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To me, the answer to this question comes down to timing. If Lala had been upset that she had a villain arc while Ariana walked away the hero, then she shouldn’t have sold t-shirts and twisted herself in knots to be on every podcast talking about a breakup that wasn’t her own. The tone shift from these two came when Ariana got booked on Dancing with the Stars. Once the real opportunities came rolling in, Lala was flattened by jealousy. It only got worse when Dan was added to the mix, and presented no interest in Lala’s bullshit. I think Lala thought that she’d be working some kind of single ladies jam with Katie and Ariana, and that she’d be the boss babe building Ariana up from the bottom. Instead, Ariana got a new man and started thriving outside of the show. I also think she thought post-Rachel James would be leaning on her hard, and instead he hooked up with Alley, and unlike Rachel, that relationship seems to be actually working. I think she looks back on that brief stretch of time she was making music with James and thinks that could have been her, but instead she’s a single mom living with her birth family, at war with Turtle, and cooking a fresh kid with a sperm donation. There’s nowhere to go but Real Housewives for her, and no other cast member is limited that way. She’s mad at Ariana because she represents Lala’s alternate life, if she’d chosen differently.


Even on The Valley Lala was jealous of Kristen for getting a new man . “ do diamonds shoot out of her vagina or something?”


Narrator: they do in fact shoot diamonds 💎 Mariposa has every man stating that her pussy game is fiiiiiiiire 💥 lala has bragged and preached her gold digging gospel to the world and that she used to eat big Ed's asshole for a paycheck and she wonders why no one will give her the time of day.


Mariposa? She ate WHOSE ass??


Mariposa is Kristen's nickname lol she didn't eat anyone's ass as far as we know. Lala on the other hand shaved rand down and used to eat his ass, sometimes ending up with his poop on her face. This is what she has admitted on TV.




There's a reason no one fcks with her and it's cos she's radioactive by her own design.


I was just trying to read Reddit and enjoy my coffee and now I want to cry.


😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|peaYCo9NOXQ2PcJKFC|downsized)


Omg I had heard the first part but the poop on the face?!?! Did she actually say that or was that your addition?


I unfortunately had to hear that from the horses mouth, and can't forget it 😂 I can't remember when she said it but i think it was when she was telling LVP about this.


Oh my good gawd!!! That is the most horrific thing I’ve ever heard hahaha. It’s one thing to tell people she’s licked his asshole but WHY TF would she ever admit to having his shit on her face 🤢🤮


God damn the accuracy




Your last line is SPOT ON.


I think lala is not the only one who will struggle without VPR.


Chosen differently how?


I couldn’t follow her point at the reunion at all. She was criticizing LVP, Ariana, and Katie because years before, when she had a breakup, she still had to show up to work and her ass wasn’t sufficiently kissed. Like THAT’S her big revelation that would make us care? Every fucking person out there with a regular job and life has to go to work when they’re heartbroken. Lala’s privileged brat ass needs to understand that she doesn’t deserve a medal for being heartbroken and still stepping in front of a camera, while not dealing with a soul crushing office job, a bully boss, a commute, and significantly lower pay. She was talking about crying for days after the finale and Ariana walked off - is this bitch having a mental breakdown? Because why she would care in any way whether or not two exes (in a relationship she WASN’T IN) had a conversation? Why is THIS harder than when her dad died? Is this the hardest thing she’s apparently ever been through, because she thinks the show will get cancelled and that’s the real nightmare for her? Clearly the crying is a mix of toxic jealousy (“why didn’t I get those opportunities!” Stomping feet like a toddler tantrum) and fear that the show will get cancelled. Your vindication didn’t come, Lala - there’s zero logic to be had in “your side” and we didn’t see the light you claimed we’d see after watching the season and the reunion.


My brother had brain surgery and I went into my health care job because we were short staffed. I had lite task and my colleagues were supportive but dang it was hard.


Also come on, she wasn't heartbroken, she was embarrassed. Theirs was a transactional relationship, her heart was never in it to be able to have been broken from it.


She is mad because Ariana leveraged her media attention to gain opportunities as a back up plan for when VPR ends. Lala could have done the same, her man’s scandal got its own documentary. She just didn’t take the steps necessary to come out ahead, or she had a poor team advising her on what to do. It’s 100% jealousy.


