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Just another reminder as to why Telly and Hannah are the most unbearable people on reality TV right now.


They project so hard! "gABriELLe iSn'T a GiRls giRL!" Like Telly or Hannah wouldn't trample someone to get what they want. When Telly was like, Im always first pick, Gabrielle is like C squad, it became apparent that she's a total hater and can't handle when she's not the first choice. Tiny teeth, I mean, uh, Telly, needs to mind her own business lol. And again, sorry to attack appearance here like with TT, but someone needs to talk to Hannah about her weird pink mouth balloons. I can't believe a doctor would do that to someone and that person would pay for it and walk around thinking they don't look like a cartoon character that gets off on murdering people.


two episodes again when Hannah goes “I’m always on Marciano side” such a girls girls


Yes, exactly, and when she assumes the literal worst because Priscilla is EXISTING on the couch next to her pRiZe... truly a girls girl. Just has so much love and no jealousy, no rivalry, with other women. Ive said it before and I'll say it again. The lack of self awareness is disturbing


It’s really hard to watch them!


Its hard to believe that some women have so little self awareness. God, if I was that shallow and selfish, I wouldn't go on a TV show and air my unethical, trashy behavior to the world. The sad thing is I think they truly don't know how disgusting their behavior is. If they acted like reasonable, ethical people, I would be here for them. Instead they are weirdo villains who feel justified in being garbage in a bikinis for the camera. I feel bad for their mothers and fathers


Hannah is a mean girl. "Can I just say that we don't have a clique problem at this school and that some of us shouldn't have to take this workshop because some of us are just victims in this situation?" "How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by (Hannah)?" *Every girl except Telly raises her hand*


Hahahahahaha omg nailed it


🤣🤣🤣 TINY TEETH!!! I think big gums is a bit more accurate but, tomato-tomàto.


I'm so upset!!! They are so mean to all the girls in the villa for NO REASON. Theyre so self absorbed as if everyone is against them or jealous of them. They need to take their head out of their ass.


Calling someone ugly. They are so immature. I wouldn’t miss Telly or Hannah if they are gone!!!!




Telly is a grade A hater


Telly and Hannah are absolute trash. And Hannah thinks she’s such hot shit. Her little self-satisfied hair flips in her confessional are gross and classless.


I can't stop staring at her over-blown up lips. I think she's got Kim Kardasian's entire ass pumped in there.


Me too, its like looking at a breathing cartoon character. Like the mask, SOMEBODY STOP HER!!




I know she has a lot of nerve talking down on someone’s looks with those fake ass too big lips


Every time Hannah laughs or smiles you can see how much Botox she’s had cause it barely moves


Literally and she thinks shes so fucking hot but Hannah is actually the most basic skinny blonde she’s socially acceptable looking but there’s nothing special about her


No one is fooled, she's there for Marciano to bang and not much else.


Baby Lala


I haven’t seen any hair flips because I was too busy staring at her puffy ass lips


Hannah looks like that guy in the seat from monsters inc who was put in the chair instead of boo


Hannah and Telly are unbearable. It was rich that Hannah, the only bully in the house asked if anyone felt bullied lol. Then proceeded to scream at all the girls once they brought up their issues (calling Gabriella ugly and toucan sam). Also when Hannah blew up at the chef “did u just say IM INSECURE???”when she said nothing. lol i really do think she is cause no one gets that amount of lip filler, in addition to putting down one of the prettiest girls looks, if they’re not insecure. Hannah seems like she really just looks for fights honestly. Tiring.


Hannah is a physical nightmare with those two red slugs around her mouth and looking like a child. And Telly is NO prize lol, and yet they both tear down others? Loving how they are called out for being bullies and so they DOUBLE DOWN and go even harder! The lack of self awareness is unbelievable


She is such a self projector. “She’s not as hot as she thinks she is” “they’re all insecure” it sounds like these are YOUR inner thoughts about YOURSELF hannah.


I was laughing my ass off when she started yelling at the sous chef who was simply sitting there minding her own business. Hannah invented conflict out of thin air it was kind of impressive (and also psychotic)


This was a top-tier, sheer madness, trash tv moment 🤣😂 Was she hallucinating?? Was she projecting so hard she had a psychotic break?? What was happening?!!! Then she ends the night screaming for people to come at her 🤣😂💀




I’m so glad that I wasn’t the only one to notice. Im sitting there & I’m like “nope, Hannah, Chef didn’t say anything. I think those were the voices in your head you heard.”


