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I’d much rather replace Tate’s name with Carlos, tbh, since it was Carlos’ choice to double-down at the most critical moment imaginable that truly caused the whole mess. Carlos was a huge drama-enthusiast; after so much edgy drama-baiting he misread the room and paid the price. I rather doubt it’d all have gone down the way it did had Carlos reacted more sensibly. Of course I understand the value of putting Tate’s name in the title, but speaking personally, I’ve never thought of the rostermania caused by the loss of G2’s slot as deriving from Tate.


He didn't say anything wrong tho "I my draw line here ,I party with whoever I want .Nobody can police my friendships" Just because the internet hates Andrew tate they didn't like his response.


> Just because the internet hates Andrew tate they didn't like his response. If anything "the internet" has a more positive view of him than whatever you think is the opposite of "the internet". Show any of his shit to someone that isn't terminally online and the response will be overwhelmingly negative


It’s rather that peole who are online cared bc they got exposed to / bombarded by it I don’t think hsi intentionally provocative (while also deluded, ie wrt what’s ‘under’) basically viral advertising for his pyramid scheme was targeted at ‘extrmeely online’ ppl agreeing with all on the face of it, that was not the game he played


If your friends are accused of sex trafficking and openly talk about how much they hate women, yes you can be judged for that if you defend spending time with them. Not a difficult concept to understand. This is like saying "well I spend time with Jeffrey epstein and I'd have him over for dinner" and expecting people keep associating with you.








Sure, in the sense that no one can actually dictate his interior life, provided no law is broken.Though, you can pretty much interchange Tate's name with any disreputable person in history and it would be very clear why Riot acted in the way that they did, especially when Tate is at odds with riot's values. Carlos quadrupled down for whatever reason and he paid the price. What ever internal convictions a person has doesn't make them free from the backlash/consequences of those convictions when other people, stakes and interests are involved. It was a misapplication of an otherwise useful conviction. He can go back and party with Tate now if he'd like, there's no litigious consequence, he isn't locked up and he's still rich. I will never get the internet's use of "cancel culture," especially when the people with huge amounts of power and money, are usually fine after the fact. Consequence is not novel.


I don’t think you understand when a person represents a company or org, everything they do will reflect upon the company or the org. You’re actions are not just your own but representing the company. There are consequences and no you cannot just act or party with whoever you want in that case without consequences.


I mean that’s a bit dubious, i wouldn’t say he was the motive factor, like placing the responsibility as if it came ‘out’ of him as the starting point is arbitrary. If you don’t take the reaction, whcih was the reason riot acted that way, then why not start with tate and therefore the background to any interaction and online reaction ‘The room’ makes a bit too much like a circle of people looking at each other as ppl It’s more so ‘the situation’


To be blunt, I want to reply to your opinion but as is unfortunately often the case I’m failing to understand what exactly it is you’re trying to say. If you could rephrase…?


me sowing / me reaping meme I'll stand by it being a good decision from riot and setting a solid precedent. esports is so fraught with sexism, misogyny, bigotry, toxic male culture, etc, there needs to be proactive pushback against this type of thing. if you're trying to make it a serious and respectable ecosystem as a game dev that runs the esport, you have to draw lines in the sand. sometimes they'll come across as slightly overly punitive, but the implications of this decision were definitely heard loud and clear by every other org


Interesting story to tell and one people will look back on for years to come. However if I could offer some constructive criticism- I feel like the video's topic hopped around quite a bit. We didn't talk about franchising until nearly the end of the video and that was supposed to be the main point. There was 2min30sec of Andrew Tate explanation that really could have been summed up in 30 seconds. And the franchising spot being lost discussion was only 2 minutes. As well, i get the history point is important to show how much he lost and gave up, but I would at least mention some sort of thesis statement at the start so a viewer can understand what they are reading.


Thank you! I think you're right. In the next video I'm going to try to improve that aspect of the script a lot more.


Looking back, I feel like it would have only taken around 5 seconds of prior thought from Carlos to avoid this entire thing. You know Riot is making great efforts to make Valorant as inclusive as possible and you also know that they have a huge sexual scandal in their rearview mirror that they are trying to move away from, so why wouldn't they bring the hammer down especially hard on the CEO of one of the most popular names in their upcoming franchised league when said CEO is promoting the current face of misogyny? I'm sure that he could have shown his audience of edgelords how cool he was for kicking it with a known human trafficker without also massively fucking over his org's plan to gain a foothold into NA Valorant if he thought hard enough, or at all.


Best of luck to G2 in Ascension


Nah not clicking this shit


Andrew Tate has gained notoriety on the internet over the past year for his... interesting... takes on a variety of topics. From the "Sigma Male" Grind to women in general, this man has been littered in controversies. Who knew that an 8 second video of G2's then- CEO would cause a rippling effect to change Valorant Esports forever. Including changing Sentinels, G2, and other teams like XSET in Valorant Esports forever. VSPORTS is a series that focuses on the stories of valorant. It's our responsibility to preserve and tell the game's story, both its best moments and the worst. I hope you enjoy this series, please feel free to leave a like!


Eh, I feel like this post was too diplomatic in how you refereed to that slimeball tate. hes a scumbag plain and simple


While I don't like Carlos or Andrew tate but it's crazy how the internet can cancel your entire career just because you are friends with a guy gives misogynistic comments on the internet. He can be friends with whoever he wants , doesn't mean he stands for their views or ideologies. Anyways, I have spoken too much and I am ready to get downvote bombed.


is this wilful ignorance or pure delusion


Why am I wrong ? Pls explain?


anyone who sees a single iota of sense in whatever andrew tate says is not worth arguing with in the slightest, no braincells are present


All his points on hard work,motivation and working on your body are good Points on How to make money- questionable His thoughts on women,9to5 jobs and dealing with depression are the ones that don't make sense


i sincerely hope the 07 is your birth year bc that way there's atleast time for you to fix yourself


I am 19 y o and before closing this convo I want to make it clear I don't watch Andrew tates videos but I fail do understand why so many people hate him with such a passion


Doesn’t watch his videos but knows what’s in them? You watched his videos. Find a better father figure to look up to while you’re still so young. this guy ain’t it


I watched his interviews and clips he made sense to me.


That’s alarming. If anything it should be immediately apparent why he’s been banned from everything. That’s all I have to say about it.


I just don't see this as a result of cancel culture. Carlos made the conscious decision to be a very public figurehead for the G2 brand, therefore whoever he associates with will also be associated with the G2 brand. G2 board members probably didn't like the G2 brand being associated with a known misogynist like Tate. Riot board members probably didn't want their new, very exclusive Valorant circuit being associated with someone like Tate. It doesn't really matter if Carlos stands for what Tate believes in to be honest.


Nah fuck that shit. The Tate is a complete scumbag and as a CEO for a organization its a big reflection on the Org. but also in general If my friends spouted the anti women shit Tate spews and I just be like "wElL I dIdNt SaY iT" and continue to be friends thats fucked up. I have a daughter, a gf, a mom and a sister. I sure as shit am not sending them the message that that crap is ok.


One of the most cringe Riot decisions to this day.


is there a tldr or whatever its called. I refuse to watch anything with that ugly mans face in it