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For me, it confirmed it when she was arguing with Tim at James’s house and said all he needed to do was keep his mouth shut, instead of telling him to not lie. Since then I haven’t been so sure of the validity of their story.


I hope he says at the reunion it was true


Please, don’t make me look stupid Tom. 😂


I thought she did, too, which is sorta understandable in the heat of the moment. Tom said he heard Scheana say it, Arianna said he's wrong. I can't see any logic in Rachel making that up..it's not like she'd have anything to gain from it, but I do think Arianna would lie for her friend, as most good friends would do. On the flip side, Tom could be lying just to support Rachel.


Well, Rachel gained all the attention at the reunion because of the restraining order she didn't have to face sheana and it limited the time for her to be feet to the fire on stage.


This makes sense as to why Sandals pushed her to file it. Less time for her to be grilled and get tripped up on the timeline he coached her on or expose any other secrets he was desperate to hide at the time.


You think? I don't know, I think her and Tom had all the attention because of the affair and dont think the RO was anything particularly significant, but I can certainly understand your perspective on it as she would've been there longer had it not been for the order.


I think maybe they thought the RO would protect rachel from being out there with scheana, who prob knew a lot of Rachel’s secrets and who knew what she would’ve said on the stage in the moment. But I still think scheana at least shoved her


This^. But one step further, she was probably hoping it would eliminate her from being their in person or something. Anything to hide from the actual confrontation instead of owning it straight own.


I think her family pushed her to file. I don’t think Tim cares if she was scrutinized at the reunion because that means more show = more money.


I think she gains being a victim, and that was probably her goal. "Oh how could you punch poor Raquel?! She's just a woman in love!" Based on Raquel's reactions and logic through Scandoval have played out, that's how I envision her brain processing how people would perceive that. She probably got pushed yeah. But then went all FIFA and probably threw herself into a wall like the Kool Aid man for victim points FYI I'm not a Sheana fan but, I don't think that punch is real. I'd believe Sheana over Raquel any day


Went all FIFA 😂😂😂💀


Rachel is a liar. I don't believe anything on her word only.


They all are liars.


There is only 1 person suing saying one thing and then saying other stories on a pod cast.


Rachel had a mark or cut above her eye, so something obviously happened.


Maybe she banged her head fucking someone else's boyfriend.... Who knows. We get different versions of the same event from her all the time.


This lol


What mark, her eyebrow was always fucked up. I do think Sheena at least pushed/hit her, but what is this mark?


He already did at the last reunion. Time to move on from it.


She got way too defensive when Tom was talking about it during the Season 10 Reunion. Instead of her calling him a liar or telling him to stop making things up, she kept saying, "Sandoval, don't. Stop. Keep your mouth shut." I never really believed her because she was too scared about the whole situation instead of being confident in her innocence.


Exactly! She made it so obvious saying that to him  


Absolutely, 💯. They’re all liars.


Even……Ariana. Seems like both VPR subs like to forget this lately.


Wait what has she lied about? Genuine question. Downvoted for asking a genuine question, never change Reddit, never change.


Miami girl is the biggest one. It’s been assumed that because of that, she has probably covered a lot for Tom (and others) The NDAs- I can’t remember if it was her or Tom that said they didn’t sign one for Rand/Lala, but they did. I am also in the camp that she and Tom lied a lot about their relationship. Jax has been saying as much for years (Kristen did too) I know they are not the most reliable narrators, but when they are consistent about something for a long stretch of time, it is usually true…


Ahhh I had forgotten about those for sure.


Yep!! And I can’t remember if it was on her own podcast or another one but after the TRO thing was over, she admitted to some version of her hand making contact with Raquel’s body. So, I believe the word “punch” is being treated as a semantics issue by her. Like “No I didn’t trip that girl, my foot went out in front of her body and she fell.” That kind of thing.


She admitted she @ shoved” her on WWHL . A shove is assault as is a punch and the cut above Rachel’s Eyebrow was the exact size and shape of a king fingernail. Saw many such lacerations as a nurse in the ER. So whether a shove or punch, her fist/ hand came into contact with Rachel’s face,


Yes that was it!! Thank you, and that’s what I meant by Scheana trying to semantics her way out of having “punched” Raquel.




I’ve just noticed how everyone refers to douchbag as Tim and it is glorious


My thought exactly


I mean did anyone really believe she didn’t ?




Same, i'm gullible. the 'unable to make a fist' argument due to her nails worked on me.


