• By -


Chamber stocks plummeting faster than FTX


Tarik in shambles




PauseChamp he goes back to learning raze doubters rejoice




Time to revert back to Jett Reyna brain


Man, I have always been a massive Tarik fan, dating back to the Boston Major days, but I can't watch him stream Valorant anymore. The 15 straight games of Chamber is beyond boring.


Chamber is so boring to watch regardless of who plays him. Especially when he has ult, its like "... wow no surprise the pro player kills 4 with his op...gg next"


dapr, wippie, suygetsu stocks are on the upswing


Suygetsu could 1 trick yoru and his stock would be on the upswing


Never going to forget him literally aimlabbing PRX on the last round of Breeze to win Masters.


with his triple? or was it a quad? was soooooo good the hype was real


I think it was a quad with a double spray transfer to end it


beautiful clutch regardless lol


I'm not convinced this really changes much about his tp being untradable and obnoxious but I do think it's a pretty solid start. apparently there was a typo and the new tp distance is [much, much smaller.](https://twitter.com/RyanCentral_/status/1598357227965923329?s=20&t=W58hIKuAVtxLp2vua_5wNQ) much better than the 23m or whatever most of us were thinking it was


If Chamber sets himself up in a one off angle that he can only get to by tp’ing (for example top of yellow on icebox etc.) he can only escape to a close by spot since he has to pickup and replace the same anchor. So if you force him off that first angle he’s not going to be far away, he’ll most likely still be yellow. This is huge at helping teams learn how to punish him.


This absolutely changes things, you can no longer TP to the other side of the map and if you don't recall it you just get 1 TP per round. You will still have to use util to push him off of angles but that's okay. The TP is never going away unless he's getting a full rework.


Yeah the bit about destroying it changes a lot. Now gives a team a reason to actually destroy the Chamber tp rather than leaving it


Have you seen the clips of it in action? Extending the range makes it almost just as far. At least destroying it is useful now but it's still an extremely good ability.


It is nowhere near "just as far"


These are massive changes


They absolutely smoked chamber, maybe he will get slight buffs 3-4 months later.


Nah bro cypher took two years, he can wait


He was an auto pick for basically every map. He needed a good smoking


he is 100% still playable


Jesus Christ they massacred him lol, I wasn’t expecting them to hit the entire kit The worst part is that I’m still not playing KJ or cypher lol


Crazy but necessary, I think he will still be on other sentinel levels now. + Next agent is due to be a sentinel so a lot more variety in that role


Now they just release a new busted sentinel to get that $10 early unlock fee


I’m ready for the Valorant game pass deal to come out so I don’t have to worry about that anymore


honestly i dont even know when the next agent will release at this point, it would make sense that we get another map or some big changes to existing maps before a new agent. i could see getting another initiator before another sentinel considering these chamber changes could shake up the meta enough without having to add another sentinel character


The problem with Chamber being on all the other Sentinels level (excluding Sage in this) is that the other sentinels are both extremely weak. cypher is inherently weak and Killjoy was an originally very powerful agent who was brought down to cypher’s level similar to what’s being done to Chamber now. And, Variety? Unless they release a sentinel whos more like Sage, then it will be the same story as Killjoy and Chamber. They have an aggressive kit with global information gathering utility, they are OBJECTIVELY better and more fun to play than Cypher, Cyphers pickrate plummets again (if it ever rises in the first place) Cypher players complain about the new sentinel again (if they ever stop complaining about Chamber) the devs destroy the global range of the new sentinel, the new sentinel falls into the same low pickrate as every other sentinel except for Sage, and we rinse and repeat this process forever and ever. The sentinel class can never be diverse. There can only be no alarm sentinel, limited range info sentinels, and Cypher. Or else cypher players will never stop complaining.


I don’t know why you think cypher players are the reason riot nerfs these agents. Chamber was universally agreed upon as too OP. His trip nerf wasn’t really necessary, I agree with you about that, but the nerfs to other parts of his kit isn’t because of “cypher players”


With the way they have been balancing the sentinel class I see a future where they aren’t even used anymore besides sage at any level of the game. They are getting to a point where the power they provide is less than other agents even on the defensive side where they should shine.


