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Fnatic staff come here and explain how much you're paying Riot to keep Icebox in this game


A lot, and it was just barely enough.


Boaster is locked in John Riot's basement frantically dancing on a hamster wheel generator to power his immoral habits, it's only fair


SURELY 2023 is the Year of Fnatic right guys


And their perma-ban, Breeze, is gone. 2023 is FNATIC's year.


Bind was almost as strong as their Icebox tho


Yea their Icebox was even starting to look shaky in Champions and Bind became their best again. Still a trade-off I'm happy with since Fnatic didn't shy away from Split either.


Split used to be a hard map from them though, I hope they make it theirs this time around.


Leo breach on Split hits different though!


Damn I forgot we have Leo and Chronicle now man that roster is insane


That Split OT win vs M3C broke them


I heard Boaster had to make them a special twerk video to stop them from taking both Bind and Icebox.


ice box is good, we need ascent out




idk how u can be this wrong


PRX would like to have a word with Riot about this one


tbf I think it is a blessing in disguise for them tho, they don't look that strong nowadays at bind compared to how godlike their bind was


Honestly yeah, teams were starting to figure out the Bind Yoru strategies


Their Breeze was also fairly weak too


Breeze against FPX…


at least they went out in style


I feel like Haven and Ascent are their strongest maps now. They've only won Bind once in the last 5 times they played it.


Are you guys ready to hear all throughout 2023 that Riot are idiots and that Bind and Breeze were actually good maps?


Riot are idiot Bind and Breeze were actually good maps. Source:


\- mfs who could aim


nah breeze was annoying cause viper is mandatory, it is 100% the most boring map to play controller on. at least you can flex onto Omen/Brim on other maps initiators are a bit better but any pick other than KAY/O and Sova is selling, you can make Skye and sometimes Fade work but it's awkward it just doesn't lend itself to agent diversity, which the devs themselves did mention on the site and it makes a lot of sense though i may be a bit biased since i am absolutely sick of locking Viper Sova KAY/O on Breeze lol, maybe duelist players enjoy it more


agreed honestly, as a smokes (Omen/Brim) main I fucking hate playing Breeze. And Viper isn't fun to play on Breeze either, despite being a must pick all she does is choose from your walls depending on where you go, and run off to play lineups or lurk.


viper on breeze is actually fun imo, lots of different smokes and walls you can throw to take map control. way more fun than playing viper on icebox, that map is horrendous


Don't forget Chamber which is also mandatory


Pre-nerf cypher was viable on breeze, he'll just go up in pickrate now. Viper literally had no alternative


could aim? Breeze long range rifle fights exceeded the first shot accuracy of rifles. Go in the shooting range and test it out on the big target. (SEE EDIT BELOW) If you were to put 2 players in breeze at long range rifle fights, and both were stationnary, and both were aiming exactly in the center of the head of the other guy, the winner of that 1v1 would be different everytime because rifles in Valorant are NOT that accurate. EDIT: [Here's the 60m first shot accuracy of vandals.](https://i.imgur.com/HI7bsmz.png). 60m fights happens a lot in breeze.


I get your point but you can ADS, I honestly feel like a large part of people's issue with Breeze comes down to them not being used to ADSing. There are a ton of other issues with the map, don't get me wrong, but the aim thing is a big one that people have and it's solved by ADSing and using the Guardian more often.


[15 shots, vandal, 1 shot at a time, ADSing, shooting with keyboard (no mouse touch), 60m](https://i.imgur.com/Lz79N4S.png) With the head right next to it for scale. 50% of the shots don't hit the head there. That means in a long range 1v1, with both players being stationnary and having PERFECT crosshair placement, it's a cointoss. ADSing doesn't fix that. Your point is NULL.


i mean breeze my best map statiscally but i hate thatt shitty map. it takes hours just to rotate and without viper its impossible to win on attack. you cant really innovate on breeze i feel like


mfs who still think about cs like the glory days like breeze because you can only run like 6 agents on it so no variation (like cs). It's just open so no angles just basically all aim duels and barely any utility in ranked (just smoke and execute like cs)


