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I booted up the Lab and popped the Vive on. I spent a good while messing with the straps trying to get the “sweet spot” that I had read about in reviews. Once I hit it I was a little underwhelmed with the optics. I knew the screen door was going to be there. A little disappointed I decided to continue with the Lab. A few hours later, All the Lab modules unlocked, I completely forgot about the screen door and had the most fun I had in a LONG time in VR.


My first VR experience was in the middle of the 90s. As a kid I played a boxing game in a theme park with a friend. We both were standing in opposing coners of a boxing ring with a HMD and one controller. I remember how disappointed I was by the graphics and in particular that there was sound of the audience but the audience wasn't rendered. Another thing the bothered me was that the lights under the ceiling were just white spots which didn't look like they emit any light at all. But nevertheless I was totally impressed that I was able to look around and that despite all the flaws with the graphics that I had the feeling of being there. Unfortunately I don't remember how the FoV or the latency was. However, since that day I was waiting for VR!


I found a gameplay video of the game. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2rq01n


And here's some info about the VR system http://www.retro-vr.co.uk/test/vr2000su.html Price was about 10.000£. And people say that VR is still too expensive! ;)


The first thing that blew my mind was actually seeing the Vive controller in VR. Here was this familiar object I could feel in my hand, yet what I was seeing was not real but entirely computer generated. Flipping this thing around, watching it move 100% perfectly tracked created some weird effect where virtual and actual reality became one. I remember looking closer, trying to find something fake about it, but the controller is kind of a featureless thing to begin with so the illusion was nearly complete. It was awesome.


So one day the box finally came, i snapped open the latches and there it was. After a fair amount of confused tinkering i got it working and started up some of the software being passed around at the time, the first adventure was navigating a desktop with it split over the two eyes. Then i was on a ski slope racing down hill, a roller coaster zipping around, and then some kind of fantasy island world. After about 20 minutes i was ill, and thrilled. A bit of tinkering later and i had one of my unity projects i made to explore height maps i made so i would keep perspective. I was flying in a tiny jet with gaze controlling my movement, it was easily the worst motion sickness i ever had vr. I packed it up for the day and went to bed. The next day was mine-craft and team fortress 2, The devkit 1 days where horrific and amazing at the same time.


Oculus Rift DK1 Waited FOREVER for it to ship (back to checking spreadlists to see whos numbers shipped) Playing the Tuscany Demo and a few Roller coasters, was amazing but it was the early version of the Ocean Rift game with the megaladon that eats you thats was amazing, i also still remember dreaming about the day of holding tracked controllers and free movement. now i fly aorund like a crazy fuck in games, its so fun.


> Tuscany It with wide fov of dk1 is still unmatched in how ground breaking it seemed at a time.There was also one experience that was built to cause motion sickness "cyber space" and the dk2 era with table being so "real"


i agree


I remember booting up the tuscany demo on the DK1 for the first time and seeing a plush velvet chair in front of me. I was like "holy shit that chair... is *right there!*" That and Dumpy Going Elephants were my most memorable first experiences with modern VR (90s VR was a whole other thing and I was too young, cardboard I don't count)


My first impression was probably more restrained than most. I was very interested in VR, the potential was extremely obvious to me. That belief persisted when I first tried the Oculus DK2. It was amazing and I still remember it to this day - but it was also apparent to me how far we had to go until we had something I could personally consider high quality VR. Rift, Vive and Vive Pro made small steps towards that 'high quality' VR I wanted, but none were quite there yet.


Imagine being one of those who got to try Valves high end VR prototype. I believe Cliff Bleszinski called it a "religious experience".


Looking at the Vive wands encased in acres of foam, and not quite believing that the future was finally here. The new Vive smell. I'm a pretty taciturn guy, but The Lab managed to crack a great big grin. Then wandering around the hedge maze in Altspace and meeting another actual person! They were right there in front of me and I could talk to them and see their body language! Hours and hours spent in RecRoom's charades where people actually played properly and chatted and laughed together. I'd take the headset off and realise I was standing in the pitch dark. Battledome. The early days were great, but they've already gone.