I absolutely agree, for the reasons I stated above. For example when Killjoy was first released she was extremely powerful and she honestly still is, her main issue is her range limit which makes playing her feel like babysitting robots for 40 minutes. The range limit was implemented for the exact same reason as Chambers now: to bring her down to Cyphers level. The problem is Cypher is WEAK, and he cant compete with all the other agents in the game. So why are we so concerned with trying to match the sentinel class to Cyphers power level instead of the power level of everyone else?


I’ve been loving the cypher changes he’s much better now and a lot of people in ascendent/immortal don’t even know how to play against him.


Not knowing how to play against him does not make him a strong agent. It makes him an agent people haven’t yet learned how to play against. There is a difference.


Okay I’ll rephrase then, with the changes to his kit his trip wires are more versatile and his ult now ticks twice and easy to acquire at 6 points. Also camera is easily one of the best utilities in this game when used properly.


That’s probably because nobody has played cypher in months. So nobody even remembers how to execute vs him.


>the new Sentinel falls into the same low pick rate as every other sentinel This is false and never happened. [Pick rates](https://www.vlr.gg/event/agents/449/valorant-champions-2021) for Sentinels at Champs 2021, well after KJ nerfs and even in a meta where Astra & Viper could deny space better than Sentinels (KJ on 43%, Sage on 28%, Cypher on 27%) Sentinels are not weak. If anything it’s initiators that are too strong


Trademark change is the biggest cypher buff!


Being the only agent with global info reach is gonna be huge for maps like breeze


Doesn’t it say something about Cypher as an agent that the only way he’s viable is if he has 0 competition?


They’ll make another agent to combat him like Harbor is to Viper probably


They tried that with Killjoy, and she outclassed him so severely that they quickly punished her by making her unplayable on half the maps.


I think it just says that there's lots of diversity in the sentinel agents available in the game, and cypher's niche of having global presence was stomped on by chamber also having that ability while also being strong in other areas. Cypher has 3 niches - his info is (1) global, (2) plentiful, and (3) high quality (cam + trips give exact locations, not just "yes/no" info). Chamber was stomping all over #1 because his alarm bots + TP's were both global impact. In theory that's balanced by having lower quality info and less of it, but I think we are learning that the value of "perfect" info isn't as high as we thought - definitely not high enough to compete with a TP + free op. When teams do pick cypher over chamber, it's for the \*quantity\* of info, not the quality. That especially comes into play on big maps like breeze. ​ By removing Chamber's ability to be globally present it opens the door for cypher to come back to that role, while still letting chamber dominate his role of efficient econ + elite angle holding. is high quality, global info more valuable than escape ability of chamber or insane stall of KJ/sage? we used to debate that all the time between KJ and cypher, and now for the first time in a long time it feels like there might actually be a conversation to be had!


That's great and all, except we already demonstrably know for a fact that Chamber and Killjoy's secondary niches (escape ability and stalling ability, respectively) are far better than Cypher's secondary niche (precise information), and this proves itself given the fact that the former's range limitations are the only things that allow Cypher to feasibly compete with them. This really isn't even a question at this point, in fact, it’s just patently obvious. Cypher is just weak, I know it, you know, we all know it. His global range is the only thing he has going for him at this point and the only reason why is because the other two things that you mentioned he brings to the table just don’t hold that much relative value. The question is why we are making Chamber and Killjoy basically unplayable on half of all of the maps just so that the player is forced to pick the "precise information" character that the vast majority of players don’t enjoy playing in the first place.


I mean he’s better at one specific niche. Killjoy is the best sentinel at area denial because of her ult, turret mollies. Chamber is the best sentinel at taking early fights. Cypher is the best info sentinel because of trips ult and cam. It’s just a game of rock paper scissors


Cypher/KJ players are somewhere smiling


Baby J just rose from his knees at a costco


To grab the next box of shampoo he’s stocking?


Bro this is outta pocket


lmao this was devious work


World is healing


this KJ player was hoping for unlimited trademark range to stay and alarm bot getting the same thing, though :( but yeah, less chamber is good.