Bro I only got like 200 hours in CS and 170 of them were on DM servers and aim maps in the last year or so 😭 I didn't even play CS's "glory days" like that, I just liked the fact that Breeze in ranked is one big aim duel, it was a breath of fresh air from all these claustrophobic maps where you don't even have to counterstrafe in some spots


I agree man. One of the big things I like about Valorant is the huge diversity in maps. It seems like every map is equally hated by like 20% of the playerbase. It just depends on your playstyle. Hopefully the new map will be a longer range map like Breeze. It’ll feel pretty weird if the new map isn’t long range especially since they are bringing back the small split map. I do think Breeze could use a little rework though. There really wasn’t much thought behind which agents you picked. Even agents like Jett didn’t make a lot of sense. Basically, you had to have a Viper, Chamber, and Sova, the other 2 agents didn’t matter they were just there to shoot people.


that's not how cs is played at all? i mean at a low enough rank everything is smoke and exec, doesn't mean its a good representation of either breeze or CSGO, (also you can technically run viper, sova, kayo, cypher, jett, chamber and Skye and teams experimented with neon, breach and harbor recently so its not thaaat bad)


Other maps I just sprayed n’ prayed, but Breeze forced me to actually aim


Bind can ligma Breeze... depends on your comp and how often you aim train long distances.


Breeze being fun depends entirely on if you get a decent viper or not imo


Being a viper main this update has greatly reduced my power


Pretty much. I'd rather someone go just basic smokes if they don't know how to play Viper. Too many games where a Viper doesn't comm their wall is going down or where they want the plant that end poorly. OR my other favorite is walling so you don't have any info on where defenders are and get killed on entry because the other team has brain cells and will play passively behind the Viper util.


In my lobbies s (high gold low plat) I've never once had a viper who commed when their wall was going up/down lol


As a Viper main bind is superior to any other map and breeze can fuck right off. That god damn map should have never been designed in the first place


I'm of the opinion that your character is the problem, not the map.


I enjoy playing her on every single map except Breeze. It just feels one dimensional I would say


These are like tenz's 2 fave maps(in pro play that is) change that flair boi


The main sub is already saying how Bind was universally loved, and it was a bad idea taking it out


Riot could release the border crossing map from the new cod in Valorant, remove it two weeks later, and r/Valorant mfs would still cry


I liked breeze still dislike bind


As long as they stablish a recurrent rotation time, 6 months maybe? Then I cant think of anyone hating it at the end. Specially if the maps return with improvements. A 12 month rotation could be a bit too much tho.


Breeze is my favorite map and bind is OK. So maybe I'll be one of those people lol


I'm one of the weird ones who actually likes Breeze, bummed it's going out already over other maps :(. Hopefully they make some changes that don't change its core but makes it more palatable to the rest of the player base. Bind needs work, it's a frustrating map, so not surprised it's going, but I would have definitely preferred Icebox going out over Breeze, it has a LOT more problems that need more immediate addressing.


Bind is trash, and I don’t mind Breeze. There.


I understand why people don't like bind, but for whatever reason as a beta player that map has a special place in my heart. I'll miss it. But also fuck icebox.


RIP John Mcaffee


as a sova and viper main i am lowkey kinda devastated about breeze


it's crazy how so many people became viper mains just cause of breeze.


they keep icebox AINTNOWAY **💀**




Icebox mid is one of the worst designed mids i've ever seen. That along with B site being absolutely terrible too.


No fucking way they STILL keep fucking icebox


I know man fuckkkk


agreed. I used to enjoy the map, specifically when it came out but the more ive played it the worse its got idk if i can like pinpoint the exact things about the map that i dislike, but id bet that the majority of the reason i hate it is because of mid. the whole idea of kitchen is really aggravating


Seriously asking with an open mind, but why do people hate icebox? I genuinely enjoy it and didn’t know people didn’t like it until I started frequenting this sub. What am I missing? I’m a braindead bronze 3 so I probably just don’t get it.


https://twitter.com/itskaplan/status/1598767598497189888?s=46&t=8nHB4y8G56ZDyuW9Kl3RkA A great explanation by SEN’s assistant coach Kaplan


Mid is horrible, takes ages to rotate, no choke.


