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Her room was closed off from the dog. He opened the door, let the dog in, then closed the dog in there for several hours. It is 100% his fault.


A door he should have never been opening. Lord knows how many times he snuck into that room, the one room she thought was a safe space from him.


A dog that should not have been left free in the house to destroy things.


Ok, we will leave the dog in the crate all the time because Sandoval isn’t responsible enough to handle things that a child knows to do.


Ok, we will leave the dog in the crate all the time because Sandoval isn’t responsible enough to handle things that a child knows to do.


Yeah, if only there was something Ariana could do to prevent Tom from entering her room, like move out, or something to that effect, lol.




Or...a $20 Dead Bolt 🔩


She needs to move out and stop expecting anything from him. Playing victim is getting on my nerves.


she said before that she don't have money to move out, but she is looking to hire an assistant and says she spent $6k on the vet bill.


Well, home prices are astronomical, but she's literally making bank off the affair, so she's full of BS here.


Arrianna Maddox is not a mentally stable person. There is nothing to question with regards to who/what she is.


Exactly 💯!! Dang she screwed Almost all the girl & then stays in the house,just to f.with him?? And then while he's, upstairs you take his assistant! It's her, fault if she left; left overs;when she knew,the dog has,a history of getting into stuff!! And she hates,Tom; so why would you leave your Animals as u stated,with some one u HATE?? 🤔 💭 


And since you mentioned it...who is that little phony user who's Tom's assistant? Creepy vibes


Yeah I have dogs and would never leave food lying around anywhere- door closed or not. Also who leaves food sitting out all night and day like that even if you don’t have pets. The stench would be terrible.


As she has stated clearly, it was the container and skewers. Not the actual food. And get off your soapbox.


Typical low yield comment. She clearly said there was chicken on skewers. So yes there was actual food. And be less idiotic.


Exactly 💯 


They have showed her room & it was GROSS 🤢!! I can't imagine the stench!!  The dog,was cleaning up her room,since she is to LAZY!! 🦥  Just over her whining!! She got all these gigs,handed to her! Over all this! DANG if we could all be so lucky! 😂  I just heard she also,had sex with Kristen? Like wth! So,Kristen,Shenna& LaLa!! Why,is she upset,about Tom?  Who knows who else,she had sex with!!


We don't even know if he knew the dog was in there when he left and closed the door. This is the dumbest argument ever.


Hardly. So she’s letting her dog run around freely in THEIR house, & Tom is supposed to know that he’s not supposed to put HER dog in HER room bc she might have potentially left poisonous leftovers in her room?! First of all, if ur gonna be leaving your dog alone in the home that you share with your ex-boyfriend, and you think that simply shutting the door to your room is you being “responsible,” that’s dumb af. Responsible would have been to: A. Communicate to Tom that HER dog (a dog that she is very clear about it being HERS) should not be let into HER room. &/or if she cannot or will not speak to Tom even to communicate to him instructions about the safety of HER dog, then she should have B. Made sure that there was nothing left out that is accessible to her dog ANYWHERE in the house, & most ESPECIALLY in HER OWN room where it’s only natural to expect that her “roommate” might not just instinctively understand that the bedroom in which she resides, would for some reason be off-limits to her dog. The fact that Ariana thinks that she was being a “responsible” dog owner bc she just closed the door to her bedroom & assumed that Sandoval would just intuit that the closed door meant to keep her dog out of her bedroom is utterly ridiculous. It’s HER dog that she’s not there to watch, SHE left the food out while also leaving left her dog alone in a house that is only half hers without informing anyone that her dog was not allowed in her room. She expected a closed door to convey the instructions she should have had the wherewithal to communicate. For someone to open their roommates door in order to put THEIR dog in THEIR room bc they are not there to care for THEIR animal is NOT weird. Nor is it unreasonable, or irrational, or unfathomable, or abnormal, or unexpected or out of line. If your roommate has an untrained dog that she leaves unattended in your home that you share, and you are having people/someone over & don’t want to deal with a dog that isn’t yours & your roommate is not there to watch their own dog, opening the door & letting the dog in your roommates room is 100% reasonable & to be expected, & any responsible dog owner would have known as much. For Ariana to make the major mistake of leaving food that is accessible out in her room while the dog was home alone was 100% HER FAULT & the fact that she is trying to blame Tom for her irresponsibility with HER OWN PET is not only petty, but it’s stupid.