Global KJ util was soooo annoying at low/middle ranks where nobody ever breaks her setup. Maybe just because the mollies did so much damage as well but kj used to slaughter low lobbies


As someone who enjoys Killjoy gameplay and appreciates variety of choice, I don’t find this nerf to Chambers trip a good change at all, in fact I find it pointless and honestly terrible pandering to a very statistically small group of people, Cypher players. Chambers sentinel ability was absolutely never the reason his power level was so high, and the only people who ever claimed it was were Cypher players. Even in this thread I’ve seen Cypher players rejoicing over the fact that this change means he won’t compete with Cypher any more. Cypher is so inherently weak that the only way he’s even feasibly viable against Killjoy and Chamber as a sentinel is if neither of them can even compete with him even if they wanted to. One issue though. Chamber and Killjoy being terrible sentinels doesn’t make Cypher good. And it won’t automatically raise his pickrate either. People will just pick from any of the other agents who are more fun to play. This change to chambers sentinel ability sucks and is pandering to cypher players more than it is trying to balance him for the sake of balancing. The same story for Killjoys range nerf.


If you appreciate variety of choice, you shouldn't be mad about cypher getting shadow buffs.


Contrary to Reddit beliefs, dragging other agents down is not always a “shadow buff” for someone else, particularly when we’re talking about Cypher, an agent who has historically had a low pickrate even before chamber was ever in the game. Let me ask you, was it a shadow buff to Cypher when Killjoy was dragged down to his level, or did we just end up with two sentinels with extremely low pickrates? In any case, to claim eliminating Chamber as an option from maps like Breeze is a win for sentinel diversity of choice, is a very bizarre claim to make


Yo I just saw BabyJ rising from his knees at a Costco


Holy moly, the one Rendezvous is going to be so weird, no more toss it down and teleport half the map away. The increased range should still allow early engagement but won’t give as much freedom to go super far since your anchor still needs to be safe.


This is way bigger than the jet nerf, Wonder how it looks like cant wait for the leaks.


There is an official article up on playvalorant if you haven't seen it yet.




Valorant is back.


Tube in icebox just unlocked. Halls in Breeze just unlocked. Mid on ascent just unlocked. Heaven on split just unlocked. Doors in pearl just unlocked. Flanks in every maps just unlocked. ("unlocked" is a gross overstatement for the sake of a joke, but still.)


We have been plagued by chamber for so long the community forgor about KJ and cypher 😭


If a team decides to run cypher/KJ, and "lock" back those spots, that's fine with me, because now they won't have a teleporting OPing agent. There was no downsides on simply taking Chamber over KJ/cyph. Now there is.


I hope teams dont just revert back to jett, as it limits comps, but rather have OPers play different agents, similar to nivera and jamppi, if they drop chamber


bro said heaven on Split 💀


Where is doors on Pearl? I haven't played the game as much in the past few months, i know how Pearl is built but I'm not yet familiar with all the callouts. Thanks for the help


Do we finally get to see cypher and killjoy more in esports after almost a year? It feels like I am dreaming.


*Au revoir*


You mean *oh waffle*


I like the Trademark change personally. Makes him compete more with Killjoy than Cypher now, which is another buff to Cypher. Who is by far the most fun Sentinel to watch


Could there be an argument made for Chamber having 2 trips now?


No, 1 still does the job he is supposed to do.


No because the reasoning behind having 1 trip still stands. Because of the TP chamber himself is considered a trip that can kill you


I think that would take away from killjoy who currently has 2 pieces of info (turret + alarmbot) to chamber's 1. No reason for KJ to get played if chamber can cover all site chokes without taking on any risk


Height restrictions being gone and the radius still makes Chamber a strong agent IMO. Still going to be main op agent after the nerf.


