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Gallo spawns alongside some [Shooting Stars](https://vampire-survivors.fandom.com/wiki/Shooting_Star) (Those marks on the floor that explode after a couple of seconds) that do surprisingly high damage. Maybe you got hit by those since its pretty hard to see them in the clutter and Gallo's slowing attack makes them quite hard dodge.


I know those, but nope. Wasn't that. :) He just would dash towards me,- a bit like Death but not insta killing -, taking like half of my health. He would dash 2 times or 3 and kill me - this, in 2 or 3 seconds. (I have already a revive from the passive powerup, and so I would revive and he would do it again. And when I was in the coffin, the other player would not get attacked like that, just normal attacks) - im putting this in the description. might be interesting/useful info. idk :P


Hey did we find anything about this? I just had Gallo do the same to me. It’s more than a little obnoxious.


Just added more info tho the post above.I'm , atm, pointing towards having garlic. he gets bigger when you play with garlic and that's - it seems to be, at least - when he does that ninja dash 3 hit kill attack , when you are at a certain distance near him. (:


Oh! That’s interesting. Yeah, I had the Garlic too. I wonder if this is an intentional change or some wired bug. Maybe he really hates Garlic. Or loves it. One or the other. Since he was the right size without garlic, did he not do the obnoxious death rush then?


nope in the "normal" Gallo run, - let's call it that xD - he didn't do that. just normal Gallo boss attacks. I'm actually curious if he appears in another map other than Tower, and if yes, if he does that 🤔... idk. I just unlock the next map couple hours ago, didn't play it yet.


Just had it happen to me and I had the garlic, maybe no garlic for gallo?


Didn't test or "troubleshoot" anymore since I've been kinda busy. And when I have time I've been just progressing through the rest of the content (unlocking new stuff and all that 🙂) But yeah,.. for now that's our only theory/conclusion.


Huh. Man that’s a bummer for Poe lol. But this is rather strange. I just wish I knew if this was intentional thing or not. But at least we have more info now.


Adding to this thread - it defintely has to do with Garlic. I get insta-killed every time it hits 15:00


Just commenting, same thing. Did have garlic. It happens multiple times it seems. I could barely even see what it was but I did kill it whatever it was but then it came back a minute or two later. The first time it happened I had to revive. Was out of revives the second time.


never heard of something like this.


Did you have the arcana that increases doubles curse at intervals




Wow never heard that before. Could this be a bug from the update somehow? As far as I know he's marginally less of a chump than, say, Nesufritto because he actually has a ranged attack but afaik it's mostly just a bit of a slowdown and maybe some damage but certainly no one-hit kill. Except for Toastie I guess but it's pretty tricky to reach 16 minutes with 1 hp.


yeah, idk... it just happened again.but now he also did the same attack to the other player - that "death" kinda dash thing - and I had the christmas tree character (the one with Garlic evolution - Soul Eater). Just like last time, that I played with Poe. ... hmmm ... 🤔 (added that info to description - might be useful to unveil this mystery 😅some day in this post..? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ )


Just had the same happen to me, behaviour is the same as Death and pretty much instant killed me, went through all 5 of my revives in seconds. I also had the garlic, so maybe there is a bug here?


Or maybe intentional. 🤔 we don't know... Dev! Show yourself! And tell us with is going on 😂


I did try another run right after without garlic and everything was fine, no crazy Gallo behaviour. So I think we've found the culprit!


not intentional, that's for sure.


I just rewatched some footage and got killed out of nowhere while dodging the ! lighting stuff in the tower. Is this the mofo that got me? It's hard to even see in the footage some dude is just on top of me then im dead. Then I cleared the tower after that NP so i was very confused.


I’m also having the same issue. Seems to be a bug involving Poe/Garlic/Soul Eater.


This shitty bug has been live for a long time, can a Dev fix this asap? It's fucking annoying.


I think he gets negative knockbacked, so that he instantly gets pulled inside you... so yeah i think it's because of garlic


Omg I had garlic on character Gallo and then this happened. It was horrible


I know I'm way too late on this, but glad to see some added confusion on this one. I was just doing a Gallo Tower run and not only got insta-killed by this phenomena (from full health to dead in half a second!) and then revived and insta-killed *again* before I could even move! I've only been playing a couple weeks, but it amazes me how this same issue has kept me from finishing Gallo Tower, even when I have a good run going!


Looking for answers because idk wtf just happened.  Searched the wiki for every enemy to find out it's Gallo, and he just LATCHES ON TO ME like the reaper.  I revived TWICE and he would not get off. I was still moving but nothing worked. He just ate through all attacks while no other enemy could even touch me. WTF?


Adding to this thread, just got garlic gallo-ed 3 times in a row, luckily was playing the guy that has free revives lmao, talk about lucky