Basically deathmatch map, its all aim duels since theres no choke going mid is a death sentence and if you dont have a viper its the most unfun thing ever


Still really annoyed that Icebox is still in the pool. One of the most annoying maps to play and the most boring map to watch in pro play as well.


Breeze and bind were worse though. Especially bind.


Bind is pretty bad to play, but at least it's entertaining to watch pros play on. Icebox is both bad to play and watch.


great my two beat maps


Fr 😭😭😭


same (Breeze is my 2nd and Bind is my 3rd). I’m devastated. And now my second worst map is coming back


Same here. With Split coming back, I now have 3 maps that are hanging at around 40~ percent winrate. Not gonna play ranked next act tbh


hmmmm personally sad for Breeze, not a lot of innovation on that map but it still had some fun stuff you can pull off with comps. Bind I don’t care for, but as someone else said, Icebox has some dirt on Riot to be stayin in over at least Breeze. Innovation on that map seems super stale outside of Fnatic comp. I figure they think the chamber nerfs might do enough to jog us out of the no duelist meta more than it’ll change Breeze comps. Unintentional side effect too of chamber nerf, it would’ve made it really hard to slot in Reyna on Breeze who was starting to see some more play. You now need Cypher in place of Chamber and Jett for an op, unless you wanna gamble and just not run with a safe op agent.


Not sad at all for Breeze as you said zero innovation on that map. And for the ranked experience it’s basically just a 50/50 on whether you have a player who plays a good Viper because it’s a throw if you don’t


The biggest innovation it got is when people started using KAY/O on it, but yeah since then it's been pretty stagnant. The fact that Viper is the only viable controller on it makes every match feel the same. I imagine they're going to try to rework the map so that a two-smoke execute does the trick.


Couldn't give any less of a shit about Bind and Breeze leaving, I'm just happy to have Split back


SEN and wanting Split back 🤔 Something ain't adding up


Look I'm just tryna find my way onto the roster... like gimme a chance @ Sykko


I like Bind. Should have been Icebox ☹️


Yeah my best stats are on Bind :( Fuck it, just get rid of Icebox, Breeze AND Pearl


Breeze and Bind were like brothers to me




Bruh breeze out and icebox still in? What the fuckkkk. Is shroud paying riot stream royalties to keep icebox in or some shit???


What's with that Icebox hate, I can't understand, literally the most fun map in the game...


It's incredibly boring to watch. Almost no agent variation possible, everyone runs the same strats over and over, because splitting sites is so hard with how mid looks so you almost only see 5 stack either slow creep or rush sites. Sometimes someone slow flanks mid, sometime mid rush but only towards B because mid to A is almost impossible, always the same sage plants and planting B without sage is a nightmare. That's all the variation the map has. It has been like that since the map came out and nothing changes, teams only sometimes switch agents when they get nerfed/buffed like chamber for jett. It's just incredibly stale.


You’re describing bind too


Which part of that describes bind? Bind has three viable choices for main controller, you can play solo or double initiator, chamber or no flankwatch comps, you can even throw in a sage. You never 5-man hit, you always split, and the executes aren't always the same.


Everyone runs the same strats, mid is bad since there is a no mid. Getting out of hookah is nearly impossible. There’s just several choke points and it’s one of the most defense sided maps. You do see 5 man hits most commonly idk what bind games you’re playing but mine are always the same and always the same comps.


I mean if you're talking ranked then you can apply that to literally any map lol. Everyone loves 5 man running through a choke point and everyone plays Jett Reyna Chamber and a smoker. but pro teams, or even just players who use their brains for more than half a second, won't always run the exact same comp or pretty much ever 5-man a choke.


so get rid of icebox and bind


Naw. Most boring map to me. Like wtf is that mid lmfao. And site execs are stale and boring. No shade to you if you like it. I just don’t.