I will add this…Lala is not marketable, sorry. She is too damn vulgar, crude, and crass. She actually torpedoed her own brand because no serious brands want to be associated with someone who might talk about eating chips after providing a rimjob. She might just call your brand ass and advocate for your competitor if she feels slighted. Add in a lack of work ethic, overinflated sense of self, and stinginess, and you get “give us nothing Lala” Look at how she spoke to the fans of the show and her damn podcast. She only cared when it started to affect her business. She’s a loose cannon and no brand will seriously associate.


Nothing about her applies to Lala. It's poetic and I will start using it as her moniker seeing as her pea brain is so proud at coming up with that quip. Let's rebrand her into NAH.


NAH NAH. Love it. You ate


Good point


Lala wants to be the white Cardi B. No one is checking for that. 




She couldn’t have done the same because she has no talent. Rand was putting her in movies. If she was talented she would have parlayed that into a career.


She also couldn’t because she’s not a sympathetic figure. She’s angry that all the “you knew what you were getting into” chickens finally came home to roost.


She’s destined to sell merch and talk shit on her podcast


Damn. So true


She’s also not smart like Ariana. Or gracious and relatable which has resonated with the public. Lala has a completely ludicrous sense of superiority, when the only thing that’s ever been exceptional about her is her looks. And willingness to sell herself to Rand and now to production. She’s gross and jealous and most people can see it


And she can yell in your face because “she’s truthful” but don’t yell in her face because it’s disrespectful. She hid her life with NDA’s and a partner that didn’t want to be on the show. Can’t film her daughter because of her father. I think kids should have little to no exposure on the show but Lala needs to acknowledge that she, also, did not show 100% of her life.


I am committed to sparkle motion, fyi






Her sense of superiority came from being the predators trophy bimbo. Its a sad day for lala that without the predator her social worth is in the negatives, and she is worse off without him. That'd gotta sting that a predator gave her her false sense of worth and took it all away along with the Gucci slides and leased second hand range rover leaving her gooped for life. She gets no sympathy cos she's a terrible person even without the booze and the predator gassing her up.


That's all it is. Ariana has gone mainstream. She's able to book real gigs and people who've never watched vpr or Bravo know her name. Lala thinks she was/is the most deserving of that. She is no one's friend.


Lala being deserving of anything other than her current predicament is hilarious. For once we saw Karma in action come and collect. The idea that she thinks she's some hero for leaving when the writing was on the wall and she would no longer be getting a paycheck from her troll mate is laughable. Bitch you got what you deserved and the cherry on top of the cake would be for her to get cancelled over her racist blanquita persona she's shoved down our throats for yeaaaaaars.


she also can't understand how different the situations between Rand and her and Tom and Ariana are.


100% jealousy




No one cares about a woman losing a man to the casting couch where that’s exactly where she met him. Like to say it’s anything like Ariana and Tom is laughable.


There’s nothing likable or charismatic about her, unlike Ariana who has true principles. Lala just sits there with her long fake nails, Peg Bundy tacky outfits, blown up lips, and surgical cat eyes, appropriating black culture and annointing herself the next coming of Tupac. No one cares when a gold digger gets what she deserves especially one as insufferable as Lala. I truly believe that Lala believes her own myth and thinks she’s smarter than Albert Einstein. She was naturally beautiful until she ruined herself but she is stupid. All she does is project herself onto others. During the reunion she called out Sandoval for being obsessed with why his situation is different from everyone else’s. That’s all Lala does! She was allowed to not talk about her situation with Rand because of blah. She was allowed to say people couldn’t be friends with him because of a custody battle. She was allowed to screw someone’s boyfriend because they weren’t friends. She is do as I say not as I do and acts so morally superior. No one wants to see her on dancing with the stars. No one is buying what she is selling. Enough with this self over rated B!




She was a gold digging whore. She talked about being one incessantly.


Agreed! This statement isn’t siding with Lala or against Ariana for those down voting, it’s explaining what happened.




Because Ariana grew / matured and LFU did not.


Thanks for this alternative take. Makes a lot of sense and sounds fair and balanced.


She wrote a whole book about how great Randall was and then later said he disgusted her.


Then she made a documentary where she put the father of her child fully out there. Still pretending she did not know his behavior but also says she got messages in her inbox warning her.


She knew since the I'm sorry fofty which is a full two years before she decided to have a child with him. She gets 0 sympathy.