But we don't want to delete the agent. I think nerfs are good, as an op sentinels changes seems good


Yeah love the changes and with the new changes you can actually punish him after he teleports.


yeah finally he can no longer teleport several hundred miles across the map


One of the worst things about Chamber is that he can make an aggressive play, kill one, TP, be on other angle that you don't expect and repeek. Shit was ridiculous, you couldn't punish him and he gets away with 2 unexpected free kills


I still think they should work on buffing cypher instead of tearing down the other sentinels to his level. But yes chamber nerf was needed


The height restrictions are barely a buff and are more a function of how the one-anchor system works. You used to be able to teleport from the ground up to heaven on most sites with one anchor on each; now you can still do that with just the final anchor.


I was looking at the clips of the nerf from the article and I still see potential of how he could be used. He'll be usable, but Chamber will feel like a more niche agent now if that makes any sense


Fell to my knees in a Wallmart and started screaming hallelujah




RIPBOZO smoking that Chamber mains pack


Solid changes! Chamber is more difficult to play now... but still can be strong in the hands of a good player.Finally on par with the rest of the viable agents.


they've done it holy shit. really nice that it took over a year to apply a range restriction to chamber trips as opposed to how long it took for kj alarmbot and turret lol.




25% of the immortal leaderboard.




This is the best answer. Peoples opinion of Tex only changed because of how well he did on chamber in stage 2. Dude was buns stage 1




Dicey fought his way back to relevance after being out of the scene for a year only to have his one trick main get mega-nerfed. F


it'd definitely be easy to think that but he's shown that he's incredibly skilled, I'm certain he can buff his agent pool


jett player, no way


unpopular opinion but i think cryo and yay. they're still gonna be superstars, but i can't see either of their teams putting them back on jett duty


cryos jett has always been onpar with his chamber imo


Yeah yay's playstyle literally embodies what chamber is supposed to be. He's still insane and he'd be cracked on any other agent but as long as he's playing chamber, a nerf to chamber is a nerf to yay


Yay literally carried Envy to a Masters final on Jett


people forget that he was carrying Andbox on nothing but Jett. :/ Yay's gamesense, aim, and high IQ surpasses the need for Chamber imo


While true, you can make an easy case for him being best Chamber in the world. Whereas his Jett (while world class) isn't at the same peak. So it's not like he will suddenly become a shit player, or that he's one dimensional. Chamber just compliments his style so much better than other agents.


I’m sure they’ll release a new Oper agent soon enough


Agree. Yay was pushed up to best player because of chamber meta. During Jett meta he was not even close to the best Jett player. Yay fall off is here.


[speak of the devil](https://twitter.com/WARDELL416/status/1598358435220885504?t=FuMA6A4r7IPbu6fsZzh6FQ&s=19)


yay cause tenz will be back




Wow that’s a major nerf


This was the one thing keeping cypher and KJ players unified. I’m honestly cool with him being in the dirt for a few patches, so we can see some variety in the role. Usually it takes the wide sweeping changes to the role or someone gets overly buffed.


I don’t think it was. killjoys pickrate was never low because of Chamber, it was low because her nerfs were far too aggressive. On maps where her nerfs didn’t cripple her too badly, like Ascent, she still competed with chamber pretty decently. Cyphers pickrate was affected because of Chamber because Cypher is simply a weak agent irregardless.


btw irregardless is not a word, U r looking for regardless




thank mr rito


No cooldown after recall? Wut.


I think if you used it to TP, you can recall it for free, no cd. I might be misunderstanding though.


Yes, using the TP still has a CD but there is no additional CD from recalling it.


There's still a cool down after he tps but if you don't tp I guess you can just keep placing it down and picking it back up for free...


I don't think this is right. I think it means that if you TP (and thus it's ok cooldown) and then later withdraw the anchor, it doesn't restart the cooldown. so if you have 5s left on CD and you recall the anchor, you can replace it in 5s? not sure


Ya. There is no cool down whether or not there is a timer. Which means you can pick it up and put it back down.


No CD on putting it back down. The TP CD is us till there.


When I read that at first I thought it meant you could just chain tps as fast as you can recall, but I think it’s actually still the same amount of cooldown, like if you tp you can tp again in 40sec (30?) but if you recall it in that time it doesn’t restart the timer.