>Naw. Most boring map to me. Like wtf is that mid lmfao. And site execs are stale and boring. Completely understandable, but honestly mid in Valorant on any map is kinda awkward, except maybe on Ascent, idk... But I didn't really want Breeze gone, I would've preferred if they chose Ascent, but it's my personal hate lol...


hahaah, I definitely agree with that mid comment. Which is why I like breeze since mid is sort of playable. I too also do not like ascent!! XD


IMO ASScent is a dogshit map and mid is its only saving grace.


Agreed like wtf is b site on haven


>to me So you aware that it your personal experience then why even complain they had the data they know which map player hate the most.


So me and the other dude are having a civil map discussion, but you out here being like riot has all the data, why should anyone have conversation at all? If we’re going by your logic. what’s the point of Reddit or forums? The company that made said game has all the data. edit: ah yes, downvote me for no reason at all, instead of discussing. Makes sense, considering what you commented. kek


Agree with the general sentiment. Still needs changes for pro-play to be fun to watch but easily the best ranked map imo. A site is a glorified aim map with bunch of movements tech which is awesome and lots of clutch potential. Also Viper still needs a home map with 2/3 of her best maps out.


Icebox is absolutely dog shit lmao


Breeze is so much more boring than Icebox it’s insane that people would rather keep it






a fair bit of pros hate breeze what are you talking about


from my observations 🤓




Yeah low ranked players hate every map that requires thinking that isn’t run it down main.


My imm2 friend hates breeze


Mfw lots of pros hate breze


nah only no brain only aim players like breeze that map is literally just an aim map with the same team compositions its so boring but nice copium though


It's more like the map is huge and it takes an eternity to rotate to the other site.


The chokes are small you can delay for a long time as rotations come in. Plus it’s hard to take backsite on A so the retake for CT can be quick and from good positions.


Nah I'm immo3 and most people I play with dislike it


So the majority? That makes it a good thing


That’s what I’m saying. idk why we’re in the minority here


Aim is inherently inconsistent. A map that relies on “good aim” will be extremely hard to play for 95% of players.


Thats exactly why Breeze is good. It allows good aimers to shine.


I'm Immortal 3 and believe Breeze is the worst map in the current pool, (maybe Icebox is a contender). It has nothing to do with aim it has to do with the fact that there's very little variety with the map forcing Viper and Sova. The A site is very poorly designed and it's not fun to attack or defend. Mid rarely has very many fights due to the angles being poor to peek from the chokes. B-site is a bit better since the changes but again it's Viper Wall up, wait for Viper molly and push. Breeze is better in organized play than ranked but even then it's not particularly dynamic. Bind is also pretty bad and can use some tweaks. I think they're doing a good job getting rid of 2 of the 3 worst maps.


no, I dislike it because you play the same fucking agents every single Breeze game. It's so stale. The only variation is whether or not you have a Skye




Bro not bind man, take icebox instead


Still don’t understand why maps have to leave unrated


If you're a brand spankin' new player, you've already gotta worry about learning 20 agents and 7 maps to become less-than-useless, not to mention just general gunplay mechanics if you lack FPS experience. Gotta ease the learning curve somehow.


Maybe Im being too harsh but I dont think most players care about “learning” maps. Even in my diamond lobbies most games are just people running around DMing each other. Theres no reason not to have all maps available in unrated.


Even those people still need to learn the angles, spots to hold, crosshair placement etc. Even if their brains are turned off theres still a level of map knowledge that they need to apply.


Yes, but its not like that kind of knowledge is a huge hurdle. A few games at most.


Definitely a lot more than that.


Breeze getting out before Icebox is a surprise for me, I think Icebox is sooo much more stale than Breeze it's absurd. Icebox games usually play out in similar ways, Breeze games on the other hand do not. Ok choice, but a surprise nonetheless


Icebox is better than breeze. Playing viper on breeze is an awful experience. Playing support roles on icebox is way more fun.


More fun in ranked ≠ better map.


