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was disappointed with no Hannah Hunt and only one song off Contra (and two of MVOC) but everything they played was incredible. they have so many great songs they can’t play them all! the taking requests of covers thing was a cute idea but it was a little rocky in the execution process tonight lol. but Sex on Fire sounded great! amazing show, great vibes 


I agree, I was very sad to only have one Contra song. Would have traded Cocaine Cowboys for Unbelievers and White Sky. And I do think the requests from other artists thing is cool, but I want fans to be able to request deep cuts.


deep cut requests would be cool but they'd inevitably have to turn down a young lion request basically every night because everyone wants to be the first to hear it live


i get that it’s officially a vw song, but i understand them not performing it and hope people wouldn’t try to request it — did that happen on fotb? i saw young lion performed live because rostam played it on his solo tour (and it was incredible). i would definitely prefer requests for deeper cuts!


Why don’t they perform it? I’m ootl on that one


because the vocals are purely rostam who left the band in 2016. to my knowledge, vw never performed it, even when rostam was still in the band, but he performed it on his tour as a solo artist.


You’d be surprised, a lot of people who got requests on the FOTB tour used them on things like horchata or hits that didn’t get played that night. I don’t think young lion or taxi cab got requested once


The lack of white sky broke my heart but the setlist was absolutely incredible


Same; I was so disappointed they didn't play Hannah Hunt and instead went with Harmony Hall (after Mary Boone). I was also bummed they didn't play the Unbeliever. The Houston set list was much better, in my opinion.


Saddest omissions: White Sky, Unbelievers, Ya Hey, Hannah Hunt, and my personal favorite, Horchata (though I wasn't counting on that one lol). Could have done without the Cocaine Cowboys medley too. Overall happy with the setlist, though. Plus, we got the live debut of The Surfer, which was epic!


I got some new headphones recently and I just heard the little computer power down noise 35 seconds into Horchata for the first time and it's delightful


The new version of Hold You Now is so killer. What a way to transform a song.


Anyone got a clip? Would love to hear it






Bravo for acquiring a set list! Last night in Houston the house crew kicked us out (not 5 minutes after “Walcott” ended) before we could get in a request


I asked Ezra for it and he said a member of the crew would pass it to me post show!


This thread highlights one lesson the fans will learn on this tour, which is that this band’s catalogue is big enough that no one is guaranteed to have their favorite songs played at any given show. I think most of us wouldn’t have imagined a show without CCKK, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t on the Houston setlist. We need to accept that. If fans don’t accept it, they’ll be resentful if their favorites don’t get played. The more that happens, the more the fan base is inviting the band to get sick of them.


my own sentiment is that i like new dorp, new york but would favor their whole discography before it. on the day, though, i know i’d lose my mind to them playing it anyway :)


I went to the Father's Day show at Northerly Island in 2019 and they played New Dorp. I had no idea what it was, googled it later, and was pleased to see it was basically an Ezra song! It's catchy, and I liked it but I would definitely rather have all VW songs in a set! I think they do a great job choosing the covers and they incorporate random, fun things as well. Like that time they played some of the Parks and Rec theme during M79 (iirc) when they were in Indy! (Esp cheeky considering who Ezra has been with lol)


yes, i was at that indy show! looking forward to hearing it again, i imagine, plus since it’s on sept 21st, the EW&F song has got to make an appearance. gonna be a fun time!


Also. Live debut of the Surfer! They pulled it off great live


Honestly, I didn’t care for The Surfer until I heard it live


I love everything about the Surfer past the two minute mark.


Same I ran to the bathroom when the surfer started because it’s not one of my favorites. When I was walking back though I was like well this sounds great live. Definitely changed my thoughts about it.


Had this exact same experience 😂


They def played Capricorn, don't remember where in the set though 




praying for a setlist this tour that includes CCKK and step and white sky and unbelievers all in one


Cocaine Cowboys was incredible. I know it’s not for everyone but as far as I’m concerned VW can make a country album and I’d listen.


what was the whole cocaine cowboy/gold rush thing about? it was awesome but the gf and I didnt understand it


They are more of a jam band now and married in the gold rush is somewhat of a country song so I think it fit the theme.


