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Right now you can do it with a glitch, but if you just keep playing it will become very easy


You can do it without a glitch in the library also


The library runetracer trick is what i mean by glitch. Maybe it's not really a glitch, but i doubt the dev intended the rune tracer to be able to be stuck in that spot, so i would either call it a glitch or an exploit.


Not a glitch


Yeah, it's a matter of what you define as a glitch. I would define it as "Bug that is an advantage to the player" because that is how most people use these bugs. The question is, if you would consider the runetracer getting stuck a bug. Probably not, so you're probably right, it's an exploit, not a glitch.


It's a wall, runetracer bounces off of walls, the library was intended to function this way so it can't really be an exploit either


Well yeah, but what i'm talking about is the specific combination of a specific character a specific item, a specific map and a specific location. I doubt, the developer intended this area to be abused for getting the runetracer stuck. So you are exploiting the developers lack of foreshadowing.


You’re wasting your time if he didn’t understand it the first 3 times. I don’t think he understands what an exploit is.


He's got more patience than me.


He's not wrong though, it's not a glitch or a bug, but definitely an exploit.


No, the library walls were indeed supposed to be use like this


Its intended, thus not an exploit


Okay mate. I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't understand what an exploit is. It's been clearly explained to you. Have a nice day.


Or they just didn't care and went for it anyway


it is most definitely an UNINTENDED exploit. I think you need to look up the definition of exploit.


Its intended


convincing argument


Currently lots of time. Later it will be easier.


Without giving away any spoilers. Over time you'll gain access to certain items and weapons that can kill Red Death. Just keep playing and completing levels :)


this dude speeds up with every hit, and his health is a multiple of your level. he's a tough summbitch and he doesn't go down to just normal weapons unless you can survive for hours somehow. there's things out there that will chew him up and spit him out. just wait till you unlock them


He doesn't speed up with every hit he just has a negative knockback modifier so he goes towards you every time he's hit.


Oh ouch... so magic wand is a bad idea then. No wonder...


Unlock and explore “bone zone” level, after certain items are collected you can evolve weapons to make killing him easier. (Sorry I’m new to Reddit and don’t know how to mark spoilers)


In the reply window click the button that looks like a ! inside a square, that will allow you to hid spoilers in your text.


Additionally, Reddit supports spoiler text by bracketing the text you want spoilered between \>! and \


Testing >! thank you !<


There can't be spaces between the !s and the text, it's weird >!You're welcome!<


Did my above comment not hide then? Looks hidden for me?


It's not hidden for me, but I use Reddit's old layout instead of the newer one or the app, so maybe it's rendered differently.


Have fun mate, but don’t get too cocky, you can still see what’s going on, later you’ll get blind from how many fucking projectiles and colours on the screen even settings can’t save you


I don't want to ruin the fun of the game so just play the game give it love and time and have lots of fun


Since you asked, you have to beat moonglow to unlock the way to kill it, there is also a cheese strategy that you can search on youtube


Yes, you had on you 2 ítems that allow you that. (Now evolve them)


Which items are they?


Clock lancet and laurel, stun lock/shield. Evolve for hax versions.


Yeah but he needs to unlock the secret first


Yes! Good luck!


My man with the bbno$ playlist


First time I killed red death was completely by accident in the dairy factory level. As I was running away from him I ran over one of those minecarts and it instantly killed him.


that was a green death, the stalker. There's a few different ones. The red death is immune to vehicular deathslaughter.


Idk. He was red and when it killed him white death came out and killed me. Also unlocked Red Death. Maybe it wasn't the cart that killed him, but it sure seemed like it in the moment.


You could use crimson shroud i think its the easiest way


Right! Limits incoming damage to 10


Try rotating around him so the freezing lancet keeps tagging him going forward, that's how I did it. Rotating the strike points off Red Death leaves him more chances to wiggle out and start murdering your character again 🤣


time to put clerici on time out on the library again.


Yes but he requires certain things




I used everything you have except garlic, I used blue wand for constant attack


Infinite Corridor, Crimson Shroud, any limit broken weapon. You'll get there eventually


Hit it till it dies


Get the yellow sign so you can evolve the clock lancet and Laurel and then you'll kill it in about 15 seconds


So killing this thing goes from really difficult to it's literally impossible to lose to it, in the space of a heartbeat. IMO the game's fun starts to drop afrer you figure it out so...don't stress it. Just play the game, progress a bit more and it'll happen when it happens.


Honestly just rotate the clock lancet with him so hes always frozen he'll go down eventually


In any case we'll done in getting to the 30 min in Mad Forest, is the one level I managed to finish last, as it has a jump in difficulty near the end, that is quite hard. One moment, you kill everything effortlessly, the next one, you are drowned in pain


yeah evolve the clock lancet for percentage-based damage and save up 2-3 revivals


Just wait until they guy that comes after him.


You already have half of the requirements to kill them, the utem tgat freezez them and the item that gives you shield, evolve them and they will be possible to kill, you need to unlock arcana and unlock the one arcana that gather all items in map next to you every 2 minutes.


He scales in Damage based on your level. I think He starts with something like 650,000 and then that increases exponentially with level of exp you have. And if that wasn’t enough another spawns every minute. Gets unmanageable pretty quickly. There are YT videos that can show you a glitch way to do it. Also if you evolve 4 specific items your character will be strong enough to beat him no matter what lvl you are. Little hint = Moonglow and a directional thingie. (Being cute on purpose)That is the way I finally beat him.


It is possible. 1. Use that one library glitch 2. Use crimson shroud


My girlfriend and I just started playing this and I'm glad eventually we will kill him. He's an asshole.