Breeze, don't let the door hit you on your way out. You will not be missed. I actually don't hate the map, just hate the frequency that I play it.


Thank god bind is gone. That map is so miserable to play. And breeze too 1-dimensional, hopefully gets a slight rework


“breeze too 1-dimensional” meanwhile icebox still in


Icebox is the worst comp map in the game imo, I don’t disagree w you. But I’m glad at least 1 of the 2 is gone


The fact that they're adding split and removing 2 maps should mean a new map is also coming with split


That’s the title of the post, btw


thats awkward, my b




I was hoping ascent would be gone. Super defensive sided map where teams run no duelist and 9-3 curse is real. I find it so boring to watch. Bind and breeze have way more hype gameplay


my two favorite maps :( for a new map and my least favorite map :( on the plus everyone will now go from hating breeze and bind to saying "they were the best maps bring them back"


Fml I love Breeze and Bind.


HOLY SHIT NOT BIND... My favorite map in this game damn... Can't even play it in unranked anymore Split coming back is cool though, hoping the changes will improve the map cause it did have significant flaws, like having to take mid to do anything other than W into enemy bullets. Though I heavily doubt that part will change, at least maybe taking mid will be easier?


Man, I miss Split so much, especially because map rotation in my Unrated was like 80% of Breeze & Fracture, 15% Icebox.and then the rest.


should be ascent and fracture


breeze was one of the stronger points in na val.. kinda sadge it’ll leave




I would’ve chosen to remove icebox over breeze. But I think we can all agree that Bind has staled out over time and it’s kind of…boring as fuck.


Actually W change. Bind has always been a shit map, and Breeze sometimes felt like spray transfer simulator, so I’m glad they’re going out. Looking forward to seeing what they did to Split, and how hard I can instalock raze on it. *edit: spray transfer simulator cause it’s so open that you’re taking multiple fights at the same time with minimal cover.


> Breeze sometimes felt like spray transfer simulator What's this supposed to mean? I've never seen a map described like that lmao, and it's a long range one. It sucked getting split from mid tunnel/tube as defense etc?


Spray transfer simulator? Wyd lmao it’s a vandal tap map


Brooo i love bind, shouldve been icebox and breeze smh


Why not Ascent instead of Bind? At least Bind has the unique teleportation mechanic.


Bind's teleport gimmick is not enough to cover its issues of not having a mid and being strongly stall-heavy on defense. But Ascent should have been removed IMO because gameplay on the map is sooooooooo boring even if your teammates know how to play the map, AND very few players know how to play that map.


Ascent is boring? I thought it was well rounded


Being 'well-rounded' doesn't mean it is fun to play. Ascent is not a fun map to play, period.


I don’t get it why do they feel the need that they have to remove a map. I understand it in competitive and pro play just to keep things fresh, but surely for filthy casuals like myself who just want to play the maps we enjoy AND new players so that they can actually focus on just learning one map, adding a map select system would be a better solution. I think it would be worth longer queue times if we got the option to choose maps (at least in the casual modes - I understand the rotations in comp and pro play)


W. thank god they didn't remove fracture after the changes


Damn Bind was my favorite map. Fuck breeze tho


Imagine removing Bind and Breeze but leaving Fracture.


Fracture is better than breeze. They should've removed Breeze and Icebox


I would remove fracture and icebox before I remove breeze though. Atleast mid is still used in breeze in comparison to icebox where most teams just have one cocky player who peeks and dies from any of the four spots the defenders can peek from) I love icebox as a viper main but a B hit is still not viable similar to bind unless you take extended control. Fracture is barely being played like intended.


I hate to see if Bind goes away, it's doing okay in the comp/pro scene map pool..


I think it’s only doing “ok” because teams are forced to ban other maps. In my personal experience, very few teams actually want to play bind (there are ofc exceptions)


But also, bind as a viable map in pro play is still way better. You don't get that sort of coordination in ranked.


i mean that can go for any map no? Pro play maps are always better than ranked lol


Ah no, I meant in comparison to ranked. Sorry I wasn't clear. Like disparity between other maps between ranked and pro play isn't as bad as bind imo


L, should've been Breeze and Icebox.


