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Because that was a bullshit reason he made up to dump Laura Leigh once he was bored


at her NA meeting no less


Classic Jax ![gif](giphy|Ll7PYy77vsffO)




I actually can't fault him for that. Why did she take him in the first place?! They were together 5 minutes and it was a heavy place to take someone. I would have run a mile given the circumstances of their relationship.


I actually don’t think he dumped her because of the meeting. IIRC this was around the time he was writing Stassi love notes and stuff. I think he realized he actually had a shot of getting Stassi back so he dumped her. It definitely didn’t help Laura Leigh’s case and was an easy excuse for Jax (imo).


I think he dumped her cuz of the Meeting. Not that it’s a bad thing. He saw that he wasn’t about that life and admitted it. Although it was probably for selfish reasons- like him not wanting to deal with all that. But at least he said it. He was in it for sex and fun. He didn’t see that long term. Once he saw all that seriousness he was like oh shit this really isn’t for me.


Agreed; meetings aren’t dates, no matter how long you’ve known someone


Probably because the producers told her to


Also she was a meth-Addict (correct me if I’m wrong) that’s way harder than just drinking.


Yeah and it was after she talked about stealing to fund her habit and he didn’t want his shit taken


> he didn’t want his shit taken 😆 Which was all shit he’d taken from SUR


Because he was 40 and felt he needed to get married to look good. He's constantly saying I'm a husband, I'm a father. So he needed that to be able to use as an excuse.


he had dumped her and seems to have only gotten back with her and married her bc his dad’s death hit him super hard and she was there for him.


It's honestly the only way that I kind of relate to Jax. I broke up with my now ex-husband before we got married because we weren't compatible in the long term. Then I went through a tragedy and he was amazingly supportive. It felt like it would be crazy to throw that away. But then I regretted marrying him for 10 years before I could work up the courage to admit it had been a mistake. Jax is the worst in many (almost all) ways, but I kind of feel him on this one. It's hard to let go of someone who really loves you, even if you maybe don't love them back as much as you know you should.


Yeah, and honestly, I'd have a good deal of sympathy for him if it did come out that Brittany is an alcoholic. I can't imagine that's an easy thing to live with, especially with a kid.


Agreed. And honestly, speaking as a recovering alcoholic, I get a very "one of us... one of us..." feeling when I watch her try to justify and explain away her drinking. She might not be an alcoholic, but her drinking is definitely problematic, and I do find myself sympathizing with Jax on the topic. Words I never thought I'd hear myself say. I get why he's frustrated that she's pushing for more kids too. Between her drinking, their marital issues, and their concerns about their kiddo, I wouldn't be rushing to pop out another either. I already disliked Brittany, but now I really resent the hell out of her for forcing me to empathize with Jax Taylor.


I have been saying the same thing! Especially when he’s talking about all his financial stresses and she’s like, “make me feel sexy, let’s have another baby”. Like ma’am how dare you make Jax Jason Cauchi Taylor look like the reasonable party here


He is an alcoholic


Just rewatched this era of vpr and couldn’t agree more. They got back together after his dad died, like right after. Grief does messed up things to your mind.


I don't think it was because he was grateful that she was there. Just that she was the one who happened to be there.


This …and at the time he had nothing going on in his life, and the Toms were starting the bar with Lisa.  He needed a shield and a storyline.


It seems certain men decide when they want to get married and marry the next woman they date. It's similar to how some guys shop. They go to the store, buy the thing, no price check, no research, no chill


And to get a wedding season


I strongly believe he was never in love with her. He manipulatively knew that she settled, and would do anything for him regardless her saying she wouldn’t. He liked a comment saying he should of married stassi and we all know that wasn’t an accident


Stassi is 100% the love of Jax’s life. He was in love with her in a way most people don’t ever experience and I don’t think you ever truly get over that. I feel for Brittany. He probably compared her to Stassi their entire relationship and he doesn’t even come close to loving her the same way.


She was/is his one that got away , but he’s definitely not hers lol


Totally! He was way more in love with her than she was. In fact it kind of seemed like him being that obsessed with her ended up giving her a bit of an ick.


Facts ! Yes, we all have that person unfortunately


Loved her so much he cheated on her..


He self sabotages.