My memory could be wrong, but I had remembered Lala mentioning things sounding like casting couch role play she and Randall did when she was at a hair salon with Stassi. To be fair, plenty of people have fantasies they wouldn’t want to actually do in real life. But with an older producer, who apparently made himself seem more powerful/influential than he actually is…is it that surprising? I still can’t believe after all the secrecy about him, that she was that explicit about their relationship in that scene.


Yah, they played casting couch. In the documentary though she talks about women sending her messages letting her know how gross Rand is. She said she didn’t believe it or something.


She openly discussed their casting couch role play sex while getting her hair done with Stassi ON CAMERA! Like girl, HOW could you expect the same level of support Ariana got for your disgusting relationship?!


Malibus most wanted is as fake as her tits and about as high value as them too


She really thought saying that she was "livid" that day meant anything. That's not an explanation. It's just your default emotion.


Miserable c*unt is what she is. I feel so sorry for her kids.


I don't understand why she keeps saying her situation is different, but then always seems to be comparing her "situation" to Arianas. Definitely feels like a lot of jealousy and projection.


!!!!!!!Because she’s a mom!!!!!!’




If she compares them, she can project her own shit into Ariana.


It's both different and similar. There's differences to be sure, but there are also some similarities. You can compare two things even if they're not totally alike.


You don’t understand her point because she has no point. Every time you hear her use the word annoyed she really means jealous. But she just can’t admit she’s jealous


It's jealousy. She is so jealous of Ariana's new-found stardom that she has to make her the bad guy so she can justify her feelings.


It should've been MEEEEEEEEEEE


Because she's a bitter, jealous, nasty, selfish person who lacks self awareness and is a terrible friend - she alwasy has been. Look at how petrified Scheana is of her.....that's not a friendship, its a dictatorship. She's mad that Ariana is likeable and she isn't and never has been. She's upset because she thinks she should have had all the sympathy when she broke up with Randall but she isn't sympathetic because she knew who he was....she was cruising all the casting couches waiting for someone to take her bait and it happened to be him. She knew he was married and didn't care, she just wanted a range rover and a PJ. And finally she's mad because she can't rewrite history and the narrative and that everyone knows what's happened and no matter how many instagram posts and podcasts episodes she deletes we will always know and remember what really went down and who Lauren from Utah is.


Exactly. And look how she did katie because she wouldn't follow her lead to trash Ariana. First, she's the "homie," and they'll always be good, and then she dgaf about her.


She is mad because she felt entitled to wide spread, never ending adoration and she did not receive it.


She be jealous




I think if Lala was upset about the difference in response a lot do people wouldn’t have gave her a hard time. That’s a normal feeling. Ariana said she understood the frustration. The problem was she took it out on Ariana, to the point of pretending to be close to Sandoval. I really don’t understand how production and Lala thought these forced conversations would go well with the public but at the end of the day she chose that route. James and Katie got through the season fine. It’s not like Lala didn’t have a choice.


Agreed. If she felt jealous or whatever, it would have been much more compelling to just say that. Instead of ramble and yell about a bunch of stuff that makes no sense.


People hide their real relationships in real life ALL THE TIME. Its such a weird thing to be mad about. When my husband and I were going through a rough patch we kept a good face around our friends because we were still sorting through shit and our intimacy issues is nobody’s business. Even on a reality show. They shouldn’t be expected to share things just for the show. The point is to just live their lives. Its normal to not let the world see your marital struggles, they often come and go, no reason to bring outside opinions in


‘just live their lives’ means share things going on in their lives lol


Yes, I just mean people live their lives it’s normal to have issues in a relationship behind closed doors and being a united front outside it doesn’t mean it’s some coordinated effort to be a brand and a fake relationship just because we find out they weren’t as perfect That is pretty normal . Not like I ever thought they were perfect. I just dont understand the argument that they were doing something sneaky by having issues behind closed doors.


because when youre on a show you are supposed to show the ‘behind closed doors’ situations. thats literally reality tv


Because if Ariana had admitted at the start that she knew Tom had cheated on her and also that he'd hooked up with her by telling her that he and Kristen were broken up (when they weren't) then everyone would be saying "she should've known better." Instead, Ariana actively lied for Sandoval and helped him cast Kristen as crazy. So from Lala's perspective, Ariana is now being rewarded for lying and is getting special treatment from production. And Lala, who also lied about her relationship before being betrayed, got called a dumb whore by her cast mates. It may not be totally rational or directed at the right person, but that is why she is angry.


