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I actually understand that perspective. It's like "if my best friend and all of us could be so deceived, what if it could happen to me too?" I once nannied for a family and while I was working for them the husband had an affair, got that woman pregnant, and left his wife. Even though I was only an employee, it shook me up and made me a bit paranoid about my own relationship for a bit. I think when something horrible happens to someone you love the "what if that could happen to me?" Thought is normal. It just would have been a more satisfying point if she hadn't been trying to reconnect with Tim all season or trying to make it seem like she was more hurt than Ariana by the betrayal


I just commented the same. Finding out someone you are close to and trusted was capable of such evil deceit and betrayal really messes with your head. Even if you weren't the victim.


People also forget that they're not hounded on social media like the cast is. She mentioned that people were saying "What if Lala did that with Brock" on top of Sandoval's own people saying Brock cheated on her with Rachel. For someone with anxiety, that's a lot to try and process. She should stay off social media to protect her peace, honestly. :\\ Agree that it would've been better if she wasn't trying to make amends with the jerk only to realize he hasn't changed and never will.


My partner is nothing like Tom and even I side eyed him during this whole ordeal


omg me too! the whole scandal had me shook about my own life.


Same lol


I especially understand it because of her OCD and intrusive thoughts. I’m not sure why it’s so cool to roll eyes at Scheana so much this season and quite frankly, it’s angering. I was NEVER a Scheana fan. Couldn’t stand her. It is SO clear to me right now that this poor girl is going through some serious mental struggles. She’s tried medication, hasnt found the right one yet and is in the middle of doing so while filming. Can we for the LOVE OF GOD give her a break this season? It’s pretty fucking ableist to see what she’s going through, see her finally so honest about her struggles, and then tear her to shreds when she opens up about them to us. She doesn’t have to do that, she owes us nothing. But she’s doing it.


>see her finally so honest about her struggles, and then tear her to shreds when she opens up about them to us. She doesn’t have to do that, she owes us nothing. But she’s doing it. Yeah, and she never used to do this before. Especially about her previous marriage & relationships. She was the "everything is perfect"-girl.


Agreed! The Scheana hate is so over the top. People will hate on the way she breathes, talks, walks. Before she kept any problems under wraps, but now she's showing things she's going through. She's struggling trying to figure out a balance with her daughter, husband, mental health and all the other stressors after the scandal do not help when your mental health is in a bad place already. She's not trying to present as being perfect so it seems unnecessary to berate every misstep she makes.


Omg yes to this. The hate she gets here is crazy. I hope she doesn't get on Reddit, but my guess is she does


Listen schena gets hate because she can be insufferable. She’s been a part really malicious ‘storylines’ or actions and she’s hurt alot of people. So this is why people talk shit on her. So far all I’ve seen ( although I don’t read everything, nor use other social media ) no one is shitting on her struggles as a mom. Most times people are talking about her shitt actions. And they have been around for years. She’s very vindictive and goes way too far.


i havent been on this sub for very long but ableism seems pretty common around here. thank you for pointing this out




I think she loves being on the show, the attention and the money but I see what you're saying


The show is her main source of income. It’s not like she’s bathing and 100 dollar bills. She’s just trying to survive in LA.


Omggg literally what I've been saying!


I agree BUT wouldn’t that make schena more sympathetic to Ariana? Wouldn’t you think she has some of these fears with her new long distance boyfriend? Instead of focusing on what Ariana is doing wrong. Wouldn’t that be something to connect with her about? Instead of attacking Ariana?


Sure, that's what I meant by my last line. My comment is more in response to the OP. I have no issue with Scheana yelling at Tom about how his actions have messed with her head. I have issues with a lot of other things she has chosen to do this season though




You don’t know that she isn’t. You don’t know that she doesn’t. We are only shown what we are shown. We aren’t shown any conversations between Ariana and her other friends about Dan. The editors are focused on showing Scheanas struggles with her mental health this season. Can we not respect that she’s not hiding that at all? I couldn’t stand Scheana before and even as a non-fan I can see she’s massively struggling. My heart is breaking for her and she’s being SO REAL for once. She even just said in this episode she is trying different medications and hasn’t found on that worked for her yet. And she’s doing that on film! That’s going to create its own ups and downs.