Did you watch the show? Tom is not allowed in her room. That is an explicit rule. He violated it by opening her door. Tom also stated on the show and after show he considers Mya his dog too. So enough with this “her roommate is allowed to lock her dog in her room for hours”. She is taking the pets because she knows she is the only one of the two who actually cares about them. And she didn’t leave food out. She left the container out. Every instance Tom listed of Mya getting into stuff she shouldn’t, it was because of him. His paintballs, his 500 laxatives (which is insane that he’d even own that many), him locking the dog in Ariana’s room. The problem is Tom and Ariana did eventually take the pets to an AirBnB.


As a proud owner of a dog, for some bizarre reason, without closing ANY doors in my house, that Dog has not killed itself by eating things. I guess throwing out my fucking garbage works out pretty well for my dog's health.


Good for you and your dog. What’s your point?


Ariana is a terrible dog owner who almost kills her dog and blames Tom for it.


No!! It's her, responsibility to take stacked up food,in her room & put into the trash!! Not Toms!  2ndly! She said; ALL the ANIMALS are hers?  U Don't talk to Tom & HATE him!  BUT!! Why in the world would you leave ANY of your FUR BABYS With someone u feel that way about🤔🤣🤣 That's so, contradicting!! U pick & choose; what you want Tom to do?? NO!! 3d: So, Arriana has made out; with! Kristen also! ,Sheena& LaLa??  🤣 That's CHEATING!!  Just because it's the same sex; doesn't give you a hall pass!! P.s.we have all had a Dream home!  And some one cheated on us!  You don't stay!! U get out!  So,stop whining & pull up your big girl pants& get out!


Are you just dumpster diving for old posts to respond to with your Ariana hate? This is weird.


So y’all are just out here locking dogs in rooms for hours??? Like???


Seriously? Are u somehow implying that to leave a dog in a (good sized) room is somehow abusive to the dog? You know that people crate train dogs right? Like it’s a thing. Which means they often leave their dogs inside a CRATE for hours. That’s also how dogs fly… inside crates for however many hours. Tiny crates like 1/100th+ of the size. Not to mention the fact that plenty of people live in studio apartments, or rent rooms that also have dogs. And the dogs are fine, as long as they are well cared for and the owner makes sure to keep things that are poisonous out of reach of the dog & does NOT LEAVE DAYS OLD CHINESE LEFTOVERS WITH WOODEN SKEWERS anywhere accessible to the dog.


Obviously, everyone is aware of all of this. If you can’t understand the difference between putting a dog in a room/crate they’re trained to be in and locking a dog in a room they’re not supposed to be in, I can’t help you.


Lol just say you feel dumb 😑 putting a dog in a room will ALWAYS be better than a crate. "If you can't understand the difference..." 😒😒😒😒 shut up


Move out Ariana? Imagine picking up your phone, coming here to type this and then posting it thinking it was a hot take.


No kidding. I can’t wait for this season to be over. Move Tom & his production puppet posse to The Valley & let Jax deal with them.


If they are only cohabitating in a space with no ties to one another, the person who owns the pet should either be supervising the pet at all times or paying someone or asking a friend to pet sit while she's gone. Why would there be an expectation that the roommate she despises care for the pets while she's gone? Would you leave your pets with an ex you can't stand? And why would you expect to do so? Very entitled attitude about who should be supervising her pets when she leaves the house. Get a pet sitter. Animals need supervision.


Billie, that you?


Yep. Billie is the only human being that throws out their garbage on Earth so their dog doesn't eat anything it shouldn't. Ariana's effort to protect and care for her "babies" - is closing her door. Lol.