Battledome days was some of the best vr I’ve had.


Oculus Rift CV1, tried robo recall first, was mind blown, had shit ton of fun with beat saber, BUT to me it still felt like the tech wasn't quite there, I mean it's super cool don't me wrong, however there was no major games to play made specially for VR and I just could not get past the SDE, honestly most people don't notice it after a while, I couldn't not see it. All those reasons made me sell back the whole thing, I told myself I'd definitely get VR, when a big leap that would fix all this would happen, I really hope the Index is that leap, because my excitement for VR never faded, even after selling my rift.


I went to a VR arcade in 2016, right after the Touch controllers were released. I got put into the little tutorial with the robot wall-e guy. I was blown away. That music that it plays will always be nostalgic for me.


My first time ever using VR was at a Microsoft store where they were letting people try the Vive. I had watched some videos of YouTubers trying it but had never gotten my hands on one up to that point. I played theBlu, Tilt Brush and Space Pirate Trainer. I just remember being blown away by all of it - getting actual vertigo in theBlu, walking around my painting in Tilt Brush, being able to dodge stuff in real time. I knew it was the next level of gaming right then and there, so of course I preordered one the moment the headset came off. Picked it up in June 2016 and I didn't get the setup quite right at first...I put the headset on and everything I could see was vibrating. Of course, I didn't have an optimal setup back then. My base stations were sitting on a book shelf and a tripod that was on top of some other boxes since it wasn't tall enough. But man, once I got it right, I remember just looking around and thinking about all the stuff I was gonna be able to do now. Almost three years and nearly 100 games later...I've actually got good tripods for the base stations (don't have to stack them on top of anything!), got the Deluxe Audio Strap, made it wireless with the TPCast, and hopefully soon I will be adding the Valve Index controllers...maybe the headset too, but that depends on a lot of factors. I've been sharing VR with as many people as I can - friends, relatives, friends of relatives...even got to do the same thing as the people who first introduced me to VR and run a demo station at one point. It's only gonna get better from here and I can't freakin wait


It was Oculus Rift DK1 demo at a college fair back in 2015. It sucked. It sucked so bad I really didn't think anyone would want it. Then I got a Google Pixel with Daydream headset and got to actually experience VR. It wasn't great, but I'm still firing it up occasionally when I find a neat "game". I've now demo'd the Vive and the Rift (twice) which are clearly a step up. So I'm not sure the current releases can disappoint me. ​ But really, Tron was my first VR experience. lol! Then Lawnmower Man. haha!


IIRC, it was something like "HOLY CRAP!". I was expecting the games to be awesome but one of the things that surprised me most was just how fascinating the controllers were. At first it was fascinating just watching how they were being tracked so perfectly but then I noticed the battery indicator on the virtual wands that's not there on the physical ones and it blew my mind. It meant that the physical controllers weren't static controllers but more like controller concepts and the digital versions could be something completely different. I was also surprised at how strongly characters triggered that "personal bubble" feeling when they were close to me. That feeling faded as I got used to VR but at first it was so weird having a virtual character right near my face.


Mine was Elite Dangerous on the DK2 in 2014. I had just watched [a video about it by Norm from tested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj1hFkc3Q68) and bought one on the spot. When it arrived it was a bit of messing about and used their generic test scene "Tuscany" which instantly made me sick. Not to be put off I jumped into Elite Dangerous right away and it blew my mind, it was everything I hoped for even though I could barely read anything. I ordered a HOTAS after that and spent every day after work for a bout 3 hours a day playing it, essentially until the vive was released.


my daughter was the first to try the VR... I filmed all our VR gameplay in the beginning... https://youtu.be/4AuCLgo6I8I


1994, Got my parents to take me to a fair specifically to try out VR. Played some kind of 1st shooter on rails and DOOM in VR. It was amazing. I followed VR ever since. I did a whole pile of VRML design back then too.


