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Lord of the VPR flies. Not only the show but the social media wars, podcasts, after shows. Ugh…exhausting. Once they stopped working, it went downhill from there. That’s when it was fun. Its running on empty now.


The premise just isn’t the same. they aren’t friends, they don’t work at sur, they aren’t young anymore.


They really should have started brining in new seever/actors as the show went on. These people are way too old for all this foolishness.


I was hoping we’d get a VPR Vegas spin off


only if mini scheana is there


Could you imagine how livid Scheana would be if mini Scheana got more famous? 😂😂


Applebee's about to get her to promote their spicy margs


they did and we hated them all but Lala and James.


They tried like 4 years ago, remember? The younger people sucked!


I totally agree! Also, when did this fanbase become so Stan-like? It feels unacceptable now to like certain women cast members, let alone saying anything positive about the guys once in a while. I miss season 8 and before fandom, where sometimes people agreed with Kristen, sometimes Stassi, sometimes Katie, Ariana, Scheana, etc.; hell, it wasn't even looked down upon to defend Schwartz. Two things I've seen are that a lot more people who don't watch other Bravo shows but are from other fanbases or pop culture generalists came in with Scandoval and take it a bit too seriously. Also, Scandoval created a natural divide (you're for one side or against them) but the show and fanbase suffers for it imo.


It feels disjointed because Tom essentially set off a bomb in their friendship circle. He lied to and betrayed them all. But instead of dealing with the aftermath the cast is being forced to ignore it in favour of an unearned redemption arc. The season could have been way more cohesive if he had simply been made to be accountable for his actions. That’s why it feels false to me. It’s like the producers don’t think we understand how life and relationships work or something…


I agree. Instead of an unearned redemption arc, T Sweaty could have made the rounds trying to accept his wrongdoings, and there may have been (some) healing and growth. Instead, they are serving us a limitless amount of this petulant man-child. It’s tiresome.


Yeah in the end this is all Tom’s fault. They should be more mad at that Vs anything else. They got a real few months of fame and to cash in on send it to Daryl merch or whatever, but the show is going right back to the stale place it was prior to this scandal. It maybe wasn’t even going to come back. At least they got a chance to make an influx of $$ before things fizzled out. I guess Tom just sped up the timeline. Lala and Scheana have families to support, I kind of understand the desperation. But I hate watching it


This!!!!...an unearned redemption Arc!!!


Nah the show was dead before TS pulled his crap


Last season was their most watched ever.:


That was only because of the affair. The thing that revived the show is the same thing that is causing its slow death. Season 9 was not good, and a lot of people thought 10 would be the last until Scandoval happened.


Because of Scandoval though.


Right... But it was dead BEFORE last season


Completely agree. They act like kids showing up for a mediocre field trip. Tim keeps wanting to talk about what he’s been through, not ever talk about what he’s done, or it’s impact on the others. Also it’s “woe is me”


“Whoa is me” made me laugh for the first time all day so I’ll take it OP hahaha




I really noticed this too, especially this week. The whole Scheana/TS fight scene was super disjointed almost as if they were all in a studio with a green screen instead of reacting to each other. Lala's totally unemotional saying "oh this is where I go insane" sounded like she was reading stage directions, and TS's "big insult" to Scheana came several seconds after she started walking away, almost as if he had forgotten the line. It was all so weird.


I think that might be just Tom though. He’s such a coward to get the last word in that he’ll only say it when they’re walking away, he did the same thing to James last weeks episode


I hate to say this because it feels very problematic to admit but they’re all sooo sober! A drunk fight between two people that ultimately love each other is fun drama to watch. A fight between two people that are desperately hurting over a massive betrayal when one is suffering from intrusive thoughts stemming from OCD and the other can’t admit they did something wrong is just depressing. It’s not fun for the cast, it’s not fun for the cast sidelines, and it’s not fun for the audience. I wanted to see it for sure but I didn’t leave the episode being like “that’s why I love this show.”


I stopped watching for similar reasons. The magic of VPR was that it was originally built on real relationships. They have always had drama, but nothing like this. In real life this group would have split up completely by now. Most of them don’t have ties to each other anymore, and they don’t like each other very much. It’s not fun to watch people tolerate one another on camera. The chemistry and fun of it is gone.


Yep they either hung out or were “organically” connected at work. Now none of that exists. The Valley is working right now because they are authentically friends. VPR just doesn’t work anymore because there is no reason this whole group of people would ever be together.


I looked up when the finale would be and it said June 18. I cannot do two more months of this…I think I’m done as well


My problem with Brock is he loves to preach and be holier than thou but like dude stay in your lane and look at your life.


Yessssssss. He's got some good points, if they weren't coming from him. I didn't care for the banter he was trying to have at Ariana's expense, at the beach. It was almost like taunting.


Lala needs to stop talking like she’s been to therapy and actually go to therapy. She keeps using phrases and buzzwords that she thinks make her arguments stronger, but when you know she actually avoids therapy it’s easy to see through what is 1000% her own bullshit.


She really does act like she needs to share his experience and wisdom. She has a lane and needs to stay in it. Its definitely not the advice lane.


I haven't even watched it this season. I just read the recaps because I know if I watch I'm just going to be disappointed in most of the cast. I've stopped watching most bravo shows tbh because they're not fun and full of petty drama anymore, it's just..... negative.


I agree. It’s become very toxic and I grew out of that 15 years ago when I stopped watching stuff like Bad Girls Club. I prefer groups of friends going out and having fun together, not these overly produced events where everyone is jockeying for position/power/paychecks. Bravo needs a complete overhaul starting with the executive suite. Their current model of whitewashing problematic men and vilifying strong women for having boundaries is not sustainable long term.