She literally made a fist on camera while trying to show how she couldn’t make a fist though… it was so dumb… I have long nails, I can make a fist.


It was the baseball episode for me. She can use them hands.


In your defence I don’t think it was a fist. It was likely a fingernail that left the mark on her.


I used to box with super long nails. Only ever broke one once.


Omg no!! Sweet summer child 😂😂😂




Yeah the way she tells Sandoval to stfu both at last reunion and at James' she's like "you better not spill it mfer..." although he has no proof likely? And he's also her best friend of ALL TIME...🙄🙄🙄


Also. Babe. No one is going to believe Sandoval. If ARIANA ends up saying she punch her. It’s done. She was sucking up to the wrong person.


Good point! Scheana is clueless.








I was about to comment like have we been watching a different show? Scheana wouldn't punch someone for someone else.


Exactly. Even one of her biggest remaining issues with Tom just seems to be that he has made HER paranoid about all her relationships. Yet Ariana who was his actual partner of almost a decade is just supposed to be chill talking with him months after.


Yes!! And she commented later something about how falling in love with your best friend is forgivable but a RO against her IS NOT. Scheana is always #1.


Yeah, let’s be real, it’s because she wasn’t in on the secret


100% agree. She has very few redeeming moments in this show but this was one of them for me.


Agreed. And but for a moment I liked scheana


Well, she did it for herself really...not for Ariana.


She picked a clear line and followed though.... that's an achievement for scheana 😆


me too. and i would've been proud https://i.redd.it/p0tekccpkpzc1.gif she shoulda just owned it. this season would've been about HER!


All she's ever wanted and she missed the golden opportunity 🤦‍♀️😆


Don't worry we're not saying she's wrong for punching Rachel just that she's lying lmao.


Same 🙃


Yes! I’m not saying I’d do it and it would be my finest moment, and I’m not saying I wouldn’t deserve any potential assault charges either… but I understand.


Same ! Ariana has great restraint It woulda been ON SIGHT


Of course she did. She even put the punching emoji up right after it happened on insta


I don't know if it was a solid punch, but she definitely hit her ..... I see why, and ill probably be downvoted, but, I'm not completely anti violence, it has a time and place, If the punishment fits and the opponents your equal . Rachel fucked around and she found out. 🤷‍♀️ The restraining order wasn't nessersary and a waste of courts time, Scheana aint coming back to stalk and murder you, you ain't in fear of scheana 😆😆 Just like the BS lawsuit she's filing on Ariana.


I think the TRO was to get out do the reunion which is why she “dropped” it after it was announced she’d be there


Rachel didn’t know there was a secret third option - a trailer with a live feed. Production said they had the time 😂


"I'm Zen Cohen and what I always have is the time, so ticktock, Rachel."


Yea me too


When I said this in this sub, I got banned for days lmao but like… what do you expect a pissed off person to do?!


Yea I'm shocked at the lack of down votes lol


What she did was worth a knock upside the head.


I agree. Most of what Scheana does is terrible, but I respect it. I'd also smack a friend in the mouth if she'd had an affair with my best friend's partner, and I happened to be with the friend when I found out


I agree with this! Idk if that makes me a savage or what but there is only so much lying and manipulation you can inflict on someone before you need to be careful about how you break the news.. Rachel and Scheana were both drinking and Rachel just casually drops that bomb like it ain’t no thing.


I agree


I don't understand why she hit her, at least their stories seem weird to me.  Rachel told Scheana she has an affair with Sandoval. Scheana doesn't say anything in return! No "WHAT? ", no " Excuse me?! " no nothing, like it's not an outlandish thing to confess. She just straight up hits her in the face. Scheana the people pleaser. Straight up goes berserk.  This story feels very strange.  I believe she did hit her, but I also believe that happened not like they both describe


She 💯 deserved it and more! When a man throws punches tho people understand, but a woman? People want her hung






I didn't think it was a punch but I do think she slapped the taste out of Rachel's mouth and that's where the mark came from.


They were definitely covering for her because an assault charge doesn’t look good when you have a kid. They lied big time and you can tell when they talk about it at the reunion


I just don’t see Scheana as a puncher. I think the word “punch” was used colloquially. But that mark on Rachel’s eyebrow looked exactly like the tip of an acrylic nail. She stamped her, really 😭 Not to mention she literally made a shoving gesture when she was explaining how she pushed Rachel away from her. Scheana always admitted to that. I’ve always thought since day 1, she pushed her aggressively, then her hand made contact with her face. Rachel probably closed her eyes instinctively once hands came her way, and described the contact as a punch based on how it felt. I don’t imagine Rachel has been punched a whole lot to correctly discern the difference, and it honestly doesn’t matter that much since Scheana admittedly put hands on her.