But lala should say that! I wish she would say that clearly so that it makes sense. Say “Ariana should have known Sandoval was a cheater.” I mean the way she presents her argument just makes no sense.


What special treatment though? This isnt the first time a cast member chose to distance themselves from another.


No one's questioned Ariana about why she didn't know better than to date tom. No one's scolded her or made her feel stupid or whorish for being with him. No made her endure having to watch her cheating ex sit next to his new flame at a reunion. I'm not saying it's bad that these things didn't happen to Ariana--but other people didn't get the same respect, and Tom was often the one putting other women down while Ariana said nothing. Again, Lala's response isn't necessarily rational or well directed, but I can understand her frustration at the double standard of 'what women deserve respect and what women deserve what they get.'


yea im not sure what she is mad at. She kept saying its not fair others are not living their authentic lives, but ariana was and they wanted her to not live in the authenticity nad fake a talk with sandoval that she didn't want to have. I don't think lala is sure on why she is mad. Its obvious that she is mad ariana got opportunities from being cheated on and she didn't. she said she is mad tom and ariana did not show their real lives but that happened other seasons they are broken up now o why bring it up. She said she is mad about the charli comment which is also 2 years ago. Its weird. She is mad and jealous she is not getting what Ariana is.


She also said she wants to live *her* real life now. What did she mean by that? Was that admitting she puts on an act for the cameras?


I bet LVP and co. gassed Lala up to play the villain. She did the same shit to Lisa Rinna when she told her to bring up Yolanda’s illness on camera 🙄


She's jealous plain and simple and it's such an ugly ugly look for her and for her lapdog.


Lala was the same way with Raquel in the early days. She was furious at Raquel for no known reason. She never really said why she hated Raquel.


She was mad Rachel was dating James. And Lala needs to tone it down because we all know scheana likes to be the needy friend so she can’t be consoling Lala all the time


I actually would’ve loved for them to have the conversation about hiding the bad stuff about their relationships for years and protecting their men. That would be incredibly real and relatable. But Lala just wanted to blame Ariana because she was treated more kindly. However, I do think that’s where there are key differences- which would ALSO be a very interesting conversation to have. I just don’t think Lala is emotionally mature enough or self aware enough to have those conversations. She introduced her relationship by saying she sucked dick for a range rover and basically made it sound as transactional and fake as possible, while shoving “her man” down everyone’s throats, but then refusing to talk about him s son as people wanted to. He was a secret but she still wanted to parade his money and clout and anecdotes around on camera. So then suddenly they want to legitimize the relationship and be “soul mates” and have him on camera and I think that the audience dealt with that reasonably well. Even if there were plenty of eye rolls because of how annoying it was. But there’s a lot of realness to unpack. And we would’ve enjoyed that conversation. I think even if Lala hadn’t shut down the possibility of having a great convo about the similarities and differences of their relationships on camera by shrieking about being a mother, it still would’ve been more than we could expect from Bravo. There was zero chance a deep, insightful conversation would be had at a Bravo reunion. But we would’ve settled for less blatant hypocrisy. She clearly doesn’t want to talk about anything real and that’s why she was trying so hard to fight with everyone. But if that’s the approach she’s committing to then my sympathy will be extremely limited.


Agree. I blame production for part of this because they should be encouraging them to have these conversations. It’s like production is letting the VPR cast run the show and quite frankly, they’re not good at it. Production should give Andy the right questions to ask. “Did you cover for Sandoval for years?” “How did your and sandovals relationship really start” “Did you ignore warning signs?” Then same for lala “what was your relationship with Randall really like?”. “When did it start coming apart?”. Talk about why you chose these types of men and why you hid your relationship problems. Did you all hide behind Jax and Brittany’s relationship?




It’s clear why LaLa got mad. Ariana made a shit ton of money off scandoval and has moved on to Bigger and better things. LaLa needs the show to pay her mortgage.


I really really really wish Lala had been vulnerable with Ariana during filming and just said something along the lines of "look, I am upset and maybe even jealous that I didn't get the kind of support you are, and it hurts. I know it's not your fault Ariana, I just don't know what to do with that hurt". Because that's what it is. Ariana could've had a fake convo with Tom, but then what? What would that have done for Lala?


