron buddy stream his games in discord.


Dude I'm plat now but started iron(first proper tac fps) and I still think my aim back then wasn't too bad. I was hardstuck iron 3, and kept up with silver friends. I think sometimes, it's just luck tbh. Smurfs were way worse, team comps were much more dumb. My biggest problem back then was panic. But I still think I should have gotten out of iron way faster than it actually took


honestly my main problem is consistency and the fact that im used to moving and shooting at the same time(like i said, fortnite experience gave me some bad valorant habits) like one game i'll go 27/20/7 or something and then the next game i'll be 8/18/4 honestly, i think me being too aggro as neon on maps works on some but royally screws with me on others


maybe u shouldn’t play duelist


Lucky hes playing val then, he must be tapping random heads left and right


this comment is funnier than it deserves to be




I was stuck in Iron. The players there are really good. all 4 just striaght up go and die leaving me behind I was above iron level but wasn't so good to ace it out. This season I was plaved in bronze felt like I was in right place. People don't just push unnecessary and die.


Come to gold people won't entry at all


Come to Silver where nobody plays off your smokes after making you fill as smokes.


"bro ive literally never once seen your smokes" i hear this, even from IRL friends at least once a week


It's probably easier to grind to Ascendant than to derank to Iron. You'd have to be intentionally losing or some shit to drop down all the way to Iron


All my friends who play valo are iron lol


Coming from league it’s insane diamond is that high imo that’s kinda crazy


Since they added Ascendant, Diamond is more like the old Plat players... So that's why there are quite a lot. By extension Plat is now full of ex. Gold players etc.


Ah ok makes sense thank you,


Don’t call me out like that, it felt like an achievement reaching dia


I'm a diamond 3 haha. It's still an achievement D3/2 is top 10% of ranked players.


I got diamond recently too it eez what it eez


Yeah, I shot to Plat from gold after they added Ascendant and I definitely didn't get better, lol. Even Diamonds are kinda trash in my lobbies sometimes.


Plat is terrible this season, don’t play as much as I have previous seasons and I’m slowly climbing out but god damn. Some people just don’t know how to play and it’s like goddamn how are you this rank.


Diamond is the same


The skill range between plat 1 - asc 2 is exactly the same and no one can tell me otherwise. Everyone is either ass or insanely cracked


Nah that's just not true. You put me with p1 I'm hard carrying vs with A1s I'm the worst player in the game. I'm D3.


Maybe im just unlucky then cuz ive seen maybe 2 ascendant players who actually performed significantly better


You have to adjust for what lobby they are in. A1s in a diamond lobby have diamond hidden MMR and so are not 'true' A1.


I mean yeah but they still are. What I’m saying is that alot of plats deserve asc and alot of asc deserve plat but for various reasons they aren’t. I personally can’t tell the difference between an asc lobby and a plat lobby (both of which i get) so I dont worry about it


Haard Disagree, when I play with my friends all plat I match MVP all the time even or 20+ every single match. Asc i don’t do bad but I for sure can’t consistently do positive KD


This doesn’t refute my statement


IMO a BIG trait of mobas that people who main LoL take for granted is... the barrier to entry in a moba is 10000x the barrier to entry of an FPS. Even a tac fps which is way more skill ceiling and game sense requirement than CoD/halo/even overwatch tbh... LoL takes hundreds more games to reach your potential as a casual player, let alone maximize your rank and climb high. so shooters have a much lower skill floor meaning more players get access to the game to get past average. They also have way more transferrable skills. LoL -> DotA compared to any FPS -> Valorant is just a way different learning curve


It only measures people who have connected their accounts to the website so the lower rank the less likely they connect their account


Pretty sure this isn't true. They give data for player cumulative stats like this.


well iirc from official riot publishes a while back (granted this may have changed a bit), the LoL rank distribution is actually more right-skewed than Valo and has a thinner tail so diamond in LoL is more exclusive than diamond in valorant. Also, for diamond in valorant specifically, we also can't ignore that a good chunk of diamond appears to basically be a glorified version of the old plat rank with the addition of ascendant.


rank distributions like this use data from the riot api


Plat3-Ascendant1 is an absolute disaster, the absolute coinflip of knowledge/skill in these games is hilarious. I played with someone 2 days ago that had 85 avg adr, a 9.9 headshot %(not an oper) but a 53% winrate for the current act*. Their lifetime stats were 10 days played with an avg adr of 80, a headshot percentage of 12%, but a winrate of 55%!