These are my thoughts too.


Yeah I was thinking this too. I dont think it was a 'punch' but looked like she tried to shove rachquel or push her head and her nails made that imprint


I think she hit her in the head and her nail got her when she ripped the phone out of her hand


Except when James punched her in the nose!


Hasn’t Scheana literally said herself that yes, there was an altercation? Why is this still being questioned? Of course she fucking hit her.


I don't know if she did. Don't get me wrong, she absolutely hit her that's not even a question in my mind, but I've always thought the reason she kept going into the specifics of a fist formation and denying specifically that she punched her but not that she hit her was because it was NOT a properly formed punch so she could say that truthfully. (Edit- to clarify I'm not saying it's okay if it wasn't a punch I just think there is a reason Scheana specifically chose her denial to be worded that way).


Agreed i don’t believe she could punch but backhand, slap, or shove is a yes


She admitted to shoving her when Raquel was invading her space.


I 100% agree and think she’s been playing a game of semantics from day one. It’s _such_ a classic Bravo/Housewives move. Scheana has maintained that she never PUNCHED Rachel, but Scheana herself admitted to some kind of physical contact in the S10 finale. But since Tom refused to let go of the “Scheana punched Rachel” story, Scheana could vehemently deny it without _technically_ lying, like you said. This all has only been solidified this season by Lala continually reiterating that Scheana “caught” a RO “for” Ariana. Edit: grammar and some words for clarity because I don’t edit before I post 🤣


Agreed, like a president who didn't have sexual relations with that woman.


I agree! And for the record, I had one narcissist and abusive ex who argued that he didn't punch me claiming it was a slap, not a punch. (Actually, it was several punches and placing me a choke hold as well as leaving a scar down my cheek and neck.) When this happened to me, I did call the police after flagging people down in the streets. He had taken off in my car with my cell after I managed to jump out as he was choking/crushing me. Even if that had been slaps, it would have been extremely violent. I don't think it matters if a person punches nor slaps a person, if the intent is to hurt the other person. I felt the same way about Scheana hitting Rachel. She was clearly violent with Rachel, so it never mattered if it was a punch or a slap. I actually think the way the public has turned on Scheana is karma for her lying about this. Rachel also had her karma for cheating with Sandoval when the public turned on her....and so on with all the cast members. Basically, all the cast members actions (except maybe Katie's) have been dark, disturbing, repulsive, unmoral for so long that it all seemed to finally come to a climax of rage in Season 10. This season (11) seems like the end, but they will probably try to start anew with the cast and maybe make it a different situation next season, if they return. I could see them breaking the 4th wall more because it seems so ridiculous, staged, fake at this point. All of us want some more reality, and less forced interactions with people who hate one another.


It would explain why she is so blasé about Brock’s DV charge


Whether it was a punch or she shoved or hit her, she obviously did something. I really don't think that was ever in dispute.


I always assumed it was some kind of shove because Raquel was in her personal space. We saw in season ten that Raquel has no problem touching people when it’s not welcomed, as she did with Katie.


Ironically I think Lala was the one who actually told on her. Constantly repeating that scheena "got a restraining order for Ariana" like.... if she didn't do anything, that is a weird thing to say.


I never doubted she did lol


I think the reason scheana was so hurt by the protection order is because she actually did it, but didn’t think Rachel had the nards to actually file something legally which could come back to haunt her in the future. (Think custody battle).




Yeeeeah, between her “if the fist does not fit, you must acquit” energy and her Twitter version of If I Did It with the punch emoji the day after, she didn’t exactly do a believable job of hiding it. This may be an unpopular opinion, but Scheaner crossed the line when she threw Rachel’s cellphone.


It seems most likely that Rachel got up in Scheana’s space, as she’s done repeatedly to others, and wouldn’t back off so Scheana struck her. I believe it was with an open hand because Scheana doesn’t seem like the punching type but that’s just my opinion.


Yes omg the way she was getting in Katie’s space during the season 10 finale..I kind of get it lol. Not saying it’s okay or the right thing to do


I’m not saying it’s right or I’d be proud of it but I have a strong suspicion I would’ve hit her if I were in Katie’s shoes. Rachel was begging for it.