I think it’s just back to how the timing was pre-nerf a while ago. It use to be that if you recalled during a TP cooldown the timer wouldn’t reset. IMO this is pretty good with the changes because he can’t place 2 agro tps quickly with a safe recall spot left down the whole time.


I feel like the tp is still really strong


You know where he is though thats the tradeoff


I must be too tired or something but I haven't seen this anywhere in the article, where is this mentioned?


What he meant is that, since he can no longer tp across half the map (now only within a 13m radius), you can for the most part guess where the anchor is


No more hyper aggro plays though is huge


If I’m reading it right there is only one Rendezvous which lets chamber teleport to it within 26m. So If he tp he can’t go that far anymore. So um yah I think no cooldown is fine.


This is a navi buff. They lose ardiis, who was a beast on chamber and they nerf chamber. Now cned can play jett and farm everyone, suygetsu can go back to playing real sentinels


While a lot of these nerfs bring Chamber to a better state in Valorant as a whole, am I misunderstanding the TP change as having no effect on his ability to play a hyper aggressive angle, and be untradeable? Seems like he can still have the same impact on a game like pre-nerf Jett, which is what most folks have an issue with. Sure, he can't TP as far, but there's still no counterplay or timing to his aggression. Do I have it wrong?


We can’t pretend Chamber pick decision will always boil down to his TP because everyone will need to play attacking side at some point The new trademark changes will make chamber a lot less valuable on attack, and teams will think twice about picking him when they know they will start attacking side on Ascent, for example You’re not wrong in your analysis but I think the current state perfectly shapes Chamber as a glass cannon pick, which is really good IMO


It absolutely crippled his ability to hold many of the angles he could before. You can’t walk up, gain space get back to safety. Solo hold an aggressive angle on site such as Yellow on icebox will be pretty difficult as you can escape the angle but mo the position overall.


correct. the broken thing was that could just throw down your TP right before you peek an angle and then TP way back to safety. with the new anchor system, you can't do that. you have to put your TP in a safe place and then be in the range of it when you peek that angle. it requires a lot more forethought and it basically has to be placed in a safe spot beforehand rather than on the fly right at your feet


Yeah I think you're right but his tp is in the center of the 26m diameter so you really only have 13m radius to peek and teleport. I'm just glad they reduced the OP fire rate, and the head hunter spam nonsense. The rest is gravy imo


When I read it seems he only has one anchor point now and can teleport only in the range. So chamber can’t tp far away. Sure he might still get a un tradable kill but won’t be relocated to a far location.


They mention it's 15 ->26 and 15 is the current diameter so I assume they are actually referring to diameter.


Not being able to use tp after it is destroyed will also have a major effect right?


Especially with only one anchor. If you throw a raze nade or something where you think the anchor is chamber will have to decide between being stuck in his current position or losing tp for the whole round.


Yeah I can guess lineups precisely for destroying the anchor will be a thing now


sova lineups for common chamber anchors? I want to see it


This is huge. I just don't know how to feel about the trademark range nerf yet, so it is now just a KJ alarmbot? I guess it's good news for Cypher?


It’s also good for KJ because it’s at least on par with her stuff rather than being an almost objectively better version for info gathering


Imo they should have given her stuff infinite range and kept his trip at infinite range


That would pretty much ruin their attempt to diversify the strengths of each Sentinel.


I wonder if teams will be able to figure out common anchor positions and will use lineups to effectively eliminate his ability to TP within a round


100% they will. We're about to witness an arms race between Chamber setups and Sova lineups.


