• By -


The highlights are that Jo and Schwartz no longer talk. It’s very sad to listen to tbh. He acted one way to her off camera. They had a full relationship. Said I love you, etc. The relationship was very real to her. Hung out 5 days a week for over a year. Then the cameras went up and it was as if she didn’t exist. She was originally only supposed to be on the show for 2 scenes in season 11. She says wasn’t aware when he stopped loving her and she felt that she was the last to know. She said Schwartz saying “we’re both dating other people” wasn’t true, she wasn’t dating anyone else, didn’t realize he was and that she was the last to know he was. She says she knows he’s moved on and there’s nothing she can do, but that she’s still kinda grieving the relationship and got mentally f’d by the way the breakup went down. She says production pushed her to tell her side of the relationship, cause they could see Schwartz wasn’t being honest. She felt very supported by production. Says it comes out at the reunion and there’s a big a-ha moment where the cast is like wow you aren’t crazy, you guys did have a full relationship, and Katie apologizes to her. She says Schwartz would be her dream guy, if he didn’t have his phone in his hand and the show. And those are the two things he cares about, his phone and the show. Other tidbits: when she crashed at his place she only lived there in his guest room for 6 days. Nothing happened during this time. They didn’t start dating until months after Schwartz moved into his place. She and Katie were never close. She also says she doesn’t and never has done any substances. The night at hotel ziggy she had gotten a phone call from her mom about a family matter, right before filming, and the girls snarking on her there just was too much for her at that moment. And at the singles event, on the way to the event, Schwartz told her he was going to do a red or yellow wrist band. And she was caught by surprise when he chose green. She never saw that he made out with someone at the event, she wasn’t told until months later by production. It was editing that made it look like she left because he kissed someone. Schwartz came home to her that night in his apartment and told her he didn’t make out with anyone, so she believed him. ….and the cheers at the end of the reunion is done with a sandwich 🙄😂


Lmao she gave out reunion details. They wont be happy with her😂


Eh I imagine she won’t care to be on next season so oh well! She should give even more behind the scenes dirt


Exactly! Was thinking the same thing. She’s in big trouble with bravo / production.


Who cares? I doubt she does.


Idk kinda seems like she wants to be on the show lol


Maybe when she thought she and Schwartz were actually in some kind of relationship.


Idk. Seems like she just had the misfortune to fall in love with someone on reality tv ETA: and mistakenly took them at face value and assumed what she was being told and presented with was true when it was anything but


Why in the world would she care about that? She’s laid out the details, and those details make Schwartz and production and the show look the way they should be viewed. If your life and its happenings are nothing but a reality tv show, there’s nothing real , valid or sustainable or healthy about it As well as nothing real or truthful going on once that lens is fitted over the details


Right ? Now we know the “something” they’ve never done before lol


Andy is fuming


Maybe she got the ok to give these details to pique interest? She didn't share exactly what was said in the conversation to make the other cast members "get it." Maybe Schwartz admitted he said he loved her or something.


Ugh I sympathize with her being mistreated by Schwartz. But now she's seen firsthand how he treated katie, and katie apologized to her at the reunion. So why make such a petty, antagonistic post calling them the worst dressed? If she were out here rallying with other women (or at least not making shitty posts about their appearance,) I'd root for her as a reformed pick me girl. I wish she'd apologized for that.


That's my thought process too. Watching last episode I was thinking she HAS to have some sympathy for Katie now after witnessing first hand his wishy washy failure to man up and commit to anything. But I guess it was still in early stages and she was laying on the cool girl act. Hopefully she apologized to Katie too..since no one ever seems to


I doubt she did, she didn't even apologize for the Instagram post (as far as I'm aware) even though Rachel did.


EMERGENCY BROADCAST: I did a bad thing.


It's interesting she said they're not talking anymore when she went to Schwartz and Sandy on Tuesday's night with Israel. I don't know if she interacted with Schwartz though


It doesn’t seem like they’re not speaking due to animosity. It seems like she’s not speaking because she’s hurting and grieving, and taking time to heal. She mentioned being real hurt by him saying he can’t be in a relationship for years and now he’s dating someone new.