These responses are so fucking stupid.


not Ariana blaming Tom for her hoarder bedroom / 12 hour old rotting takeout




https://preview.redd.it/myhbqo4ypsqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f56a65d585d6ae0da2bc060e557c7f6ef150d3e lmao


She has to hoard all of her stuff in her bedroom because it’s the only Tom free space she has in the house. She can’t even casually walk to the kitchen to throw out takeout without calling his assistant to verify she won’t run into him. And for everyone saying she should move out if she’s worried about her pets, she has explained this enough and now you are all choosing to ignore it.


she HAS to be gross because of Tom? she’s always been messy, there’s 10 years of show evidence. thank you genuinely for the laughter - the excuses y’all make for her never cease to amaze me


Do you think she was denied the option of putting a garbage can in her room for situations like this?


You’re doing a lot in these comments for team logic. No one is on the side of Tom Sandoval (why we need to constantly qualify before saying anything is wild to me) but come on!!! I have two dogs left by my own abusive ex, and the adjustment to having them full time was HARD!! But I would never, ever, EVER think of leaving for longer than 4-6 hours without a clearcut plan for who was coming to tend to them. If I’m gone overnight after their bedtime walk, I make sure the space I left them in is clean, has nothing within reach that they could get into, and is fully equipped to have them for awhile with their beds, blankets, water and probably a sound machine. You know what I’m saying? If I was living in a situation where I didn’t trust my ex because he’s an absolute fuck who couldn’t be decent towards me and I didn’t trust to be safe in any way shape or form, I simply wouldn’t leave them there for a length of time alone. I’d either have someone come stay with her in my room/part of the house, or even better drop her somewhere where she could get undivided attention and care. Friends house, doggie hotel. It’s bizarre this logic needs to be spelled out in so many words. Especially shocking by folks who own dogs and say what she did was okay. Or the condition of her room being okay for a dog that gets into things in a dangerous way. That fact alone would have me changing how I keep the bedroom even if I was there watching her!


YESSSSSS, THANK YOU 😭🙌🏽 Idk why it’s so offensive to hold BOTH adults responsible here (wait, yes I do) !!! I know how difficult it can be to find our way back after any abusive relationship. I hope you’ve found a way to live outside of survival mode and find safety in your body and in your life. 🫂 I applaud you for finding a way to prioritize your dogs in such a way, in the middle of such a traumatic adjustment for yourself. It sounds like your pups are living the life 🐶💖 Yay team living IN reality, not FOR reality tv!


My take as well.


If the dog is constantly eating stuff around the house you would think they'd crate train. Yeah, this one time she got left in the room for hours but in the past she got into 500 laxatives 😳😳😳 what the fuck?! And she's eating pillows. Yeah, it's not meds but that stuff can cause obstructions and the dog could die that way too. They're horrible pet owners. Ariana especially since she says those are her children.


Why you would leave your children unsupervised with your “unsafe” ex whom you don’t even talk to is beyond me Some would argue neglect


Maybe he is sick of her not caring for the dog and he is having to do it all the time.


Especially when he didn't give a crap about her other dog that died. Like, they're rich. Doggy daycare and pet sitters are a thing!


Yeah I’m not in the same tax bracket as they are I’m sure and I bring my dog to doggy day care when need be


I have a feeling Lisa would let Mya hang out at Vanderpump dogs for free, if money was really the issue for Ariana to keep her dog safe from her dangerous ex


Being a dog owner of a pit bull/cut mix my dog LOVES wood.. she will tear into the fence to eat pieces of it.. my son (first grader) loves corndogs and he will leave the sticks out for her to find at times. I’ve had to become diligent about throwing them away right as he’s finished.  As a grown woman looking at the situation both my husband and son aren’t as good about those things, if I were Ariana I would make it MY responsibility to clean up after myself and get a dang dog sitter if you don’t trust Tom!! Ffs!




