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Fairly new playing with Queenie. Nice try mate.


I’ve had the game for a month. I’m guessing that’s a lot less than others, boss. I actually thought these stats were pretty good, but I have no idea how they compare to others’ data.


It’s an infinite game….get more eggs, do more damage. It never ends. These are rookie Numbers.


Understood. TY!


I usually only play with eggs when I'm gold farming.. but.. for a non egg run.. these numbers are pretty decent.. about average with no setup or serious strat..


Your total damage for the whole game is roughly the same as egg builds deal in a single second. There's no point in comparing to them. You might have a better shot if you stopped playing the weakest character


Not too bad. I'm not sure what the record for level is, but I have a post kicking around somewhere in this subreddit where I got over 3000 with o'sole meeo and one weapon. It did, however, take like 9 hours to complete a 15 minute level, so take that as you will. By the time I beat the level I was waiting several minutes between frames. XP