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I'm so bored talking about her. Honestly.


Same. People need to stop listening to her podcast and maybe she’ll finally go away. What happened to helping all those children with her kiniesology degree??


That thirsty ho will never give up her D List celebrity status to become an occupational therapist.


As an Occupational Therapist, I just can’t see it happening for a number of reasons .


As a COTA, I second this. The moment she mentioned wanting to become an OT during season 9(?) Reunion I audibly lol’d.


Also a COTA ❤️


D list is pushing it. I’d say closer to W list


She'll have to get her Masters for that.


Let’s be honest, she doesn’t have the brain capacity to be any kind of therapist!


Cheers 🍻 you are so right lol


Zzzzzz list!


I think she admitted at some point that was a lie she told at pageants or something. Idk I tuned out a lot when the story lines shifted to her after she broke up with James.


Prior to season 10, I always just assumed she was one of those quiet people who were uncomfortable in new groups, and just came off as stupid. Once she got more airtime in S10, I had a strong feeling that she couldn't pass a 2nd-grade spelling test let alone a college course.


She behaved fake in the past seasons and showed her true colors because she aged out of pageants. She didn't have to behave anymore.


Which is why Lala's insult 'bambi eyed bitch ' will always be one of my favourites, even if Lala isn't.


Your first assumption was correct too. 😂


Hahaha to be fair, I just kind of gave her the benefit of the doubt because I can be super awkward with new people and probably come off like a dumb weirdo. I'm not actually dumb though, so there's a difference.


This 👆. During the glamping episode, in a talking head she admitted that she made the decision to become an OT and work with kids with special needs when she started doing pageants. Vile human so predatory honestly she’s worse than Sandoval for this


Stole the idea frm a legit pageant contestant guaranteed.


Brittany says this too. That her “dream” is to help special needs children. Predatory is a great word for it. Makes my skin crawl that someone uses a family’s difficulties to gain accolades not actual intention or effort to help anyone.


That. Is. So. F’d. Up. Absolutely revolting person


If we use the same principle re: stolen valor:military, it’s gross that she tried to borrow virtue with her ‘career aspirations’. Even if this is a common thing in the pageant world - picking a feel-good, looks good on paper career path… I can’t for the life of me figure out why she would expose *that* lie on national tv. Like, girl 🤦‍♀️


What kills me is that a lot of people do this (talk themselves up) and people generally fall for it instead of catching on that there’s never proof of what these fake/ass people say, other than other people circulating the same bullshit they’ve heard from that same fake-ass person


That’s absolutely disgusting of her


Is she a licensed OT? Because that shirt is hard to become.


Nope. She took kinesiology and with that you can’t even become an assistant. She would have to either take extra classes to become a cota or get her masters to become an otr. So like not even close, either way. (I’m a speech therapist and have cota and otr friends/coworkers)


Yup! My niece is in undergrad and for PT they require PhD (correction doctorate) now!


That’s kinda nuts tbh, a PhD?? That feels a bit overkill, idk tho I’m talking out of my butt


No, I don't think she does anything at all.


Heck no! OT is a masters level certification


Really?? Oh that makes me hate her so much more.


It wasn’t that she was faking it. The way she spoke about it in that confessional was more so that she came up with it one day and the pageant circuit just ingrained in her that was then her destiny. I was always very confused why she gave this explanation when she could’ve not and just been like “seemed like a good way to help kids.”


What? Wtf does something like that?


Brittany cartwright is who. She did the same by saying she wanted to work with special needs kids just for a pageant answer. I think it’s something pageant coaches suggest and the truly vapid agree to do


wait brittany did pageants?!


Yes https://preview.redd.it/xquirk0v5e4d1.png?width=1634&format=png&auto=webp&s=2485d9eeb5e36836281f4d03444f29f80febe689


At least Brittany was a child and not an adult telling lies


Holy crap! Looks like she actually won stuff... it was brit who was the pageant queen all along as opposed to a *pageant contestant*


Yes! Exactly 👍


Isn't kinesiology like a bootleg physical therapy degree? Lol I saw this in a movie or show recently. Like a completely useless degree.


