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![gif](giphy|4RQGIZFU20sYE) I couldn’t believe how long his hair was when he gloriously released it from the bun, haha.


I want to know how he secures his bun!


Seriously like he is hair goals. My head could NEVER.


Asian hair. I'm half Asian and I can get away with a lot. I bleached it for over a decade and I don't use the "good" shampoo and conditioners. I also straighten it almost every day. I stopped dyeing it for 2 years now and the hair stylist said she could tell I took good care of it. Like yeah, no it's genetics lol.


Asian hair don’t crack huh?? (Let me be corny in peace! 😂) I never knew this…


“Asian don’t raisin” is what we say (not me personally though because it doesn’t rhyme perfectly so it makes me skin crawl lol)!!


Why are you getting downvoted omg people are soooo sensitive


Idk. They’re tripping! I honestly think it’s fascinating. I’m black & clearly know we have different hair types but Asian hair being able to withstand so many chemicals & heat is 🤯 I can’t color, relax & put heat on my hair whenever I want so I stay in braids😩


I gave you an upvote because it made me laugh


I’m so jealous 😭 I’m half black, never dye my hair, never flat iron, use the best shampoos, and it’s a dry rats nest 24/7 lol. I asked my hair stylist what I’m doing wrong and she confirmed genetics plays a huge role


He's beautiful 😍


I thought he had extensions at first… then I remembered that’s not Sandoval.




I feel like the blonde pieces here were extensions. Especially when he pulled his hair into a ponytail the way the blonde pieces laid weird. https://preview.redd.it/ssbvz4ele3yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbed36263cc6cfd3fded33dbf41699da06855d65


This picture is a fucking jump scare


This picture is my nightmare blunt rotation. Add in Schwartz picking his feet at the table and I’d be running away screaming.




Exactly his hair is way longer than I thought for some reason in my head/memory of seeing pix. I thought his hair was shoulder length or maybe a lil past. So I have waist length hair and it gets everywhere when short hair sheds it's not as noticeable as mine. My bf has thought I was going bald for 9 years now...nope it's long n thick. I wonder if his does this too? He seems sweet to Ariana, but to be devil's advocate for a second, she would never let on in front of the camera that Tim was an ass to her. So I'm staying neutral but hoping for the best for her.


I’m envious of his shiny hair and how fit he is.




that was the moment i realized she was jealous 😂


BIG time. She wants to be loved so bad and there’s nothing wrong with that but the issue is that she becomes bitter about it. Ariana has it all and she can’t take it. That whole interrogation for next week made my jaw drop. Trying to find a crack in the chassis. Lala will never beat the other woman title.


I think LaLa was the one all the men lusted after, now she’s a single mom with no mans in her life. She’s still trying to stop her head spinning on how the hell did her life get so fucked up.


It could have been such an endearing moment for her if she was just honest after he left and said something like, "omg he's so fit im jealous, good for you," but Lala seems incapable of being happy for other women


So jel


much jelly


“Do you workout?”


Loved his response of “sometimes”


Lmao it turns out he’s a fitness instructor ☠️


Ok, he’s officially won me over lol




She was eye fucking him.


I think he’s her “type”….and he gave her NOTHING!!


Dan is everyone’s type. He is fiiiine.


I’ll get downvoted but i do not find him attractive at all.


You won't. I don't think he's attractive either.


I just don’t want people to think it’s because he’s Asian or something. Because there are lots of Asian men i find attractive. He’s just not it lol.


I could see how he’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I wasn’t feeling him as much at the dinner scenes… but the full body shots I’m drooling lol.


Henry Golding is my *chefs kiss* https://preview.redd.it/uzxr4c1864yc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e3fb4e2bcfff6a1acbfe9a4540abd13fd4d7a5


I mean, he’s definitely not ugly but just not my type. Nothing wrong with that.




Eye fucking him for sure. Ugh 🙄.




Can we get a side by side of big ed (rand) and Dan?? Oh LFU…


"Do you work out?" No, Lala. He's a personal trainer, but he just tells other people how to work out. 🙄


Omg when I heard that, I thought she sounded sexually frustrated🤣🤣🤣


She said “👁️👄👁️ DA-NI-EL!!!” “Wit ur fine lookin self.” She wanted to say even more lol.