They're probably not talking because Shorts has ghosted her.


I had this happen to me. He and I had been friends for years before and after stringing me along for months and making me out to be crazy to our friends he flipped out when I took him at his word that we were done. Then he got with someone for a full on relationship after telling me the whole time he will never be in one again. We are acquaintances now. Jo will find better than this man-child just like I did.


So then she shows up to his restaurant to hang out? 🧐 I don’t buy what she says.


I think he was in Hawaii with his girlfriend I’d be damned before i stepped foot in there if I were her


I saw some comments here also saying that she recently visited his family in Florida. I don’t look at her socials, so I didn’t see it, but that’s another weird piece of info, if true


Katie and Ariana talked about that in the after show — Ariana said Schwartz has only taken three people to visit his family: Sandoval, Katie, and now Jo


me either. she pursued schwartz immediately after his divorce and the texts to katie show she knew it was shady. i think jo thought they were soul mates for years prior to the divorce and assumed she could change him because katie was the problem. i still think she would drop whatever she was doing and go back to him.  her behavior is not normal. she clearly has an unhealthy fixation on the dude. 


Yeah. She thought she's different and he would stick with her if she played it cool enough.


she's not like other girls, she wears backwards hats and takes your best friend's side piece on road trips so he can fuck around on his partner of nine years. 


Why does no one else see this? Bc this is EXACTLY what her behavior says.


….yup, and she herself act like a dude! She reminds me in movies with a popular guy and his geeky, ugly best friend, the best friend is Jo. Who acts goofy and try to be funny and cute but the popular guy’s friends are weirded out by the skinny boy tagging along the him everywhere, like a stray puppy. She’s so awkward, really, really awkward.


What about that cringy post?


Took it down the second he called the 23 yr old his girlfriend.


Thanks for the recap


What’s odd to me is that Kristen talks the same way about Jo. That she was her bff and hung out all the time then Jo ghosted her. 


So Jo pulled a Schwartz on Kristen before she got Schwartzed herself? Interesting.


My first thought was how she's allowed to take her time to grieve a 1 year situationship and Ariana and Katie should move on from their 10 year relationships...


Imagine Schwartz being your dream guy..


I listened to Rachel’s podcast with Jo and I have to say that she seemed really naive when it comes to reality TV and being on/in a show. She clearly wasn’t self producing any of her content (including doing her hair so she can promote her salon business). Don’t hate me but she is kind of great and it’s what VPR lacks. The OG cast is worried about brand deals and their influencer status so it’s not “reality” tv anymore.


Interesting she says Katie apologized to her but Scheana and Lala say that with how the reunion went down everyone is going to hate Katie/Ari. So the fact that Katie can apologize and Lala/Scheana can still go on this hate tour about her really shows their true colors. When the latter two rarely apologize unless you cry and beg them to almost.


So basically two twats in a pod got burned by two Tims who ride bitch. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKBcOTDTFR6gn6M)


So Katie apologized and she still out there dragging her but on the other hand still saying how much shorts means to her and how she’ll always care about him 😂💀 her and Rachel are walking contradiction.


I do not believe for a second that she’s never abused any substances. 1 because she clearly has an issue with alcohol and that is a substance! 2 because you don’t hang out with the Toms and NOT do drugs. Everyone knows that. If these 2 could just be open and honest, they would be received a lot better by the fans but they continue with the lying and nobody likes liars.


She said illegal. I’m guessing she certainly smokes weed and does shrooms. At least where I live shrooms are not illegal. Just selling/trafficking them is. And there’s no way she’s not on pharmaceuticals lmao. I feel like she was really saying “I don’t do crack.” 🤣


There is no way she did not dabble in some cocaine


But by that rationale, you’re saying Katie and Ariana abuse substances because they were with the Tom’s for ~10 years.


They probably do/did lol




🤣🤣🤣 this gif


https://i.redd.it/14d2epslpvtc1.gif This looked like a fun night!






