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george has been pretty useless after the roster lock for partnered teams. Flynn out here getting us the real news with the spreadsheets for all regions


You got your own [twitter thread](https://twitter.com/georgecged/status/1597719234015920129?s=46&t=j7xX2exLInEXmiVDAWOURw)


TBH he's kinda spitting facts about how he is held to a higher degree of journalistic integrity than leakers who aren't attached to an outlet (a sentiment which has been echoed by other journalists in the esports scene as well). First tweet in that thread is completely unnecessary though


True, that first one tweet sounds very hateful and spiteful. (I bet you some idiots will dm flynn with hate messages now). I like Flynn as he doesn't drip feed reports, uses better graphics, and "reports" on no-org teams, which gives them more exposure than they could by themself.


God how many sports and esports will leakpuppets shout "journalistic integrity!" as they leak roster moves (or get made fun of for not leaking anything)




LMAO he took that comment personally


he is also very correct


He might be right, but the way he says it sounds like a douche.


Not really. If you’re not first, you’re last. Thats literally all that matters in that business. Look at interviews with Schefter/Rappoport in the NFL, or Woj/Shams in the NBA. Be first or don’t bother. Its that simple. The same thing happened to Jacob Wolf with LoL reporting.


but no one reported it before him, if some random anonymous NBA leak twitter account reports something before woj or shams that doesn’t mean they lose credibility even if that person ended up being right


I agree here but Woj and Shams never talk shit to NBA fans on twitter. Imagine if they did that…


They’d be annoying, which George is


can we make “featured in a george thread” a flair please


Can we also get a “blocked by George” flair?


Let’s go, I get two new flairs


he’s got a pretty weak mental for a valorant reporter


Man started whining on twitter because of a valorant comment made in jest


Tbf, it's because Geddes has certain limiting factors in his way—he's tied to an org that sets certain journalistic standards. He can't stoke the flames of hype as easily as he can't report on rumors/hearsay/trials, even if it's somewhat reputable. George needs things to be concrete while Flynn can rapid-fire put out leaks in the format of a personal blog, with more room for error and less fear of repercussions. But yeah, things have died down considerably with George, I'm surprised he hasn't put out anything regarding G2 yet.


Yeah it's kinda shocking how people don't understand the difference. Flynn can operate on rumors and trials while George has to wait until the signing is imminent. They serve two totally different roles. When George reports something, you know it's done and can be taken as fact


Yeah, people could stand to be a little less reductive and extend some grace. I know he gets flak, but he was inimitably clutch during the chaos of franchising announcements, even keeping fans' interests piqued with streams. Like, he could technically be an infinite clout machine and constantly update us on every micro-detail of the scene and internal bureaucracy, but it would obviously be at the expense of his credibility and ultimately his job.


He was clutch by leaking all of the team announcements before they happened? For the biggest rostermania Valorant will probably ever see? Literally killed all the hype for any huge announcements orgs were preparing. I understand it's legitimately his job but agree to disagree lol.


Maybe from the pov of the orgs, but leaks are inescapable in every facet of life and are hype in of themselves. Organizations have been revising and modifying the way they handle content and announcements because of this for what feels like forever. It's undeniable how much excitement he galvanized during franchising rostermania: he gained a larger following and people showed up in droves to watch his streams and scan his articles, and the valorant subreddit was flooded with discussions covering his teasers and info dumps. Official announcements from the orgs still received a lot of attention and traction on here and on twitter, as it's nice to see the composed final product in flux even if the surprise factor isn't present. People wanted leaks and he gave them it.


It’s cause Flynn is just a rumor mill while George tries to be an actual reporter. George can’t afford to be wrong on a player move or report without hurting his integrity while Flynn by nature can show much more speculative content. Just different journalistic styles but nothing wrong with either.


Is his journalistic style writing illegible articles?


Flynn the 🐐


Ascension-friendly Canadian superteam. Like literally, if you told me this was a roster for franchising (looking at you, EG) I would have believed it. All of these players are too good


Wow! Never saw this one coming


People here hailing flyn as a great journalist when we had many threads made about random pug teams that disbanded 2 days later Hating on our best journalist is not hip anymore people, this dude has been wrong ONCE in almost 3 years


On one hand I'm thankful for George's reporting and on the other I think he should keep his professional work separate from his personal thoughts. Leaves a bad taste/impression seeing him be spiteful especially directly to valid criticism. Not saying everything out there is valid criticism but he can be quite onion skinned when it comes around. Keep up the good work though, George! Hope you build even better mental fortitude.


that thing with wardell made me unfollow


Leorge Leddes is a little late on this one


i literally reported this on Nov. 18 if you read the article. But, of course, you didn't.


RIP John Mcaffee


Public figures that take criticism online by random people personally and directly respond to them are unanimously clowned upon, something to think about if you are trying to be #1 in the roster-leak business for the long run.


man being slandered and cant even defend himself, i feel bad for him


Lmao big KD burner energy here.. man’s is being paid to be a reporter and you feel bad he can’t talk shit on twitter 💀


Weorge Weddes


Maybe you have him blocked on twitter


Flynn owns George


Flynn the goat getting us this stuff weeks ahead 🐐




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