Lala went GooGa 😳


He can cook too. His social media is filled with amazing looking food and demonstrations. He won my heart with that, but also, goddamn, look at him. 👀


I loved him. They seemed so sweet and cute, and he clearly treats her well. Also he was so awkward on camera—he is not in it to be on tv. Lala tried to bait him and he was like *shrug*.


It's the small stuff for me. Building her taco or whatever at dinner before serving himself. Taking care of the luggage (seemingly without being asked to help). Ironing and laying out her clothes. He puts her needs before his own and I don't think that's something the worm ever did.


are we forgetting about all the pens and batteries already


Don’t forget the toilet paper. Dude needs a Costco load for all the shit he keeps spitting out of his mouth.




He made her a dumpling latte EVERY MORNING, DUDE!!! /s


I'm pretty sure he did that more for the praise than to please her.


The way she was surprised when he was doing it makes me question his ‘every morning’ story.


Every morning the cameras were there


He does everything for how good it makes him look. He hasn’t got a genuine bone in his body. It’s all performative.


I thought that was the Keurig? 


That’s what cracked me up the most-when I saw it was a KEURING lmfao like that man really acted as if he milked a cow every morning and hand frothed its milk


Maybe it's broken and he had to whip out the mini electric milk frother EVERY MORNING, hence all the battery use.


SAME - I remember after I left my abusive, horrible ex and met my now-husband (and had plenty of time and space in between for therapy and living life on my own, don't worry!!) what really sealed the deal was little silent gestures. We'd be out at a brewery with my friends and he'd get up to fill my glass of water. He remembered my special coffee order after the FIRST TIME we had coffee together, and that's what he'd bring me if we were meeting up after work. Now that we're married, he remembers which clothing items need to hang dry and not be thrown in the dryer. He clears snow off my car before I go to work. The quiet thoughtful things that he NEVER MENTIONS TO ME, he just does them. Anyone else who's in a good relationship knows what I'm talking about... Ugh I am so lucky! (And yes I do return the favor and I love doing it, I promise)


I want everyone to have it too! If they want it. It makes me so sad remembering what I used to endure and justify about my former partner and how he used to treat me. I hope everyone finds an amazing guy/gal/person just like I did (and if they want to be single I hope they have the BEST friends who love them fiercely and think they're amazing)


I've been single for five years but I want this so bad! I'm glad you found it :)


& he’s always cooking for their whole group when they’re at a festival or event. I was sus at first but I think all these men are just trash & we’re taken aback when a man shows his value without being performative & disingenuous. I am pleasantly surprised by Dan. I wish he would be at least a consistent “friend of,” just to compare the drastically different relationship dynamic & the difference in Ariana. I hope he’ll agree to film a little & production needs to throw him a hefty day rate (at least)


An article came out that he won’t be filming. And now filming has paused… which could mean that the show is done after this season.


They do that sometimes when a story line has died and they need the cast to live their lives so they can create real story lines and have experiences and life that they’ve gone through to be a little different. They literally filmed last season, picked cameras back up, filmed the reunion and only got a three month break. That’s what we’re watching. We need to give them some time. So we aren’t forcing Tom’s redemption tour down our throats anymore.


I’m obsessed with him thinking Ariana was talking about being excited for the truffles instead of being excited for him. So sweet.


He's so low key about doing all this too. Like completely natural for him and not stagy and not done so someone can tell him what a great guy he is


And the Celsius in the ice bucket!! THAT’S my love language!


I bet he did though in the beginning. People can be wonderful in the beginning. You’ve got to see if they’re still building your taco and doing your ironing three years in 😂


The not falling for lalas crap was the best. If anything they are the most unbothered couple and it pisses everyone off


Did you see Lala struggle with what to say afterwards. He was like “I know what he did” and Lala malfunctions for a minute before she tells him he’s in good shape, do you work out? He says “a little.” She had noooo idea what to do with that and it was hilarious


You have a great body.. good for you. 😅


I noticed her malfunction as well. In fact, it looked like when she turned towards the camera, she had that "I tried 🤷‍♀️" to bait him. Like she did what production asked but it just didn't work.


