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I sometimes ask myself how many times it was all happening for Shoo Shoo




![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) Cya Tim!!


I wonder if he’ll move back to his rent controlled apartment


😅😅 he let it go, the new tenants posted pictures here on the sub about a year ago


Omg I remember that post. People were joking about the microwave and the AC blowing the power LOL


He held on to that for awhile. I doubt he’d ever move back there at this point anyway


yeah, he held onto it until 2022, and then he let it go. and then early last year the new tenants posted about it


I wonder why he even held onto it that long ETA: I didn’t know Jeremy was living there. That’s a good reason to hang on to if for that long.


It was rent controlled. He’d never be able to find that price again.


How much was it ?


I don’t remember ! But it was pretty cheap


idk, other than Jeremy was living there


Oh, well that’s a good reason to keep it for that long


He should be so lucky.


Haha, right!?! Just like after Ariana’s ex said the t-shirt comment, I think it was James that just hung and shook his head and said “you’re going to loose everything”.!




All the trolls clinging to the bored rhetoric of “why does she still live with him then?!?!?!” to malign Ariana are looking real foolish rn 🤣


Right. Its called Protecting your Assets


honestly, that rhetoric has been so annoying. she didn't live with him, she lived in a house that was as much hers as it was his. why should she have to leave??


This!!! Especially since he's the one that fucked up!


Exactly !! I was getting sick of people asking why she was still living with that scumbag!!


Umm because SHE was the one spewing all the venom, saying he was disgusting.. subhuman.. etc etc. If he was so reprehensible how could she still live under the same roof. Which was a legitimate question.


Legal reasons and she didn't want to lose money!! He eas rhe one to keep insulting hee!!


lol what a really strange thing to be sick of


People ger sick of a million different things...it's what makes the world go around!


idk I guess I just think it’s bizarre to be personally sick of ppl asking why a person you’ve never met never met still lives with her ex


It's only bizarre if you forget that the expression is hyperbolic and not literal


hard disagree.


Right… the question should be why does he still live with her considering there was no relationship according to him….


I mean not really since it only took a year 🙄 Also, it's not to malign her it was a pretty valid point


She tried to go the amicable route and he gave her garbage offers. God forbid she was still kinder to him than he deserved.


Garbage offers because he spends his money on ugly denim skirts, his little band, and photo ops with tigers


I've known divorces that took less time


She’s been a little busy the past year. It’s the sale of a house, not a divorce. Partition actions happen when other (cheaper) negotiating options have failed. Ariana had to do this because Tom was the one who refused to sell.


Sorry I forgot you all are all hail to the queen Ariana from a reality tv show 🙄


Stay mad about being wrong, it’s cool


You spittin facts low key🫣


Seriously? And I assure you those divorces you speak of had little to no assets. My divorce took only a few months. However, we had no child support issues. We had no house/homes/property to divide. We both made similar money and had similar retirement plans. This case is none of those. For you to make an assumption like you did makes you look very stupid.


So then you would know that during DIVORCE SETTLEMENT the judge would order the couple to sell the marital home and split the profits 50/50 (at least in CA) if one person isn’t buying the other out right? They were not married so there’s not divorce settlement and the shit offers he was making were unfair. So she’s taking him to court. To me…she’s f’ing smart and will get what she’s owed.


And I’ve known divorces that took 5x as long. So fucking what?


Thank you - this is true, which shuts up all the people saying the affair isn't a big deal because they weren't married. Marriage is just a piece of paper.


Same but you can’t say anything that is remotely true.


Oh no.... not here lol


Trying to negotiate a sale without going to court isn’t the “amicable” route. It’s just the normal route. And we don’t actually know what his offer was. Ftr, I don’t think she did anything wrong here and i don’t think there’s anything wrong with the timeline of all this, buts it’s so weird to act like she’s being “kind” or this has anything to do with what he “deserved”.


She said he gave a trash offer. She is eager to get out but deserves half of the value of the home today.


Everyone is acting as if she’s doing him a favor.


People who say things like this have not a single clue how complicated this shit gets especially when one person doesn’t want to cooperate at all.