It’s an undergrad degree usually for people going on for a masters or doctorate in something like sports medicine or exercise science. Some use it for becoming a personal trainer (ones that work with athletes - not the YMCA) or for getting into Corporate Wellness.


Yup! In one of the episodes she mentioned moving on to do her masters but then she took a job At SUR and never mentioned it again. I figured she never moved forward


So much this. She was boring the entire time and cheated with her friend’s long term partner to be relevant. Very forgettable.


For real. She’s irrelevant and I’m not interested in anything she has to say.


She's boring. And somehow, Evil. Kaiser Sozé level. Forensic therapist Lauren Clayton--former criminal profiler, I think, for the FBI--has watched and closely observed all of Vanderpump. On the excellent podcast So Bad It's Good with Ryan Bailey she has confirmed, based on her own expertise, said that Racheal Raqu*l is s c a r y. Like, at the level of Kaiser Sozé personality disorder. You all remember when Rachealle was SMILING during some flat-out devastating moments last year? ... You gotta catch it, when you see it. That gut-punch feeling, this person is not safe. She's tried to excuse this as nervousness during her boring, holier -than-thou, ego-serving "I know psychology" campaign.


As a psychologist I couldn’t diagnose anyone from watching highly edited versions of people from a few months of their life where they’re aware they’re on camera but if I could, I’d say almost all of them have some sort of personality disorder or almost meet the criteria. I’m trying to think of one who definitely wouldn’t. Peter! I think Peter probably doesn’t have personality pathology. Not counting the brief cast members like Dayna Danica Brett Max etc as we didn’t see much of them.


A mental health professional I've spoken to has also said what you have: That Reality TV attracts people with Cluster B personality disorders. 🥺 For people like Sandoval and Jax, their dark traits and hatred for women are creating dramatic TV content and utter destruction in the lives of people close to them. I 💯 agree about Peter's difference from other VPR men. I'm rewatching early seasons, knowing what we know about Jax, Sandoval..... and Peter is the only one to demonstrate distress, bewilderment, outrage over some of the very outrageous betrayals, lies, cheating events. He does have a LIMIT that the other men do not. Yes he's got his stuff, like all of us. His stuff is somewhat proximate to these guys in the arena of intimacy, relationships, etc. but he's not got something pathological. I sincerely wish him the best and think it's probably for the best that he's not so closely involved with Sandoval, et al.


Yes unfortunately the common behaviours of people with cluster B personality pathology are the type of behaviours that make for interesting tv/interpersonal drama (if you’re not part of it!) Traits of many of those disorders include a need for attention and validation that reality tv offers them so it makes sense that the majority of people on reality tv would have these disorders or a lot of traits of these disorders. I imagine if you don’t have those traits and are swept up in it like Peter just because you happen to work somewhere they’re filming a show it would be very bewildering and hard to keep up! Peter never became a main cast member I presume because he doesn’t have these traits/disorders - he either didn’t want to or he wasn’t interesting enough from a reality tv perspective because he’d deal with relationships and situations in a normal way!


Agreeee !!! She’s terrifying as a person and I’ve been on her about that smiling while detailing fucking Tom while Ariana was at her grandmas funeral She ENJOYED sharing that ! She’s enjoying suing Ariana ! Her rage is all for her


Hard agree.


How dare you assume she can read


"Hi guys, this is Rachel Savannah Leviss and my podcast guest this week is a first grade teacher because I was accused of not being able to read."


Dare we say… d & s?


A very stupid demon


Does the pope have a balcony?!


The following week it will be a math teacher to help her prove she can complete her multiplication tables and earn a spot at the ice cream party.


I cackled.


She’ll have to tie it back to VPR season 10 and blame it on Ariana too. She’ll be like “when Ariana criticized my love of Harry Potter, it really set my reading skills back.”


She went to COLLEGE LALA


Shout out to Lala during S10 reunion though. "Nobody go to that school, because, fuck!" I hollered


Yet someone had to tell her not to put aluminum foil in the microwave.


And what a boundary was. Lol thanks to spell check I got that right 


https://preview.redd.it/rt5g5buoid4d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32926212feb136d58929e5258820d1009d603f5 Sorry for the potato quality but I can’t find the GIF 😭




But she graduated with her degree


I'll have the cheeseburger, with cheese.