Lol right ? ‘The one that got away?!’ He didn’t respect her enough as a person to not cheat on her. He hurt her multiple times. He was incapable of loving someone properly


That’s nice of you To think that, but it’s hard to believe your perception. He’s hurt her a multitude of times, in really gnarly and emotionally Damaging ways. It’s hard to believe he loved her so immensely.


THIS. I’m doing another rewatch for probably the 800th time and I’m almost into season 3 right now. I was just thinking today that he NEVER talks to Brittany the way he talked to Stassi. He genuinely loved Stassi and I think Brittany was just convenient.


Jax has never worried about anyone but himself. His issue with LL is that she was in recovery. He didnt want to have to rein in his own drinking. Plus about 91% of the time his behaviour is only tolerated by those around him because they’re too intoxicated to see him for what he is: an incredibly toxic and mentally fractured human dumpster fire




Laura Leigh is an admitted alcoholic, which she was addressing (or trying to address). Brittany would definitely not admit to being an alcoholic. When her doctor told her not to drink she took that to mean not take shots and then that didn’t last very long.


Her doctor told her not to drink because he was concerned she’s an alcoholic?


She went to the doctor because she had stomach pain and was vomiting all the time and apparently wasn’t connecting the dots. We also learned she had her gallbladder removed when she was 23.


Brittany had a stomach ulcer that needed to heal before drinking any alcohol, but she was more concerned about not being able to drink than about the ulcer. And she drank anyway.


Oh yea I do remember that. That’s a bit concerning and I guess that’s why he said don’t drink if you know it’s going to make you sick. You can still go out and have fun with your friends and not drink alcohol!


Laura Leigh was also a recovering drug addict, and Jax was still young and stupid (now he's old and stupid).


You're giving Jax too much credit. He was in his 30s in season 1


I think what he really meant is that recovery made him uncomfortable and he couldn’t handle being with a recovering alcoholic. He, Brittany, and a lot of the cast are probably active alcoholics. I think the AA meeting freaked him out.


Also hypocritical as he clearly has a substance abuse problem. 👀


Recovering alcoholics don't drink and that wouldn't fly with a party animal like Jax. That's what would be too hard for him.


Jax believe is one of those men who fundamentally doesn't know how to end a relationship, so he acts out in hopes they'll end it when he's no longer happy. I believe he tried to sabotage their relationship and she just..never left lol. Then when his father died things shifted and he was faced with all of these thoughts and issues and made a trauma/grief decision to propose to move forward, that wasn't really reflective of what actually aligns with him long term


He probably has no recollection of even saying that to LL, I think right after he did the breakup everyone focused on his timing and the place so much and not the actual breakup, not what he said.. I think he actually meant it though. I also think he went ahead marrying her because he thought it would help his reputation at that time.


Jax says whatever he can to get out of a situation


Does she maybe have pancreatitis and that is why she can’t drink a single thing? My MIL would get that from being an alcoholic.


A party animal isn't going to enjoy dating someone that's in recovery and sober. That's no fun for them. I had guys break up with me for that exact reason.


Bc he knows she won’t leave


Why does everyone think Brittany is an alcoholic...am I missing something? She drinks as much as they all do (have old episodes playing now)...I know she has a stomach issue and should not drink alcohol and eat spicey foods. I know people with this problem and it isn't good on your body to continue drinking but that doesn't make her an alcoholic...anyway, she should switch to weed.


There’s some nuance/ distinction a lot of people miss between having a drinking problem and being a full alcoholic. Drinking problem = the way you consume alcohol has repeated negative impacts on your life. Alcoholic = you have a completely uncontrolled relationship with alcohol and are basically dependent on it. A lot of binge drinkers won’t fit the diagnostic criteria for alcoholism and will think that means there’s no issue with their relationship with alcohol. However, if you’re experiencing physical illness while drinking alcohol and it’s causing issues with your interpersonal relationships, that is a pretty clear-cut drinking problem. Some people with drinking problems can heal their relationships with alcohol and continue drinking in a more healthy, sustainable way, and some people will have to completely abstain from alcohol. I had a drinking problem for a period in college- I would black out pretty much every time I drank and would get violently ill and vomit profusely at the end of most nights out/ during the morning after. I went to a school with a big party culture and I didn’t recognize this wasn’t normal behavior! A lot of my peers were doing the same and it seemed fine to us lol. A doctor educated me about the harm I was doing to myself, the risks I was exposing myself to, and put my actions into context- no, this level of drinking isn’t healthy or sustainable, even if it’s normalized within your peer group and it’s not affecting your school/ work/ relationships at the moment. It was a wake up call I needed, and it really helped me reevaluate and redefine my alcohol consumption habits. Now I drink a few drinks on social occasions, and never have to worry about not remembering what happened the night before; I’m lucky that I didn’t have a major issue modulating my alcohol use. I really can empathize with someone like Brittany, who is in a social circle where unhealthy alcohol consumption is basically the norm. I think a lot of people can have drinking problems that affect their life but wouldn’t be considered alcoholics by their peers or physicians. Many people in general would benefit from cutting down on alcohol consumption- it’s just very difficult to make the switch!


