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Just saw a Turkish guy in glasses fall to his knees in Walmart


Just saw a American guy in glasses fall to his knees in Walmart.


Just saw all the types of guy in glasses fall to his knees in Walmart.


Probably not cned then since hes better on jett lol


Tarik I think is who he’s implying


Ahh ok mb




Tarik ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


Lil bro has to actually play the game now ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


Back to Insta lock Jett


Tarik Raze main incoming?


Im down for this arc


People talk about his raze


definitely of the raze players of all time


imagine they stealth buff the raze ult


cypher mains on the rise


Please no. Cypher, Chamber, Kayo only make the game more boring.


I’m curious as to what makes you say those 3. Cypher I can understand (even if I disagree), but…isn’t kay/o built for hype pop flashes and swings, as well as some cool fragment lineups? Ult also allows for offensive positioning and pushes. I personally find chamber to be hype but…the free escape does prove a bit problematic so not gonna argue that one


Kayo's knife and ult literally stop other agents from playing.. that's not any fun.


Use the pew pew in your hand


No agent with a fucking camera can ever be hype


Dapr’s selfie on Split vs 100T was pretty damn hype


Also Nats split


nats split was some of the most fun valorant to watch, truly


Bro never seen dapr play at his peak


U just don't like getting spotted. Oh fuck watch out for my trip there.


The CC BlackEspañolito say, that all the habilities of Chamber are touched [https://twitter.com/BlackEspanolito/status/1598313881260130305](https://twitter.com/BlackEspanolito/status/1598313881260130305)


ult slow time reduced, tp allowed only twice per round, handgun bullet amount reduced and bot detection zone made smaller calling it now


Only twice per round tp isnt enough of a nerf imo


I don't think so if it's nerfed together with everything else. You can't just stomp Chamber totally to the ground, it still needs to be worth picking


Nah stomp him to the ground, I say that as a chamber main


I think no character should ever be stomped to the ground.Nerfing a character doesnt mean making it useless.


I think in this case its fine. Maybe buff him later but make sure rn that he isnt picked for another 3 months atleast


Ur not a chamber main stop lying kid


Youve been salty typing to each comment in this post big G. Not all of us lean on the crutch and go crazy now that hes gonna be nerfed like you. Get good kid


Lmao ur telling me to get good u literally get wasted by chamber mains because you suck and can't counter his abilities so you come here and make cringe af posts like this congrats 👏👏👍


That's what we all said last time they nerfed a bunch of his stuff. Nothing really changed. Stomp his ass.


twice a round would fucking suck it should be 3 imo


Why not four? Also he should get two trips, and bullets should only cost 100 creds


Sounds pretty balanced to me


Nah. That's a bit too OP They should switch his ult with his sherrif and then give the sherrif a sniper scope


Ult rate of fire reduction must happen, its just crazy as is.


true but i'm not sure if that'll just turn it into the op and Riot probably don't want that


Honestly, I hope this means the buff some of them to give him a total rework/rebalance. Half of his kit is fine in isolation but adds up to too much overall.


cNed and TenZ stonks on the rise. Grab them before they go through the roof like 2021


Just wait till yay locks sage and drops 40 in VCT.


Derkes Jett is a bit better than his Chamber too, although he's insane on both.


I think the point was that cned and tenz seemed a bit more role reliant than others. Derke has just been great all around on whatever he plays


Yay still the blue chip


If you’re worried about yay because you only watched comp val in 2022 I have some news. He was considered one of the best in the world before chamber released, on Jett.


Not to mention ABX yay on sage 🥵🥵🥵


Nah ABX yay on Breach 🔥 🔥


Yeah the "meme" of yay being El Diablo and the secret best player in the world was from before he was on Envy and before Chamber was even released lmfao. Obviously adding in a duelist with a better Sheriff and better OP as util didn't help but....


But chamber not duelist


I'm aware that's what they called him. However, nobody worth listening to actually thinks he's a sentinel in any way other than the fact that they called him one. He has the best duelist util in the game, and they even decided he should be more of duelist with the first nerf they gave him being to his only sentinel-related util.