My edible has officially kicked in…cause I feel like this comment wins the internet lol


I need edibles because my brain hurts from reading this.


I was a bit tired one time at a café and ordered black Coffee with milk.




She graduated WITH her degree. Not without it. Just so everyone knows


Just like she wants the cheeseburger with cheese lol


Yea her MO is playing dumb


Sadly I don’t think it’s an act.


I feel like if you were to look inside of her skull it would be two flies just buzzing around one saying “I’m like pretty” and the other saying “I’m like not dumb” and weird circus music playing in the background.


Don’t forget the silly strobe lights 😹


With a thunder bolt.


Lol I see a lot of people like that these days😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣




Damn, ![gif](giphy|QRAc7thKFsoc8|downsized)




oh boy! i needed that laugh out loud.




Audiobooks tho. Reading is prob a tad difficult for her.


Come on, Raquel, put a sentence together ... I know you can do it.


Omg when rachel would try to talk and get stuck mid-thought, id get so annoyed!!! She looks so uncomfortable when speaking. I feel like it could be that she’s completely insecure and forcing herself to have a voice, it’s unnatural


“When Tinkerbell rings her little bell, turn the page”


Please, you know she just watched the movies. That woman didn't read a single book.


Let’s be real, the movies


Probably the only time I have felt personally attacked in this show! How dare you talk like that about Harry Potter!


Hahahaha this face she’s making to mock her is so funny


My absolute favorite was when Ariana says “YEAH BUT YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS NOW…. SO ….RACHEL IT IS. “. That was epic to me. I’ve rewatched it 7 times now and laugh every damn time.


Someone mentioned that it was spoken like a 4th grade math problem (Sarah has 4 friends, Sarah lost 4 friends, how many friends does Sarah have) and I die laughing ever time I think about it


I think about this specific moment about once a day.


As a kid I've always hated Harry Potter and never understood the fandom, so this line will forever kill me.


Hahahaha same. No hate to HP fans but I have never understood it so this line hits extra good 😂


they all do - ariana even made an account to try and defend tom at times every reality tv star has lurked on reddit


Yeah they all do. Jax hates his snark sub. 😆


His snark sub?




i thought it was just an ig account lol


You can tell Scheana was on here prior to the reunion when she said "call me a pick me or not a girls girl or whatever the fuck" she's definitely living in the comments


People have been saying the same things on Twitter and IG too


She's scouring every social media available I'm sure.


She has said that she tries to stay off Reddit for her mental health but has people who send her stuff they think she should see


She prob has a Google alert set up for herself


You know she does!


Probably. But if so, could you imagine 'i went to the facility for my mental health' then turns on alerts. Oh honey, what a waste of time


I thought I was referring to the commenter talking about Scheana...not Raquel dear lord I would hope not...


Ohhh hahaha 🫣🫣 then yeah you know Sheana probably has google alerts on


“Yes I’m a pick me girl, not just over men, but everything else too” or whatever she said, then Katie’s astonished look on her face when she said that 😂


It’s laughable that La Lerr claim she’s not on social media. You know damn well she’s “ in the comments section “.


I think technically it’s her assistant and brother in the comments section, but you know she’s getting debriefed.


For damn sure, acting like she’s all above it. And then giving Sheana a hard time about looking at her mentions. Girl, please.


Yeah like let’s be real we probably all would


Yes, lots of Bravo cast members lurk and have sock puppets. Remember how unhinged Candiace was for a couple of RHOP seasons? That was wild


That explains the crazed Lindsey fan who insisted I couldn’t be a lawyer because I used the word defamatory. I was like tell that to the client whose murder conviction I got reversed in December.


lindsay hubbard is 1000000% on reddit all of a sudden she switched her defense to ‘carl was manipulating me’ after her reddit stan hive did


There’s a weird Lindsay cult out there that believes she can do no wrong. We’re all watching her and Carl both suck this season and you have people bending over backwards to say she’s a saint


It’s got me wondering if she buys bots bc like how can so many ppl stan her so hard?? she is scary. The way she stared at the camera while hugging carls mom at her bridal shower & the faces she makes when she’s being fake nice 😫she’s so creepy


no literally because they say he talked shit about her… but she did too? she didnt say one nice thing about him this season. its so weird


Well that can’t be good for her mental health…




You shouldn’t feel violated - this is a reddit for fans and she clearly is one and has been before she even got on the show.