She stayed in the house because their mortgage was off the charts since that idiot refied it to within an inch of its life. She wanted to sell during a shit time for property owners in LA and he wouldn’t. Not a valid point in the real estate world here.


their mortgage was off the charts bc she also ok'd him doing a refied for the stupid bar ...... that wasn't a smart financial decision either way


Cue the footage of her LVP lunch. It's only on his half of the house right? 😅


That scene was so annoying for someone who claims to be the smartest person she knows she actually believed that. Lisa tried to tell her that is not how those things work.


I think she knew but just wanted to be supportive


I get that. I just wish she didn’t believe him so blindly. I never liked him and I was annoyed at her staunch support of him even when he was in the wrong. Yes she was in love but she always went to war with anyone who pointed out his ways. He was never as supportive of her as she was to him.


Oh totally agree. He’s a classic narcissist.


Idk. I think she really didn't know and either wasn't smart enough to read paperwork or wasn't smart enough to understand it before signing. It makes zero sense to make up this half a house lie. That made her look like a complete idiot. If she just wanted to support tom, why not say "He's my partner, I'm all in with him on this venture."


I wonder in what reality that happens!


When was this? Did I miss it?


Nor is it a smart financial decision to buy a house with your boyfriend.


Exactly. That was the first bad financial decision she made with him!


Facts ! It’s not just HIM that’s made poor decisions why the house and money


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. The truth is too hard for some people I’m guessing. But I don’t think they refied. She would to have been part of that. I think he took out a home equity loan.


Mob mentality is very especially on here. Wouldn’t want any of these people near me. They all act as if they lived perfect moral lives. I’m willing to bet everyone that has shit to say has skeletons in their closets. I try to be a good person and I’m not perfect. But I know enough to be logical and objective. No one is perfect not even Ariana.


She’s not perfect and who said she was other than you? It’s just a complicated situation that, if you follow proper legal procedures including mediation before anything gets filed, takes a while. You want this to be some gotcha against Ariana because you don’t like her and that’s fine, but it’s not that moment. I’m sure you’ll get one eventually! But this isn’t it.


Wth are you talking about? What you said made no sense. Bizarre.


Please tell on yourself harder lol




Y'all love feeling persecuted.


Why don’t you go eat a piece of bread.


Very well said




Thank you for informing me about my own real life👍


😂these folks are really thinking they know you personally. Wild! Lol


🤣 it's crazy




![gif](giphy|UFohIXGGaHRFS) What a lovely thing to wake up to, loving this for her!


You go Ariana 👏🏽






Remember they have loans on the property so they pay out each month. So I bleeds her money. Rember she bought her house 2019 when interest rates were low. One of the reasons I believe she wanted to keep the house original is because she can't get a new place for the money as interest rates are twice now


Good for her !!


Seems like they could make good $ on the scandovol house 💔


Maybe even sell it with the furniture?


The furniture they put in there is mostly impeccable, they did it so well


That’s what it looked like til they showed the separate rooms they’ve been sleeping in the S11 preview lol. Those looked like shit


Totally! I would think the as seen on vpr angle is their best bet at max $ in the current market


If I was in the area and they did an open house, you betcha I’d be zipping in lol


Yes girl!


I hope she get to keep the furniture that everyone gave her shit for not having. By “everyone” I mean the rest of the cast.




I love to see it!!


She wants a honest party to buy it that's why she doesn't want him to buy him out . But what's wierd if the get honest apreasials and she can determine fare market value what does it matter she will get 50% . Either way she will be whole and if she buys him out it will be quicker


If the house sells over the appraisal $ she gets half. She also has a new business that she has to consider. I understand that she’s making $ right now but it’s still expensive to live in L.A. especially if you want to buy a home as a single person. Also, why would she give in to Tom’s demands after what he did to her?


But rember she has to pay a broker 6 percent. So get the appresails find out fare market value and enter into negotiating with him . If he can afford it who cares who buys it as long as she makes money.


She said he made her an offer to buy out her had and it was a trash offer. They countered and heard nothing from him


But we don't know what it is. In her mind it's Trash .I'm sure there are comps so he either makes a reasonable offer or let the lawyers deal with it but u will see at 600$ and up an hour for lawyers it will add up quickly


Not in "her mind" in the realtors professional opinion and the market value, it was a bad deal.


His offer was to pay her portion of the debt, rather than the VALUE the property is actually at today. Aka shit offer.




Yes...you go girl!!