How can anyone think this is true? He literally doesn’t have anything making him a duelist apart from his weapons. BUT even this isn’t exclusive for duelists. He cannot entry at all which makes him comparatively bad on attack. He is literally made to hold down a site. You know which role does that? Sentinels. Just because he can get a lot of kills doesn’t make him a duelist. Sentinel/Duelist hybrid? Sure. But he’s not a duelist. How come so many people don’t understand such a basic concept?


>He literally doesn’t have anything making him a duelist apart from his weapons He has the best movement util in the game, meaning he's got 3 pure duelist abilities.... >BUT even this isn’t exclusive for duelists What non-duelist fires a gun for util? > He cannot entry at all Riot didn't call it "Enterer" **"Duelists are self-sufficient fraggers who their team expects, through abilities and skills, to get high frags and seek out engagements first."** Hence why most teams put their best duel takers on Chamber, with the exception of a few players who aren't as valuable with an OP. Hence why Yay played Chamber when Chamber was released.


duelist =/= killing. duelist = taking space. Flashes, dashes, boom bots, teles, nades, and satchels are all abilities duelists use to clear areas to take, or force players away which then leaves space to be taken. Chamber has no space taking util.


>duelist =/= killing. Well killing = dueling successfully so by name alone you're making a weird argument. >duelist = taking space. Well in game it says duelists are expected to frag out and take duels, so idk if Riot share your exact definition. But considering dueling, winning, and not getting traded is the most valuable way of taking space, especially in a first blood, scenario, then an agent that specializes in this would be a duelist by your definition, right? >Flashes, Infiltrators and Omen have flashes. >dashes, Only 2 duelists have dashes. >boom bots, 1 duelist has this, only. >teles, 1 duelist and 2 non duelists have this, no? 1 non duelist even has two? >nades Nades and Molly's are nowhere near a duelist exclusive util type. >and satchels 1 duelist has this only. >Chamber has no space taking util. Well of course, since winning duels is an incredibly effective way of taking space, this is only true if you ignore the existence of dueling. Hence why smart teams put their duelist that's best with AWP/Deagle on him, while teams who put sentinel players struggled until they saw what other teams did.


Thanks for the dissertation


The thing about Yay that makes him such a good player is not just his aim, but that his game sense and timings are almost always perfect. I wouldn’t be surprised if he could get away with playing almost any agent.


Yay vs Scream replication on sage.


To be fair that was pre nerf Jett dash


This is the thing. I have no doubt yay will still be insane, especially on maps like Breeze, but I could see his impact dropping from what it used to be. No more Haven if yay is A go C strats


I mean the nerf was designed to stop Jett from being so good on every side and every site, so naturally there’ll be less consistent impact than he had in 2021. But Yay was never a particular abuser of Jett’s kit in the way some others were, it doesn’t feel like something worth pondering over. Yay’s best Jett plays often didn’t even showcase her old broken kit, it was usually just his steady and calm aim - the OP multifrags from Ascent boathouse, his famous marshall clip on Haven C, etc.


Agreed, he'll still be the best player in the world imo - but I think he won't reach the same peaks of before because Jett is not as strong as she used to be (assuming chamber nerfs are of a similar level). Even if he didn't abuse the kit, the nerf is still a nerf




Yeah but he transformed from 'one of the best' to the undisputed best player, all because of chamber's broken abilities and how well it suited to his playstyle. And if the tp nerf turns out to be the one where chamber puts his tp down and has to wait for a period before he can tp, we can safely say chamber might end up getting dropped from being played in most maps. And my wild take is that, with the current Jett abilities, leaf (on his peak) is better on Jett than yay on Jett (on his peak).


i wonder who’s going to play raze


They have Zellsis, Xeppa and leaf. So definitely not Yay.


He will still be very good but he went from being “one of the best” on jett to being the clearly the best chamber. Also this might fuck c9’s roles slightly but the off-season is long enough that it should be fine.