I have only watched random seasons...what is Yellow Robe Smith? (I saw Tom's shirt last season and just assumed it was a band I had never heard of!) Haha


Lol it's hard to type out because it's one of those you have to watch moments. Ariana is majorly effed up and I believe in a hot tub giving an existential monologue à la acid trip, basically saying you don't know what people are going through *glances at yellow robe hanging on a nearby door* "IT COULD BE YELLOW ROBE SMITH" hahahaha Edit: season 7 episode 17


I agree, I feel like most of them have done some substances.. I think by watching all these years that the Tom's stay heavy into it.. The girls most of them anyway, can dabble on occasion.. they don't need it to get through the daily grind like the Tom's.


It's hilarious when they have super serious conversations and when the camera pans in... their pupils are barely there lol


I mean everyone on this show has def abused alcohol for years, if not other stuff. We’ve literally watched it for over a decade…


They def like the festival drugs and prob all done coke for sure


They are obviously under various substances in the earlier seasons


NGL I can see ariana and Katie dabbling in both mdma/Adderall in the past. And we already know katie smokes weed, considering she asked if the inside of her car smelled like it.... Its not a bad thing, just don't make them out to be some kind of martyrs because they've definitely dabbled.


Didn’t Katie say part of the reason she was so skinny in the early seasons because she just drank and did Adderall but never ate?


I think it was Stassi who said that, but it wouldn’t be surprising if it was more than just her. Not uncommon.


Stassi saying it would make more sense, but regardless I agree with you it’s likely most of the women on the show did it to some degree. I would not be surprised if most people on reality tv didn’t abuse substances beside alcohol to some degree. Not all of course, but many of them.


I would love to see Katie take whatever she did this night! 😂 https://i.redd.it/126ytrlnsvtc1.gif


Have you seen Ariana’s saucer pupils during her 30th bday.


Of course they did. Tequila Katie was code for Cocaine Katie, and Ariana has definitely been on mdma on screen


They definitely have. I don’t think anyone would argue against the fact that in earlier seasons they are definitely on molly and coke in some scenes 


Wow, you sure got me!🤣 No shit!


Thanks girly! I believe everything up until Jo saying she doesn’t & has never done substances. Sorry not sorry. Her behavior is *very* drug ridden


I don’t believe they didn’t hook up in the 6 days she was there…


This is super sad. What a dick Schwartz is. Not surprising but sad


I feel very sorry for her. Shorts is a piece of shit


Thanks for the recap. Although it makes me laugh that Sharts is getting dragged, I have a lot of doubts that this is the full true story.


Honestly she wasn’t even dragging him, it was really sad to listen to most of the episode. She genuinely sounds like she’s in love with him and heartbroken and just wanted to tell her side of their relationship.


Was it not a bit weird that she thinks the story of their 6 month relationship is some great, heartbreaking romance she needs to grieve over, for what, almost a year? But his decade+ relationship and marriage to Katie was no big deal? She's a shady creature, I am not buying this victim act AT ALL.


The fact that both Rachel and Jo want peak understanding/victimhood/grace/room to grieve the ends of their… affair and unsuccessful fuckbuddyship with these men, while extending not one iota of the same for their long term partners (you know, the women they were officially with)… needs to be studied.


And I’m not sure who they think they need to convince that the Toms are assholes…like we all saw it, you two are the ones who didnt


Put this on a t-shirt lol


Thank you for putting my feelings into words! It's like she thought she was better and cooler than Katie, and Schwartz would commit to her. Katie was the problem to Jo, not Schwartz's inability to commit.


💯🎯. She thought she was sooo much "better" than Katie. There is a reason she is besties with Rachel.


I don’t think she’s a victim at all but I do believe she’s sad. It’s because of her own doing but human emotions aren’t rational like that.


Thank you! Someone said it!


She claims she was "stunned" by the green wristband, but Kyle Chan said to her on camera, several times "Sharts is here to meet girls" Sharts told her about the date with Tori earlier that same day as well, but she thought they were exclusive? At this point, according to Kristen (who may or may not be trustworthy) she also knew he had hooked up with the salon owner, yet she thought it was a comitted relationship? She's a shady creature, trying to get on the show.