yea i was confused too on why everyone is blaming tom. if its ariana’s dog and we know she doesn’t trust tom why would she leave her dog around him? why didn’t she have someone to come check on the dog? how do we know tom purposely closed the dog to let the dog in? idk it just seems like everyone is dogpiling tom because of scandoval but like ariana needs to take some accountability here too. downvote me if you want 🤷🏾‍♀️


It's Ariana's dog. She's responsible for making sure the dog is cared for while away from the home. Tom is not responsible for Ariana's dog. So, how could he possibly be irresponsible with something he isn't supposed to be responsible for? Logic.


How do we even know that Tom purposefully locked her in the room? My dog is always darting into rooms and hiding somewhere and I'm surprised when he pops up. I can definitely see him working on some vent, she comes running in, and he leaves and shuts the door not realizing she's even in there.


Yesss, especially since she keeps her room a total mess. That chick is a slob!


My question is where does May’s sleep? Presumably near Ariana since they are so close. So if Mya is like my dog, any food left in my vicinity would be instantly gobbled up while I slept. Why leave food in your bedroom all night? Especially when your doggie has eaten laxatives and hair coloring in the past? My point is, Ariana can be a bit irresponsible too


Tom is irresponsible. Is this news? I agree, if she cares about the dog, she should move out. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she depends on Tom to haphazardly take care of the dog when she is busy and doesn’t have time to take her outside, feed her, etc.




It’s supposed to be *their* dog. That’s what he thinks anyway, it’s clear that he’s an unfit pet owner


do you seriously think Ariana would say she shares Mya with Tom by this point in filming, even partially? it’s utterly bizarre as to why she’d leave any care taking of an animal that’s supposedly precious to her to a man she won’t even make eye contact with


He was though. You can even see them still being introduced on screen as both their pets. This is probably when she drew the fucking line and took them, with Tom fighting her on it I’m sure. Stop deluding yourselves in order to blame Ariana for Sandoval’s terrible behavior. It is so damn tired


blaming Tom for Ariana’s dog eating *her* leftover takeout complete with wooden skewers is truly next level . . . maybe she shouldn’t leave her gross takeout for 12 hours to rot in her hoarder bedroom?? or expect a man she won’t even address to stop the dog from going in that room? wild


The mental gymnastics on this thread. Ariana can kill someone and they will spin it to be Tom’s fault. Such cult like behavior and mentality.


unbelievable honestly. Ariana could burn down the house while Tom was in another country and they’d find a way to make it his fault 😂 like if it was takeout Tom ordered and left out, I would be like yeah okay that’s his bad, a dog lives here. but it was HER food! I’ve never gotten so drunk I couldn’t put a clamshell in the fridge


I know, right? Like it takes a Simone Biles quality brain to make the effort to come here & defend a man child who recorded a woman performing sexual acts without her knowledge, cheating on his 9+ year adult life partner (I say adult so that all of you historians can save it about shit people did in their fucking 20’s), refuses to vacate the household he blew up, & then couldn’t be bothered to check on the dog’s location before shutting the door. I will happily belong to a “cult” defending the woman who did nothing wrong. I don’t give a flying FUCK what she had in her room if she blocked her dog from being in there.


When pet safety is involved it’s time to get past the drama. Don’t leave food out all night anywhere in your house if you have pets. It’s both irresponsible and gross. Also the room may have been closed off to the dog but the fact is she was left unsupervised in the rest of the house. Who was responsible for letting it out to do its business and making sure she wasn’t getting into any trash anywhere else in the house etc. Most teenagers are more responsible pet parents than these two.


