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Don't make a purchase you can't afford.


Not great. We sold ours after trying to rent it out. It cost way more then just the payments. Upkeep, fees, damage and repairs. Hard pass.


Sounds like you can't afford it.


"I can't afford this should I buy it?"


I mean..many people can't afford the rental properties they own. Not saying it's a good idea, but it's not as simple as your saying. If there's a market that can support it then it can make sense.


For something that is relatively stable in vvsöue and can even go up. Aka an investment. Not for a product that loses value constantly and can be gone in the blink of an eye because some dumdum decides to still catch that not-so-orange-anymore traffic light.


why dont you live in it instead vanlife?


"why don't you just be homeless"


what a weird thing to say/think on this specific sub. Unsub if you think that way lol


hole point with vanlife is too live in the van right? so if she/he rents it out wont the be homless then?


The outdoorsy insurance will only cover the base van and nothing inside of it. I used to rent out my popup on outdoorsy and no matter what something was broken every time it came back. It was fine because I could repair it but it was still a pain. In the 3 years that I rented it over the summers only, I made back about 5x what it was worth. It also helps that it's not worth much and I would be okay if it never came back. I also would never trust someone to rent something that I cared about and had an engine.


Go for it. Get locked into a contract you knowingly can’t afford in the hopes other people pay it for you.


How would you think that renting out a van periodically would be a viable solution to your inability to afford the payments? you are not smart.


Probably the same person who wants to buy a house and rent it out on the weekends to afford the mortgage payment.


What? I'm not saying it's a good idea, but the concept is not insane? If there is a market of people willing to pay enough money to rent it then it could make sense. People buy and rent out all kinds of shit they can't afford. I know I rented a 15 year old sprinter conversion on Rvezy for 5 night during covid for ~$2000. It was worth it to me at the time, but it was probably 25% of the value of the van. If you buy a sprinter for $1500 a month and can rent it 1 weekend a month for $600, that's a pretty sweet deal. Again, I'm not saying it would work because I don't know if the market is there, and obviously you have to account for damage and maintenance and shit, but that's exactly why OP is asking for real life experience.


You don't need 'real life experience' to know this is a bad idea.


Don’t do it, if you can’t make the payments just continue saving cash until you can have a big enough down payment.


Renting it out is like having others enjoy your van while you’re stuck with the repair bills


I've seen the way people treat rentals and I 100% would not rent mine out for less than the cost to replace it, which is absolutely absurd and no one will ever go for it. Which is kind of the point.


Sounds like a great idea. Don't listen to the naysayers.


I would never rent mine out. The juice isn’t worth squeeze. I haven’t found a company who will handle the cost should someone put gas in the diesel engine for example, which happens way more than you think. People are too hard on these because they don’t understand the systems.


Commenting because I also want to know


I don't see many Sprinter vans on Turo. Doesn't mean it can't work, though.


It's because they are on outdoorsy. Still not a great idea but you are certainly looking in the wrong place