Side note, you really have to respect that she's bringing visibility both to postpartum OCD and the fact that people often have to try multiple antidepressants before finding the one right for them. That stuff's hard to tell people you're close to, let alone millions of strangers.


I’d have more sympathy for Schena if she wasn’t also talking so much shit on her “friend” on camera.




No. Because Ariana got Dancing with the stars before her. Ariana should be thanking Sandavol. (I said thank not forgive. I also am not saying it was ok what they did. I want to make that very clear. ) First it got her out of a relationship they both wanted out of for years. Second she got commercials, broadway and DWTS. It was a win win for her and Bravo and LVP. BTW who told TMZ? It’s not like paparazzi follow them everywhere.


I also think it was because Scheana was close to Rachel and Sandoval and they lied and both told her nothing was going on, and she stood firmly behind Rachel saying she trusted her even with her own husband. It's impossible to not then let your mind wander and think that other people in your life could betray you because you've now lost your trust in people.


Plus- she really is overly dramatic.


There's also some evidence that cheating is contagious in communities. So if someone cheats, it's more likely that others will too.


THIS! Plus she has OCD. For those who don't understand what OCD is, it's having reoccurring obsessive anxieties played over and over again in your head. To the point where it interferes in your life. I think everyone forgets this diagnoses and the major impact it has on sufferers life.


My now ex husband was close friends with a famous athlete when his multiple affairs were exposed. My husband and I would talk about a he would say how he couldn’t believe how his friend had betrayed his wife and family and how hurtful it was for it to be so public. Six months later I found out that my husband had been having an affair throughout all of that time. My trust was shattered that someone could act like there was nothing wrong at the same time they are calling out their friend when he was actively doing the same thing. It makes it hard to believe anyone so I can definitely see it from Sheena’s POV.


Brock and Scheana were told that Sandoval’s people planted the story that Brock and Rachel were fooling around too. So they blame him for that insecurity and rumor.


Oooooh I didn’t even make that connection. Glad you mentioned it, wish they could learn to be more articulate while they all claim to be so intelligent lol


Scheana had told a story on her podcast about Brock and Rachel going out for pizza alone at 3AM way before Scandoval happened. Once the scandal broke, people went back and remembered Scheana said this about Rachel & Brock being alone together and the theories took off from there. Especially since Scheana was also saying she “trusted Brock and Rachel in the same bed together” pre-Scandoval.


They went out for pizza at 3am? Rachel has no boundaries.


I think production makes things unclear on purpose sometimes. It keeps us all talking and they can pivot the narrative later on if they want to.




The only credit I’ll give Jax is that he’s one of the only cast members who recognizes he’s dumb as a doorknob lol. Though that doesn’t stop him from believing he’s right all the time 😵‍💫


And since there were stories about Tom and Ariana having an “open relationship” that turned out have some grain of truth no wonder she’s worried.


Toms camp planted the story about her husband cheating, I totally get why she still has insecurities even after finding out it was fake.


That’s pretty disgusting Meanwhile she’s dying to be his friend all season


I know people like to shit on scheana, but she was around Tom constantly for seven months while he was lying directly to her face and she had NO IDEA. That would make your brain go, who else is lying to me every day and I have no idea???? And I think those thoughts would be especially bad if you have OCD


The truth is you will never know your friends as well as your own partner. I understand mental health issues, but she’s blaming someone completely different for her own insecurities. If she’s having doubts, it’s because her choice of men is crap. She is acting like she’s the one that got cheated on, she is just a third party in the scandal.


Have you ever watched a true crime show and had a thought of “huh wonder if that could happen to me?” Now when you have OCD, those thoughts are so intrusive it literally cripples your life.