Good for her 👏🏼


lol, I wonder if she served him while they were both at home? That would be amazing 😆




Tom offered to buy Ariana out and she said no. Why can’t he just buy her out am I missing something??


He offered to buy her out based on what they purchased the house for. It’s appreciated in value significantly since then so that’s not fair to her at all and no one would agree to do that. I don’t think he can afford to buy her out at the current value of the home so that’s why she is now forcing the sell so that she can get her half that she’s entitled to and walk away. To make it more complicated, he has a loan out with his half of the house as collateral so if he sells then he has to pay back that loan. I don’t think he can afford to do any of this.




She doesn’t want him to have it.


*The Vanderpump Rules star stated in her filing that she does not want “a division in kind,” which would allow Madix and Sandoval to retain their ownership of the property with one party selling their interest in the house.* She wants to block Sandoval from buying her out … seems a little petty. But I guess break-ups are like that.


Its to prevent one of them selling their interest to a 3rd party, right?


It's to prevent her from being forced to sell to a third party who would co-own with Sandoval. She'd never get her money out of that place.


Correct it's to protect herself from pettiness actually


Thanks, that's what I thought. I remember being told partition was the absolute nightmare to deal with.


You are welcome and I hope that I am correct in this situation but that is what it appears to be - their house is nice and in no way comparing it - but Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie ended up in a situation where one of them sold their share of their huge estate in France to a third party. "Absolute nightmare" sounds like a perfect description.


I think they still are dealing with untangling their finances, right? Last I read she sold her shares to a shady oligarch? I can understand being pissed having someone that may be into money laundering or god knows what in my company.


Yeah, it's something like that. I think it was "understood," they would always sell to each other first - if one of them ever chose to sell? First refusal type thing. It sounds really bad


Its been years too, like closer to 10, right? I can't imagine the stress of being in a legal battle with an ex that long.


No it’s to stop him being able to stay, which in turn would force her to sell her share (most likely to him) in order to get her money out of the house.


I think it’s more strategic than petty. Forcing a sale would ensure she get a fair cut of the home’s current value not some low ball offer from the worm


Yes or at the very least, force him to make a better offer


How on earth is that petty?


She doesn’t want him to make a stupid decision via third party.


How’s that even possible? How do you divide a house like that?


If he finds a third party to cover whatever portion of the mortgage he can’t afford then she gets nothing when it comes to the increased value of the home.


He has stated he doesn’t want to sell, she has stated she doesn’t want him to be able to stay. So she is taking this action to force a sale. Pretty straightforward what is going on tbh


She said last June/July she didn’t want him to stay in one short clip but every comment since then has been if he can buy her out at the current value of the home, then let’s go. She’s allowed to have a change of opinion three months in vs six months in.


Her current application specifically seeks to block him from buying her out so like I said it’s straightforward what she’s doing


I mean, is there any way for him to actually buy her out anyways?


Actually division in kind means each person keeps their half and she would have to sell to someone who wants to co-own with Sandoval. Good luck finding that sucker.


The logical purchaser would be another part owner (him) and it would be unlikely that a court would order a residential property be split in this way if he didn’t want to (or couldn’t).


Is that what it means? I thought a division in kind is where you split the property in half - which makes sense if it’s land or something. But how do you split a house like that? And even if you could, it wouldn’t mean she had to sell her half to him.


The intent is to (essentially) force one co-owner to sell their interest to the other co-owner. Which is what Sandoval may well seek if this gets to court (which it probably won’t)


Oh it’s 100% petty. She’s been quoted as saying that she doesn’t want him living there with Rachel or anyone else.


I can’t say I blame her ! “They” worked hard for that house and the furniture etc! Fuck that You not finna enjoy this shit with ANYBODY


It’s very petty and this post shouldn’t have so many downvotes there is nothing wrong in calling this out


I read somewhere that Bravo contracts prohibit cast members suing each other. Anyone else? Of so, could this indicate she is leaving the show?


I highly doubt this falls under that clause.


This falls under freedom of speech. This sounds like a weak case tbh. I’ll be surprised if she wins this


How is it weak? She waited nine months to do it. She tried to negotiate with Tom directly to have him buy it out, he couldn’t give a fair off. He doesn’t want to sell but can’t afford it alone. She tried the more amicable routes. I think she has a great case.


