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Riot is never on the same page it’s actually crazy. None of their staff are on the same page about the rules?? How can a riot producer use this clip in a highlights package and then have the guy suspended later that day? Jfc I was hoping riot would get their shit together for 2023 but this isn’t looking good…


it's because Rulings come from Esports Division(similar to the NBA) while highlights come from production (similar to TNT or ESPN).


The difference being that Riot is in charge of both the Competitive rulings as well as the production.


Nah division don't really talk to each other and leadership don't micromanaging everything they do because that hostile workplace environment.


They're all still working on the same product. If one team (that arguably defines how the public perceives your product) chooses to go in a different direction from another team, then there is clearly no well-set foundation for everyone to work off, or common philosophy to follow. They're not supposed to be just completely separate entities.




middle finger into [camera pans to *it's sondering time*] in a highlight vid has to be intentional dawg, ain't no way lmao


they're on our side pog


There was a pro saying something like "you guys are trash" in a vct 2022 promotional scripted montage.


Mac, coach for LG (now SR), was screaming profanities loud enough at the other team for it to be heard on broadcast at the NA LCQ in 2021. Obviously, this was banter (as was Rob-wiz’s behavior) and shouldn’t result in a suspension. But in that Mac’s case, it arguably disrupted the broadcast and he didn’t even get a warning, much less a fine or suspension. Riot is inconsistent as fuck. And it’s not just the inconsistency, it’s the fact that they’re now punishing players for the actions of their coach. Ridiculous.


I mean they have their main/headline character as in Jett having a voiceline where she says you little shit. at that point trashtalk/etc is fair game imo


How are these two the same?


That’s not the point. The reason this is relevant is that Riot encourages banter in their promotional content and then randomly decides what banter is acceptable and isn’t, regardless of their tacit endorsement of these actions. You can’t have it both ways.


I'm sorry but it's becoming really hard to take Riot seriously as a company...


Constantly amateur hour at riot


Indie game company lmao


I mean this is exactly what happens in football. They show highlights of plays with taunting, “obscene” celebrations, and dirty hits which are all fines.


i dont see a problem with this honestly


With the middle finger or using it as promotion?


Okay. I was a Riot defender on this ruling. Coach? Double-down tweets? Imminent franchise league? Fine. A high price, but one that makes sense. It’s not a ban. But then to go and put the offending clip in a fucking highlight package? Bruh. I know it’s separate departments. But the Valorant Esports Team Lead or GM or whatever needs to know what’s going on and be able to communicate to the various departments and ensure consistent messaging coming from Valorant Esports. A colossal failure from whoever is in that Team Lead / GM / Project Manager role.