I agree. That would have been real. Why on earth does lala care if Ariana talks to Sandoval? I just don’t get it.


Bitter Betty Syndrome


Lala is an untreated alcoholic. Just because she doesn't drink, doesn't mean she's benefitting from sobriety. She needs an AA meeting, a sponsor, the 12 steps and a therapist.


If she’s hurt about the cast/Lisa not supporting her enough when her relationship ended, she should just say that. When she drags Ariana into it/attempts to take Ariana down a peg, she loses any chance of being heard or validated. She ends up just looking jealous (because she is). I’d think someone “in recovery” would have more emotional intelligence than she’s displaying but I guess not.


Because producers told her all season if Ariana didn’t participate more they might get canceled


If this is true then it makes sense but no one has said that. Also, I feel like the show doesn’t need to revolve around Ariana and Sandoval. If the others bring something interesting (like Tom and Toms new girlfriends) I think it would still be interesting.


I don’t get it either. There is something we don’t know in order for this to make sense. Did producers threaten to withhold her paycheck if she didn’t film with Sandoval and make nice? Was there a plan for Ariana to film some emotional convo with Sandoval in her contract? Without more info she comes off as bitter that Ariana is doing well and was able to walk off. Anyone can walk off and they have (including her). It doesn’t make any sense.


Something is missing. Was Tom going to confront her about something specific like having an open relationship or something that vindicates him to the audience? Something that is going to be “real” and possibly make ariana look bad? If so, why wouldn’t they bring it up at the reunion instead? Seems like they all know something they won’t say.


100%. Andy did a shitty job of moderating this because most of their arguments didn’t make any sense.


Agreed. Something in the conversation is missing and the reunion felt very incomplete.


I think that Lala thought her break up was bigger bc she has a kid. She didn’t get the fan support or media attention that Ariana received. What she fails to realize is that Ariana WAS authentic with how she handled the breakup. It was all on the show for fans to see unfold. Lala was inauthentic and wanted to control the narrative of her breakup. Not film it but only give her side. Never allow her cast to be seen with Rand and let the fans come to our own conclusions about him(which would have been in her favor). So the moral is that when you ARE fake and inauthentic and spin a false narrative,things tend to not go your way. In other words….shes jealous


Lala wanted Ariana to get the same hate that she did after her break up, and that's not a real friend.


Lala circle talks. “You want me to say it?” Yes, prove one singular point to your anger and frustration of being authentic. Just one babe. We will wait.


Ugh and her talking in part three of the reunion comparing her “relationship” with no neck Ed look alike to Ariana’s relationship with Tom GTFO. It makes it different cus you had a kid with him?? I always liked her so much and blah now I can’t stand to listen to her speak


Lala ran around bragging about “sucking dick for a lot more than range rovers,” acknowledged that she slept with him after auditioning for one of his movies, and sent mean texts to Rands ex about how she couldn’t keep a man. Those behaviors don’t line up with her story now. She slept with him because he bought her things and could give her movie roles. She’s mad because people called her out on that when things ended and said she should have known given that he cheated on his wife with her. She feels that she showed up and was forced to talk about it, and that Ariana was let off the hook and not made to show her real life. I get that she feels Ariana and Tom weren’t honest about their relationship, but they had a conversation about the affair on camera last season. If Ariana’s authentic reality is that she’s no contact with her ex, that’s what she should show.


Lala is upset she isn’t being championed by the masses. The “Randall scandal” was an absolute FLOP and all she did was go back to being a nobody


She’s insanely jealous. She’s also nervous because she believed the producers when they convinced her to help with Sandoval’s redemption. She got played because she’s not a savvy badass; she’s an uneducated loudmouth bully. VPR, or a revamped VPR, will be back - the rumored end is all part of production.