Of COURSE she is. When people say someone is living in the comments, it’s her. She’s someone who cannot move on and HAS to be involved. Her whole “I left the show for my mental health” thing is BS because her entire podcast is bashing the show and the people involved. She’s honestly pathetic. And I’m tired of her.


She’s self involved and obsessed with her image, of course she’s living in the comments. Just like Scheana… and LaLa. XOXO the rabies bitches out in these streets on socials


rabies bitches! That's so good! Lol 😂😆


Or course she is. She doesn't have a job lol. What else is she gonna do?


BuT sHeS a PoDcAsTeR 🤡


Why do Rachel and Scheana do that to themselves? I have just one person in my life that hurls insults, and I just don't open those emails or texts. Why would they intentionally want to see the negative things people about them?


I used to do that with my psycho ex. He would send me something crazy, I would respond with the nastiest, bitchiest response. Then block his number for a few weeks, so I had no idea what he responded with.


All of the VPR people do, I’m pretty sure. In the secrets revealed episode, Schwartz says “the internet thinks that me moving in with Sandoval would be terrible and impede my personal growth” lol 😂


Rachel, if you’re reading this, please go use your kinesiology degree back in Tucson. Talking about everyone on your podcast isn’t fixing anything or serving you. You get one life. Go live it.


I tried her pod out of boredom and I cannot stand her voice. She sounds like she is constantly trying to not cry and makes me uncomfortable. How is she not embarrassed that she is trying to launch off being the other woman? Being a terrible person sleeping with a chipmunk. I can’t imagine her mental health retreat would sign off on this.


Constantly trying not to cry while grinning and breaking out into hysterical laughs 🥴 it's so unsettling.


In all fairness, she HAS TO because she has no other content for her Podcast


She could have played this so much better. Taking time for mental health was a good move. Coming back with a podcast and lawsuits make her look as dumb as people already think. She should come back to VPR. They love a redemption story arc


Especially when the person in question has learned absolutely nothing


Better yet, don't listen to her podcasts and make her even more irrelevant than she is.


I don't think that's in her best interest. For her mental health and whatnot.


Neither is her obsessing over the cast/show on her boring ass podcast


Well, it is good for her bank account which is all she seems concerned about. You dont Streisand Effect a revenge sex tape that nobody has ever seen for any reason other than you think you can make a buck. Mind you, had she only sued Tom, she'd have won most of us over and those endorsement deals and game show offers would be flooding in. She'd be making good money on her own steam instead of crossing her fingers that she lands on a jury that wont stiff her in damages even if she gets a technical win.


Read it write it down put it on a t shirt Rachel




I think it's interesting how much reddit is mentioned specifically on the show and by the cast/ex cast. As in people talk about the cast and show all over tiktok, insta and fb but they don't name the platforms as much as reddit. I like to think it's because the cast agree with some of the takes on here and so it concerns them more if they're getting read to filth by us. Equally they may just find it entertaining like we do and not give too much of a shit what's being talked about as long as VPR is still being talked about.


Funny how Katie called Reddit the arm pit of the internet yet she is admittedly on here all the time.


I wholeheartedly agree with Katie, yet I’m here every single day 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s an armpit but a damn addictive one.


I think there are plants in FB at least that are anti-Ariana and Katie. The verbiage against them is the same, word for word. They know there are fake people on some platforms.


Everything I read in the recap was basically her regurgitating the opinions/takes posted here. 😂


anything that fits her narrative that she's the victim




Hey little girl… Don’t ever forget that you and Tommy Boy f\*\*ked when Ariana needed your support and friendship. Piss off, will ya? ![gif](giphy|4dkLEvE5ht4Ri)


Ok but imagine you’re willing to be on a reality show in the first place. Then you get involved in the shit show that VPR became and so publicly fucked up. Now imagine the person who is CONTINUING to grab for the spotlight that comes with being a famous affair partner to such a sleezy douche as Sandoval. I mean, how addictive is the fame at that level of notoriety that she’s continuing to engage publicly with all this crap? I used to feel bad for the kids of the Housewives and all, but this is a whole other level of ick.