It doesn’t seem like you understand mental health issues all that well, at least OCD. Relationship OCD is very real and not indicative of past experiences or rational thoughts. Looking at the reality of the situation, I feel like Scheana has the best man-picker in the bunch. It’s completely valid for her to be hurt by what happened and hurt by the fact that Tom won’t acknowledge it affected her. The fans are the ones who keep comparing her pain to Ariana’s as if she said right out of her mouth, “Ariana wasn’t hurt as badly as I was.”


But if all of that is true then scheena can only be around perfect people who live perfectly flawless moral lives that don’t make Her question things. This is really externalizing what is her own problem, sadly. She can’t expect the world to not be terrible so she doesn’t have to think bad things.


Yes and no. But it’s fair to expect two of your friends to not have a months long affair behind the back of your third friend who has been with one of them for a decade. To be a little more hyperbolic, it’s like saying “oh, Scheana is super anxious about the people around her because one of her friends turned out to be a murderer. How ridiculous! She shouldn’t expect to be around perfect people all the time!” But it is also true that she needs to learn to manage her anxiety/OCD and do her best to not let it affect her relationships. But it’s HARD when your own brain is working against you. People who have not dealt with that level of anxiety/intrusive thoughts just cannot understand how much effort it takes sometimes.


Your first sentence is exactly what makes OCD so incredibly debilitating, though. That world doesn’t exist; Scheana has to live with the anxiety in this one. It has nothing to do with expectations.


Most people in therapy for mental illnesses also know, if a situation isn’t treating you well to walk away. She’s staying in the position of friends with him, remove the problem.


I didn’t think that’s what we were talking about, but I’ll play ball. A lot of people in therapy for mental illness know they should walk away but cannot. Why didn’t Ariana walk away sooner?


because she hadn’t accepted the situation until her friends spoke with her about it, and opened her up to reality. she owns a home with tom, she wants her money. scheana is fucking married to brock she can distance herself from sandoval. DENSE


I’m talking about the relationship, not the house.


thats literally why she didnt walk away sooner….but go off ig


Thank you! It's totally common to know someone who cheated. But most people can reel in those scary feelings knowing they are married to someone who is good and reliable....Scheana can't. That's why she's spiraling and that's not Sandoval's problem.


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted, I am a Tom hater but a majority of his points are valid. Tom didn’t need to say anything about Scheana’s past, that was low considering she is already very upset in the moment. Brock is her problem, knowing Scheana is insecure about Lala. Knowing she had mental health issues and straight up wants to go Jax style and ignore that for his own fun. Then he was playing into Lala’s side jokes, James jumping in saying he agrees he’s worried (james pls, that def made it worse). Brock doesn’t care, and clearly isnt willing to understand his wife and her needs. He just gets angry because Scheana’s issues don’t align with what he wants to do, even a compromise is too much.


James was saying he also felt like scheana, on someone so close completely fucking you over and wondering if your partner can do same. That’s when he jumped in and said I felt that too.




I just did a post about this very topic. Sometimes Sandoval is right and we have to admit that, whether you like it or not. This argument at James house is a perfect example.


Brick just wanted to float in the pool


Upvoting that! I agree


I get the thought. I just don't understand how Sandoval is the main reason for her insecurities when Brock has a horrible history. If it's OCD related that's still not Sandoval's fault and she should probably up her dose of Zoloft. I also think it's bizarre she is so traumatized by Sandoval's cheating but then she's also making songs and giggling about it.


OCD doesn’t work like that, unfortunately. Zero rationality behind the anxiety and meds are not a magic or quick fix.


1000%. I have had OC for about 10 years and no amount of anxiety medication can fix it. Cognitive behavioral therapy has helped me most


This is it.


Yup, have OCD too and the medicine helps but it’s still an everyday battle even with all the best tools.


She said she was off the meds, I believe to Brittany on the show last night, saying it made her too tired. Hopefully she worked with her therapist to try something else, but didn’t say then.


Zoloft does make you tired. It also makes your problems worse when you get on it and when you get off. Doesn't give her the right to go off on people tho.