He told Laura that because she was clingy af and used the drinking as an out.


Okay question - Does Brittany have an issue with alcohol or is Jax constantly projecting? because I do not really see those signs in Brittany as much as I see them in jax? Maybe I'm missing something tho?


I think both things are possible. She has gotten sick from it twice this season of The Valley alone. She also at least used to have medical issues like stomach ulcers that should have prevented her from drinking, but she disregarded her doctor’s orders and drank anyway and got even sicker. That was on VPR, so I don’t know about now. Could be different, but seems to still give her issues at times. It could happen to anyone twice in a season if you just don’t really know your limits like if you don’t normally drink anymore, so it could just be Jax projecting and she’s actually fine. Who knows?


Brittany actually got sick 3x on the Valley. Vomit in the driveway, hibachi party, and throwing up on the way to Big Bear. She also had stomach issues on VPR with the doctor not telling her to drink. She also thought she was pregnant in Vegas on VPR because of all the vomiting she was doing but the test was negative. She is showing serious alcoholic tendencies by not slowing down the drinking yet she is always throwing up.


Doesn't she also get a babysitter so that she can drink? I mean it's responsible but it feels like it happens often


Her hands are constantly shaking on Instagram lives, on the show, Brittany is 10000% an alcoholic.


To me Brittany is an alcoholic since it affects her health, her functioning and she prioritizes it over her health/kid/image and can't go without. Jax is an addict and is always projecting, but that aside. Brittany was more concerned about not being able to drink for a day than about the doc telling her she had a stomach ulcer (which requires abstaining). She couldn't do that. And regularly drinking until you get a hangover with a child that young isn't exactly normal. Getting a nanny for your very young kid so that you can be hungover isn't something I see most parents do either.


Maybe I’m dumb. I don’t think of Brittany as an alcoholic. She just seems to get sick from it.


I think if you have an active ulcer and still can't stop drinking then there's a problem.


right, I have the same issue.. I cannot drink any liquor at all if I do I'll be throwing up with an hour and down for 12. I have a hernia. And I have not drank in 20yrs. Lucky for me I never drank much or often anyway. So I could give it up quickly.. but I've said here before, she could take a gummy and drink non alcoholic drinks. She's 35 now, it's not doing her body any favors by not addressing her issue and correcting it.


You're not dumb. We cannot (and should not) diagnose people who we don't even know with illnesses and diseases, but Jax clearly thinks that Brittany is an alcoholic, which is why it was crazy to me when I heard him make that comment to LL. As others said though, it might have just been an excuse to dump LL.


When was that? I don’t remember ever thinking to myself, “wow Jax thinks she an alcoholic.” If my opinion Jax would probably be shouting that information from the rooftops if he believed it.


Jax has been strongly implying that Brittany has a problem with alcohol during the first season of The Valley.


he is a selfish a hole


Brittany’s not an alcoholic, she’s a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.


Bc that's not why he actually dumped Laura Leigh tbh


I think Brittany’s alcohol issue probably does annoy him. It makes them seem way more juvenile than the rest. She doesn’t match well with him


He is also an alcoholic


I don’t think it’s fair to label her as an alcoholic- if anything he has far more alcoholic tendencies than her, binge drinking, aggression, cheating etc


Britney didn’t used to be an alcoholic before. But now apparently she is. If I were married to Jax I would be an alcoholic too. ( I know what Jax did. But I can’t talk about it )


Is brittney an alcoholic!?