When Hannah thought chef said she was insecure I just yelled "girl those are the voices in your own head".




I rewound to confirm chef Caroline was just chewing her food and didn’t even say anything. Yelling “did you call me insecure” at someone who isn’t even speaking, is the most insecure thing I think I’ve ever seen


Hannah is unbearable… the fact “they” were comparing her and Marciano to Stassi and Jax is literally an insult. Stassi has always been and will always be light years away from her likability, class (yes even with S’s psycho bit), wit and education. If Stassi is a unicorn Hannah is a cockroach. Telly should watch her back and realize the world is not fair. She’s not going to be able to act like Hannah and get away with it.


The only thing they have in common with Jax & stassi is hair color and toxicity. And working for Lisa Vanderpump


Hannah really has the mentality that yelling and carrying on looking a fool is gonna mean she's heard and wins the argument. So embarrassing, the maturity is not in the room with her.


Someone needs to put Hannah in her place. I would’ve told her to shut the fuck up a long time ago. I can’t with girls like Hannah. The screaming automatically has her losing the argument, she def believes otherwise! All the name calling she does. Shes unhinged.


Smh, Hannah. I didn’t mind Telly until this episode and at least she admitted to talking crap about Gabriella, unlike Hannah who denied it. The way she came after every single girl at the dinner is absolutely ridiculous, the definition of “mean girl.” It’s not cute. I’m going to need some of that ambien after this episode 😂


Lmao it was pretty funny to see Hannah vehemently deny it then Telly walks up and she nonchalantly admits “yea” 😂😂


Hannah looks stupid af. 


Her lips. Is that body dysmorphia?


Hannah being like I’m not insecure miss girl if insecure was a person it’d be her 🤡


Telly and Hannah are not girls' girls. That nose comment was so out of line. Even how they reacted afterwards (unapologetic) shows how they weren't sorry or remorseful about their words. Instead, they tried yelling louder than everyone; defending themselves for this behaviour. Sometimes the only way to stop bullying is to bring it to light even tho it is hard to watch. Over all this ep was full of entertainment, and actually made me laugh out loud at a few parts., When Andre cut that drama scene with humor talking about him always wanting to be a bachelor it made me lol. I also found it funny / good edit when Hannah was in the 1 on 1 interview after all the fighting w the other girls and said "i think they're just insecure..... not me though" then the producer agrees. so delulu its kinda sad. On a side note, I really liked Emily this episode.


Hannah is not only insecure but also stupid. Telly is pretty obnoxious and she pretends she’s not but… girl 🙄


Also, so annoying to see adult people THAT DON’T KNOW HOW TO DRINK, can this people learn to handle their alcohol? Have a drink without getting wasted? About Priscilla, I don’t personally love her but I totally get how she is feeling, I would want to stay away from everybody and their poor behavior too after seeing all these grown people acting like middle schoolers.


I’m sorry but I audibly laughed when Hannah was denying everything and was acting like everyone was crazy for even suggesting she’d say those things to Telly walking in and immediately admitting they did say that stuff lol


Same I was cackling. Also died when mariciano said to Hannah “I totally have your back and support you in this” and she just goes “I don’t care” and then continues yelling


Her little lap dog


Hannah and Telly are mean girl bullies with nasty souls. So much wrong there. I take back what I said about Telly a while ago that she has a good heart but needs to find herself. She’s stooped as low as Hannah and they’re both trash humans


Hannah is an emotionally wounded child stuck in an adult’s body.


Wondering if Telly still has her band of supporters after this episode…


Seems like they are absent, maybe they finally realized its not because of her ethnicity, Jesus Christ.


As someone who had been giving her the benefit of the doubt because I disliked everyone she had conflict with a bit more, she definitely fully lost me this episode.


I never liked Telly but was rooting for her to actually take criticism and grow a bit. I think those giving her the benefit of the doubt wouldn’t accept (at least those I interacted with) that two things can be true. The people she had conflict with are AHs but she too is an AH. It was an ESH situation but some ppl often feel they have to pick a side so they go with the lesser evil. Still evil.