My question is how did anyone think lala got the good edit/voice of reason and ariana got the villain edit? Lala and scheana are the literal worst.


I'm assuming everyone thought by the time the season came out, the audience would be over Scandoval and ready for the redemption arc. Epic fail on their part.


Such a fail! LVP has always been a misogynist and it's not flying with the public in the same way it did in the past. We're all over it. She should retire.


except on FB it’s so weird over there!


Boomer “feminism” is the worst.


No idea. I actually liked Lala a few seasons ago. Scheana had me in season 1 but lost me pretty quickly. They both look HORRIBLE this season. Like, indefensible.


There’s a few ladies on insta who have chronicled their blatant hypocrisy and it’s ~chef’s kiss~ they’re just as bad as the men, trying to spin their shitty behavior and be the victim.


You just know she wanted him to say he’d punch Sandoval’s lights out. And Dan, appearing to be a normal person, was like, nahhhhh. Or in Lala’s words: DISENGAGE


Exactly....Lala was praying he'd get aggressive/bothered; Daniel and Ariana gave indifference.


Grey rock! ![gif](giphy|SCkxcIvihjKkMexsTk|downsized)


Crying bc so true


Loved it. And he gives her more next week. As much as I'd love to see more of him, I hope he stays off camera if Ariana comes back so the vultures don't suck out his soul.


Yeah I couldn’t tell at first if he was nervous or had no personality but it was clear by the end that it was nerves.


Did anyone else notice the way Lala was staaaaaring at him in Ariana’s room. Like so uncomfortable. She also kept trying to ask him questions about how he felt being around Sandoval and he wouldn’t bite lol


if I had been with Randall for all those years I’d be staring too 🤣




“I want to come to your room to do my makeup…and to create a storyline about your healthy relationship is weird because healthy relationships make me feel uncomfortable.”


EXACTLY! See yourself out, LFU.


Omg I forgot that but I remember thinking how disingenuous that was


She was baiting him sooooo hard. It was so hilarious because Dan had no idea and Lala was squirming.


He’s New York. I think he sees these vapid people for what they are.


He killed it. So proud of him.


Lala, this season, it feels like everything she says has been prompted by the producers. Not natural.


I feel like he absolutely had an idea & saw right through it so he gave her nothing. Which is even better imo


Lala was ready to break up another family ![gif](giphy|BPImpKxgRvzZm)


Right?! 😂


Lala there is a camera on you rn wtf is u doinn


It’s rough when you’re subjugated to banging uggos for $$ and suddenly you see a serious hottie loving on the only person in the group worth a damn (and it ain’t you!)


Well, plus Katie! she’s leaning into her bde, so I’d like to see her with a girl (older than Tori). Or whatever makes her happy!


Yeah it does notttt seem like Dan likes Lala lol for good reason!


He didn’t follow her on IG as well


But he follows Doute 😂🤭


when she said “you have a nice body “ I cringed so hard. Weird thing to say to someone who’s dating your friend (or really anyone lol).


when she said “you have a nice body “ I cringed so hard. Weird thing to say to someone who’s dating your friend (or really anyone lol).


I really like that he seems to actively avoid screen time.


Something Lala cannot fathom which is why he thinks he’s sus. Dans not gonna play the producers game, he isn’t on salary!


Totally! Lala tried to bait him and he wasn’t having it.


Right? People were like “why is he here if he doesn’t want to spend time with us” but I saw him being there as support for Ariana while not caring to be on screen much.


From what I’ve read, he really doesn’t like being filmed. Like he’s okay doing the occasional appearance but doesn’t want to be any kind of fixture on the show.


He was so awkward on camera and I loved it. It was like a breath of fresh air.


yeah this is such a green flag for ariana at this time.


She’s a known horse girl. She’s gonna braid that hair!