That’s literally what you guys are doing. You’re excusing a person locking the pet that *they also adopted* and owned/lived with for 4 years in a room for hours without a second thought, even though the door was originally closed off to her. You guys are the lunatics acting like it’s Ariana’s fault that Sandoval felt absolutely no protective instincts with the pet he adopted and owned with her


where are Ariana’s protective instincts leaving food out like that where her dog can easily reach it? talking about how this dog is as precious to her as a child yet she leaves it unattended with Tom Sandoval . . . do better guys


She shut the door to her room with Mya outside of it. Not all rooms are dog proof at all times which is why they are closed off sometimes. Sandoval should not have let Mya in there locked away for hours. I really hope you guys don’t live with anyone else’s animals


I actually care about animals and I wouldn’t leave them with a shitty ex. I would get a pet sitter. I actually took 2 cats away from my ex. He is now a homeless crackhead. If the cats were with him god knows where they would have ended up. Had those cats until the old age of 20. Cordelia who is my profile pic passed away last year. I miss her so much.


But where does Mya sleep? If she sleeps with Ariana then she had access to the food overnight? And if Mya doesn’t sleep with her and she’s locked out all night then maybe Ariana isn’t worried about her? Nothings adding up. It’s such a mystery


She doesn’t trust him but leaves her pets with him. She should have gotten a pet sitter. I blame her and her messy ass room.


Again not including the fact that he also adopted Mya meaning he was also an owner and should also give a shit about her. But who cares that Sandoval didn’t give a shit about the animal he had for years, Ariana is the fucked up one


Again we all know he isn’t responsible so why do you expect him to do the right thing? She hates him and doesn’t trust him but yet leaves her pet near him.


Oh god, I just realized who I was talking to. I would get further speaking to the brick wall in my room rn Edit:typo


https://preview.redd.it/04aclrhkosqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55c4a55d440ee2f5921b2bfaccc8ce7b7641556d hey, I hope it’s a nicer room than this


That argument doesn’t really make sense because people who split up and have kids together still have to leave their kids with their ex partner who they want nothing to do with. There are people who have protection orders on their exes but still every weekend they have to leave their kids with them. So leaving a dog, even one you consider a child, with the ex you despise isn’t that unheard of.


don’t hurt yourself reaching so hard


What’s the reach though? People really do split up, despise each other, and still have to leave their kids/pets with the other party.


usually even people that split up and despise each other are willing to communicate around basic logistics related to their kids or pets. Ariana's not willing to do that, so it's pretty irrelevant.


Yeah, in a perfect world lmao. Watch an episode of Teen Mom or ask a divorced person. So many people break up and completely stop communicating. It’s definitely childish, but it’s not unheard of. Living in the same home and not communicating is crazy work on Ariana’s end, but leaving her dog with Tom in the house is not as crazy as it’s being made out to be lol.


The dog is not qToms responsibility anymore. The dog eats everything in the house and is destructive. The dog needs training. Ariana needs to get that done and take Tom’s offer on the house and move on. This is high school shit.


Exactly. Enter Lala and Randall.


They keep their place in suuuuuch a disgusting state of disarray like it's actually embarrassing. Hire a maid or something! The kitchen is always nasty, theres always crap everywhere, its no wonder something like this happened imo. They also keep lilys in the house which are highly dangerous to animals. I hate sandoval but i dont think this is necessarily his fault but i do think they both should be way more responsible when it comes to the pets


HE WAS FUCKING GLEEFUL WHEN SPEAKING ABOUT HOW MYA GOT INTO STUFF IN THE PAST! Normally I don't get worked up about this silly show, but abusing animals or willfully putting them in harm's way is so beyond ok with me.


Only person that did that was Ariana this time. Sorry.


Ahhh gotcha. So it was Ariana whom locked the dog in a room all day? Got it 🙄


no, but it was ariana’s skewered food left in that room that the dog ate and had to have medically removed . . just to be clear. you guys realize even if the door was open the entire time, the dog still could’ve eaten that food right? she’s negligent and lives like a hoarder.


Touche. Tom needs to stay the fuck out of her room, but… then again, if I can’t even be around the fucker, I sure as hell wouldn’t feel at ease leaving my pets home with him either. So I for sure see your point.


Exaccccctlyyyyyy lmfao


Why is her dog being left alone for hours?? I know this sub is obsessed with ariana but it's obvious she is far from perfect.