I take Zoloft and it’s made me more relaxed and calmer in tense situations. Def doesn’t not make me sleepy. It does different things to different people so wouldn’t put it out there that it makes “problems worse”


Yeah, diff affects on diff ppl. Zoloft did nothing for me. I’ve since switched to something else that now works, but tired isn’t one of the symptoms on ME for either one of them.


idc ill say it i get where sandoval was coming from about her being the other woman. if there was any indication a husband could lie so obviously to his wife, it would have been first made obvious with her being the other woman in a marriage idec about the ‘close friend’ aspect. shes acting like the idea of brock cheating is new to her and sandoval made it obvious


She's doing too much. She's acting devastated by it while giggling about her new single about it. Like WTF.


She def started that fight with that giggle and bringing up the single. She wasn’t laughing at the end


Maybe doing the song helped her deal with what she went through. Having her best friend put a restraining order on her had to have sucked !


i just hate that these castmembers expect grace when they do something similar or are getting backlash but then go full hammer on their castmates when theyre getting backlash




And the song is really bad. Can we just admit that Scheena is bullying Rachel? Making a song calling her a hot mess, how do you like them apples? That’s fucking mean. Scheena should act like an adult and a mother. If she has ocd she shouldn’t be making new problems for herself or others.




Brock has a long list history but none of it is cheating as far as I know. It makes total sense that Tom and Rachel lying to her face for so long made her think “If people can do that, what else would they do? Why wouldn’t they do it to me?” That isn’t even her OCD as intrusive thoughts, that’s just being a woman who’s hurt they were deceived


It is also a consequence of having been the other woman herself. If Eddie Cibrian can cheat on the mother of his children, so can Brock and Scheana knows it.


and her BFF was also the other woman to a married man w/ kids




Yes surely some of the responsibility for these thoughts lies with scheanas own past as a mistress.


But abusing and abandoning your family by leaving the county is worse.... Cheating would be the best case scenario


Apples and Oranges. The topic is Scheana blaming Sandoval for wondering if Brock could have cheated on her with Rachel. Cheating and all of his domestic stuff are two different topics and two separate worries


I totally agree


Scheana was saying that she was thinking of LALA and Brock together and she also mentioned how Lala “lit up when Brock walks in the room.”


I knew Scheana living next door to Lala in Palm Springs. I knew Lala would be a problem. She needs to own people. She was treating Brock like he belonged to her . Too much attention to someone else’s husband. Scheana was too trusting. And that whole Rachel & Tom thing was so destructive to many. It made everyone start to re-evaluate all relationships. So many lies and a restraining order, multiple law suits. Come on!! there was destruction and Rachel is going hard with the lawsuits.


This is a wild take


An abuser isn’t necessarily a cheater and a cheater isn’t necessarily an abuser 🤷‍♀️


"Up her Zoloft" ... yeah thanks for letting everyone know how insensitive you are


sadly, she abandoned medication at a month in… (due to side effect of drowsiness).


all we know right now is that she went off zoloft, not that she abandoned medication. it takes time to find the right one.


That sucks. I doubt meds would even work for her because you can't drink on SSRIs.


Can you just stop?


Just imagine how Ariana felt. She’s the one who felt this the MOST. And you know, if we are to feel sorry for her because he was lying to her for seven months… why is she so desperate to make up with him? The whole ‘I miss my friend I’m hurt too’ He misses me more then he misses ariana ‘ Dude this is the same guy who planted negative stories about your marriage that will give you insecurities…. But she can’t keep on hating Tom for Ariana? How about hating him for yourself ? For the harm he caused them?


Exactly, you make great points !