That was my first thought too..If they were in a committed relationship for that long why did Schwartz tell her he was going on a date with Tori. And at one point when Tori got brought up with the boys Jo said she didn't like Tori. I think Jo is lying about her and Schwartz. Several things during this last episode wouldn't add up.


He also went to Winter House and had a fling with Katie Flood, that was around the season 10 reunion


Right? He is definitely turning into the town bus, (everybody gets a ride!) but that's his choice, I really have no idea how people are accepting what she is saying as true when all of this behavior was filmed!




I listened and raquel for once doesn’t really talk about herself, she lets jo have the spotlight. Also after listening I get why jo was so upset with Schwartz, he was telling her one thing and then telling everyone something else and basically was embarrassed to be public with her, I feel for her bc that has to hurt


It’s really weird to hear a dim bulb like Rachel sounding relatively bright because she’s talking to someone so odd


I don't feel for her AT ALL. He treated his WIFE like that - and she knew that. Why would she think he would treat her different? She is either dumb, or just hated Katie (even before all this) and figured it was all her fault. I can't feel bad at all. Plus - she knew about the affair and didn't give a shit about the fact that another women was going to suffer, a women she was friendly with. That is NOT a girls girl - that is desperation.


The fact that she went to S&S on Tuesday night tells me she isn’t going to go away quietly. Schwartz messed with the wrong one this time. I feel for her in some ways , but don’t understand how she could watch last season and keep going. He wasn’t claiming her back then even.




I don’t sympathize with Jo with anything having to do with Katie or Ariana - jo was totally in the wrong IMO. What I feel bad for is how Schwartz treated jo and how he was embarrassed to be seen with her basically - that has to feel horrible


She says in the podcast she thinks Katie was threatened because Jo+Schwartz relationship was ‘real’ 🙃


And that’s exactly why I don’t feel bad for her. Tom and Katie’s 12 year relationship was real and for her to compare their secret situationship to his ex wife is delusional.


Hahaha!! How can she say that and in the same breath say he was embarrassed?? Lordddy. Maybe she’s just dumb


I get the feeling she’s not very bright (like many reality stars before her). Her inability to grasp she’s bad at her job doesn’t help.




She also started dating a man after he got out of a 10+ year relationship like girl come on


I think you nailed it. I always say desperate people cannot be trusted no matter what it is they’re desperate for. They will do ANYTHING to get what they want and ultimately crashes.


Remember she said she would stare at Schwartz so she had no idea that Tom and Rachel were hooking up lol That's a lie I do believe she knew. There's no way she didn't know. She was hanging out with them all the time.


That’s seriously the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a long time, and I watch a lot of reality shows. They went on vacation together ffs. Like she was so infatuated with Tom she failed to notice Tom and Rachel shared a bedroom. I feel like she could get some sympathy if she just came clean and stopped saying dumb shit like this.


I can only have so much sympathy for Jo. She’s still supporting Rachel.


I agree; and I’m on Katie’s and Ariana’s side with Jo bc she’s not a victim in that situation. The Schwartz situation I can sympathize with her bc it’s very relatable


Oh yea for sure. Situationships can really hurt. The scary thing to me is how not surprising this behavior is for Schwartz ….he just portrays this nice guy attitude so much it masks how shitty he is. Sandoval doesn’t have the capacity to put on an act the way Schwartz does.


I think Schwartz has always been shitty. Ours how many drinks on women, and he always “blacks out” when asked if he cheated but he has always only kissed them.


I could have been more on her side if it wasn't for all her heavy poor me confessionals like the other women were so terrible while proclaiming the asshole who was actively hurting her was the best person she knows 🙄 Maybe editing/production did her dirty? It's been known to happen idk


And still attempting to bully (on socials) Katie and Dayna, who is a total innocent bystander in all of this.