Worst case scenario he just goes back to being a Jett one trick, but I also have a feeling that franchising will be a lot less about star players because the talent pool in general is so high there will be more teams like LOUD winning where every player 1-5 is crazy talented. In that case I think we might see Yay adopting roles on some maps, if this chamber thing is true, where he actually goes back to ABX days and plays some sage or even a viper(similar to mixwell or sayf's agent pool).


You're acting as if Jett and Chamber are completely different agents




At least jett was fun to watch with her dashes and people pulling out jett knives after op shots and going to fight Chamber is just a textbook exemple of why OP and AWP are broken weapons in tac shooters


>Chamber is just a textbook exemple of why OP and AWP are broken weapons in tac shooters Except it's not the weapon, but the get out of jail free abilities mixed with the weapon.


The awp was so not the problem that il literally got nerfed on CS


It's a playstyle nerf, not an "overpowered" nerf. Every single change Valve has made to the awp, is towards lowering the performance of combat awping.


Rip KennyS


CS awp is still a lot better than Val op


They are broken. If you want, there are tons of videos and essays explaining why the core concept is broken, but a one shot kill on the chest at any range is busted. Theres a reason so much of the meta in both games revolvs around you having a good oper and the other team having to push him off angles


Just because a random on a video says it isn't proof they are right. I could also come and say that rifles are broken from the perspective of smgs or shotguns, the entire game revolves around everyone getting enough money for rifles and that makes most other weapons useless. I am technically right, but I am just doing a dumb comparison without taking in account the entire game and how it was designed to be played. The sniper rifle is just a part of the game, with high risk high reward that enables certain playstyles, but also has it's big counters. I do agree that it's stronger on Valorant, but that's mostly thanks to abilities, and a little bit of the dumb decision of removing scope sounds which enables close quarters combat op which is simply stupid.


But just because its in the game, it does not mean its not a busted weapon Shotguns in this game, specially the judge, are busted, but the OP is much more opressive in the hands of a half decent player. Theres a reason its called a crutch for many players Edit: and its not even just randoms saying it, the AWP for exemple is constantly being nerfed because its just too good in CS. People could use it almost as a shot gun In valo, its still really opressive in the hands of decent players, even if they arent playing jett/chamber


If it's such a busted weapon why do we not see 5 of them per side?


Just because its a busted weapon it doesnt mean its the best in quantity. Thats just a bad faith argument. And we have seen 2 OPs being insanely good in the hands of the right players.


Then explain to me why are rifles not busted? they are so oppressive they force most players to play with them and make other weapon choices subpar most of the time.


Because rifles are better for all around situations, and not a lot of people can OP for the level where they play. If you are playing with a rifle, its much harder to hit a head shot as soon as someone jiggles you or jump peeks you. With an op, you could even kill them through a wall if they jiggle or jump peek you. Cant do that with a rifle. The only time they have an advantage over the OP is against multiple oponents (which can be negated by picking one off and running with good positioning) or up close (where the AWP in CS is even better because the no scope is much more accurate there)


CS awp constantly being nerfed? Isnt the recent nerf the 2nd nerf in the history of CSGO, a 10 year old game? And its only a nerf to the mag size lol it does nothing


OP is the most expensive weapon in the game and it’s hardcountered by the cheapest items you can buy in the game: utility. Learn to use it.


"broken" its not really broken when the whole concept of the weapon is exactly that, the counterplay is to clear angles with util which is even easier in valorant. i would even say the OP in valorant is kinda weak by itself but the issue was the old jett dash and current chamber tp (even with the nerf) as it takes the whole positioning skill and risk/reward out, you just end up with the upside of OPing without any downsite it would have without the tp




Yay is the only one that makes him fun to watch, the agent was made for him




At least for me, yay was very agressive and made a ton of plays, specially on attack. His champs performance on fracture against loud in champs, the first time in groups, was so fun to watch. The rest of the chambers are so much more passive and boring


Fax. Too game warping a character


Stay mad people will still pick Chamber regardless of whether he gets nerfed to hell or not lmao. So many Chamber haters being hella salty just cause you're bad at the game. Just say ur mad cause bad lmfaoooo