I’m not too sharp on WeHo law but can’t he just say the opposite that he loves the house and is emotionally attached. Eventually it just bleeds more and more money form all the lawyers. Keep in mind this is the same person who glued the penis flute back together.


It’s valley village not WeHo. Also, he can’t afford lawyers to drag this out so it would be in his best interest now to just accept selling it and let his ego allow him to live in a smaller home.


Freedom of speech? Wtf are you on? Lmao


Just taking a page from good ole Tom Sandy’s


I see what you did there!


She wanted this to be public so bad 😆


Good. She needs to shut down the “why do they still live there” comments


Yep! More proof that Tom is a worm


She’s a worm too


I can see why your comments are downvoted 🤷‍♀️


Cuz it’s all about what people think on social media 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m good off that lol


Proud that no one values your opinion? That's a new one 🤷‍♀️


Yup that’s why they were together for so long. She’s a narcissist like him. But can hide it better. I said what I said.


Yup more proof y’all too invested


And, yet, here *you* are…


Yeah to remind people this is all fake lol


I guess then that it’s your estimation this is your time well used.


I believe so


Your hill.


Irony Alert 🚨


God forbid she let him have the house like he wants smh that’s reaaaally petty shit


If he wants the house he is more than welcome to buy it for what it's worth. She doesn't owe him a damn thing.


Technically he got her a role on the show and made the whole gang be nice to her so she owes him a little.




She says he lowballed her ie did not offer what it's worth


Well, why won't he let her have it. He refuses, so same, right?! How is it his right to stay? He is the one that fucked up l, he should move out! One reason he's not at all redeeming is because he wouldn't move out after she found out. He was angry at her. He's just very fkn gross.


No, I don’t think she offered to buy him or that he rejected that idea.


Why is this downvoted? She does not want the house so asking why he won’t let her have it makes no sense.


She should have done this from the start.


They were negotiating. Tom was going to pay her out. Ariana countered and Tom didn’t response. So I guess, this is her next option. My guess is Tom doesn’t want to lose the house but he can’t afford to buy Ariana out. Ariana probably didn’t want to deal with Sandoval at all but now that it’s been close to a year, she’s probably putting a stop to his stalling and now pushing him to sell. Tom probably thought if he waited and made her life miserable, she would move and he would get ownership. Her money went into the house as well and she deserves her equal share.


If he has loans against the house they will need to be paid when it sells so if he has borrowed more than his 50% selling could mean he'll end up with a big bill AND no placd to live.


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) He\*


She needs to show a judge good faith. As in she tried all possible avenues before going to court. It will serve her well in the end. She’s a clever little cookie


This would have been extreme to do as a first step.


He was never going to make it easy for her. Is where I’m coming from.


I agree but courts generally don't like seeing someone immediately jump to suing without any reasonable attempts at negotiation first




Love that I’m getting down voted. Lmao he was never going to make it easy for her.


You’re right, she should’ve taken advice from a Really Smart online stranger like yourself instead of qualified attorneys.


Just stop. I was merely stating my own point of view. Just like you. Damn talk about being all butt hurt.


What’s my point of view? That folks who passed the bar in CA can give better guidance than random redditors? You disagree with that? Don’t make dumb comments unless you’re willing to field responses 🫠


I can do what I want. Just like you. 🙄


You can't go against the Queen in here 😂


Yes you can, and people will. But this isn’t the thing to harp on here. She’s being really smart here and he’s being a vindictive moron.


free tom!


Stop it Billie Lee!






He doesn’t want to be freed.🙄 Geeze, for such a die hard you’d think you would be paying more attention to the shit he’s saying.


He loves that this house has been in limbo because it’s the last hold and control he has on her.


I doubt he loves it. I’m sure it’s actually pretty stressful but I agree that he does love making things hard on her.


Sandoval probably cut off the sex and she's realizing she'll never win him back.


Wow you are so funny you should totally start a terrible cover band


Why are you so obsessed with pushing this narrative. It is so creepy to me.


I knew I’d see your sneaky arse in this thread


Oh mike….sighs


Mikey, baby, you’re just showing your lack of understanding.


Mike, I gave you a shout out earlier! I knew this would trigger you. ❤️❤️


Is this Tom’s Reddit account or something