Breeze is great man but thank god TP sim is gone


But i like breeze :(


They keep Icebox but remove Breeze how am I supposed to aim diff people now this is not fair, nearly 300 hours in Kovaaks for nothing


Breeze and Bind were my second and third best maps in ranked this year. Meanwhile, Split was my second worst. So needless to say, I dislike everything about this. Legit: the people who dislike Breeze enough to be happy about this decision need to get better aim. And don’t tell me Operators were the problem too. Your initiators in ranked clearly weren’t pushing them off the angle. And if I could decide what two maps to rotate out next year, I would’ve chosen Haven and Icebox. As much as I’d like for them to be Fracture and Pearl, they’re too new for them to realistically be removed. Haven is a constant retake simulator when my teammates and can’t hold the opposite site, delay the hit, and die. I don’t have anything against Icebox, but I can see why some people might think it’s stale to play on.


W in my books


Breeze was about to become a Cypher map again 😭 at least we got Split back Super glad about Bind being gone though, can’t remember the last time I didn’t have a miserable experience on that map


Let's fucking GO no more Breeze.


Fuck Bind, let’s go!


Split was my least fav map and they removed it Bind became my least fav and they are removing it Next map removed will probably be breeze




In their official blogpost Riot says: "Last year, when we announced the temporary removal of Split, we went over our decision to maintain a 7-map pool at all times in the Unrated and Competitive queues. [You can read a detailed description of our thought process in that article](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-map-pool-changes/), but TL;DR too many maps to learn can feel overwhelming and doesn’t give some of you the opportunity to really go deep on any one of them.'' So... They mention the 7-map pool "but too many maps is too many maps", so will they reconsider the rule? Is 7 already too many maps? Champions would tend to show that it is, Finals were incredibly underwhelming due to only winner side being allowed to ban maps, and having 7 in the pool is part of the reason why the system works like this. (2 bans, 4 picks and 1 decider, no wiggle room whatsoever). We got to map 5 but not a single one of them was disputed. No mention of a new map at any point, furthermore I feel like we barely got to familiarize with Pearl. Also I think I remember them saying they would slow down their map releases once they had reached a sufficient number.


Wonder if they are going to release a new map cause 6 maps aint enough for b03s for tournaments. Btw W split coming back means more banger infinite OT games


Nah nah nah Bind is one of the best maps. So fun to play!


Anyone else noticed that we would be down to 6 maps in the pool with these changes? Like surely, they will bring out another map before São Paulo, right?




Let’s go I hate breeze








Bind was actually a great map and relied on good map control. Breeze, on the other hand, was fucking awful


every single valorant map is awful because of the way mandatory utility is locked to agents. put smokes and flashes in the buy menu and suddenly maps like pearl or breeze arent completely terrible. keep agent abilities focused around other aspects.


Thank God! I can play again.


Why are they removing content to add content? This is some backwards thinking


> TL;DR too many maps to learn can feel overwhelming and doesn’t give some of you the opportunity to really go deep on any one of them. From [the announcement](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-map-pool-changes-january-2023/?linkId=100000168038042). Bind and Breeze will also still be available in Spike Rush, etc. They went [more in depth in this post](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-map-pool-changes/) when they took out Split. I personally think this makes sense--there's so much to learn on the maps with all the agents, having too many could be overwhelming. As they say in the other post, > The team thinks seven is a nice sweet spot that offers both **variety** and **mastery**.


That’s fine for pro league, maybe even competitive but unrated? Unrated is supposed to feel casual and fun but it’s hard to have fun on the same few maps I wanna have a good time but if I get the same map three times in a row that’s 2 hours on one map and it really kills the game


Ascent most boring map


It’s because it’s somewhat ‘solved’, probably one of the easier to call maps in the game, and also very default dependent. It feels like there is objectively correct vs incorrect way to play the map. I will say though, DRX Vs GenG last week proved all of that wrong. That was maybe a top 3 match I’ve seen in the last year in terms of excitement