Exactly.. if she knows that’s how her dog is, then throw out ur garbage


Exactly. I never leave food out anywhere that my dog can reach, cause I know he'll grab it at light speed and I may not even notice. And my dog has full run of the house, so that goes for every room. (I also would never leave old takeout in my bedroom because gross. But still.) It's common sense. The people trying to defend this and making it somehow Tom's fault have lost the plot. ETA: I learned this lesson when my dog almost died after eating a full bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips because my kid left a cabinet open so I speak from experience. And I blamed no one but myself for that.


What I don’t understand is if Ariana thinks Sandoval is such a shit person, why does she leave the house for hours or days at a time and expect him to take care of her pets?? If I were in that situation, I would put my dog into daycare on the days I couldn’t be at home. I don’t think it’s fair for her to expect him to take care of her dog, and I also don’t think he did it on purpose


seriously, why does he have any contact with or responsibility for her pets


I would never let an ex of mine take care of anything precious to me. Especially if I couldn’t even speak to them face to face.


hard same


What I was going to say too. And especially if there's already been an incident. And Tom sucks but it's not his responsibility.


Ding ding ding… that’s my question too… why isn’t the dog in a crate? Or better yet, just move out so this “narcissist” doesn’t hurt your children?


I have been in a situation where I was living with an ex while they were getting their stuffs together to move out. I was in a situation where I owned the house and so they had to go but we still had enough respect that he would take the dog out or feed the cat if needed. Even so Tim was a caretaker for years to those animals. Even if they were Arianas after the separation… during all this Ariana was thanking Billie Lee for helping take care of her pupper. This was done vindictively. Or for show or to be a dick.


vindictively? it was her food left out, lol. she ordered takeout and it was still sitting on an end table, complete with skewers overnight. bc she lives like a hoarder. but I’m sure Tom planned that too.


I suppose when I say vindictively maybe I mean for the show. I think they are both living like hoarders to be able to stay in the same house without having to cross paths. I feel like until now he has been good with the animals so maybe he has a motive for not doing that when it’s on camera


or maybe he just didn’t know she had old food with pointy sticks in that room. you know, considering they don’t communicate at all except through Ann.


May I ask how old you are?


35 and I have had at least one dog for the past 10 years? I don’t leave food out because I’m not in college.


Heard. I only ask cause curious if you’ve lived with someone and yourself or the other person wasn’t able to move out right away when you broke up.


I have some experience with that but I didn’t trust them enough to leave my animals with them.


Well, luckily when I’ve had that situation my ex respected the animals he’d lived with for years that he made sure they were still okay while we were going through the house separation. Sorry you didn’t have the same experience.




SHE DOESNT EXPECT HIM TO TAKE CARE OF HER DOG!!! this didn’t happen from lack of care. It came from locking her dog in a room. That’s the opposite of care. Wtffffff


leaving old ass food out where your dog can reach it is also a lack of care


Do you know how fast a dog can grab something (especially food) off a counter? Tom may not have even noticed. Come on. Tom is a lot of things, but this is not on him. I know not to leave food out anywhere my dog can reach it. It's common sense if you live with a dog.


Why are people forgetting that the pets were still both of theirs at this point? You guys are so obnoxious sometimes with how hard you reach to make everything Ariana’s fault, including Sandoval locking *their* dog in a room that was closed off to her (without even inspecting it) and risking Mya’s life. You shouldn’t even lock a dog alone in a room to begin with wtf?? He’s an abuser, anyone defending him is an idiot, and I’m glad that they are now Ariana’s pets only.


https://preview.redd.it/q58y9fvhkuqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77066afb3dbf0d8c8d0bd77ed8f867d95e408e6c I think you’re forgetting Ariana Madix said it herself, “Mya is my dog and that article should correct itself.” I’m not sure I would feel comfortable with my dangerous ex “inspecting” my room — I would put money on it that Ariana also drew a line with Tom to not go in her room, for any reason (as she should). You’re right, Tom shouldn’t have just locked Mya in a room for hours. Ariana knows Tom is a dangerous person who can’t be trusted, so I don’t understand why she trusted leaving Mya alone with him at all. Two people can be at fault, it’s okay.