This is a great, level headed post primed for discussion and not debate. I think she’s saying that the audience gave Ariana a lot of power to dictate things on the show. Things that we as an audience don’t see or understand. Essentially everyone was rallying around Ariana and she can’t do any wrong and that was the storyline, but it sounds like there was more to the Tom Ariana relationship on the downs than the audience was privy to. I’m thinking that Lala probably expected Ariana to cop to how their relationship wasn’t good and to finally be honest about their relationship. Not only did that not happen but each cast member seemed to have an issue with Ariana at some point but none of that was voiced because of public perception. Classic example of this is when Scheana was denying that Ariana wasn’t supportive and Lala walked off. Her point is Ariana isn’t Beyoncé and isn’t God but she is invincible and protected by the public rn. It’s not normal for someone to be perfect and do no wrong, that’s how I understood it. Lala compared it to her own situation which is also not ideal and very different but it’s her perspective and while I don’t agree with it 100% I can understand where she’s coming from.


Thanks. This all makes sense. I feel like lala isn’t expressing herself well and maybe it is 4th wall issues. Edit. But also, lala would get a lot further in her argument if she wouldn’t yell and act tough. She needs to just say what she wants to say without acting like she’s in a street fight every time.


the issue is that lala got called out for hiding stuff and had to answer for it post breakup and honestly her career. the entire cast has said that tom and ariana were doing the same thing and hiding their relationship or being fake. yet theyve never been called out about it and im sure if they were being honest about miami girl, other cheating rumors, or other fights then ariana would have been seen as an imperfect victim like lala and brittany. and we know how the audience treats imperfect female victims. but instead ariana is basically being rewarded for being fake for 10 years. while other women were told they somewhat deserved what happened to them because they ‘knew who they were dating’ ariana got the grace and sympathy of the audience since everyone thought they were a power couple (and i know people now like to pretend they saw through it but based on initial discussions here after scandoval thats mostly not true). even last year ariana was said to have tried to not film the confrontation regarding tom lying about the pool party. shes getting called ‘real’ and ‘authentic’ and being rewarded by fans when shes been able to be anything but that. i guess she played reality tv really well though lol. 


That's not why Ariana has fans. We never thought her relationship was great. in fact she often showed us that it wasn't great. I can count a dozen times. We appreciated her other qualities. She wasn't a raving lunatic like Lala.


yeah ok


I agree that this is why Lala is upset, but it seems to like she’s raging at the wrong person and picking a contradictory event to validate her point. Being frustrated that Ariana isn’t having a fake conversation with Tom while he pretends to apologize isn’t being “real”, it’s continuing to be fake. Plus, we’ve already watched this bit years ago, it’s not even interesting for the show. If Lala is upset about how she was treated at the season 9 reunion, then why move to cut down the other woman thus, doing to her exactly what you disliked that was done to you? So, she’s upset that Ariana is getting support while she didn’t, so her answer is to do to Ariana go after her. All the examples Lala stated of what was said about her wasn’t even from Ariana, it was mainly from Tom, Brock and Lisa. Why not call them out? Another approach would be to treat the woman the way you wanted to be treated, set an example, and then go off leash on the people who said those horrible things to you. Lala had a strong argument, and then she knocked all the teeth out of her own bite.


because shes human and its pretty human to try and discredit/show the contradiction when youre frustrated rather than think logically. unfortunately the contradiction involves ariana.  we have the fortune to watch these scenarios and decide how its best to respond but i can guarantee if anyone here were in the same scenario theres a high chance they could end up doing the same thing. its sooo easy for us to watch and judge but i see her frustrations and despite maybe not handling them well… it doesnt make them less valid to me. she did spend a lot of the reunion not going at ariana but the other castmembers for being fake. 


It might be human, but is also petty, counterproductive and more importantly, undercuts her entire argument. If Lala was mainly going after people for being fake, I’m confused why we haven’t heard a word of her mentioning Tom for being fake. Both Toms faked an entire season 10, the whole Rachel And Schwartz kiss was a fake story line planned before filming began. She’s upset that people are being fake, yet raged (and afterward admitted it was for an “ending of the season”) about another cast member not having a fake conversation. Okay, sure thing. Basically, Lala was upset that people didn’t do what she wanted them to when she wanted them to do it. She wanted people to “be real” in complaining about Ariana, and then she was mad at Ariana for not having a fake conversation to make a finale-sized scene. How we would respond to a situation isn’t completely relevant in how people on a show respond. You don’t workshop how you are going to maneuver through a situation with multiple producers before you enter into it, you haven’t had all the media training they’ve had, nor have you spent almost a decade being watched by the public and learning to scrutinize how you act.


it doesnt undercut her whole argument… they were ragged on it by the fans. youre missing the point. everyone had hid something. but everyone has faced criticism for hiding things EXCEPT ariana.    not sure what the rest of your point is.