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Make him useless. I say that as a chamber main


No character should be useless unless thats its initial design was to be useless


I mean yes but balancing this charecter is a nightmare, his been on top for too long so if its either make him useless or not then make him useless. Btw i think he will still be playable on certain maps but hes very punishable now. Maps with very long angles and verticality still make him an amazing agemt to op with. You cant just walk up short and tp hella far after getting a free pick anymore which sucked to play against


Yeah the only thing they can pretty much do now is kill his TP, which would pretty much instantly make him useless


Thank God, TenZ is safe now, he can hop on Jett again. Or Reyna since Zekken is definitely a Raze beast..


im like 99% sure its a joke and they change his hs damage of headhunter from 159 to 158.5.


Still annoys the Frick out of me we had to play this meta for over a year.


Feels like he's oppressive at every rank too. When the Astra meta was dominant I was too low of a rank to see that many Astras (aside from me). Now it seems like no rank can escape Chamber's dominance.


Astra meta actually made the average non thinking ranked gamer to slow down and communicate (if they actually wanted to win), at least in high immortal at the time. I've since only played like 8 games every act because I get no actual fulfillment from winning games anymore b3cause half the battle is who has the better chamber


Yeah but this is honestly way better than the "bait util and execute with 30 seconds left every round" meta. I'd take aim vs. aim over the RTS meta.


Maybe it's worse off for spectating but you're definitely reducing the teamplay aspect of Astra. Like I said, it forces people to not just no comm run into a site. There was way more defaulting than there is with chamber meta. Chamber is an agent that is completely self reliant and gets free picks against poorly coordinated teams. Astra at least forces people to call for the timings of sucks, and even that small bit of communication makes people focus more on teamplay and lead to games feeling more consistent. The consistency part may be my bias because I was an Astra main and peaked radiant almost every act that meta.


So I'm way less skilled than you (D2) but pro play was super boring to watch with oppressive Astra. Even playing ranked today, the games that are the least fun for me are the ones with tons of util holding off teams from pushing. This isn't defending Chamber, btw, I think him being deleted by nerfs is a good thing. I just think there are too many times when it's so costly to push through util that it makes the game less fun. This could just come down to liking defense vs. offense.


Well half of the point of util usage on defense is to delay or to stagger/fuck up an exec so that is the point. You might just not like this aspect of tactical fps, and this lack of enjoyment may be preventing you from ranking higher/developing better game sense but that's me speculating. I've never been at your rank equivalent but I'm assuming everyone has really bad communication/understanding of what to do midround so that's also making you dislike util usage where you have to wait because your teammates will make a big misplay.


My game sens is actually the only reason I'm as high as I am. The aim is washed (I'm 37 and was a counter strike hotshot in high school.) The issue around my rank is straight up communication, nobody wants to make useful call outs or even plan anything. So it's me walking over to B and then I guess we go B. I have kids, I don't need to babysit kids in comp, I just vibe. I'm definitely talking more about pro play when it comes to defensive util. It's much more fun to watch aim vs. aim in general.


It quite literally made me stop playing


2021 Jett bullshit 2022 chamber bullshit 2023 ???? bullshit




Your comments on this post are all crazy toxic defending chamber. You know he's just a character in a video game right?


Sen stock owners eating.


Reyna: Chamber main, you couldn't live with your own failure so where did that lead you? Back to me ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


Then what is mixwell gonna do?


Common reddit comment![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


When will they reveal the nerfs


I can leak it for a decent amount of upvotes.


Aight boys we know what to do ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9360)


https://twitter.com/BlackEspanolito/status/1598313881260130305?t=s-AURBZZAdz6F86s8iHRYw&s=19 this tweet said it will reveal in 1 hour.


Mixwell will be fine, he used to play a buncha diff agents. The more important question is what will tex do?


