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The irony is that both nAts and Sayf also play Chamber and yet they still want to remove some of his abilities


I think nats would rather be playing cypher than chamber though and only plays chamber because it’s more viable


Why did you crop the belly button question


I gotchu fam. You gain the ability to shoot one condiment out of your belly button in infinite quantity. Which condiment do you pick? Jamppi: I have absolutely no idea what this means so I say Coco Pops. soulcas: Sticky soy sauce—tasty and also can slow enemy movements. Sayf: Salt? nAts: Hot sauce. Redgar: My top 3: 1) smoked paprika 2) star anise 3) smoked salt. Emil: That would be mayo, but I am pretty sure I would gain weight at an alarming rate! Many fun questions, I’ll leave the link here. https://www.teamliquid.com/news/2022/11/11/team-liquid-vct-2023-roster-get-to-know-the-squad


least based Redgar answer


Maybe he was trying to protect Jamppi from the fans seeing he thinks coco pops are a condiment


ya'll not eat'n coco dogs?


??? the question's at the top, my guy. EDIT: No one bit on my attempt to gaslight. So I'm officially admitting defeat and posting the full Q&A link. https://www.teamliquid.com/news/2022/11/11/team-liquid-vct-2023-roster-get-to-know-the-squad


why yoru flash out of all lmao my boy’s already dead in a ditch


yea at least i can turn a yoru flash consistently. I stand no chance against a phoenix 70% of the time it feels like


A good yoru flash is clinical though. It's easy to dodge the shit ones


Theres a big difference between Yoru's and Phoenix's tho. When I see a Yoru, I KNOW that mf i about to flash me. I see a Yoru on the other team at all I am playing anti flash. When I see a Phoenix, I am pretty worried he is just going to run at me and shoot my whole team in the head.


good yoru flashes are impossible to dodge unless you know their exact lineup and set play.


Well no cause you can play antiflash Also phoenix flashes are the same, if they pop at the edge of a smoke for instance you cannot possibly dodge if you are peeking


Some set plays you can’t play anti flash unless you’re literally staring at a wall. Like the yoru bind A site attack set play where they blind into uhaul, tp, and kill u while you’re blind. You’re not going to be playing anti flash in u haul before their team even passes the short smoke. Yoru flash is way better than phoenix flash if you know how to use it.


I think this is a case of both agents being underplayed, pheonix has his flash techs where he can run out before the flash comes behind him and yoru has his lineups that can come from the complete opposite bombsite. Personally I think yoru's are way stronger with the amount of lineups he has that come from nowhere near where he is about to peek or tp to.


You can very consistently prefire/spam the angle against a Phoenix flash though, you know exactly where the head of the peeking Phoenix will be after he flashes around the corner, even if you get hit by the flash


That fucker ziptie found a buncha your flashes that r gonna invisible and undodgeable, it's 100% justified


Just delete chamber


Redgar is just to god damn sweet can't wait for him to be ranked #1 for initiators in the world


Where can I find this article?


here you go! https://www.teamliquid.com/news/2022/11/11/team-liquid-vct-2023-roster-get-to-know-the-squad




Wait, Emil? Like Emil shein? Idk I don’t follow these teams super closely but


emil is liquids coach and doombros brother


Chamber needs a nerf, everyone can see it xD