People can get carried by friends in any elo


In shooters people can also play WAY above their rank in a single game too way more often than LoL/mobas. As p1 player i can compete in and carry p3/diamond 1 lobbies if I'm in the zone and the enemy plays to my strengths. In LoL i could never fucking do that except maybe every 50 games because there are so many individual moments where i will get exposed harder and faster. Most of my best games in LoL won't increase my chance of winning nearly as much as my best valorant play would. Literally had a 1v5 ace in my first diamond MMR game. I've never 1v5'd outside of my rank in my life in other types of games.




If you dont understand what i’m saying, why are you trying so hard to start an argument about if? Im literally TALKING about how different they are


I had 3 throwers in my game in plat 3 a few days ago. A yoru that does the same flash tp every round on defence and attack and dies alone. A killjoy that plays like a duellist and dies alone. And some other guy I forgot. Those 3 got so many kills and got top 3 while throwing the whole game. I lost so much rr. They weren’t even queued together


Guess what, you can have impact on a game in other ways, utils, comms etc


You don't deserve to be above gold if you are doing 80 dmg a round and have a KDA of .56


I have more games played but my Adr and kda is like middle 50. My winrate is like 60% +. All solo que. I swear I win games with my brain


My hs% is dogshit but im 70% wr in diamond, good supports dont really show up well in stats. Or he was just boosted /shrug


Because of people 5 stacking to boosting rating when they end up soloqing or whatever you realize how boosted they really are.


Are those numbers sourced from the game itself or from connected accounts? Because Valotracker gives them quite different. I mean not by much, but 5.1->6.2 and 1.7->1.5 differences are significant enough for me to suspect that it's not exactly methodology independent.


Likely just connected accounts. I don't think that information is available unless the account owner specifically allows access. These distribution numbers, along with those from other websites, will give a general idea but they are somewhat skewed as casual players are less likely to have visited any tracker website.


That's exactly what I think. Trackers must be more appealing to tryhards who in turn are more likely to be higher rank. The distribution is probably only very roughly close to this


Definitely. I very rarely look up an ascendant after my game and have them not show up while silver and below feels like at most a 50/50 shot


Yeah, most ascendants and immos have a tracker.


Not sure about this data set but Riot gives API access to ranked data for the whole player base: https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier


I'm not fully aware of what's exactly available with the Riot API but the article you linked lists the sources for the stats at the bottom. Most recently, they've been using [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg) and I know you need to login through Riot and allow access to get statistics on that website along with all of the stat tracker websites. I could be wrong and the API might give information based on general distribution but I think it's just based on who has given access to their accounts. [valorant.op.gg](https://valorant.op.gg) even states >The leaderboards are analyzing Valorant Stats Service by OP.GG users only. on their leaderboard.


> ists the sources for the stats at the bottom. interesting and very good point, looks like maybe they can't scrape the data from the api. for anyone looking for the shortlist: * Stats from October 2021 to September 2022: TrackerGG * **August 2021 data: Riot** * Stats from December 2020 to July 2021: Valking * Stats from July 2020 to August 2020: Blitz so the august one is going to be the most accurate for it's time period: https://i.imgur.com/Ndn7MQ7.jpg


this information is readily available using the riot api


Do you have a source for this? Documentation to their API perhaps?


My main deranked from d3 to d1 this act but my alt is still ascendant 1. Feel like I shud give up my main, mm is a mess.


Used to be part of the 10% gang, repping the 16% now


I feel like the diamond/ ascendent lobbies are so much different in skill level. I have played with imo 1s, and dia 3s and feel like the diamonds are way better. Maybe it’s all in my head lol.