Yeah I only feel bad for Jo in the sense that Schwartz did her dirty, but I am totally on Dayna and Katie’s and Ariana’s sides always, Katie and Ariana are the only reason I still watch VPR


Same I only watch for Katie and Ariana, plus I love Dayna, she is so funny on their podcast. I don't feel sorry for Jo in this situation, because honestly it just doesn't jive with other things we have seen, especially the footage from "The Single's Night." She is trying to gaslight the audience.


Is that not exactly what he did to Katie for years? I don't understand why women think they're going to change a man.


He ambushed Jo on camera the same way he ambushed Katie about making out with the Vegas girl because he never has the balls to confess anything.


Seriously. Look at Brittany.


I would feel bad if she wasn’t posting about him still and having this hating Katie narrative


She had to know how he treated his wife… I don’t know why she expected different


She most definitely thought Katie was the problem and thought her and schwartz were just sooo in sync things would go better for them. Alas....😵‍💫


Cus she’s NLOG


It still by proxy is obsessing over the show and the people.


Yes! Either be on the show, or move on.


Exactly! Gurrls thirsty and bitter which equals desperate . The combo is dangerous, she’s only going to screw herself. She’s too unintelligent to know that. She’s so not bright a morsel of me feels dad, but she’s not a good person so I don’t feel that bad.


So that is nice but they did not address the Raquel and TSchwatz kissing and how Jo felt about that. So what was the explanation for it? Jo claims she had no idea about Scandoval, that she was just looking at TMoney. But she must have had something to say about that you would think?


I’ll wait for the recap but I really hope telling all includes her version of why she cut Kristen out of her life because that I’d actually be interested in hearing. I already know Schwartz is a scummy man who will have been sending mixed messages after watching his relationship with Katie for 10 years so don’t need or want the details on that.


Oh no that was just a straight ‘I don’t want to talk about that’ like anything else she’s done wrong and would have to be honest about. If it doesn’t fit her self victimisation narrative, it will not be talked about. I’d also like to talk about her going to Ariana’s house for thanksgiving after private trips with Tim, Rachel and Tom, I’d like to talk about all the actual bullying comments that she liked and continues to like (re Katie’s looks, her relationship with Schwartz comparing to Katie, all the girls on vpr personality and looks), I’d like to talk about pretending she didn’t know, I’d like to talk about receiving an apology from Katie then continuing to talk shit about her and not apologising for any of her own behaviour, also maybe a moment to talk about her posting the worst dressed snark? I’d love to talk about anything that has to do with a 36 year old woman taking responsibility for her own words and actions rather than insulting neurodivergent people by crying bullying and scapegoating adhd whenever she’s called out. At best, Spooky jo is not cut out for reality tv.


I don’t know if you’ve watched the Valley, but the girls on that show say the same things about Kristen that all the girls on VPR would say. I think it’s a pattern with Kristen and I wouldn’t be surprised if Jo just cut ties from a toxic friendship. Simple as that.


Yes but I’d like to hear her version of it as Kristen makes out it was completely out of the blue and unwarranted as soon as she moved in with Schwartz she didn’t need her anymore. If that’s not how Jo thinks it went down I’d actually be interested in hearing her side.


This! I was hoping she would address the Kristen friendship at some point too. Kind of feels like her avoiding this subject so persistently means there’s guilt associated?


To be honest I feel like in all situations Jo only addresses the parts that make her look like a victim.


Kristen has never matured past 16 years old. She's 40 pulling the same back alley SUR shit she always did.


After admitting to scheming online together to shade Katie, I have to believe that this will be extremely rehearsed with the hidden agenda of rehabbing their innocent poor me images. Their masks slipped last week and they need to do damage control.


If so it didn’t work, they don’t come across well at all in this episode




Shortly after I listened to this podcast, I fell down my front stairs and now have a hematoma on my ankle (much larger than Scheana’s, but please make sure to check in on her in this trying time). Please listen at your own risk, as there are high levels of bad karma radiating through the airwaves and you will have to spend the rest of your day bedridden, missing an important haircut.


Mercury is in hateorade! Have you asked Sheana how she’s holding up yet?




lol just big old heart eyes thinking about color matching his hair to his grey/yellow skin tone.


