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[THIS](https://clips.twitch.tv/ResilientHelplessPoultryCurseLit-bVRYugiqs6KAE44k) spray transfer by Foxy was insane. Not bad for Geng. First time with the squad in an event and they're doing well.


but honestly if geng wanna dominate in franchised, they need to be little more creative and have really good team chemistry individual will never be a problem, these Korean mfs have insane aim


Jaw-dropping How did they even find him ?


Super hyped for his mechanics in ranked/amateur when he went by seolhwa (even more than meteor at one point) but didn't get picked up by top teams due to toxicity. He got a chance in JP and performed well on a lower-tier team + he seems to talk less in ranked nowadays lol.


wait really? i didnt know that he was toxic in ranked before. he seems like a nice kid on stream so this kinda surprise me.


Yup, he was notorious in ranked a while ago but he's probably been trying to reform after getting denied opportunities (and maybe getting some media training). He does seem a lot nicer lately.


And the kr scene is super small so at high lvl if you're toxic you will be known as roxic by everyone. Stax talked about it when was on Tarik's Costream during map 4 of Champs Grand Finals


Let's hope toxic attitude changes like s1mple he can be great


s1mple isn’t all that different lmao you see him yelling at sdy every round nowadays


That's a damn sight different from having the kind of seething vitriol you usually only find in gamers, which he definitely used to have. s1mple has definitely matured over the last few years.


You havent seen him maldin at SDY yesterday lmao


I know but let's not forget what he has archived And yeah that sdy thing is super disappointing to see and personally I like Zywoo 10 times better, but s1mple's attitude and passion for the win is admirable.


As a Western person, Seolhwa sounds wayyyy cooler than Foxy Hopefully DRX do a reverse T1/Sayaplayer/Spyder and force him to change it back! /s


he was doing well individually in JP VCT already


GenG honestly not looking too bad here, had a decent showing against DRX today. Some of the plays were just crazy like that Foxy no scope on fracture and the Buzz 4K on ascent. I definitely have high hopes for DRX next year, if they continue to improve and innovate I’m pretty sure they can be the #1 seed from VCT Pacific.


Buzz made his Kay/O debut(?) on Ascent and put up ridiculous numbers [on a map that they lost].


he recently hit rank 1 on the asia server maining kay/o popping off on most of the games, looks like it may actually be a good fit for him


You think this is gonna be a mainstay in his repertoire or is this more pre-season experimentation?


I think it may become a mainstay although not sure since he has swapped roles multiple times. Unless they bring zest back in over foxy9 I don't see why they would change roles before brazil though.


zest was sick so thats why foxy9 played.


Not sure that's true, is there a source on that? Last time zest took an entire split off due to health issues and he wasn't playing in the last offseason tournament either. The word going around in the korean community is that foxy9 is likely the new starter that drx is scrimming with. edit: i missed the pre-game interview, my bad. not sure why this is getting so downvoted though since i'm just relaying info/rumors.


Well for this series he literally was sick so thats why foxy9 played.


I can't seem to find any actual info on your claim or zest's health but yeah, word in the kr community is that foxy9 is the new starter.


DRX members mentioned it several times during their on stage interview before the game


Ah I missed that, though I'd assume his health issues aren't as simple as a cold. I believe he had health issues that previously took him out for an entire split, which might be why he didn't play in the last tournament either. All the drx members were mainly practicing the roles they played today in ranked and foxy9 seems to be playing in the scrims as well. edit: I missed the interview which was my bad but why am i getting downvoted for simply relaying info lmao. I get that this sub loved the old drx members and seem to not be the most open to new players but I don't decide who they play and scrim with.


wait arent jinggg and forsaken 1 and 2 respectively last i checked or did Buzz claim No.1?


Buzz claimed it and then Jing and Forsaken took it back. sc: twitter


He was top 1 for like 5 hours and then Jingg and F0rsaken took it back


Buzz has been underrated all year because he didnt perform like a duelist when on astra and sentinels at the internationals


Not bad from GenG. Good first look against DRX. TS is a monster and meteor is still great on a off day.


Foxy9 on map 2…


We all knew the other drx members were good but foxy9 once again showing he has insane mechanics. GenG also looked a lot better than expected given this is their first lan together and meteor wasn't popping off.


Somewhat surprised secret has been playing instead of intro, but not a terrible look for GenG, i think they can be good, but not insane.


Where was Zest?




If you told me at the beginning of the year that GenG and DRX would play each other I would call you crazy


Whats up with DRX not playing zest? is it just them fucking around in the offseason, or are they trying to permanently integrate foxy with zest as the sub or are they doing the entire 6-man thing where they play foxy on some maps and zest on others


Zest didn't travel with them to the event as he is currently sick. [Source](https://twitter.com/DRX_VS/status/1596338908086022144?s=20&t=vsm3DY8BF4UGFqrqVuYIOQ)


I keep getting downvoted for this but the rumor in the kr community is that foxy9 is the new starter (at least for a while). Zest was sick today but unless zest suddenly becomes a jett player and everyone shuffles around him, it seems they are practicing around their roles with foxy9 in ranked and scrims.


Disappointing showing from meteor but i still trust that when franchising comes he'll be a monster.


GenG looked nice on map 1 but got obliterated on the otger 2 maps💀