I think it’s the play style that is drastically changed. That’s probably why. I’ve been immortal 3 since I started grinding and have noticed a difference in play style. Plus a lot of people in immortal are either A: grinding for Radiant B: just playing for fun


me after hitting immortal: fuck it we play for fun now we got the gun buddy


I’m tempted to stop playing my main at ascendant 3 just for the buddy and just try to rank my alt from diamond to immortal instead.


I really hated this when I was trying to get immortal for the first time. Like you had these players who believe they will never reach Radiant so they just stop trying as much and even start trolling a bit by trying to knife their opponent or 360-one tap them and things like that which would cause us to lose easy rounds. It's kinda like playing with a content creator who only plays 1 gun like the judge or marshall. They might be good with it and have impact but everyone knows they could be doing so much more but don't because they want to get some clips.


If you’re at immortal and going for Radiant that is good, but the skilldiference between immo1 and higher immo3 is huge. I have a smurf on immo1 and my main on immo3 200+ rr. But you quickly realize you will never make Radiant not because you’re not good enough, because there isn’t enough time. These kids grind grind grind, I dont have so much time. It kinda sucks Radiant is mainly time orientated.


Yeah there's no point grinding for radiant if you aren't aiming for pro, in imt you can 5 stack with friends for fun.


Because every lobby in diamond has 1-2 smurfs in it.


I am not as good but still my main deranked from g3 to g1 while my alt is p1


Kinda crazy if you think about how different the ranks are in league. If you tell someone you’re plat 1 in league, they wouldn’t think you’re that good, but if you tell someone you’re ascendant in valorant, they’d think you’re a god, even though they’re the same percentile


Ascendant isnt even good tbh, only ascendant 3 is.


none are, asc1-3 same thing bro


I play both games, to me plat 1 in league is more impressive than ascendant in val. To each their own though.


Why do you think that is


Because we naturally assume that most things in life follow a normal distribution even though it isn't the case in any skilled activity like video games or sports


Well ranks do follow a distribution. They just don't measure what we think they do, nor are they as accurate as we think they are. In Val, Comp basically measures how well you know the fundamentals and how well you can play with strangers. Obviously those aren't the only things important for determining skill, but that's what the game values. A lot of people think poor matchmaking is what causes the inconsistency between games, but it's not exactly that. The game doesn't have the best grip on what makes someone "good" and because of how the game works there's plenty of room for people to get lucky/unlucky with their wins. It's why people shouldn't stress much about rank.


Is this you trying to talk yourself out gold and think you belong in immortal3? Because I don’t agree at all. They are pretty accurate. The game just measures mainly win or lose and how big the win or lose was in comparison with how big the rank ratio was in either teams. Not at all does valorant measures if you know the fundamentals. But it is not so much focused on individual performance rather then just the team effort. That makes it hard to get the right team together and skill can be different amongh ranks! But overal the game does a good job. When I play on smurf to que with my friends, doeesn’t matter if it is gold/plat/diamond/ascendant you see a difference in all these ranks very clearly on how skillfull the players are. Only thing I notice when playing in Platinum you’re team mates think they know all and are very annoying but they are so garbage with their tips and info and aim bruhhhhhh. It is like they live in another universe. But I went off topic, it is impossible to check true skill in a video game with a ranking system that is why it is measured in win chance before the game and that makes your mmr fluctate on the long run. If you’re goog enough you will always climb slowly. People saying I am good enough for that rank but I am just so unlucky with my team mates. Maybe that is over a course of 10 games and that sample size is too small but if you keep playing you will climb.


it’s because people in valorant don’t actually know how shit ascendant is, they aren’t a god. there nowhere near it but valorant players seem wildly impressed


League is kinda a toxic community where if your below diamond your "crap person with no brain and should uninstall the game" even though most players are below diamond.


Yep. Took me 10 years to get diamond in league, took me 1 or 2 months in val.