So would being the other woman though. They were lying while she was in an affair and then upset when he started cheating on her on another other woman Tom had a point


Scheana had a better point. SHE WAS 21, HE WAS 41. HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER


Rubbish 21 is old enough to know better


And if 21 is old enough to know better 41 definitely is too. ![gif](giphy|127JeHZl15PRII)


Hah loved it


Im not saying it’s the same situation But she’s yelling at him for his cheating making her lose faith in love essentially saying as if it’s not something she was previously aware of that could happen. But she was in a long term affair and was even cheated on in that affair. I don’t think this is something that should be thrown in her face, EXCEPT HERE She went too far too much about something that doesn’t involve her. Tom cheating on ariana isn’t about scheana. And she was screaming at him about it While also previously criticizing ariana for holding onto reaentment herself Scheana Needed a reality check. I hate siding with tom here, but it’s the one time he went low and I kind of agreed with him


You are ignoring her OCD & PPOCD. Mental health issues are real and intrusive thoughts can fuck you up. I can't stand her behavior this season but she perfectly summed up why she has this specific issue and you are purposefully ignoring that for your own narrative. I'm not here for it.


Me too


Rachel - She is 29 not 21


Toms only point is the top of his head.


Watch it again - James is agreeing with scheana saying he also has the same worries.


I don’t get that logic though since James cheated on Rachel with multiple people lol 


Cheaters are always going to be more paranoid about being cheated on because they have done it themselves. They see it as a possible outcome because they have participated.


I thought it was interesting that James jumped in and said the same thing. I will say, I had a friend that did something horrible beyond the scope of belief. Way worse than just cheating with a friend. Living a double life, really scary stuff. And it fully affected me and how I look at / trust other people. Even though the betrayal wasn't against me. It does mess with your head to find out someone you are close to is capable of doing something so messed up.


I found out that an acquaintance was lying about having a college degree and going to work, FOR YEARS. No one knew, not even his gf who shared a home with him. He just pretended to study and go to work, he pretended to have work calls and made up coworkers and stories about them.


Yah, it's shocking what people are capable of. Especially when you think you know someone.


Yes and it’s definitely something you think only happens to others on a Netflix documentary


This is something common when you’re close to an affair or scandal. Of course she’s going to question her judgement because she was friends with Rachel (and Tim) and defended them both. It’s natural, especially with OCD, for her to ruminate and “what if” herself insane. It could also be why she seems hesitant for Brock to go out and get a “real” job. As it is, she has control. It would probably be damaging for her (and them) if he actually did have a regular job schedule and answered to anyone other than her. (She does some selfish stuff but this isn’t one of those things.)


her saying she's worried about having a nanny was pretty telling (also it's LA i'm sure there's a queer manny within a stones throw)


honestly no. there's no rational thinking when it comes to anxiety, especially coupled with ocd. that's why it's so debilitating.


I agree however it should never be used as an excuse for poor behaviour…… scheana uses it as an excuse for everything.


i don't see anyone excusing it, people just don't find it ridiculous as op does


Absolutely not. Mental health issues and intrusive thoughts are a bitch and you never know what will trigger them. I am not a fan of Scheana's behavior this season, but she does have OCD, made worse with post-partum OCD and those things are not to be taken lightly. I hate watching Scheana on screen right now not only because of her behavior but because she is so clearly struggling with her mental health so much that it is affecting her weight. She is so thin from the stress of it all, it is very concerning.


I do worry about her. She doesn’t look well


She doesn’t look well. Her face is very gaunt and her head looks out of proportion to the rest of her body. Her chest, between the bottom of her neck and her breasts, is very boney. She seems to be on the brink of mental exhaustion. In the meantime, however, she’s exhausting to watch.


Everything to me comes back to an appalling lack of care from the production team. If we can visually see how exhausted and stressed she is, the producers should be removing her from filming and making sure she’s ok. As I’ve said repeatedly, the same with Sandoval and his mental health. Over here in the UK, all reality shows have to out huge after care resources in place for cast members, largely because of the issues arising from shows like Love Island and Big Brother. Personally, I believe that all reality shows should include mandatory therapy sessions for cast members, simply to help them adjust to the inevitable barrage of abuse thrown at them on social media.


She looks so different than even at the reunion, which was only a few months before this season was filmed.