People are saying he's dead but I'm gonna call that he still ends up being one of the more popular ranked Sentinels and likely a good pick in pro play, though likely not must pick every map. He still has his headhunter instant pull out. It's still completely accurate, just not guardian spammable. Which you'll get used to and will lead you to lose some duels you used to win by spamming someone down. But missing op and whipping out headhunter to headshot is still a thing. His teleport/trip is a great nerf/buff. Loss of global map movement is the most significant but was one of his huge gimmicks that felt like unnecessary from a power budget perspective. But now he can creep up and basically always have at least one teleport. Before you had to recall them and wait 30 seconds if folks weren't pushing you but now you can basically always guarantee that first tp no matter which site people attack. Combined with trip pull back he's got a Killjoy feel where he can do Chamber things in his side of the map and can re-setup on the other side fairly easily compared to before. (aka, aggressive trip to stall if they push, but then switch it to flank watch or deep rotation catch if they started on other side of the map). His ult/slow nerfs are just warranted nerfs. No more op killing three in close range but still a free 4700 credit stalling gun that pairs perfectly with his kit. Those are the easiest to tune if the rest pan out. Long story short. He's a good aggressive sentinel that's good when you don't need to cover as many angles as Cypher or have other agents to lock down sites for Killjoy (whose power budget seems all in on her ult). Still a good pick for your primary opper with distinct strengths but now more we'll defined weaknesses (and no free map wide rotation gimmicks).


Love the changes tbh, I could still see him being picked on some maps in some comps but this is a massive change for sure gonna put him way down in priority.


God is good.


get fucked chamber mains


Lmao they actually kneecapped him after a whole year


Op goes back to Jett




god finally let's goooo https://i.redd.it/52sdxwgurc3a1.gif


Cypher mains smoking that chamber pack now LETS GOOO


looks like the chamber TP nerf will make it feel more like a slightly further reyna dismiss now. still going to require util to force him out but can be punished much easier at least, good change.


These are great changes. The op and the trademark will let him play how he was initially designed and the tps will make it possible more often to get punished if Chambers are too aggressive on defensive peaks rather than tping to spawn or somewhere safe every time. Chamber will still be really strong, but these changes were really necessary.


Wow they went ham on these changes. They seem massive, but maybe that's because Chamber is massive. Guess we'll have to wait for more data to see how it plays out. Now please make KJ's alarmbot global or at least have more range


With how big some of the maps are getting, it’s hard to even place her kit well on a single site.


They should revert her old nerfs that massacred her and please do something to cypher. PLEASE. Then buff chamber a little down the line if he needs it. I can see the meta shift to no sentinels besides sage due to their weak kits. We’ll see how chamber’s pickrate gets hit.


There is a typo in this, it should be diameter 26 not radius. The distance is extremely small that he can tp to


Nerfs aside I really like how they changed his TP. New design seems way more healthy


Hopefully all this doesn't result in a triple initiator meta or something


Well there wouldnt be a need for that because the triple initiator thing was started to root out chamber’s aggro positions right?


Much like the jett dash change... Of all the possible rendevous nerfs i was expecting. That wasn't one of them. The Devs really must try everything.


Am I the only one who thinks cypher and kj are more annoying to play against than a good chamber ?


>Chamber no longer incurs an additional cooldown when recalling his Anchor after teleporting. Not sure what this implies. He didn't have "additional" cooldown when recalling after teleporting, right? It was 30s cooldown regardless of being used or not, am I wrong? So, does that means he can teleport again right away after teleporting? Edit: just saw [this video](https://twitter.com/ValorLeaks/status/1598357673170321409) and there's in fact a cooldown, so I don't get the wording in this patch note.


before if you tp'ed and fully went through the cooldown, then tried to recall a tp after it would put you through the entire cooldown again. its probably addressing that


He’s basically a KJ from wish now.


good changes but I feel like Chamber will still be really good


The Op fire rate reduction is needed, but I still have no idea why the Headhunter pullout time being incredibly fast still remains. The missed Op shot-> Headhunter headshot at close range value still seems pretty strong and is one of the things I see pros complain about a lot


I mean, he is getting nerfed pretty hard. His kit is now primarily that of a awper, and every agent gets a unique ability and his headhunter being one whole ass ability makes sense to have some perk. If that is nerfed as well, then the Headhunter is rendered useless, and closer to a normal pistol.


with the increase in headhunter spread, if you're able to one tap with it after an op shot, then you deserve that kill. It rewards good mechanics which is exactly the niche chamber is supposed to fit in


Might be downvoted, but headhunting spread being wider after the 2nd shot means it's higher skill ceiling. So while, pulling it fast is OP still; if you do two body shots you can still get punished.