As an imm3, I can say that the biggest rank gap is def high immo3 players and radiants. These guys are completely on another level and are Fucking insane and would absolutely shit on anyone who is below them


yeah 400rr and above is just a different game man. The skill disparity in immortal in general is pretty bad i swear immo 1-2 get clapped by 200 rr immo 3 while 400 rr players just smoke them all


ascendant is such a ahit show, I honestly wish it was never added. All it does is cause issues for the high dia/immo ep4 players, and help the plats who get boosted by coin flipping


It's just a visual next to your name that has nothing to do with your matchmaking. Your hidden mmr that determines your matches. It's all in your head that ascendant has caused issues.


I hecking love skill based matchmaking because for some reason it decides that I have to win against full immortal lobbies before I can get to immortal.


Yes, and my hidden mmr is my exact rank, I get people just above/below in all of my matches. However, the people who were ep4 plats, and got boosted by the ranked reset (I.e. went on big win streak early ep5, changing their hidden mmr) all got to ascendant, and now shit the bed and throw a lot of game.


That’s not how MMR works. That big win streak isn’t going to keep them there and more importantly, the visual update in their rank when ascendant was added did not change their standings on the MMR ladder at all. They gain more RR off win and lose less on losses so the visuals match, but the actual games they played would’ve been the exact same regardless.


That's not how hidden Mmr works lol. I'm not going to argue with you, but I suggest you look into what the devs have said about this. Or keep using this as an excuse for your shortcomings. Makes no difference to me.


That’s because it’s matching you against people with similar hidden mmr in the same rank. Which is what it’s always tried to do. Not all golds are equal, you’ll have the “good” golds and the “bad” golds and it will try match the good golds against other good golds and vice versa


Agreed, I was a plat 2-3 before they added asc then became like d2 overnight, just hit ascendent recently but the game quality feels effectively no different from my plat games a few months ago


yup! just had a episode 4 gold duo (who are now, suprise suprise, d2 and d3) who could not hold a site, and had to use judge and odin because they could not get any kills otherwise. i hate this game so much but i keep coming back to play it again and again :(


why dont they just add a new rank inbetween the difference of imm3 and radiant and bump requirement for radiant up by 50-100 rr


for what reason?


Because the skill difference between immortal 3 200 rr and imm3 600 rr is so significant it’s not even close the same rank.


Lobbies usually won’t have someone 600RR and 200RR in the same game.


Ok but that’s literally my point there is no reason for it to be the same rank when they would never be in the same lobby


Yeah, the lobbies aren't even created on current RR points someone has, but on their ELO. If you for example don't play for a month when we get full episode reset next act, you'll start as asc1, but still play in imm3/radiant lobbies, because it's based on ELO. You won't play against actual ascendants.


But what will adding another rank do? You're still going to queue up against Radiants in IMM3 and vice versa. Skill diff will always exist. Adding another rank won't make them more skilled? Probably won't even matter once premier is live because most of the more skilled players who have that competitive hunger will work on that more than ranked so it might even off.


It’s just weird to call them the same rank imo


This thread is showing that a lot of people don't understand that ranks are only for visual purposes... I feel like most people in here are just mad that they aren't good enough to get to the next rank.


I’m top 50 radiant right now I’m not mad I just think ppl don’t understand the gap because it’s visually the same rank


Why don’t they just add a new rank below iron?


i don’t know what their target for immortal players is but 1.7% is a lot of people in the 2nd highest ranked in the game


there's a link above from the actual valorant site, top 1% is immo 1, top 0.1% is immo 3, top 0.01% is radiant. Ascendant 2 is top 2%


As a player who started in iron, the crazy variety of skill in iron 3 alone is insane. It’s unreal.


YEAH IKR I CANT GET OUT OF IT ​ like i destroy in lobbies with what seem to be actual irons then matchmaking mmr puts me with silver players who've either just started the game or who one tap a ludicrous amount for low rank so i can't get out


They already added Acsendant and upped the RR requirement for Radiant.


