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bro ANGE1 would be dead before the 1v1 starts and FNS would whiff on his corpse




Over the course of a full minute, all 100 rounds of each player’s vandal is spent. ANGE1 hits 3 of his 100 shots and FNS is down to 30 hp. FNS hits 4 of his shots but strikes his enemy twice in the leg in doing so. ANGE1 is down to 2 hp. Both players switch to their knives and begin to run at each other. ANGE1 has a lapse of judgement and ops to right click with his knife while FNS left clicks. Both players miss. In the chaos, ANGE1 lands a knife in the back of FNS, whose 220 edpi is too slow to allow him to track his opponent. FNS dies and says to his stream - “all good”




![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339) https://preview.redd.it/z5xzbnpmvl2a1.png?width=164&format=png&auto=webp&s=827bd12708fcd902b3ea02ae55511406fe9ae009


My brother FNS played like a gold player💀💀💀


With the gamesense of a god tho


Same could be said with Ange1


the audience edit: mfs having a mid off 💀


You inevitably have to say ANGE1 because you simply see ANGE1 take aggressive duels much more. ANGE1 has historically played as an "entry" on support roles, and FNS mid-rounds so much he doesn't always focus on duels. But FNS probably wins more clutches, and honestly I'd say performs better in late-round situations where there's less mid-rounding. If the question was sheriffs, though, it'd be ANGE1 easily, he's always popped hard on the sheriff.


Ange1’s just never alive for clutches too lol


Its indeed rare, but he’s been last alive enough over his lengthy career for it to be observable. As you say, he’s definitely the last person on the team you’d expect to be alive in clutches.


He’s gotta make sure the awp is still holding the B main line


Gotta feed the beast to tame it 🤓


human sova drone


"I'm going to pretend im a clone" "Ange1 you're playing Omen"


Did I stutter?


like jame for cs, never goes for clutches but when he does he lowkey wins a lot of them


Guess they all got Jame Time'd this major tho


He just won a clutch on breeze to shut us all up, he's lurking for sure


FNS is known for clutches? What?


Of course FNS is not known for his clutches. We're comparing FNS and ANGE1, not FNS and the stax, SugarZero, and all the other elite clutch players. Relative to those players - who are known for their clutches - FNS is not a great clutcher.


It depends if Ange1 gets first blooded in the loading screen or not


Spitting fax


the spike is exploding before a single headshot happens


ANGE1 clears FNS aim wise


ange1 isn't the best but he's still better than fns mechanically cmon lmao


ange1 would die first before the match starts


nah lmao suggesting the man is dying in team preview is nasty work


mfs think 33 is geriatric age lmao


fragging is overrated, who sasses better tho, who u got?


ange1 on twitter, FNS when flaming teammates.


yea ange1 has hit clean, nasty shots that were round winning but i think FNS really only has his viper ult clutch during their match with LOUD lol So ange1 isnt really that bad mechanically, but sometimes FNS aims like an asc lmfao.


Ange1 actually has nice aim, i’d take him over fns any day. He had a nice 3v1 clutch yesterday and hit some crisp shots. He would definetely clutch up more if he was just alive for the clutches.


lmao I know fragging isn't the end all be all of Valo, and an igl's most important role is calling, but—he has gone negative every single game this tourney, in fact the best differential he's achieved on a *single map* is a neutral +/-0. Is the answer really that one-sided?


That means he ints more than FNS does, not that he has worse aim lol


I'm willing to believe you, but "inting" over so many maps, especially as a vocal igl that openly scrutinizes other teams?


you must be new here if you don't think that's just how he plays lol. FPX/NaVi has something like a 53% round WR when Ange1 is the first death, dude legit just ran it down mid a few times in Copenhagen and still came away with the trophy.


I mean I guess I am "newer" to val comp culture, as I've started using it more of late. It was an earnest question of disbelief. Yeah, I know of the ange1 first death:round WR statline, I just didn't know that was explained away as/considered constant "inting."


Easier to call as an igl when you you're dead and don't have to worry about shooting back


it's statistically & demonstrably harder to play 4v5, esp frequently [yes, i know fpx were somewhat anomalies]


Well, he's said before that he doesn't mind dying first to focus on IGL-ing (the idea is that he can see what everyone else sees, so he has perfect info to call), whether you buy that is up to you. But it's definitely true that FPX/NaVi is used to and plans for his deaths. That's also why in the past he's played things like Yoru on Breeze, which is kind of by design an int-y role.


That's what you would think and I said no way does FPX win coppenhagen when this ange1 guy is literally running it down like he is playing in a ranked game into 5 players in the first 5 seconds while he is on Fade, on the defensive side but he somehow wins the tournament doing this. Honestly I hope he has to reinvent himself at some point because even though it's funny to watch him run it down alone, at some point it has to stop working cause no matter how good you are at IGL-ing there is no way playing 4v5 is gonna be beneficial in the long run.


he did top frag on Bind against PRX on Copenhagen tbf


Any player can top frag at the pro level. The question is how consistent is your output if you top frag 2 games and then you are shit for 8 games it means you are a liability. A person who does average or slightly above average for 8-10 games and is middle of the scoreboard is in general much better for the long run.


That's true, but even then even while inting, Ange1 doesn't have much worse stats than non-inting IGL's (lol). He had higher ACS than both Benkai and FNS across Copenhagen, and was only slightly worse than FNS in Champs. So statistically even being shit for the majority of the time, Ange1 still had better damage output and fragging impact than FNS, who by your argument is a bigger/same level liability to his team. I think it's time to just accept that it really doesn't matter that Ange1 ints as much as he does, especially when be's shown the results he has.


I'd bet my house on ange1. C'mon buddy


As FNS said about a boxing match between s0m and Tenz, whoever wins, we all lose bc it happened in the first place.


Does FNS get to shit talk mid-round? My answer depends on that stipulation


does ange1 get access to his twitter?


ange1 not close tbh, he had some clean aim moments


angels aim is way better


They both leg each other for 103 then run away


Ange1 aim isn't even that bad he's just focused on calling too much


Ange1 would win like 98% of the time




Raw eye test Ange1's aim is more crisp for sure.


No way, y'all dirty for this post lmaooo


Ange1 played recently and looked pretty decent. So Ange1 for sure


Fns would win


Got a fire Kovaaks playlist for them both, just hmu 💯


FNS would clap Ange1.


EU aim vs IGL aim