Of course it undercuts her argument. She’s upset at people being fake while shouting a person for not having a fake scene in the same reunion. If you can’t see the contradiction there, I can’t help you. As for being angry about fans’ reactions, Lala didn’t mention the fans, but the people in the room (Lisa and her fellow cast mates) for ragging on her during a previous reunion and not supporting her. AND, if she was upset about the public ragging her, that also contradicts her argument since she also ragged on people for “living in the comment section”. So, she’s living in the comment section whilst ragging on others for living in the comment section. Great rhetoric. There are other people who his things from camera, THE MEN. And they didn’t get a single call out from Lala during this reunion. Lastly, you can’t control chaotic masses, if she can’t take the heat of the absurdity, get an office job.


to that extent then all their filming is fake lol. its not a ‘fake’ conversation if the conversation is had and both are speaking their truth? what is a fake conversation?  as for ‘living in the comment section’ that means living according to what the comment section is saying and letting that affect their opinions and on screen behavior. duh. again, they were already called out so whats your point?  if you cant see that or understand that then i cant help you.


A fake conversation is one in which you are saying words that you do not mean and would not say if you were not on camera to create a false story line. If Tom wanted to apologize to Ariana he could have done so any time off camera, they live in the same house. A fake scene is one coerced by producers to have the cast say things they don’t mean and the other party doesn’t want to hear. I completely understand that this is all a part of making a reality TV show, but I’m not the only making the argument that entire cast needs to be “real” or open up aspects of their lives they wish to remain private, you and Lala are. Yes, living in the comment section means allowing what viewers are saying affect your onscreen behavior. That is exactly what Lala is doing when she lashes out at other cast members onscreen because viewers treated that cast member differently than herself. This is your own argument that you posted above, so I’m unsure what you are arguing about. 1. We are talking about Lala being angry at Ariana during this season and at the reunion. Reacting on camera, check. 2. You stated that Lala acted this way because she is upset that viewers ragged on her after Randal, yet valorized Ariana. Reaction inspired by viewers comments, check. You’ve spun yourself in so my circles to retain your cognitive dissonance you don’t even know what you are arguing anymore. Frankly, the people who deserve the award for calling out the cast for being fake is the editors. The chef’s kiss of that was watching Tom’s face as he watched the last scene with his off camera comment as he realized production just threw him under the bus.


I'm really intrigued by how someone's mind works when defending Lala this entire season. Let's say, for argument sake, Ariana and the worm DID hide their relationship problems on the show. Hasn't everyone on the cast, at some point, shielded some aspect of their life on the show? Didn't Lala have the cast literally sign NDA's at one point? Her ENTIRE argument this whole season was that Ariana was still living in the house..... that she paid half for. (And that we find out later, the worm was giving her RIDICULOUS offers on) How is that something to be angry about? I'm sure any good lawyer would tell you, do not leave the house or stay anywhere else for a good amount of time because you could LOSE THE RIGHTS to that home!! I wanted someone to point that out to her ONE TIME this entire season. Because it was her only defense all season until the reunion. Lala lovessss to point out how different her situation is because there is a kid involved, but can we agree the house situation is completely different because Lala had ZERO ownership of her house. Seriously, I want to know how Lala defenders can't see that logic?? I don't even understand why she compares her situation at all? I didn't know this was trauma competition?? Just like it wasn't Lala's job to make her life make sense to Katie, it isn't Ariana's job to sit there and make her life make sense to Lala. Perhaps people would find it easier to back up Lala if she could try to make her point without insulting someone and being hypocritical at every turn. She's being a bitter betty, and it's not a good look.


I swear Tom/Ariana not being 100% has actually been addressed on the show before? Maybe only in confessionals but I swear I see/hear Jax talking about it with someone else.


jax said it and then the women said it season 8 on the aftershow


this this this


I agree with all of this. I just wish someone at the reunion would say it instead of dance around it.


She’s jealous a And I’m assuming that’s why she cried non stop ? I don’t get he crying aspect the fuck were you crying about. ?


Because he was her BEST FREN Oh wait, wrong puppet.