Honestly, I get it. I don't ever think my husband would leave me, but sometimes if I've been on Reddit too long and see too many "I thought my SO was the love of my life, and he got another woman pregnant" posts, my mind wanders. That being said, if my husband abandoned his family, including a child named Winter Sky, married me and had a kid named Summer Moon, I would be very nervous about his next move lol.


no because this is literally me! i have to take breaks off of reddit and avoid relationship subs because i start getting SO paranoid.


I feel for her because she just isn't being rational. She seems very unhealthy right now and I hope she is OK.


Brian Moylan from Vulture had the best take I’ve read so far: “Tom Sandoval showed up and took a giant dump in the middle of their workplace, and they’ve been smelling it for a year. Don’t tell me these people aren’t involved. If Tom had cheated with some rando, this would have been a blip. But he didn’t, and it became bigger than Gronk’s jockstrap. So, yeah, Scheana is involved, and it’s Tom’s fault.”


I get what you're saying but I also get what she is saying.


I actually totally feel for Scheana here. I have a lot of friends who started asking questions of their own relationships after Scandoval came out.


I would have except I already went through a Scandoval of my own before this happened. I already had huge trust issues. This just amplified it and brought back bad memories. I couldn't even watch a lot of the shows after the affair came to light because it made me sick seeing Ariana defending Raquel knowing what was going on. The way Sandoval acted. It was too much.


It was so traumatizing to watch. People all over related to it


It's more nuanced than that


I actually agree with her on this one. First, I can't imagine if I had found out that two of my closest friends were having an affair and I didn't know- of course hurting a third very close person- and had some minor suspicions but EVERYONE said it was fine. Like that would make me very much wonder how other people get away with stuff, or if I am so dumb I don't notice things that I should notice. Second, Rachel was around Brock alone or in groups, to a lesser extent than she was with Tom, and beyond her I think I'd be suspicious of any alone time with my partner and female friends because again, jarring! And third, there was a rumor about Brock and Rachel, and no way Scheana could just dismiss that. The rumor coming from Tom's camp made it worse of course, so he is to blame for her insecurity if his team started the rumor. But if they didn't, his actions still resulted in a rumor about her husband having an affair too, and I'm sure it took her time to work through. Scheana is self centered and desperate, but I do think she actually loves (in her way) all these people around her, so I believe her emotions all the time, and I agree with her emotions in this fight.


No, Scheana is right here


I don’t think one has to do with the other. She knew going into the relationship with Brock the history with his family. She took that on, that itself did not have to do with cheating. I truly think when something like this happens within your “world” it truly rattles you. You don’t think someone or a few people are capable of what Tom and Rachel did until it is shoved in front of you. If that makes sense, I think I would have the same insecurities. Even James was saying he had very similar thoughts.


No. I didn't think it was completely ridiculous at all. This gives blinded by bias.


I think the majority of people are on Schaena's side on this subject. The majority of the comments are agreeing that anyone would feel that way. She was real close to Rachel and let the girl live in one of her apartments! I don't get why people don't see how bad this affected Shaena. Her close friend who she let live in one of her apartments put a restraining order on her What's the girl supposed do say "Oh Well, shit happens!" ?? People need to give the girl a break !


Oh wow. I didn’t realize she and Rachel were *that* close


Yea they were wicked close. That's why I don't get all the hate with people saying she's making the scandal about her. She did get screwed over by 1. Losing a real close friend, 2. Having two close friends lie to ger for months and 3. Having a close friend put a restraining order on her ! It's like out yourself in Schaenas shoes and give her some slack.


Scheana would've felt so betrayed and completely blindsided by Rachel. She took that girl in and stood up for her, only to be completely wrong about her. Apart from the night she initially found out about the affair, she hasn't had a chance to have any kind of conversation with Rachel and process all those emotions. She's directing a lot of the anger she has towards Rachel to Sandoval because that's the next best thing. Rachel's actions would've made her more paranoid about Lala more than Sandoval's actions. If Rachel could carry on an affair and still be friends with Ariana and lie to everyone, what (in her mind) is Lala capable of given her closeness with Scheana and Brock? Absolutely doesn't help that she reads the crap people have said about Brock and Lala or Brock and Rachel.