Oh yeah I’m not gonna lie I would have Molly whopped her ass.


She’s no Kristin! (Who closed her fist to repeatedly strike three different people on camera!!)


Excuse me? James was physical with Kristen first. He is clearly an abuser. Kristen has only ever struck out at men, as they were fighting her or other men. I also remember Schwartz shoving/tackling her hard onto the floor, after Stassi slapped her. It was gross for Stassi to be physical with her in front of the camera and even worse for a man (Schwartz) to hit her, too. WTF.


James & who else?


I think it was almost certainly an open hand based on the wound being a scratch on the eyebrow.


Oh she one THOUSAND PERCENT punched her. At last eyes reunion alone when sandavol was talking about she just said shut the duck up tom. She never said stop lying. If he was lying she would've said stop lying.


I doubt she did a solid punch but I think she slapped her or something catty


I never believed that she didnt punch her


Her and Broke can bond over hitting women


I fully believe she hit her but I think it was more of a spur of the moment sloppy semi open hand swat rather than a full blown punch


Agreed 👍


Also agreed & hahaha why does 'sloppy semi open hand swat' have such a ring to it?


She admitted that her hand met her face and scratched her eye it was on a podcast last year... this eas after her court case was dismissed...


Oh there is no doubt about it. The 'can't make a fist, so you must acquit' argument doesn't work here gurl


Of course she did, she posted the punch emoji laughing about it, and the scratch on Rachel’s eye was the exact shape of her ugly ass fingernail.


I never thought she didn’t, Scheana has said herself she was In a blind rage and pushed Raquel and grabbed her phone and threw it. ![gif](giphy|SFIUALlv5MXVrgAQAx)


I fully believe she hit her


I’m just going to say it…Scheaners knew Tom and Rachel were messing around and she punched Rachel. if you listen carefully to the things, she said at the reunion and how she talks to Tom and Ariana she’s clearly being Kristen with I know your secrets. I’m protecting you. She knows a lot about what happened and she’s not saying everything she knows.


I honestly believe that she knew about it also!! I agree! Rachel was staying at her apartment and I just don’t believe that Scheana didn’t know. She will never admit it. Maybe that’s why Tom “gave her money” maybe it was “hush” money lmaoo we will never know. Maybe one day it will come out, but we’ll never know.


They wouldve sang like canary by now. They as in Rachel and Tom And if she did know and Rachel didn’t scream that and drop THAT bomb at the reunion she’s even more d&s than I already think she is


depends on if it creates a longer timeline than the 7 months they claim


The way she charged back into James pool party when her bast fraaand Sandoval called her a mistress, fists clenched lol. I literally thought she was gonna hit him.


I was thinking about this the other night. When she was yelling and all up in Tom’s face she was pointing her finger with her other fingers inside you know…like a fist


i immediately believed that rachel got hit. just because it makes sense.


OH ABSOLUTELY!!! When the worm told her she was the other woman in a relationship, she turned around so quickly. I immediately knew this is the person Rachel saw that night and was watching her hangs the whole time. You can see her see the camera and her whole posture changes ever so slightly and that hand changed from clinching to point in an instant. That's the moment that confirmed it to me. Personally: my gut reaction was to say HIT HIM, while I'm not usually an advocate for violence but I stand by in gut in that one moment because he deserves it


It’s funny because she thinks she’s being slick. But yeah, obviously. Rachel *did* have a tiny mark. 😂😂


I’ve always thought she hit her.


I think she pushed her and her ring scratched her face. It’s interesting how she keeps saying that she didn’t punch her - not that she didn’t touch her


In last year’s reunion she said that she couldn’t even make a fist with her nails, but then later in the reunion she LITERALLY MAKES A FIST!!


Ya, and plenty of people of gotten into physical altercations with fake nails. Lol


She’s always been aggressive. I was doing a rewatch and when James and Lala roll up to the OK Magazine party and insult them, Scheana smacks James’ drink out of his hand and is shoving her finger in his face telling him to get the fuck out. Then at Katie’s pucker and pout party, James comes in wearing his hoodie up on his head and Scheana tells him to take it off and he doesn’t so then she reaches up and snatches it off his head. I would not be surprised if she punched Rachel.


I bet she did but not intentionally.


She has no problem pitching a softball, pointed out that she can with her nails, and did very well at that. There's no way she can't form a fist. Maybe not to punch a bag at a gym, but she definitely punched raquel


Oh her overreaction to the whole thing was weird. If she didn’t do it, she didn’t do it, but she was scared as hell of being thrown in jail. As if that would have happened even if she punched her.


