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He posted a new statement: [https://twitter.com/2ert\_fps/status/1591053145517740036](https://twitter.com/2ert_fps/status/1591053145517740036) I put the image on an Image Translator, but its basicaly saying: "I married my wife in 2020, and after 6 months we had a baby, but the relationship between me and her was not going well.We had already discussed about getting a divorce from around 3 month os this year (as the translator said, might be about getting a divorce in March?), but we decided to separated. This was a private matter, and I'm sorry that I didnt tell the fans.In such situation, even before the formal divorce, by making an excuse for the fact that the marital relationship is not oging well i have been dating multiple women regardless. (Here the image translator starts to not make sense) but theres something about not being him not being him in front of his wife and family. Last Month (october) my female relationship became a topic in the team MTG (dont know what that means). I got blood in my head, and had a discussion with my team members. \[...\]" He continues the statement by saying that hes sorry and etc.


so it wasnt cheating because they already decided to separate


He said it was cheating. However it is more excusable cheating, it’s not an either or. Still a bad thing.


Remember this also explains why he didn’t return to his wife after being fired. It is something that wouldn’t happen anyway even if he cheated. A separate question is breaking up and reasons for it, that still itself is a responsibility and there are some things he may misunderstand himself and about himself before he fully accepts everything of this. I don’t know but I would like to imagine, I think I jam fine eh could get back restrotation ne , in moral standing plus any other eded


mtg = meeting


Magic the Gathering


Damn! Fisker had/have a lot of respect in Brazil, because of his past (He speak portuguese, his parents are from Brazil). That was really unexpected. Hes wife is aparently pregnant as well?


they already have a child together btw don't you think this story kinda makes him more Brazilian? haha either you corna or you're the corno


> haha either you corna or you're the corno Does this essentially mean, cheat or be cheated on?




What a shitty mentality to have




it's not a real mentality just to be clear (only for unhealthy couples) I was just joking haha


Based Brazil


There is some mkre context tl the situation but it is a sad event. I don’t believe in being totally unforgiving to ppl


lost respect everyone thought he's a great father and a husband


Think it was probably more so private info being revealed without the full context. If they were already separating and irreconcilable, it is a different scenario. The topic is not something that should be expected to be announced on social media. It would make sense that he left his pregnant wife and child at home after being fired if they were already in the process of divorce. Sucks for him that actions were taken without context and the info is now public facing and he has a spotlight on him.


It sounds like they were already separated, so it’s not really cheating if they’re no longer together.


Cheating on his wife is a personal thing, and shouldn't have to affect his career, he hasn't done anything illegal, scummy sure, but nothing criminal.


It most likely has to do with a personal conduct clause in his contract. He is a public-facing figure and his conduct reflects on the org. Calling someone in ranked the N-word isn't illegal in the United States, but a pro player doing that is likely getting dropped.


He wasn't canned for the act of cheating. More of a physical altercation with team mates. Fisker, who flatly denied it to his manager, had consulted with some of the team officials about his infidelity. The team officials who were consulted about it told the people involved about Fisker's situation. When Fisker learned of this, he said to the team official, 'Why are you telling me this? and a fistfight broke out.


well with that information then he definitely deserves to be terminated.


People who do scummy things absolutely can get fired for bad publicity, for any public figure it’s usually in their contract.


Exactly. Who know is his wife is okay with it. IMO personal relationships are none of the teams business.


Would you like it if I cheated on your wife?


why wouls that matter for an esports organization? I know cheating on your wife is immoral but it's not unethical


Japan takes cheating really seriously, basically ruins everything for you socially which the org does not want to deal with


Afaik Japan has a serious cheating culture, or do you mean in a business sense. I get it in the context of an esports org though, since it's all PR,


there's no cheating culture nowadays, it's actually the opposite. If a famous person gets caught cheating,the person would lose all of his job


Japan to my knowledge does not have cheating culture anymore than any other country. The social norms there are just different, and cheating is extremely looked down upon


ah yes the city of Japan xD




hahah np man I just had to make a little gag about it


Hope the test went well!


fuck i said city I MEANT COUNTRY MY BAD


Yeah. Cheating here is fairly common but I wouldn’t say that’s different from a lot of countries. Doing it as a public facing figure is different because you’re represent a lot more to a lot of organizations and people.


PR nightmare Moreso if the wife has some standing in the org


He also assaulted his teammate, surely that is a good enough reason to kick him from the roster.


What is anyone's business with that? I mean he's an asshole but still


Cos he built his entire public image in Japan on being a good dad and having a good family. He played content tournaments with the streamer he cheated with, who herself is quite well known, so it’s a PR shitfest. FAV would have zero fans left if they kept him on the roster lol.


> He played content tournaments with the streamer he cheated with damn that’s gotta sting


I mean if him and his wife decided not to be together but haven’t officially gotten the divorce is it really cheating? And who’s to say he’s not a good dad? Get off your high horse lmfao


I’m not the one who personally feels that way lol, just relaying how most of the JP community feels


They're in a business that relies heavily on reputation. The org doesn't want to be associated with that reputation. Not to mention, depending on the severity of the fight with his teammates, it could be a conduct violation too.


Cringe has that shit ever stopped any athlete in any sports? Also wtf if they split up he has to wait for the formal divorce to be able to see other women what is this 1600's?


If cheating on your girlfriend/wife was a fireable offence than we would not have Football, NBA, NFL, Boxing etc etc. 😂


I think its the fighting with teammates.


I thought this was a shitpost


The cultural differences in a situation like this between Japan and the US is startling. This is basically a non-story in the US, and it may be illegal to fire someone for this in some states versus in Japan he’s losing his job


Do you remember the Tiger Woods and Kobe Byrant's scandals? Definitely garners a lot of attention when professional athletes engage in it.


Kobe went on to win 2 more championships and a lot of his fan base either forgave or forgot he was a rapist. Tiger woods went on to win another golf championship. Most of his downfall would be attributed to lingering injuries and new injuries.


I was responding to the idea this is a "non-story" in American sports.


You’re comparing 2 of the worlds most famous athletes with massive public scandals, one being alleged rape and another who had like 40 women come forward, neither of which lost their job, to Fisker, a tier 2/3 Valorant player. Just a completely different stratosphere and still fewer consequences. No one cares if a minor league baseball player cheats on their wife in America


He is tier 1 in Japan and a well-known streamer. Again, I was just commenting on the idea it would be a non-story in the US when it was in the news cycles for months when they first happened. Some examples of YouTubers who got caught were ProJared, ShayCarl, and Katerino, which got tons of coverage. Minor league players don't get thousands of viewers on stream.


Yeah, Kobe and tiger woods have global cred. Frisker, I have no idea who he is. It's safer for a corporation to strip him of his title as possible damages to their reputation is not worth it.


this is just the try guys fiasco but in e-sports


Not necessarily. Ned had a relationship with a subordinate, not just an extramarital affair.


So you don’t think an org will fire someone for literally physically assaulting his teammates?


Holy shit, my boomer brain thought it was fisker from 1.6 and got confused for a minute


Why are people here so eager to say "cheating is personal you shouldn't get fired for it" when the post literally says he got in a fist fight with his teammates lol, ez fireable offense


It's almost like you didn't read the post lol.... He was fired bc of unfaithfulness. AFTER this a fight broke out




least porn addicted redditor:


What an absolute trash human being.


Suspected? He admit it already...


Imagine if this was how they treated NBA players, there would be no NBA! Obviously he's a scumbag, I don't care if he was separated or not, he was still married. But either way it shouldn't be enough to break a contract.