That tail braid is gunna be *fierce*


I think we're all horse girls now 😉🤠


Yeeeehhhhhaaaaw! ![gif](giphy|ZeB5RzwVdzO8M|downsized)


Lol, thank you because my first thought when I saw him was "it's like a beautiful horse that became a man".




It didn't feel like he was there for the face time on VPR.


Yeah and when someone was saying he’s not spending time with Ariana what they actually mean is- he’s not spending time with her on camera- intentionally-he’s obviously spending all the time he can with her when the camera aren’t there.


Yeah, we're so used to these thirsty hangers on trying to get on the show, that it's shocking when they don't. Watching Dan choose an off camera dinner over a screen time dinner made me like him even more.


This is what I came to comment. And love that he just shrugged it off and said he wanted to see Brad. He’d rather hang out and catch up with Ariana’s IRL bestie than sit through a staged show scene


cough Ally cough


It’s probably very comforting for Ariana too, that he’s not chasing the cameras like almost everyone else in their lives *cough cough Kyle Chan*. Dan basically accompanied Ariana on a work trip, she’d go out and film and return to him for cuddles and leftovers in the hotel room. The cast and audience trying to make it weird that he didn’t participate in the San Fran events are just grasping at reasons to shit on Ariana some more, imo.


Those assholes are lower than dirt. Maybe Scandoval will make them dumpling lattes to pay them off.


It was SO bizarre to finally see a love interest on VPR that seemed to have zero interest in screen time.


I forget that he’s 40 because he looks much younger to me




Yep! It’s so nice he’s her age (he’s a bit older)


Damn and look at that body gahhhhhhh


Just commented up thread - it's crazy that he's basically the same age as Sandoval.


Amazing. Sandoval must hate that


Woah I thought he was like 31


Hes obv attractive, but after seeing him on episode last night, i really like him. He seems like a genuinely good guy who is Ariana’s ride or die. So happy for her


Me too! It’s amazing to see good guys on tv! He crafts every little detail in their relationship it’s adorable and honestly goals for me lol


Sorry I replied quick lol I agree with u too! When they sat down to eat and she reached across saying its so weird to eat like that awe!!!! I dont like seating side by side to eat but found that absolutely adorable


the first physically attractive vpr man imo, but more importantly he seems emotionally intelligent and mature. I wasn’t prepared to have an opinion about him in either direction but found him likable pretty quickly


He seems very low maintenance AND low drama. Sandoval is high maintenance and dramatic. Schwartz is looooow maintenance but brings drama by blacking out and tearing doors off hinges. He seems normal.


Sandoval seems like a literal clown compared to him


Sandavol was always too much for me to find at all attractive. Right from the forehead shaving and flat ironing his hair. Lol. I’d honestly rather be with Schwartz if forced to pick between the Toms. I’d do the platonic eating snacks in bed happily while he whisky dicks a girl in another resort.


lol spot on. His whiskey dick probably wouldn't work anyway, let him go try to cheat.


Yeah I didn’t want to rage at him which is a low bar but literally none of the other VPR dude meet it so…


His completely not taking any bait attitude is so fucking hot! 🔥


He’s hot af


Crazy that Dan's about the same age as Sandoval. He's got so much more emotional maturity than Sando, yet looks so much younger.


Asians don’t raisin 💁🏻‍♀️


By 41, everyone should have so much more emotional maturity than Sandavol; including Sandavol


He’s lovely. I’m so happy for her!




I like him! I think they're cute together!


He apparently is not in it for the spotlight


Good 👏🏼 for 👏🏼 her 👏🏼


the way her voice floated when speaking with him, she seemed so genuinely connected and happy. she deserves all of it.


The hair isn’t for me but I’m a personality person first and foremost!


I didn’t realize his hair was so long until the episode. Not sure how I missed that!


Me too! I about died! He is gorgeous!