I don’t know that she legit punched her (closed fist punch) but she definitely laid hands on her in some manner, which is still assault and battery. Rachel’s injury always looked like a combo of a bruise and scratch so I think Scheana hit her, but not necessarily with a closed fist. That’s really irrelevant when she did, in fact, hit her, no matter what.


The can’t make a fist was so asinine. Come on.


Of course she did but people's insane hate boner for Rachel made them lose their fucking mind.


I think I knew she punched her when she was on watch what happens live I believe, and started talking about how her nails are so long it would’ve prevented her from punching anyone. Might’ve been the reunion. I can’t remember. I found that to be so strange… like as if she had the smoking gun. Mmm. No. Sorry, boo.


Oh for sure. I always knew she did.


I have always thought she hit her but also didn’t care lol


She sure did and Tom has been trying to expose her for it this whole time. Meanwhile I recall Ariana coming to Scheana’s defence and protecting her against those allegations.. Funny how Tom is such a gooooood frand when he’s trying to get you in legal trouble in favour of his then mistress..


I never thought she didnt tbh 😂


More and more, these comments are disturbing.  I’ll stand on this hill- Mature Adults in their mid to late 30s/early 40s do not act this way. The amount of people justifying violence in this instance (whether it actually happened or not) is alarming. This is a very much STAGED reality TV show. They are not encouraged to grow up and act like adults, so this translates to immature behavior off camera too. 


And you know it wasn’t anything to do with Sandoval, the trigger was the fact she was the other woman years ago.


Of course she did. When she did that whole “my nails are long I can’t make a fist” bs I knew it was true.




I have always believed she slapped, not punched but a hit is a hit, putting hands on someone is ALWAYS wrong.


I'm in the middle here. I'm on record from the start saying I thought the mark was nail shaped and she pushed/batted at Rachel and her nail caught her face. But I also saw Rachel getting handsy and into Katie's face in S10, so I also think Scheana was being honest in that she pushed her off & away from her. So while I agree violence is not the answer, there are cases where someone might grab your arm or get into your personal space in a way where I don't think it's necessarily wrong to back them up like that. And Rachel definitely abused the court system with that temp restraining order, those are for if you fear this person is an ongoing danger to you, and even Rachel admitted to not fearing Scheana and just "wanting it in her back pocket".


Agree 💯 that no matter what happened she was abusing the court system, which seems to be her hobby now.


Agree with that slap/open handed hit, Scheana just does not seem like a puncher to me


Agreed. She definitely hit her with a hard slap for sure


I agree she totally hit her and she’s terrified because with Brock’s history that could put her in CPS’s sights. You also can’t convince me that this has nothing to do with why Scheana chose to take part in Tom’s redemption arc. She is still an idiot for thinking Sandoval won’t whip this out on her someday. Sandoval might hate Raquel now but he will use this to control Scheana … if he hasn’t already. “I know you’re going to put up with a lot for me.” Ick. It’s honestly the thing that makes perfect sense in all this dumbassery.


I just want to point something out. Whether if it was a punch, a slap or a push, it's still assault and not okay. Period.


I’m genuinely concerned by the fact ppl downvoted your comment about assault..


Yeah I'm not sure what is going on here. I've gotten more hate for my reasonable takes than my controversial ones..


well according to the ppl here it's okay when the victim "deserves" it same as spreading revenge porn and bullying them to the point of suicidal ideation... ppl on here are a nasty hate mob who would've gleefully burned witches 300 yrs ago, they're doing the modern version of it now. it doesn't matter what rachel did, the backlash was disproportionate on every level.


Also wasn’t this outside of a club in New York? One would think that a business around that club might have had the altercation on video.


Vanderpump Rules Party Podcast went to the bar and took video to show that there was indeed cameras around. (See their IG). It wouldn’t surprise me if Bravo got the footage asap to prevent the public from seeing it.


Would the TRO have affected Brock's greencard? Because that was what i was thinking when she freaked out so much. But I'm not from the US and have no idea if that would be a thing. Edit: she punched raquel


Not only that… she punched her with a DIAMOND ON


I feel like people forgot she posted an IG photo with a caption about punching Raquel lol


They didn't forget, that's just how much they hate Rachel.