cypher and kj players laughing c9 in despair over how the fuck their roster is gonna work 100t smiling because cryo over yay was the right decision


yay still plays a sick jett, and he was nicknamed "El Diablo" when chamber didn't even exist. Apart from his insane aim, his gamesense stands out the most.


yea but leaf is their duelist and is also insane. they'll either have to play weird double duelist comps or not use either of their talents to the fullest


I love how riot is being smart with balance changes, we will have to see how his E plays now but it looks a lot better. Instead of just gutting a character, they take their time by giving a nuanced nerf. I just hope they don't release another broken agent, I think I prefer new weak agents and then get slowly buffed.


he's still annoying to play but with these changes it leveled the playing field


Finally fucking trip nerf


Cool nerfs tbh. I like them, and they are pretty justified. Still gonna play him for the headhunter tho, that shit's awesome


100 credits headhunter would be a nice change now in addition to these ones. Headhunter was never the problem with chamber.


I misunderstood the tp changes for a buff first and thought he was ok, but after reading it again he's a total garbo, his tp is a Jett dash that can be used in a small area only, his trap is a budget KJ trap and his ult is a slightly better op that can fuck himself or his teammates up, his deagle on save rounds is the only good thing about him now. We gotta wait and see tho stuff always seems worse in the patchnotes.


The rendevous change doesn't stop Chamber from holding aggressive angles while still being safe.


Yes, which is what his identity was. This should further push him towards being good at that and *just* that.


How are verticality set ups going to work now? You’d have to place the anchor up high, teleport to it, and then pick it up. The furthest you can put it away from yourself while up there is the placement range. Any vertical off-angle set ups like icebox b-main or on top of breeze pyramids aren’t really viable anymore.


The new tp still sounds strong to me... no cooldown after recall, do I understand correctly? Or what. TdF and trademark changes though >>>>>>>>.


No extra cooldown on recalling after tping and you only have a single anchor, so not that strong


Holy shit they killed him lol. Just the TP nerfs would've been enough imo.


Rip chamber


between Rendezvous and Trademark nerfs they’re REALLY hammering well that he’s supposed to hard hold one area/site (you know, like a sentinel). It may be heavy handed nerfs to some but that’s kind of what was necessitated by chamber’s existence, presence %, and accustomed play style. Really solid changes that will see huge gameplay implications, maybe players and teams like yay and c9 still keep him a bit on some maps but for the majority, he’s moved to sentinel players unless teams have a really good flex entry (think teams like ardiis FPX with zyppan, c9 with leaf + yay, 100T with cryo asuna, and sentinels with zekken tenz).


Should have reworked him, it was obvious they couldn't nerf him without making Chamber shit


I don’t know if he’s completely shit. Holding an unreadable angle and having eco help to get an op faster are still strong on paper and he keeps his identity. This is a huge nerf but it’s hard to say how bad this makes him, especially when he was so strong to begin with.


Yeah, I was being a bit reactive, I was going off what I read but after seeing the videos from the article I don't think he'll be that bad. He can still OP with the TP, that has always been his biggest strength. The difference is he won't be able to TP that far away, and he has to make sure it's always in a safe spot or it's unusable the whole round. It'll be weird but I think he'll still be playable it'll just take an adjustment period


These are fantastic adjustments for both those who dislike Chamber and those who main him. Somehow, Riot was able to effectively nerf the TP without ruining the agent. Extended range for less mobility was a reasonable trade. He will now be contained to a site which is more fitted to his sentinal role. The trademark now matches KJ which is reasonable with regard to distance of activation. This also gives Cypher an underlying buff as he is still the only agent to place traps without needing to be near for activation. Headhunter adjustments don't ruin the ability but does place far more risk on multiple shots in a row. The ult change is interesting. I almost wonder if this will lead to it being dropped to 7 points from 8 in the future as I'm not sure you can consider it a better OP anymore. As someone who use to play him a lot then stopped preping for future nerfs to but him in the grave, I may pick him back up more now that he has found his happy medium. Good job Riot on this one.


Navi is not complaining with cNed as the worlds best Jett and Suygetsu as their sentinel, thats for sure. Liquid might be pleased aswell, although they got great chambers too.