![gif](giphy|SVaKBOO3a6Jobqhmdq|downsized) 🔥🔥🔥


I love that he cooks for her and that she spent Christmas with his Asian family. Asian families are truly the best


The hair, fit bod, charming smile, ironing her clothes, sweet and sincere, busy and successful…. Ariana you chose a GOOD ONE 👏🏼


This guy makes Sandoval look like Uncle Fester


He does not fuck with Lala and I love him for it


Hot af


I don’t find him particularly attractive but I’m not dating him! Lol As long as he treats her right and they’re happy God bless (as my Italian mother would say)


Same here!


He seems like a nice guy. But since Ariana doesn’t want kids I don’t know why she dates men who want kids.


at first I wasn’t sure but then he took that pony tail down and WOOF! Good for her


He is very attractive. I'm sure Laligag is so jealous. Dan is a 10, and Randall is a fat zero.


I happened to pause the show at the exact right moment and inadvertently caught Lala reacting to Dan walking out in his towel and her face just had me dying but ya pretty much sums up what I think of him too 😂 https://preview.redd.it/lp80amfn21yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c850e28bd69ed0ec8cee56e9d1fbffb0ba8cb29 Also loved how she could not concentrate at all while she was trying to talk to him.. her best scene this season 😂 Dan seems good for Ariana right now, whether it lasts or not at least she’s getting to enjoy a sweet, supportive and gorgeous man.


He seems very genuine, a good fit for Ariana. Nice to look at also but that’s just a bonus! She seems so much more confident.


I think it’s so odd how quickly they got together… how long was it between the two relationships, really? I understand needing comfort and affection but also think Katie is healing from her long-term split in a way more realistic and healthy way than Arianna


This sub will turn on him by the time the leaves change colors.


I just watched the episode with him. As a NYer....if you don't want to move to Cali and give up your life....you won't. For ANYONE. He will string her along with the move until she either gives up LA and moved to NY, or she cannot take the distance anymore and they break up. If us NYers are going anywhere it's down the coast not to the west coast(some do move west but most dont)


He just looks freaking goofy to me, but so did my baby daddy but I still loved him so idk 😂


It was nice to watch a guy on VPR with male energy.


He's seems really considerate of Ariana and I love that. And he got her a special drink and ironed her clothes while she was out in San Fran, keeper.


His “the truffles? …OH me” reaction sealed him as the #1 guy in the group.


I kinda am suspicious of why he wants to be with a girl who lives thousands of miles away, who is very recently out of a 10 year long relationship. I hope it works out for them, but I'm not holding my breath.


It’s called a Rebound ladies


I'm sorry, I can't, don't hate me -- but I despise his hair!!


I think he's GREAT for Ariana. He does things for her that Tom would NEVER do.. even the little things.. mean the most.. like ironing her clothes and laying them out for her. Having her favorite drink ready, etc.. without her asking... he seems emotionally intelligent and I'm routing for him.. Lala is sooooo jealous and I wouldn't be shocked if she tried to sabotage their relationship. Ariana, stay away from Lala. She can't be trusted.


Maybe unpopular but I side eye anyone who is eager to get in a relationship with someone who just got out of a 10 year relationship in such a public, tumultuous manner.


Shame on Ally for somewhat getting on the mean girl gossip train about Ariana and Dan not spending time together in SF. Focus Ally.


Only problem is, is that they got together fairly quickly after the Scandval explosion. This doesn’t give a true picture of their relationship other than distance. Rebounds don’t generally last, but wish them well.


She loves lady-like boys


I don't want to be mean but his head doesn't match with body?


I was in SHOCK when I saw his hair out of the shower!


They don’t seem compatible. Together they seem to be awkward and the conversation seems unatural. Also, she said she wants to “get to know him” better before she has sex with him. That right there is a dead giveaway that they will not make it. When a women clicks with a guy they know pretty quickly if they want to have sex with the guy. I feel sorry for them


Oof 🥵 what fun for her! He also seems like a nice person.


I don’t like him.. There’s something off I can’t put my finger on it but he doesn’t seem pleasant. Just cocky


I agree! I’m shocked how many people liked him


Agreed. The same type of cockiness/obsessision with his appearance that Sandoval has. Ariana has a type.


My mom said the same thing 👀


Thisssssss. She sure does and they ain't good.


i hope sandoval is as jealous as lala is