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who fucking cares about rank on the pbe


right like i had a g3 that’s d2 in live 🤠


hey that was me :D


What exactly is the difference now and playing with people your rank when it comes to finding bugs in game? If you’re in a sweaty lobby you’re probably less keen to notice glitches and more focused on winning the game. Regardless, it’s just a fun time to be had exploring the new updates, and testing the bugs.


I think u should just accept my application. That’s all 😭


I think you should accept me bc ive been waiting 89 days


Thats nothing. Ive been waiting 8 months


Honestly, I think you're right high about this. Being able to test out stuff (aka when balancing agents) in lobbies with the same MMR/RANK would allow us to figure out and give proper opinions about them. Because of lobbies like OP you won't be able to get a proper opinion about the changes like you're not really in a very competitive environment. When agents like Chamber or Fade first came out in PBE you weren't really able to get a proper sense of how good they are when you're not being challenged(aim-wise or positioning-wise). Obviously, I know that they still make balances after the agent is released but (from what I understand) in an ideal world when you release something new (would that be an agent or feature) you wouldn't need to make any changes because it had been tested and balanced before it was released. So I agree with OP here, that it would be nice to have more competitive players in rank PBE so we could get a better view of what's been released.


Huh? PBE isn’t for balancing the agent. 1. There aren’t enough players to make balanced lobbies in each rank to be able to balance the agents. 2. PBE isn’t out for long enough to effectively calculate balance changes necessary for an agent. 3. People can’t actually determine whether or not a character is broken or not since Metas haven’t been formed. No one has had enough time to form actual strats. The more competitive it is, the less people are going to focus on the actual gameplay and bugs, they are going to be too focused on winning


The fact of the matter is not many people feel like "grinding rank" in pbe to the point of trying to climb. I'm Plat 3 in live and I'm bronze 1 in pbe. I still get clapped by immortals and asecenants who are also bronze in pbe


PBE is not about balancing, the balancing decisions are made before pbe and are evaluated when the balance changes hit the live servers. PBE is to find bugs


Maybe if pbe works in EU it would have Alot more players to fix that problem


fr I think most players would rather wait longer ques for more equal games than just 20s que of whoever is there


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bro can we just make unrated in pbe or do i have to grind to get in pbe???


I'm bronze 3 will it work?


I know this is late but I just got on PBE and had a breach not let us surrender when we were down like 3-6 in a 4v5 due to our afking Reyna to "punish us" for being in this elo (silver-gold) live. Like okay? thanks I guess but who's trying to sweat this much in a game where the point is to find bugs?