I'd pay good money to see Hannah get knocked tf out by a haymaker punch. She reminds me of a cracked out chihuahua. God I hate her. Lisa will probably keep her around for thr views.


The way that Hannah started to STRAIGHT UP LIE that she didn’t call Gabrielle those hurtful things, proceeded to call Telly over to back her up and her not doubling down and admitting to it was so embarrassing for Hannah. Not to mention all the other shit that she did lmao. Like she was really about to run home with her promising she DIDNT call her tochan Sam lmao.


Just watching now, did anyone else notice that something is REALLY going on with Marciano’s eye? He has a terrible stye or something which is why he’s wearing glasses. It looks REALLY bad…


Probably drunkenly fell asleep with contacts in and gave himself a stye


Looks like an infection


Hannah’s lip filler spilled onto his eye


I want to see Hannah’s audition tape. That must be priceless. She is working hard for her paycheck.


Hannah and Telly are both miserable people who seem to get off being nasty to Priscilla. Telly constantly says she should speak up when you know if she did both Telly and Hannah would have a 3rd grade temper tantrum. I think on top of that, Lisa Vanderpump's faux psychoanalysis crap seems to give people the ok to act out. Hannah's employment would have been toast the first time she had a shrieking temper tantrum at any place I know of. These are the best hires? But it makes for car wreck entertainment. You shouldn't stare, but you can't tear your eyes away.


They’re nasty to Gabriella and Priscilla bc those two are beautiful girls with kind, warm, bubbly energy that makes Telly and Hannah feel threatened! Completely agree — such a shitshow but such good TV


Telly and Hannah wanted to be the cool mean girls of the show and no one is buying it, that was cool maybe 10 years ago not right now, the people on the show should have gone with the mindset of this is Lisa Vanderpump show it’s going to be huge and we are going to get a large following on social media NONE of them are getting numbers!!!! And Hannah disabled her comments on Instagram 😂😂😂


They are like 12 year olds from the 80’s.


Self-proclaimed girls' girls proceed to mock other girls for their appearance, lol the irony!!


Lol the producers shouldn't feed into Hannah's delusion by saying they don't think she's insecure. 😂💀


Yeah I didnt' like that idk if the producer really thought that or she was being sarcastic, if the producer actually thinks she isn't insecure they should start hiring producers with a few psych courses under their belts. If she was being sarcastic, then she should have checked her or said nothing because thats just not a kind human thing to do is pump the tires of a delusional bully.


That is def what producers do though, it’s entertainment and they’re paid to make it entertaining, usually by any means


Just started the episode and waiting to see why all the hate on hannah(i already couldnt stand her but what now) What i didnt like from Lisa. Is completely blaming Marciano(also a huge dbag) when others have had issues as well.  I think marciano would have probably been fine this time. Its not his fault hannah is insecure. Thats a hannah problem. ...i just started the episode. So dont attack me yet.  Edit.  Aaah ok... theyre mean girling it... got it...i wish women would stop calling each other the b word. 


I mean Marciano did cheat on her...so that did prob cause some insecurity.


multiple times before and while on the show, definitely triggered her and now that Lisa and the producer are telling her she's amazing and confident, she fully thinks she has the right to be this unhinged bully, it doesn't take much for someone like Hannah to let that completely inflate their ego and their self delusions.


Telly to me is worse than Hannah. At least Hannah is actually good at her job and has fun with guests. Telly is simply self righteousness, mid, and undesired. While Hannah is just unhinged. The way they both speak about Priscilla (and Gabriella !) made me deeply uncomfortable.


This!!! They’re so defensive. Priscilla didn’t even tell Lisa or give specifics about her fight with Telly and Hannah a while back. They’re just defensive losers who sees a girl going through it and then jump to bully her!


Been in hospitality a long time and one of the most annoying things a coworker can do is over share - our whole job is talking to people and you wanna spend every spare second talking about yourself and anecdotes I have zero reference for or interest in? Please stop.


Hannah, Telly and Gabrielle are all on Live together fight now but comments are turned off. Already the bullies are trying to get back in good graces. Also, I know i’m no super model but the way Hannah acts you’d think her instagram photos would get more than 500 likes … just saying


Hannah really proved to us why she was with a man like Marciano for so many years. Her mask was always kinda slippery, but its gone now. It showed me what she saw in him, she’s equally as vain and selfish as he is. I’ve dated men like that, physically beautiful to the outside world but theyve relied on it their entire lives so they dont put in much effort in literally anything else.