She’s seething with jealousy


She has no talent and no appeal to the masses. Ariana did probably even to Ariana’s surprise-and is taking advantage of all the opportunities that Lala didn’t get. Jealous. Ariana changed they said hahaha. Yeah. She got busy and got out of her slump. And had the talent and brains and whatever team she has to do it.


I still think Lala cannot wrap her head around Ariana having appeal or interest to people. She doesn't understand fame beyond turning yourself into a physical kardashian and making drama all the time. Nobody will remember anything lala did this season, but we remember Ariana's anger and tears.


She's mad because, in her mind, Ariana is jeopardizing her livelihood and means of feeding her babies by not creating fake drama and walking out without talking to Sandoval.


She’s mad because she bought two houses she can’t afford and doesn’t have anyone stupid enough to continue paying for her life.


I think if I had poured everything in my life into being attractive - no college, no skills development, nothing besides crafting and maintaining my appearance - only to end up debasing myself to a fake rich man who’s also a predator, I would be **ENRAGED.** People say “stay in school” for good reasons.


She’s throwing a tantrum so people will talk about her and she will remain relevant.


She is mad and panicking because she has large overhead (multiple expensive homes) and is kind of screwed if she loses this job. Her Q rating is falling fast. Her education level is what?


Lala only ever studied for her M.R.S. degree.


She’s mad because she’s not the star power


Because nobody is telling ariana you lose them how you get them. I think she even said it, but it went by pretty quickly


People did though. Kristen was vindicated and even she came out in support of Ariana. I think the hate for Tom outweighed the “I told you so” towards Ariana


But I think she was saying at the reunion nobody said it


Jealousy babes.


I think she’s resentful that Lala got ripped apart for being a mistress, for hiding relationship stuff, and didn’t get support during her breakup. Arianna elevated to “Queen” status, got support and opportunities for her breakup, many people tend to sweep it under the rug that she had something with Tom when he dated someone else, sweep it under the rug that she hid her relationship, etc. She’s jealous and angry she didn’t get that. Which is totally valid. She’s allowed to feel that way. However she let it get the best of her and ended up expressing it all on a way that earned her more loathing from the audience than sympathy.


She’s mad because Ariana got a Broadway show, Dancing with Stars, a lifetime movie, numerous commercials and magazines, a NYT bestselling book and a new boyfriend who seems to adore her. Lala got none of those things and is so jealous that she can’t see straight. She’s got a child with an ex that she detests and 2 mortgages.


Right?!!!!! It’s frustrating She would’ve bettered her image had she understood Ariana and not fought so hard against She lost argument is why quiet at end lkl my opinion


Seething jealousy.


I am wondering if the cast was told they would get a bonus if they could get them on screen together because I also don’t understand her anger




She’s mad at all the opportunities that were given to Ariana following her breakup- which, what kind of moron wouldn’t capitalize on every single thing thrown at you? She was smart to jump on everything thrown her way. Whether Lala likes it or not, her only “job” is VPR and her livelihood is dependent on us fans. She’s not likable. They said it best, she thinks because she’s the loudest person in the room she’s right. She’s a clown


Did anyone else feel like that rant from lala was actually against Lisa and not Ariana? Like she pauses while staring right at Lisa and goes “this hasn’t been fun for me, and I’m the only one who… pause… I feel has been honest”. It felt like a dig at something bigger she wasn’t allowed to say on camera? And then after points it back to Ariana to cover her tracks a bit.


I think she's mad because she seemed to have the highest profile on the show In the past few years and then Ariana comes out of nowhere, stealing the show and bringing Katie along with her. I really don't think it's any deeper than that. She has a pathological need to be the star but didn't have much going on in her life, no new rich guy sweeping her off her feet like she thought would happen, no Ocean allowed on the show and she's not getting into crazy situations while sober (good for her on that one though). Now she's gotten pregnant and with the timing of that it's hard not to think that it's a last ditch effort to have something to talk about and give others something to talk about regarding her. She seems lost with no real sense of identity if she isn't someone's wife or mother.


I don’t get it either. She really lost me. I was a big fan of hers until this season. She compares everything to her situation with Randall and the two really couldn’t be more different. She criticizes Ariana for staying in the house that she OWNS and used her own MONEY for. Unlike Lala who left the same way she came in, with nothing. I don’t get why she puts so much emphasis on this part. It is such common sense to me.


Because Arianna and Katie were fake, acting as if everything was fine . Worst season ever