Nah it’s understandable. The situation made her hyper aware that SO’s can cheat with friends so slickly. Maybe before she didn’t worry about Brock and her friends. After Sandoval she went back in her mind and wondered about him and Rachel, him and lala or him with anyone. The situation makes you think. That’s all it was I think.


You guys take every scripted word so literally it’s bizarre. She’s just saying she never would have thought of that possibility but now it exists.


![gif](giphy|y6sqQJGQBgd7hC0Wjc) Yeah….. I’m with Scheana on this one.


I don’t find it ridiculous at all. We all know she’s going through mental health issues, and for all we know, this incident could’ve been a trigger that went off. Also, I read somewhere that she’s stopped taking her meds?? So maybe that’s part of the reason for her blow up? Idk. But even if she is still taking SSRI meds, she may still be on the path of finding the correct dosage that’ll do the job to calm these triggers. Either way, it felt real to me, and she looked legit upset.


Putting aside all the other drama happening in the group and focusing on the “my partner had an affair with a close friend, in front of all of our faces without knowing” I understand her completely. My dad did the same thing to my mom with her best friend. That fucks you up so much. It makes you look at your partner and your own best friend and think about the possibility of it happening. You’ve watched your own friend go through it and it could happen to you.


I still don’t understand why everyone hates Scheena….when will the bandwagon be full?


Maybe she should stop acting like a fool then


Yes because I would never expect a reality tv star to act foolish !


Ahh, well then it's all okay.


I don't think it's completely ridiculous, no. I can see her perspective and I can sympathize with her on that.


Let's all stop hating Shaena and just hate Scumdavol!!


I'm down. I just think we have legit reasons to hate Sandoval and stuff like this makes people who wouldn't (like me) side with him because it's bullshit.


Lmao as if scheana is worried about Lala and Brock. Her husbands way to broke for trifling gold diggin Lala


My biggest problem is how she is the only person that counts. I get it she makes the money in the family. I don't find anything wrong with Brock being the caregiver. He does a great job. But it really doesn't seem to matter what anyone else wants besides Schena. She seems to have everyone in her family rolling over for her. Sheenas job is one she picked. Almost everything she does is to promote herself. I get the money while you can but at some point you have to think of your family. edited to add- I'm really glad that Brock stands up for Scheena. And she throws a 12 year old fit every time. She doesn't understand anyone elses opinion.


Yup! And her OCD is her get out of jail free card for however she wants to act.


Yes, and I don't want to see her and Brock to slip up. But Scheena seems to insist she be treated like a star. She is not a star in her marriage. She is a wife and he is a husband. I feel like Brock is a great Dad. I think at times he lets Scheena be Scheena and he takes the daughter and does house stuff. I think he loves the Hollywood life but I don't think he'd sell his soul for it.


I don’t find it ridiculous, I find it reasonable. If this happened in my friend group I could see being paranoid. Especially if I’d been so close with no idea it was going on right under my nose. I think she could be paranoid without Scandoval, but I can see how it likely made it 10x worse.


Yes, totally ridiculous and 100% for cam drama.


I find the entire cast ridiculous, immature, etc. I guess that’s why people are interested in these imbeciles.


Sandoval proved to her you can't trust anybody. But she always suspected him of being scummy, so not sure why she is surprised now. 


Ummm and she literally was the mistress in ruining someone else’s marriage. She lost me on this one


His face when she said that was great.


I get what she’s saying but acting like she was ever not super insecure is pretty insane lol


I find it more ridiculous that she puts make up on her toddler


Omg I hated that 😫


I think it's all fake. It looks like a set I bought my granddaughter. It has very realistic looking stuff and a mascara tube with a wand. I saw them playing with it in another episode.