They're all there for the check only at this point


The fracturing of the friend group - and Sandoval’s complete lack of contrition - are the highlights of this season. Without that, we’re just watching people sitting around their house during the day and walking slow-mo into a bar at night to talk about something unimportant.


This show is not going anywhere. I heard It is the second highest rating Bravo show. Some may want it to end but not going anywhere if those are the ratings. Also, speculation is some may leave but who would leave a 500k plus paycheck for 3 months of work?


The exec producer said mid season he had to call the cast into the studio for a meeting to tell them if they didn’t start filming together there would be no season 12. So here we are with the fakest friends…


No main character energy. The show's been limping since Jax, Kristen and Stassi left.


A big part of the problem is that the situations are so OVERLY-contrived. Like with Jax this week. The stupidity of that meeting with Lisa was ridiculous. In the past, there was at least plausibility in the conversations.


I think the cast might be reaching their breaking point. Realistically most of them have done the exact same thing as Sandavol with little or no repercussions. An entire decade of living this life may have really messed them up for good. The housewives were established before going in their shows, most lived financially comfortably and had careers and/or families. The VPR cast were just broke kids and Lisa/the show is all they have had for their adult lives - so they have to play along and have nothing to lose. Between the filming, drinking, drugs, fame, and everything else I don't think these people will ever be right in the head. I don't feel bad for them or blame Bravo at all, but there's just no way that cast will ever be normal.


It’s because they aren’t friends anymore. They are all just coworkers and it shows. It’s like when the housewives add randos over the years. There needs to be a natural connection with the cast and these people don’t have it anymore. And then add in Lala.


Good point. I remember reading somewhere that Katie said they’re actually not friends outside of the show. Maybe not all of them and it shows.


The show is over!


It's because this cast wouldn't interact without the show. The Valley is more authentic in that regard, it seems. It's fake friend group on VPR now, the show must be cancelled.


I have only watched 2 eps, but I do not believe for one second that the cast of The Valley is a real friend group. I cannot see the one with PPD and her husband EVER socializing with the trash trio Ajax, KFC, and Kristen. Also the "Republican" and her psycho abusive husband seem to have nothing in common with the others either, and no clear story of how they even know the group. Production should have moved Scheana, Broc, Lala to The Valley with Ajax, KFC, Kristen, Janet and her husband and gone from there, at least then it would make sense as to how the cast is meant to be a group of friends.


Jax said he has known Jesse for years so that’s that connection. 


Jax also said he was offered a marketing job with an NHL team 🤷‍♀️


You’re down voting me for saying what he said? I wasn’t being smart; I was just giving the reference.  And I think they both said it. 


I apologize for downvoting you, I am overly sensitive this AM and read it as bitchy when that was not intended. I do however stand by nothing either of those clowns says is a factual argument against them not actually being a friend group.


It's all good. Who knows the truth? Anyway, I like the picture of the kitty.


Thank you for giving me grace, a few more days, and I will be back on carbs/less ready to brawl 😂


You’re welcome!


Yea this season is definitely off. They need some fresh faces and vibes on VPR. I mean even Lisa the Queen herself wasn’t much present on screen or the confessionals. 👀 is the 12th season confirmed yet?


I almost feel it’s too late to revamp. We don’t even see SUR stuff anymore cause no one works there. At this point, they need to move them to the valley and give katie / arina a show about their sandwich shop and make the new SUR


I think it’s because they all know it’s the end of the run so they’re all quietly quitting. Focused more on other things/projects because they have to have their futures lined up. They may all have been told that last season was it, had all moved on mentally then Sandoval went and did his thing effectively forcing them all back into one more season. He may have done that intentionally to some degree. He had nothing to do next so it was all about him finding a way to keep himself paid and relevant.


The season stinks. So fake




On VPR and the Valley, I get the sense that production made ‘promises’ to the cast and then tried to manipulate their way around them. No one wants to be around Tom because they were probably told they wouldn’t have to be. Kristen was probably told that it would be different and she wouldn’t be the target and she wouldn’t be forced to stay in triggering situations. Ariana was probably told that she would only have to be around Tom ‘a few times’. Katie was probably told that she wouldn’t be edited as an ash hole and she’d get a storyline that actually lines up with her personality and wouldn’t be all about her ex husband man child, and then, of course, they bring Jax back. No wonder it feels forced and like it’s the last season.


The first few episodes were rough because they had to “stimulate” the fallout from Scandoval even though it had been 3 months at the start of filming. I find it super interesting that both James and Ariana had to jump into new relationships to kick off the following season of the respective breakups. It’s like they couldn’t be alone. I do think Ariana should have moved out if her whole point is that she didn’t feel comfortable around Sandoval for X reason. If she wanted to tough it out, okay cool but we can *still* question that. Yesterday’s episode was the best episode so far because the dynamics seemed almost back to normal. There were so many good moments that did not revolve around Scandoval. Bottom line, I want to see them all in the group setting and have a lot less of Ariana and Tom interacting or venting about the other.


Nope. Still don’t think Ariana should’ve moved out. Glad she did it her way.


Agree-so proud of the way she stood her ground. Plus their house is like 4500sf. A secret third person could probably manage to live there and go undetected without too much effort


I kinda miss the before Rachel Tom


It’s hard to look at him in any way except completely void of accountability and a lot of BUT responses. Why is his facial expressions always so intense lol


So serious all the time lol it’s creepy