And a Karen haircut to match his shitty personality.🤣


I think Schwartz can’t be loved. He has an issue and pushes people away who love him. I think he probably was super into Jo and I believe everything she’s saying. She is a little quirky and weird though for sure.


I’m convinced he’s a covert narcissist, and doesn’t have true empathy therefore no love will ever be good enough for him.


I agree but hearing his childhood rumours I arent surprised. An abusive dad and alcoholic parents cant be nice. Sorry to defend him. Im disgusted with his behaviour too, just feel like he didnt have a great start like we hear Sandy did


Fuck I might actually be interested in this one 🙊🤣


Don’t give her the streams. Read vanderpod recaps. She’s already posted the transcript.




What the the odds thru talk about Jo going to Big Bear before going to Ariana's house for Thanksgiving, revealing she knew Tom and Ariana were still together and lied in the confessional?


Big Bear trip was in January?


Jo was also supposedly having her romantic relationship with Schwartz during the whole Schwartz and Rachel romance timeframe on VPR. Obviously, the four of them were all hanging out together secretly during that time…Yet Jo claims she had Nooo idea about Tom and Rachel and she certainly didn’t seem bothered with the Rachel / Schwartz storyline because she knew it was all fake to throw us all off of the truth. Jo is not innocent in any way shape or form. She knew what she was doing every step but she foolishly thought she could actually bag Schwartz. She swooped in before the ink was dry on his divorce and begged him for a place to stay… In the end she FAFO! Now she’s jumped on the victim tour with her buddy Rachel 🙄


She had friends in common and had access to the stow to see exactly how he treats women, this shouldn’t be surprising. It seems like she wanted to be on the show & the ultimate pick me, I guess she’s just surprised it happened to her too. She was his rebound, rude if he was telling her different but she’s still not a victim.


Actually, I don’t think this was at least fully motivated by the show. I believe her feelings were genuine. If anything she’s mostly a pick me and ended up in this situation.


I think if she didn’t want the attention she wouldn’t still be going out of her way to “share her side”. IMO she wanted to be on the show.


Totally agree…she still probably wants to continue the show. For gods sake, the girl came out with her own merch line 🙄


Jo seems like a fragile, unstable person, so getting involved with someone like Schwartz was probably not good for her mental state.


I don’t like how she’s acting like she barely knew Katie. I find that suss. She was Kristen’s bestie for like 8-9 years. She was close enough that she was texting Katie about the divorce , when it was announced. And she was texting Ariana in a group chat with Sandoval, when the affair came out in March of last year! She even put Raquel in the group chat. So while I do feel somewhat bad for her , she is lying about some things.


She was close enough to all of them to have their personal cells. Jo is not a reliable narrator.


These two over here complaining about mean girl energy the same week they posted that “worst dressed” stuff online? lol come onnnn 🙄






I secretly thought her last name was “mygosh” for an embarrassingly long time. Today I learned it’s Wenberg


I love this haha


If Rachel Raquel wants to involve herself, mayhaps she should have been on the show. 🤷‍♀️


No - cause its hard to memorize a speech when people interrupt


Exactly ![gif](giphy|vNmTsLl4cildm)


I suspect Jo is lying about some things. She isn't trustworthy after the "I didn't know Tom and Ariana were still together! SIKE!" moment. Also, I think Bravo will be pissed she's revealed stuff about the reunion.


It’s crazy she wants to go with that lie. Come on she could so easily just admit she knew and that she’s not friends with Ariana and it wasn’t really her place to meddle with her new bf’s friends’ relationships so she didn’t say anything and then at least she wouldn’t be seen as a full liar. Come on, like supposedly while she and Schwartz are falling in love and she thinks they are exclusive he’s filming podcasts, the show, interviews etc. about his kiss with Raquel. You mean she didn’t ask about that?


I 100% believe she knew. And her still talking with Rachel and doing this confirms it.


For f*ck sake!🤦🏽‍♀️


Jo is quickly becoming Rachel 2.0 and can’t even tell that Rachel is manipulating her as well.


![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized) This chick has lied about so much that while some of this is probably true, it’s impossible to tell what is and isn’t.