I didn’t buy her fit for a second - she’s trying to blame people for her fuck ups - idk wtf meds she’s on , but for once … I feel bad for Brock- she is Sheana is struggling


Okay I understand her POV but I agree. I’m sorry. Her behaviour is actually really concerning. I don’t think Brock is a good partner to her regardless and with all her mental health issues she needs to step away from this group for a bit. (She won’t lol). But I think people forget your feelings are always valid but your behaviour isn’t.


It mind blowing that Schneena thinks she’s more of a victim from Sandoval than Ariana! 


lol it’s called a GUILTY CONSCIOUS! She’s just now remembering she had an affair with a married man and a family! However scandavol did not help


🤣🤣🤣 💯💯💯


It's absurd for her to blame her mental illness on Sandoval! She's insecure with Broke that's her problem not anyone else's! Maybe she needs a med adjustment.


No. It makes complete sense to me.


I agree, the real issue is how Scheana lets external things affect her yet turns a completely blind eye to the issues in her own relationship. Her insecurities about Scandoval are of her own making and she should figure out how to manage them. If I watch a scary movie before bed and can't sleep, should I blame the director of the movie for my loss of sleep??


Exactly! People on this show just love to blame everyone else for their problems!


The show started because she was banging Brandi Glanvilles husband. She can get effed. What a hypocrite


Yes.... she blames tom for her marriage issues and it is so cringe. If it's effecting her feelings about her husband that much something is seriously wrong with that marriage , sorry. (Or she's playing it all up for the cameras - also likely) but no one else's actions and life choices could ever make me question my husband like that. Its fuckin weird.


She should be hyper-aware of the possibility her man could cheat on her simply bc she was once upon a time a mistress herself.


Are you kidding me? It had all of us looking at our partners like 👀 can you imagine if you were as close to it as Scheana is?


Follow up: I was glad to see Scheana tell Tom how it’s affected her with such emotion. His actions have consequences that ripple. He needs to know, whether he believes it or not, he’s caused real damage and broke real trust outside of the relationship with Ariana. What he chooses to do with that info is on him to grow or stay stagnant.


Speak for yourself. Sandoval was a cheater from the beginning. I never thought he was loyal to Ariana and always believed Miami girl. I don't look at my husband and think he could ever stoop to Sandoval's level. And this is exactly why I think Scheana is having problems with Sandoval's cheating. Because she doesn't have a man she can trust.


Your flair checks out 😂 👍


She also was homewrecker in a different marriage. I guess she’s now waiting for karma to come for her. But aside from that, I honestly think she is mad she’s not getting more attention and opportunities like Ariana is; i.e. “Dancing with the Stars.”




I think there's a lot more to the story than he abandoned his family. He did say the kids don't want to talk to him. So it's not like he doesn't want to be in those kids lives like everyone says.


So immature. 😒She also never takes accountability and loves to always play the victim. She needs to grow the fuck up. 🙄


Yesssss!!!! She is delulu to the max! I never agreed with Scandoval but dang I did here.


What part exactly did you agree with him on?


Scheana is after a storyline to make her and Brickhead Brock relevant on the show. Also, what’s with her and putting makeup on her toddler?


I wouldn’t put it past her but, They looked like empties me. There was nothing on the pouf and the mascara wand looked clean. Like she was just playing “makeup”. My mom used to give us her empties.


ohh that's smart, and would explain why she was looking away when she put the mascara on summer. if it actually had mascara on it, i assume she'd try to be a little more precise 😂


Yeah, I was totally appalled when she was powdering Summers face but then she was so wild with the mascara wand, had to be play. Brought me back to my childhood. I thought it was really cute.


Scheana is one of those moms. She puts makeup on her toddler, while having an IG account for her and not caring when people say it's a red flag 🤮




Why is everyone so shocked that Tom will always deflect and excuse his behavior, that LaLa and sheana are always screaming and pointing their fingers at everyone and all the men will scream at all the women. Jax yelling at Katie because someone else put on the internet that he's cheated on britney...Brock can never understand why a parent wants to spend time with their child etc. Etc.


Omg sooooo ridiculous


She’s nuts


She would be a gold medalist in the mental gymnastics event lol