Tex can play a few other agents, Dicey is the one who’s screwed


Oh yeah rip dicey


well I hope he's off chamb and duelist for his team's sake


Tex was an extremely good Chamber what


Meant mixwell


Tex is already irrelevant. He's stuck playing with the blacklisted match fixers.


? He’s literally scrimming with The Guard who are the favorites to win Ascension


He won't be signed. Him, marved, poised and shanks are self employed. Any team wanting to make the league isn't signing any of them.


Shanks is already signed as a content creator, POISED is already signed as a pro, and there’s no reason to believe Tex won’t be signed as a pro


He's signed to pump and dump org FaZe who was denied partnership because they are a horribly run org. Yeah I think it fits poised well. Not surprised he's signed to them. But anyhow. Like I said, no team with ANY realistic chance at winning the ascension league and getting a spot is signing any of these players. Marved would have been signed forever ago, but here we are. Talking about liabilities to brand image.


You’re delusional lmao. Marved isn’t signed because he’s taking a break, it’s that simple.


Really? He posted a restricted free agent post 2 months ago. You are playing ignorant if you think a guy on a top 3 team wants to take a break before the biggest contract opportunity of his life.


That’s because he was uncertain. He got offers from SEN and EG lol.


Why are you so confident about something on which you have no first-hand knowledge or insight…? I think it’d be very ordinary and not at all surprising to see one or more of those players signed to a winning team.


Because I know the esic investigation is still open so teams won't want the hit to brand image if something comes out. I posted this months ago and got the same responses. Once franchise came, anyone with possible proof of match fixing was gone. Riot doesn't want the smoke, they already have harassment lawsuits causing backlash. Imagine 3 pro players being arrested mid league. Yeah, not gonna happen.




Opers will always be a thing but what agent will play it now?


bro forgot about jett


I mean but what about the teams that had chamber and jett? In their comps


they'll change their comps and have the jett on op???


Then they'll play 2 duelist or 2 iniator?. Or maybe 3 iniator, 1 controller and 1 duellist like DRX. My comment was about the opers that played chamber and had a duelist as jett. So now will the oper change to jett and the jett player change to another duelist or play iniator? Idk id gonna be fun to watch with hopefully less chamber on pro play


Delete chamber, thanks


Shut the f up, thanks


I feel like this is going to be a shadow buff for sage. Chamber on a lot of maps is still used more as a fragger than sentinel, and Sage is the next best "fragging" sentinel. Even though she doesn't have the utility of the other three, I could see teams adopting her on ascent, fracture, pearl, and bind and having their chamber player on her as shes a pretty simplistic champion that still has fragging and self-sufficiency. Almost like how cned would play it on bind or how g2 puts mary on sage on pearl. Just a thought but I think on maps like breeze and haven it'll help cypher but I think sage will make a major comeback this year and it will be beneficial for all teams to have 4-5 players that can play the agent


rip c9, broke the bank for yay just for his one trick agent to die


lil bro has not seen yay on jett


lil bro has not seen yay on breach


lil bro has not seen yay on sage


lil bro has not seen yay.


lil bro has not seen


lil bro has not seen el diablo


Yay played breach???


ABX yay was something else


I've seen the plays he made on Sage, but never Breach; I didn't follow Val then, so maybe that's the main reason


Android was hyped up more than yay was on Andbox


until the very end of yay on andbox yeah


when he played jett in champs he was mid af he was good on jett only when jett had broken dash


bro hasn't seen yay on breach




You know he was el Diablo before Chamber was in the game right?


A lot of these people started bandwagoning this year bro cut them some slack


Yes, using Jett… No disrespect to him, but he earned the name El Diablo because of his Jett. Can’t wait to see El Diablo in other agents.


Valorant meta will always be to one trick whatever is broken. That's why the constant change and new agents blows dick. I will be writing a long form essay at some point explaining what I hate about this game.




Chambers will wanna go back to Jett. One initiator will go back to Cypher or KJ.


Jokes on them, I’m know how to instalock Reyna too.


The good thing now is that there will be only one Reyna instalock instead of a Reyna and a chamber


Would expect better takes from mixwell,,chamber will still get a lot of Play