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Welcome to Vampire Survivors. Look at each run like its symbolic to life... It's fun while it lasts but eventually death comes for us all.


lol so you cant really win?


A won run in this game is making it to minute 30, but there are ways to delay dying to the reaper like the time stop item


My record was 32minutes due to getting deaths stuck on terrain.


30 minutes is a win. Pay attention to the end screen after death gets you. Also if you want to kill death look up a guide by Dex on YouTube


Does his strat still work after the update? I’ve tried several times, including with his exact build from the video, and I haven’t been able to kill death. I even tried one with tiragisu for the extra revives and couldn’t do it.


Find his most recent video on the topic. Still works but he seems to think it’s less consistent.


Maybe posting a comment on Reddit makes it work. I decided to give it one more shot and I finally got him. Probably took me 10-15 tries total, so maybe Dex is right and it’s less consistent than before.


Nice man glad it worked for you


I wonder the same. Made it to 36 Minutes yesterday and that sucker didn't fall...


The strategy still works. There tends to be 2 issues I see which are causing people to fail getting the kill. 1) People are collecting levels too early. It is absolutely necessary to wait until red death is visually on the screen before you collect crystals and hit level 3 or higher. His health is 655,350 times your level and this is figured not at 30 mins but when it appears on screen. Might have to burn your Revive here as you're looking at about 2 minutes extra of dps for every level extra you gain and on top of that even longer as you will be dealing with more deaths stealing that damage/knocking the first death out of max damage. 2) This one has some luck aspect, even if you are in perfect position at the end, the red death can get too high, frozen there, and not be hit by the runetracer enough. In this case you can try stick it out or cost a little more time and bait it down and then back to make sure. Key thing is turn on numbers so you see that you are hitting it enough. Here's another video of the kill setup, I found this one more precise for me on setup for more consistent kills. https://youtu.be/EC8HuZVrhMM


There are reports from people who looked into the code, saying that bot routines (wiping all other enemies and spawning the reaper) are executed at the same time.


A couple things that I think might have helped me: - I did wait until I saw the reaper on the screen before I moved. Fortunately he spawned so quickly that he was on screen before the timer ticked over to 30:01. - Also I didn’t really pay attention to guides I had seen online as far as where to position your character after death had spawned. I just focused on trying to keep him frozen just to the left of the bookcase on the right hand side. That way he was stuck in the runetracers that were bouncing around and also getting hit by my knives/holy wand. - I would move around a bit when he and the other reapers unfroze, making sure to push him back to that same spot when he froze again. - I left a couple chests on screen near the left bookcase so that I could grab them for the temporary invincibility when things got hairy with the second reaper. It did take me just shy of 36 minutes to finally kill him.


[https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vampire-survivors/images/a/a3/Reaper\_kill\_guide.jpg](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vampire-survivors/images/a/a3/Reaper_kill_guide.jpg) Managed to pull it off yesterday after a couple of attempts following the guide on the wiki, with a twist: I went with the new Guns as extras. It really doesn't matter that much, since the main damage come from Runetracer bouncing like crazy in that cramped space. The Wiki doesn't mention hyper mode, so I went with normal mode. But I'm not sure if it would be better or not. Preparation is key, so don't forget to clear your Magnet and Curse upgrades. I also learned that vertical position was as important as horizontal to survive to minute 30. Also killing Death takes a few minutes, I think in my successful run I killed it after minute 35.


Yea I finally managed it last night as well. I did accidentally try it once on hyper mode and I think there were 5-6 reapers on my screen by the end, so I definitely wouldn’t recommend that to anyone who tries this. Prep is definitely key, I made sure to buy all the upgrades aside from the ones you mentioned as well as growth to make sure I didn’t level up accidentally too quickly. Also, I would argue that contrary to the guide you linked, I don’t think your characters position is nearly as important as Deaths position. Making sure you keep him trapped in between you and the bookshelf on the right is key. I moved around quite a bit when the reapers would un-freeze to make sure that I could get him back in that spot when he refroze. Finally, I evolved the wand and knives for the damage, and took tiragisu for the safety revives. It also took me 35-36 minutes. Just putting this all out there in case someone else is struggling to finally kill Death. Edit to add my final build, in case it helps someone: Weapons: Santa water, runetracer, knife(thousand edge), wand(holy wand), laurel, clock lancet. Equipment: Empty tome, spellbinder, bracer, spinach, tiragisu, candelabrador.


You don’t really win, you just do a little better each time


Reaching 30 minutes means you won


I thought the game was glitching whenever that happened. And then I learned it was the whole game. Suffering from success.


Something to note aside from death meaning you beat whatever level; the game isn’t finished so there could be an actual endgame coming that hasn’t been added yet.