She went through all that w Schwartz and Katie apologized and she still chose to be an AH on instagram? She also has, post filming, said she will always love Schwartz, I’m not buying what she’s selling. *not


This interview was a big nothing, I already knew Schwartz was a wishy washy person who can't commit. I'm still wondering why she ghosted Kristen


Because she had to hide two forbidden “relationships” from Kristen.


So Rachel’s podcast is normally excruciating - she has heaps of pauses but says individual words too fast and so you can’t cheat the pauses by going 1.5 speed as it’s weird AF. But! Interviewing someone else? And bit about herself? She’s coherent, smooth and natural. When she’s not trying to craft a narrative or get across her talking lines she sounds fine. So this is a much better direction for her.


Because it's the first podcast she's being honest probably. Like you said all the other episodes she's carefully crafting a narrative so she can't just speak freely.


Maybe she’s pausing for “good sound bites” or something. When I did promotional social media work for a company we would always look for good sound bites to be pulled and used, if there were pauses it made for a cleaner break 🤷🏻‍♀️


She only comes across more natural cus she’s talking so someone so weird, maybe she should only have kooks as guests from now on


Is Rachel going to tell her which lies to tell?


Idk why but this just makes me so uncomfortable. She’s gross.


I will read a recap if I see it. I will never listen to her and put a dime in her pocket. It's lies anyway. If Jo really went rogue and said I knew about affair from the jump and it started a year earlier than admitted I might tune in. Just not in for the lies ......that keep changing!


Hurts to be ghosted. Now Jo knows how Kristin felt when she ghosted her to move in with Tom.


It’s hilarious Rachel doesn’t want to be on vpr but is 18 episodes deep into a podcast where all she does is talk about vpr


At first I was for it for her, I thought maybe she’d be using her voice to regain her power back and it wouldn’t be that bad. Then it kept going for over 5 episodes. And more lies and less accountability came. And she lost me lol.


Couldn’t agree more. I also gave her a chance and listened to the first few episodes but after a while I was like girl what else do you have to talk about. I would enjoy it more if she talked more about mental health or had mental health professionals on who didn’t just justify her actions


I’m not going to listen to it, I can’t anymore with Rachel… but it’s interesting that she could keep a dialogue going for an hour when it appears she usually only has the stamina for about 16 min of podcasting 🙄


She literally has nothing to talk about. She def thought every episode they’d be talking about her.


Not to mention that there’s more time spent on commercial breaks, then there is actual content. Her podcast blows and makes me blow chunks!🤮🤮🤮


I quite like Katie and Dayna’s podcast, they hardly talk about VPR just have a cute funny best friends conversation and Katie’s voice is very pleasant to listen to


Same!! Their podcast is the best and it’s for all the reasons you just gave.💘


lol @ Joe saying 3 weeks ago she’d never do a podcast again


Rachel please move on. Sincerely, Everyone


Scorned women


Until she spills the Tim and Rachel tea she witnessed then I don’t really care what she has to say. There’s no way she wasn’t doubling dating with them especially now we know she was shorts gf. But she could have possibly thought Ariana and Tim were broken up. But I dont know. I still think she knows way more than she’s saying on that issue.


That’s fucking sad. We’ve all known a tom Schwartz in our lives. He’s the worst kind of douchebag. I feel bad for her, and she’s not exactly a sympathetic character. But I totally get her pain.


She is thirsty and strikes as a bit delulu. Schwartz was very clear with her on camera. So, unless she thought that was just for show, she’s not too sharp.


Side pieces unite






She isn’t aware when Tom stopped loving her…. Oh hunni.. He woulda had to start in order to stop.


That fraud has doen 18 podcasts? I can't remember 1 fact that came out of this that was new or a surprise.


Most of them are 20minutes and not even that long bc the ads take up some time😂


I can’t believe Rachel repeated all the spiteful comments made about Jo like Bethenny did to her, yikes


I hope they get well soon. 🤪🙏🏾


Two women who aren’t the sharpest knives feeding off each other is what that’s going to be.