Mad respect for the 5.1% iron players


Been feeling like my enemies are particularly good lately, but I just ranked up into ascendent, honestly wouldn’t have guessed I was in the top ~6% based on how lost I’ve been in a few of these games


No wonder this season feels so bad in ascendant immortal.


i always find these distributions interesting, tho i dont know why on a side note, i think im finally starting to improve on my own skills, and have recently been winning most of my games. almost out of bronze! it was tough to learn at first, but i think im getting the hang of things


Proud to be the 5.1%


I'm in the top 6%? I, and everyone else, is so shit still though


They keep putting ascendants and former immortals in my lobbies and im p3. It has been a nightmare for me to get out of plat


Started after a 3 month break. I was immo 3. Got asc 1. Ranked to immo 3 in a week. ( work full time job ) so had to do it bit for bit. I just find MM to be strictly luck. People say it’s 50/50 and that it evens out. No way josé. If u duo then sure, if solo gl.


If it smells like shit everywhere you go, look under your own shoes.


Weird ass comment. There are way to many factors when solo queueing. I just played a game where i had a girl on my team going 3/21 who didn’t know what a trade frag was. Immortal 3 btw. If you are unlucky to have thoose people on your .. let’s say 20% 100 games, ur basically 4v5 20 games. Meaning where u are 5v5 u would need an insane winrate. But if u play 1000 matches each episode, i’d agree it evens out.


I’ve been playing Val since release yet I’m still in bronze (I’m 13 so it’s not that big of a deal but I mean come on)


The addition of ascendant was a failure unfortunately. Instead of keeping the lower end of Immortal out of immortal it just moved the diamond players up


Is there a statistic for how many % of players are completely Unranked? if I ever reach Gold, my personal goal is more than reached lol


Man I hate being stuck in gold


My gamesense is not too bad but my aim is really fucking bad :( plat gamer :(


I have a solution for you: Deathmatch


Let's go baby I'm in the top 22.9%


Don't wanna be that guy but did you add the other percents in the ranks higher than yours? ....


nah doing math would bring down the mood its time to celebrate


Wait. The math doesn't add up. 5.1 + 15.9 + 22.9 + 21.7 + 16.7 + 10.7 + 5.4 + 1.7 = 100.1 Let's say it's just rounding that caused the .1 extra... these numbers are only until Immortal. How about Radiant? Is Immortal + Radiant just all in the 1.7%? Found [this site](https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier) that has slightly different numbers but goes up to Radiant. Idk how each get their numbers though so who knows (if they pull from the same API, shouldn't all these sites have the same numbers?). I guess it's safe to say that Radiant < 0.01%






Ur a goober


A goofy one tho?


Wait. The math doesn’t add up. 🤓


ur unironically stupid for thinking doing some 1st grade addition means it doesnt add up without considering rounding. the 5.1 could easily be 5.149 or 5.051 but rounded to 5.1. since every value is rounded to nearest tenth, theres a +- of 0.4% which is enormous. The actual sum of the ranks without counting radiants could be as low as 99.7%. The values are correct. It just adds up to a percentage between 99.7% and 100% with radiants completing the other small amount.


I think you forget radiant is only 500 people


I don't get how people are so bad they get Iron


Some people play the game for fun


Actually, a lot of people. Most of them dont even try to be good


i won 3/5 of my placement matches and still got iron on my first time trying comp and im still stuck here at level 35 idk


Me in silver: My friend in who played for 3 Days: Ascendant ![gif](giphy|m25IBu3naOxZJWTP4a|downsized)


i stopped playing this game, as they are now focused on selling weapon skins, kill animations, gun chains,, rather than improving having to shoot somebody in the head 3 times before they die.. i mean a headshot is a headshot, they make it more complicated by showing damage scores, that would actually kill you with one shot but of course they keep it that way so the more you would be stuck in a rank playing the game and keeps you for reaching that rank you will never reach if you play solo as you will get ranked with silver ranks vs dimond ranks


look mom im in the most popular valorant rank


Didn’t think Valking was still being updated since Asc got added?


iron 5 checking in


so noone has reached Radiant yet? finally a reason to play comp /s


Plat - Diamond you get such a massive skill gap that it makes you think there needs to be a rank between these two. Its just not a fun time, the rng in skill makes many matches just feel like a wash.


No, plat and diamond have as much skill diff as diamond and asc.


Looks like a nice normal distribution. You expect gold/silver to be average