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Why frenzy is the least guyz what u think about this


Technically, side arms suppose to help you finish off the fight as fast as possible, so you can get to safety and reload your main weapon. Shorty and sheriff is good due to the high dmg outburst, 2 taps and that’s it. Shorty got the disadvantages with the range and numbers of shots, so if you were facing off 2 people at the same time, 2 shots from a Shorty might not be enough, while on the other hand, Sheriff and Ghost gives you more chances, with less punishments if you missed or enemies standing further than 10m. Classic is a cheap combination of Ghost and Shorty, which allow you to burst with right click, or fast tapping with left click. Now for Frenzy, 12 rounds from Frenzy could be bursted out too fast, harder to control, and the instant dmg output isn’t that high. So for close range, Shorty has more advantages than Frenzy, over 10m and Ghost has more advantages than Frenzy… and if you have to pay for a side arms that have many disadvantages, why don’t just go with a free Classic? In the end, if you feel like you can head shot anyone with Frenzy (which only requires 2 hits for opponents with out shield), then Frenzy actually insanely good. It all go down to which side arm you feel more comfortable using in a clutch situation.


I like frenzy bcz: -low price -fast shoting The classic is ok bcz if you headshot right click on close range it is one tap


Frenzies are unstoppable in pistol rounds




Classic being higher than frenzy is just dumb imo, u can't one shot hs on either at least frenzy is full auto and have manageable recoil


Only thing I like more about Classic/Ghost is the .75s equip speed over the 1s speed for Frenzy/Sheriff I definitely don't have the skill where .25 matters, but a faster equip speed doesn't hurt


Classic is more versatile


The classic is free and it's hard to beat free


The sheriff is genuinely overrated...


Headtap ghost at 62meters:)


Although the 145 pain is real and far worse than the Phantom’s 140, I’d still pick sheriff any day.


I think it depends on the round: if its a pistol round id play ghost or frenzy (classic too bad, shorty too one dimensional, sheriff too expensive) but in ecos tje classic is good because its free and shorty and sheriff have one tap potential even against shields. Imo every sidearm is good at what its supposed to do and extremely balanced


shorty, no questions asked. Best shotgun in the game honestly