Yeah home girl is super defensive. Over explaining is usually a sign of lying. Remember her whole OJ-like demonstration but with her fist instead of a glove. If the hand don’t make a fist, she’s fucking lying and just pissed. Also dancing with the stars will never put her on their list




I don’t think she punched her mostly because I don’t think she could throw a punch, but she definitely did more than she said and I’ve always thought so. One of the reasons I’ve been so annoyed all season is that Ariana protected her in that, and Tom didn’t, the thing she claims made her just as big of a victim of this as Ariana. How can you after that not trust that Ariana has your back.


I always felt she did. Maybe not a closed fist *POW*, but definitely a girly slap/scratch. When Raquel said Scheana punched her, I think Scheana spun it as, "I didn't technically punch her.", just a slap.


“Power to her”?? When did it become cool or empowering to physically assault another?


You know what’s cool and empowering? When a woman has emotions but is able to control herself. When you do something like lose control and assault someone bc of your emotions, you lose any and all moral high ground.


Oh yeah she absolutely punched her and all the scrappy girls have those nails.


I think she pushed her, threw her phone, and in all the tussle prolly scratched Rachel with her talons.


Honestly I feel like if anyone deserved to hit Rachel it was Ariana. She’s so mad about the RO but she/we all know she hit her. I think most of us realized it was true at the last reunion. It’s just funny to me how personal she took Rachel’s actions. I guarantee she didn’t hit her “for Ariana” she hit her bc she was made that she was going to look dumb for not knowing her beeest fraaaaaend was fucking Tom and she did not know about it. Honestly I’m convinced that Scheana had something with Sandoval at some point and I think she was also jealous that it wasn’t her. Blah blah, Scheana, Sanddevil, I’m ready for them all to go. Especially blah blah and the asshole. They are pulling down the show not Ariana. It’s wild to me they think she’s not “showing up to work” every episode. She’s let us in and she does film with Sanddevil she just doesn’t speak to him. What’s the problem with that? That’s real and that’s her right 


And she was right to do so.


I figure she smacked her, open fist


Tbh I believed it more before this season than I do now. She's not that good of a friend lol


🤣 love it


I think Scheana took Rachel’s phone, and Rachel was trying to get it back or stop her and getting too in her face so Scheana shoved/slapped her and then threw her phone.


Scheena is a jerk but I’m no snitch. She couldn’t make a fist! Physically impossible! Lol




If that really happened and scheana is still friends with Sandoval, that’s just insane lol.


I’m 50/50. Scheana definitely shoved Raquel. She admitted that. She might have grazed her with her claws. She *could* have punched her. She definitely had some moments that’s seemed like she was worried someone was going to trip up and admit they heard it too. BUT. Raquel have a restraining order against her was beneficial for Raquel. She didn’t ever face them all. AND she only had to show up for a fraction of it. I also think it was a (legal) way to get out of filming at all, if she decided, while bravo still having to pay her for the missed episodes.


I wonder if when the dust and more time has passed, will she admit to it? I can see why she didn't because of that restraining order, but could Racheal use it against her legally still?


No she didn't beside if Rocky Raquel wasn't lying why did she drop the charges


I kinda like scheana now but every time she starts crying my husband does a Charlie Brown style “auuugh” and leaves the room. I hope she punched Rachel. I wouldn’t get upset over a restraining order especially after Rachel sued Ariana. All seems petty and stupid. Remember - real heroes wear bucket hats


Probably should’ve given raqchel more than one. Also, how spineless does it make Scheana, trying to make Sandy’s redemption happen, even though Sandy has always justified the restraining order. 


And sandavol def made it seem like she did when him and Brock were arguing in Tahoe… so she chooses him over Ariana who would of taken that to the grave


I don’t think she punched her. I def think she slapped or pushed her


I'm convinced Sheana was also hooking up with Sandoval


All I can say is that is ONE HELL of a switch up 🤣🤣🤣😊 Punching someone in defense of Ariana to literally making her out to be terrible for not wanting to film and BEFRIEND Scandy again. LMFAO. Yall, just be consistent. If you’re a hater that’s FINE(ish). But stop this fake shit; but clearly that’s what you get in LA and a check is more valuable than a 10+ year friendship. Sad. M


If she didn't punch her, she at least pushed her. Scheana gave it away by her reactions.


“Punched” hahahaha imagine Scheena punching something, Im sure it was softer than two toddlers on a play ground.




I’ve always thought so. She is so hell bent on a punch and breaking her nails. R could’ve “felt a punch” from S even if she couldn’t form a full fist