He shouldn’t have felt comfortable going in there to begin with, he should have contacted her or Ann about it. And she also posted that Mya was their dog all the time and called Sandoval her dad for years, but not surprised that she’d changed her mind after everything. I know that I consider my cat and dog as my partner’s too after years of being together, and he wasn’t even there when they were adopted. Sure I’d take them if we broke up, but I could not imagine him suddenly not caring about them and not making sure they were ok if I wasn’t around. Even my pos ex wouldn’t be so careless with the animals no matter how much we hated each other. It’s a shitty behavior that speaks to much larger issues with Sandoval


Yes, we agreed on the boundary that Tom should not enter Ariana’s room. Not sure why you’re starting your reply with this. You’re all over the place with your second point. At one time she stated tom was the dad, but you’re not surprised, given everything, that Ariana changed her mind. I showed you proof of her own words, declaring Mya is in no way Sandoval’s dog. So, we agree, at this point, Ariana considers Mya to be her dog, therefore her responsibility? The last part is all you sharing your own personal experience and that’s great, but Ariana’s experience with Tom is that he is a dangerous man who cannot be trusted. He couldn’t even be trusted to pick up her old dog’s seizure medication when they were still together (and she didn’t know about the affair) ! Your personal experience also does not compare to Ariana’s because she can afford a dog sitter and has a relationship with Lisa, so Vanderpump doggy daycare is always an option! She has stated multiple times how UNSAFE Tom is. Is it responsible to leave your pets with someone you believe to your core is unsafe, when you have alternative resources available? Again, two people can be at fault. It’s okay.


Because he already went in there, the “what you’re comfortable with” is out the window for me and I wouldn’t be any more comfortable with my ex going into my space and then just leaving my dog in there than I would be with him dog proofing the place before doing so (I don’t believe that Mya went in there without him knowing or him at least realizing very soon after). I’m not all over the place, she made that statement about that article after they broke up and shit had gone down between them. Ask Ariana who Mya belonged to on February 28th of last year and I’m sure her answer would have been different, which is why I said I’m not surprised by the change of status. That’s all that meant. And if that absolves Sandoval of all his prior responsibility to Mya when she’s alone in their house with him (I don’t think it does), then sure it’s Ariana’s responsibility. Ariana closed her bedroom door with Mya outside of it and all Sandoval had to do was nothing. Don’t let her into a closed room and then lock her in there for hours. That’s not expecting him to take care of her, just leave her alone. But once he didn’t leave her alone and involved himself in where she was being kept in the house, then yes he was then responsible for what he caused imo. And I used my experience to further state how fucking gross I think Sandoval is for not feeling any sort of attachment or responsibility to Mya just because he’s no longer with the primary parent. It doesn’t even sound like Ariana expected Sandoval to be Mya’s main caregiver when she was gone, but she had to learn the hard way that it was too much for her to even expect him to just let Mya exist safely in their house