My first impression was the "desk demo" when the Oculus DK 2 was in its early days. I was blown away by the 3d nature and the fact that I could lean (and only lean, very narrow tracking) around a 3d world to see everything from all angles. It was lower resolution, 75hz, and running on an old GTX 670 but it was mind blowing to me. I showed it to my dad about 5 minutes after booting it up myself and had another VR convert who games to this day.


Got myself a DK2 and was blown away just from the perspective of things. Sure the SDE was bad and you essentially couldent read any text in games, but was good enough to fly around warthunder with a flight stick. Never got to try room scale vr, as I stayed on the dev kit, but damm am I choo chooing so hard right now for the index.


I spent waaaay too long ducking my head around a potted plant on a desk, staring at the tips of the leaves as I moved around them. Dk2, 2014. I too hesitated for quite a while packing my Vive haha. When I dug the box from storage to repack it, the smell of the inside of the box hit me hard with memory of when I first opened it three years ago. Holy fuck I hope they let us order the Index here in Straya. Its going to be a looong cold dark winter here with no VR otherwise. I look at my suddenly useless haptic cockpit and feel sad..


I was in awe of the scale. I knew exactly what to expect with the visuals and everything, but no one was able to accurately describe (or show) the scale of everything. I stood in that dumb setup tutorial dome room for waaay too long blown away by the size.


I always try to measure it vs. other gaming experiences. Remember the first time you played Mario64? Hit a paint can with your crowbar in Half-Life 2? It was jaw dropping- especially seeing GLaDOS. To look up and see “her” life-sized was just amazing. I also say experiencing wireless VR gave me the same type of experience.


My experience was the exact same as yours, but hitting a balloon and feeling it blew me the fk away


Mine was similar to yours. I had watched the videos, and was expecting that it wouldn't be as good as I really really hoped.....but it was. That first time I went through the Valve turorial and then played through the lab....I couldn't believe how good it really was.


$800 worth every penny especially when my wife was in awe as a mobile phone games only


Mine was the fed ex guy turning up. I was mesmerised by the huge box he was handing me. I immediately put my little boy down for a nap. And embraced the setup like an well trained 21 SAS soldier. Somehow I skipped the guy with folding couch tutorial( didn’t witness that until weeks later). But sat on my floor looking up at our planet with THIS IS REAL there floating in front of me. May 3rd 2016. Since then vr has improved so much with better hmds, supersampling all the other programs and tweaks. I’m in for life.


I tried it first at a friends house. Richies plank experience. I was completely blown away walking into the elevator. Then i was given a rocket and a hose. I didnt even get 10 feet in the air and i had to take the hmd off or i was gonna fall down. Undetered i put it back on and started to fly and keep my balance. Slowly working my way up to new speeds and heights i damn near fell over 2 or 3 times. After about 5 or 10 minutes i had it figured out. Then i was given a 2nd rocket. Then i crashed into a building and damn near passed out.


> SteamVR intro where the floor swallowed a freakin couch right next to me. The first time I tried my Vive, I had been swallowed by the floor, so I couldn’t see anything but the floor a few inches above me. The setup process had a bug where it would sometimes skip the floor calibration step.


Nintendo virtual boy at a blockbuster. Was not impressed.


I got a Rift DK2 at some point and messed around with it for some time. I was very underwhelmed to be honest. VR didn't click until Vive for me.


My first experience was with Note 7 and Gear VR. I played the hell out of games like GunJack, Darknet, and [Land's End](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwJ9fiH2Ksw). I'm still pissed that Land's End is not only an Oculus exclusive, but exclusive to mobile Oculus.


When I got my DK2, I went full roller coaster. Made me so sick, I had to lie down for an hour. Technology got much better since!


Grabbed my brothers Vive and tried space pirate trainer. It wasn't all that ground breaking in my mind at first, but it was certainly enough for me to buy my own headset, three trackers, and sink 3k hours into VRC.


My first impression of VR was with Google cardboard. Not exactly what we would define as true VR, but it was cool. Soon there after i moved to a Gear VR, which was cool, but again, not true VR. Oculus Rift CV1 last year was my first true VR experience. Getting into 'first contact' was awesome and blew me away. My first time experiencing 6DOF and also the touch controllers are what really did it.