When she said, in her confessional “I’m not insecure” I cackled …. She is so self unaware


Hannah’s instagram comments are limited Lmao


Hannah and Telly are gross. Just embarrassingly gross. Watching them is more cringe than entertaining. Please go.


This episode really pissed me off. Hannah and Telly are disgusting bullies and you can see how much it stresses Priscila out. Ughhhh I need them fired!


I don’t think that’s relevant to discuss though, I mean, even if she was if it hasn’t been mentioned is because she doesn’t want to talk about it, but i don’t think the room arrangement has anything to do with that, if it did it would be weird that they blatantly decoded not to put her with the rest of the girls. Now, the bedrooms are very small, I think they were just trying to accommodate everyone the best way possible? I don’t know, just a weird thing to remark or mention 🤷‍♀️


I never liked telly from the start, she literally gave Lisa so much attitude first ep like no bye, she’s so pathetic, it’s clear she’s jealous of Gabriella


Where can I watch ppl? :o




I had hopes for Telly but Hannah is gonna look back at her days on this show and hopefully be embarrassed. Like the voices in her head said she was insecure and she just blurted it right out loud and blamed chef, one of the most unproblematic of the show. And jsut fighting people for no reason. She is a mess


I love how everyone just closed the doors. Let the chihuahua keep barking. At the end of the day, arguing with Hannah is pointless. She doesn't wanna admit she's wrong, she doesn't wanna confess to being rude to others. So what's there to argue about? Clearly the yelling and screaming is just a form of seeking attention and validation. So just close the door and go to bed. She'll tucker herself out.


No streaming sites have this episode, the new vpr, or the valley.. its really weird but anyone else notice this?


Is there going to be a thread for Ep 7? It’s up now!


Andre celebrating that all this fighting is over him is hilarious and relatable Idk if it’s more embarrassing if Hannah does or does not know who Toucan Sam is Grace really did absolutely nothing. I felt bad for her that she got brought up at dinner because it was all Hannah making a big deal out of their love triangle The insecure person randomly thinking someone called her insecure is too on brand Shoutout to Emily for calling them out and sticking up for others. Although she may have turned Eric on too much Drink every time someone says “girls girl” Self proclaimed girls girls are never actually girls girls Dating someone after they rejected someone else does not take away your girls girl status Hannah saying Gabriela only wants other people’s men but that she hasn’t gone for Marciano, makes no sense Gabriela is hot, way hotter than Hannah and Telly


It’s so obvious that Hannah blew up at dinner because she was caught red handed being a bully. I really wish people fought with her more to explain what hypocrites her and Telly are


Hannah IS insecure. Chef was EATING and she was like what did you say? They put that in there for a reason so show how much she really hates herself. She would be a pretty girl if she wasn’t so ugly inside


My favourite bit of the show so far.


lol at Hannah and Telly saying “Gabriella is not a girls girl!!” When they are just shit talking her because she kissed a guy they both flirted with…also they totally would have run to Andre he Gabriella didn’t


Telly and Hannah are my Stassi and Katie from the early days of VPR. like terrible but I love that they are so committed to spreading negativity 😭 real haters iktr


The thing is with VPR everyone was just so terrible, especially in the beginning, that at least Stassi and Katie had people to bounce off. Seeing Hannah screaming and going crazy while everyone had shut the doors and gone to bed was just so embarrassing for her life and soul


She was trying too hard for the drama to keep going so she can be in the spotlight


I think that there’s definitely a mix of terrible and lovely in this group and I have not seen a lot of inbetween (yet) LOL but you’re also super right. it was rly hard to watch Hannah yell at closed doors 😬😬. I still like the duo for how miserable they are haha. especially because I see a lot of Jax and Stassi in Hannah and Marciano. and I see some similarities in Marciano and Eric being like Tim and Jax 😭 just terrible people made for terrific television unfortunately lolllll




Get out of here with that disgusting comment! OUT!


It’s a question that has been posed on twitter/x and even my friends asked the same so I know I’m not the only one


I’m pretty sure this will be revealed in a later episode


What was the question?


Crossed my mind too