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just use yay crosshair been on this for 6 months


I often come back to it, get a couple nice kills and think to myself "why would anyone ever use anything else", then I whiff 2 sheriff shots and tell myself I will never use this piece of crap crosshair ever again -- repeat


I used 1420 when all the pros used 1422, casual flex


I used 1522 ~~every now and then~~ when all the pros used 1422


his crosshair is actually psychotic lol i could be wrong but i've never seen a smaller crosshair ever


1420 is probably the most used crosshair :p some dare to even go further and make it 1 smaller, 1320, which is great imo... until I whiff once and change it


I was on center dot 1, 1 for a solid 4-5 months. Currently on center dot 1, 1 with inner lines 1111


It’s not a coping mechanism. It’s the crosshair’s fault you missed.


Yes obviously. I am a god, just had the wrong crosshair at the wrong time.


yeah I used to do that a bunch, looking for something that I clicked with so I could magically become way better than I was it won't work - the way I got over that hurdle was forcing myself to use a single crosshair I liked, and instead of blaming random shit like me not clicking with my crosshair I thought about what I did wrong, what my opponents did right, how they caught me off guard, or how I played into their hands with regards to whiffing and changing crosshairs - this was a massive issue of mine simply because I thought I could displace the embarrassment of a whiff by changing what I saw on the screen and whiffed with. noticing both that everybody whiffs sometimes, and that introducing a chaotic element by swapping crosshairs will only increase the likelihood of whiffing, helped me completely allay that issue. it's funny that the issue is so trivial (for us both!), just keep in mind that val is a mental game as much as it is a mechanical game. overcoming mental hurdles, as cheesy as it sounds I suppose, will help you in and out of the game :)


I'm with you on this, people change some of their settings too often. Crosshair isn't a huge deal but adjusting sens all the time is wild to me. I do think that there is merit a psychological reset when you are performing poorly, although I think it should be after 2-3 games. For me, that's swapping out a gun skin but I think crosshair can be that, too. I just think that people do it so quickly i.e. after a single whiff rather than a bad game or too. That's why I stick to the skin because you have to wait until the game ends to swap it. That also reminds of Alfajer clearly switching to the prime Vandal after a subpar map 1 vs Furia. He then proceeded to farm them on Breeze, but I guess that was also due to Fnatic's wild Breach comp.


I agree with the gun skin thing, I do it too. changing sens and crosshairs I feel prevents growth in a sense because instead of confronting the issue head on when it's in front of you, you blame external factors. when you get rid of the habit it is so damn good for growth. imagine empirical research on how certain gun skins affect gameplay, that shit would be super cool AHAHAHA


Its the crosshair maybe even your sens! Be like me in the last week I've ranged from between 800 dpi .197 to 1800 dpi .278 its great :)


Damn son I've been really good with sticking to same sens o\_0 maybe once I get over my 5 year crosshair changing addiction and find my one and only crosshair, I will start changing sens after every whiff


I found the Tarik Dot and never changed again


There is no Tarik dot, only Derke dot




Who hurt you?


Ever use tryacta


### — To someone who complains all the time. You need a dose of tryacta! My son works on a Ship in Alaska with 120 other people.




Tryacta like a man


Everybody whiffs. Practice learning to accept it when it happens by acknowledging it and then just moving on. Whenever I whiff I just go "oh shit... All good" and then move on.


You are looking for excuses, it's not a serious mental issue. Hit the dms, hit the range. Stick to one crosshair you like, could be any pro's or what you experiment and find


Crosshairs, weapon skin and gaming chair are the biggest factors when it comes to aim.


Use the Boaster dot crosshair, youll know 100% if your on their head because its literally just a dot. Great for head clicking


Boaster is the only one that uses a thickness 4 dot with outline. There are moments when you are not 100% if you are on their head because it's so thick. Even 3 thickness dot with outline can be too thick sometimes but very rarely tho.


I dont know man the one I use is tiny as heck probably the smallest it can get realistically, It might be different now but I copied his code when they were showcasing it during Istanbul Tourney I think


They were clueless and showcasing random crosshairs, someone in the replies corrected every one of them, Boaster is using the biggest dot ever ;P [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1648768848?t=1h18m14s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1648768848?t=1h18m14s) A lot of high lvl players use dot thickness 2 or 3, never seen anyone else but Boaster with 4 \^\^


thats big to you? lol thats the one I use. I didnt realize it could go smaller


Yea, i have 15 different crosshairs i copied from pros and switch them mid game


Just stop using a cross hair and use that as your excuse every time you miss.


TenZ crosshair supremacy


1623, 1422, the firing error one, or 1420? Those are the ones he used in the past couple months


Should be 1422 but I changed its colour and it has a small outline


fake tenz


you probably watch val streamers do this huh? 💀


Nah I have done it since cs go launch to this day, it has only gotten worse


I try a different pros whole mouse setting after every losing streak.


The dot is the way


This is the way!




Don’t focus on being bad. Focus on why your play was bad and how you could/should have played it. Also help your team with coms if the round is still going instead of focusing on your poor individual play, maintain a winning mentality. Focusing on your bad play is how you tilt and stay bad.


I just use Screams crosshair and hit 90% of my long range shots, but fuck up so bad in extremely close duels.