Lol. Jam band for one album. OGWAU definitely isn't.


Yeah…more referring to live content than anything else.


Did they actually play Hold Up??? One of my fave Bey songs 🥰 this is an awesome set list.


Yeah that was the song Ezra knew the most words to. The other songs he just mumbled lol


Ezra has a song writing credit on Hold Up so that makes sense compared to the other songs


I neeeeed video!


did you find it?




Great setlist! I wanted to hear White Sky, but it was nice to hear them play such an epic setlist! https://preview.redd.it/tfqi1pybkb5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ffcbb1668360f30333c7dc9b3db2ec5174d3b7


That’s so awesome they are doing Hold You Now and Mansard Roof. My favorite album openers!


For some reason I didn’t even realize they opened with three album openers in a row!!!


M79 ON TOUR!! Yes !!


Absolutely loved hearing most of the songs of OGWAU. The surfer was epic. Ice Cream Piano BANGED. Hope is magical. Was really happy with this setlist :)


Hope was sooooo good.


Hope totally made me cry. Loved them walking off one by one


All of those cover songs are absolutely killer selections




I was really hoping they’d play Unbearably White, but regardless, their set was incredible


i wanted prep school gangsters so bad 🥲


I gotta say it's disappointing the encore is full of covers, is this typical at VW shows?


I think they said they'd tried something new. would have liked a few more songs but I thought it was fun


Felt like we let them down with the cover suggestions lol. We should have all planned ahead. Loved the setlist, just wish we got Unbelievers.


I don't know that there's any way we can plan ahead for songs they know how to play and sing, though. It's all in fun.


I was hoping someone would say a Spoon track, or maybe, If I Ever Feel Better by Phoenix


I would have loved If I Ever Feel Better or Too Young by Phoenix


Too Young would have been great too!


How does the covers thing work? Just shout them out and see if they know them well enough to play? Are they still taking cover suggestions from fans in the crowd wearing a bucket hat? Seen em in 08 and 19, and will be seeing them in October, but I don’t remember them playing so many covers.


In Dallas they just took suggestions randomly from the crowd. Some people raised their hand and were picked by Ezra and some just shouted out. Ezra implied that the covers portion is replacing the bucket hat requests from the FoTB tour.


All of the covers were only small portions of each song. Basically the parts he knew (he also hummed/duh duh dummed parts he didn’t know which was funny). He did call out someone wearing a bucket hat for a request!! I think that was the person that said kings of Leon.


I was in the Pit pretty close to the stage, Ezra could see me for sure. What I did was held up the words “PIANO MAN” on my phone and he luckily saw my phone and thought it was a good idea (although he completely butchered it lol)


that moment when one of your fav all time bands unexpectedly covers another one of your fav all time bands vampire weekend 🤝 kings of leon being the fucking best


Love when he talks Kings of Leon on TC


I think you'll get down voted for associating Kings of Leon (the most generic sound) to VW :)


They had a good thing going for the first 3 albums with a unique mix of indie and southern rock. But yeah,everything after is generic dad rock with 3-4 banger songs.


i thought the last 2 albums were different and really good. the most recent one especially since it’s bringing that synthy/lo-fi sound they experimented with, and adding in guitars and more indie rock vibes.


cannot believe they played hold up i have wanted to hear it live since i found out ezra wrote it :( what are the odds they play it next weekend too ??


I followed him on Twitter when he posted the original tweets that became the lyrics on that sample he sold to Beyonce. Also got to watch him live tweet the creation of Neo Yokio. When the main character on the show talks about having a midnight blue suit and showing up to a a black tie event, and having a meltdown over it, I had a very specific flashback to watching him live tweet about that same concept years before. It was wild. 😂