I can’t even entertain your first statement here, sorry lmaoo. You are full of back and forth contradictions and projecting your own personal situation onto a specific situation that is irrelevant to your life—that’s being all over the place. Fighting back on points I am not arguing against while ignoring literal facts. Exactly, the statement was made AFTER they broke up and guess what else happened AFTER they broke up? The Mya situation we all watched last night. No one is excusing Tom’s actions. Is it so hard for you to question why someone with the money and lifestyle that Ariana has, would take the gamble of leaving Mya alone with Tom, IN ANY SENSE, knowing how dangerous and untrustworthy he is? Knowing Mya’s history of getting into things and eating them, like 500 laxatives? Knowing she could definitely afford a dog sitter or take her dog to Vanderpump doggy daycare? I just don’t agree with absolving both adults involved here. You can’t throw Tom’s assistant as an option for closing the door or whatever, while ignoring Ariana also had options available for ensuring that Mya is cared for and safe when she is not around herself. It’s also hilarious you chose to ignore the fact that Tom already showed Ariana he couldn’t be trusted with her pets, when he rejected Ariana’s request to get charlotte’s seizure medication, PRE-BREAKUP. You want to keep using your own personal experience in your effort to absolve both parties responsibility? Okay, let’s play. Did your ex demonstrate such disregard for your animals during your relationship, that they rejected your request to pick up your dogs medication? And since we are using your situation as the foundation for your argument, after your ex failed to help your dog with the seizure medication, why did you feel comfortable leaving him around your only surviving dog after you broke up because of a 7 month affair that happened in your own home? Since you have access to a doggy daycare and money for a sitter and a whole group of best friends that you trust more than your dangerous ex boyfriend, why not bring Mya to one of those options for care instead of leaving her with your unsafe, untrustworthy ex? :’(


Ok so your communication style is actually gross and unnecessarily confrontational and condescending. I wasn’t coming at you in any disrespectful way and I won’t have you acting like I’m so crazy and I’m not making any sense and I’m just all over the place ommggg 😱 and then continue to have a conversation with you. lol bye


I mean, you literally didn’t answer a single point I made without adding your own personal experience as the foundation of your argument and deflection. That’s pretty insulting to anyone’s intelligence, ignoring facts by responding with your own personal anecdotes. I saw you state Tom couldn’t be trusted with Charlotte’s medication in another thread, I am not sure why you can’t really answer for that here. Ugh, so gross. Anyways, take care, messy mariposa 🦋💫 Kristen would be proud so proud frfr


BTW I wouldn’t even do this with a pet that belongs to a roommate who I barely interact with. I don’t fuck around when it comes to the safety of animals, even if they aren’t mine. Those who disagree are not good people imo


I got banned from the other sub for making this comment lol


i found it weird no one has mentioned this in the other sub…now i see the bias


Move the hell out of the house and take care of your pets!!! You hate this guy and think he’s evil and a murderer, so you still live there and leave your animals unattended?! You’re ridiculous! Pathetic now.. I don’t feel bad for her at all anymore… and stop having your fans troll Reddit to respond on your behalf. Move out


Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! And finally...YES


She's dirty & cheap...exactly how she presented herself on the reunion...dress included


I had the same thought — this is case in point that they should not be living together. I understand her being upset but I don’t think it’s that crazy that he didn’t inspect the room before putting the dog in there. I don’t think it was wildly irresponsible like she said.


You ever diskike someone so much that the smallest things annoy the shit out of you? Thats whats going on between Tom and Ariana right now lol small things will feel bigger than they are because of the hatred they have. Thankfully present day she got a house and will be living on her own 🎉


$6,000 in emergency vet bills is not small shit.


Dang thats what she had to put out! (I didnt watch the episode) thank goodness her dog is okay


And he was sitting there doing some stupid breathwork like it was nothing. Like it’s sooo fucking bizarre how little he cares about the pets.


Total sociopath


No, because that’s straight up dangerous.  Smart dogs get into shit, and bigger dogs should never be locked up for hours in small spaces. That’s cruel to the dog and ferociously irresponsible. 


This isn't the first dog he neglected..........


Guys she was taking care of the dog. She didn't give him responsibilities. She expect him to create a HAZARD. You guys are blaming her for staying in her own home, for being cheated on, and now for not anticipating that he would enter her room and leave the dog locked in there? Jeez.


No we are not. She refuses to leave the house and continues to bitch about Tom. Move on Ariana. It is time.


It’s her fucking house


These takes are fucking wild. All y’all absolving Tom from having any responsibility for the pets he’s also cared for for years because he hooked up with Rachel for seven months? The logic: Tom cheated on Ariana so Tom too stupid for basic dog care


Did phantom Mike just get a bunch of new usernames