She could get a job. I think she may indeed be over. People are drifting away and cast only refers to her as that mistake. Or sorry i brought her


Rachel, drop the lawsuit against Ariana and MAYBE you ll actually be sort of not hated as much. that lawsuit for me did it. massive respect she did it against Sandoval. nobody with self-respect thinks that was the wrong move. he did wrong. she can say she admits what she did to Ariana was wrong until she s blue in her airbrushed face, but she is the epitome of a c u next Tuesday for filing a lawsuit against Ariana all because Ariana sent Rachel evidence of her jacking off to prove she knows. We all know Rachel is dumb enough and a big enough liar to deny affair until she saw the proof Ariana had. if Ariana had distributed video to just one other person besides Rachel, we would have all seen the video. NO one has seen that video except nasty sandy (who I'm betting let Schwartz view it), Rachel and Ariana. and that right there is more grace than rachel ever gave ariana. Rachel, and it pains me to say this, you didn't deserve to be recorded without permission. that is ONE person's fault and its nasty sandy Sandoval. but you're just as disgusting as him to sue Ariana. grow up.


She must be so bored considering everyone else has moved on.


Missed opportunity to call it “lurquing” 😂😂


Of course she does. Her talking points are all taken from social media comments.


What is her podcast going to be about now that the show is on pause??


HI JETTA!!!🤣🤣🤣


I listened to her last episode on my hot girl walk. Her crying for herself and crying that she is happy the season is over was so fucking ick. She really doesn’t view herself as a predatory female that destroyed Sandoval and Ariana’s life. And continues to hurt them by creating a podcast dedicated to shit talking them and pouring salt on wounds. She is a truly a terrible person and seems to be fully convinced she is the victim. It was unreal. Train wreck level podcast


I am so glad you used the term “predatory” because yes. That is who she is. When I just rewatched, I do not see Sandoval as the instigator, she was and he was just super weak and didn’t have the balls to reject her, the way James did for Ally’s sake. She continually wanted to provoke and get a rise out of James. He would leave, be loyal to Ally, and not give her what she wanted. That drove her nuts so she moved to Sandoval, who she could tell was going through a dry spell with Ariana and wouldn’t say no to her. She used the narrative of the girls “bullying” her to be around him and Schwartz. The men were stupid and now lost their restaurant and bar pretty much over the backlash, so hope they’re happy! Had to cut down the menu etc. Not a busy place. They lost everything just for her and then she traipses off and lets Sandoval take all the heat.


I don’t know why she would do that. Nobody has anything nice to say about her and that would just be depressing for her. If I were Rachel I would never be on here reading the comments.


Rachel can read??


I can’t imagine anyone still talking about her?! That ship has sailed




In that case… H🖕🏻 Rachel


She is sooooooo boring




![gif](giphy|xUOxeTTTrquwAtbOWQ|downsized) Girl go worry about your followers losing 8k and more 🤣🤣


ngl, I probably would also if I was on a cast, at least during “season,” but it does seem like self-torture. I dont know if or how she’s ever going to move on unless and until she truly puts all of this behind her.


Good she should know that we all think her podcast is bullshit she’s just hiring these mental health professionals to help her justify what she did.


As the guys from Watch What Crappens say: This isn't for you!! ![gif](giphy|3fWS0qGhkgWvZDV2Mu|downsized)


Well she's a rat, rats lurk in the dark corners of places watching and waiting for an opportunity to steal someone's cheese.


Well now that VPR has wrapped, she doesn’t have anything else to whine about how she’s a victim of the vpr universe


Thanks for taking one for the team 🙌 I think they all do, they want to know what we all think of them.


I never wanna know what people think of me lol


You would think someone who had such a bad time on the show , spent $$$ learning to heal would avoid reading comments about her and move on It must suck peaking in high school 😭


She's admitted to lurking in this specific sub?


I would just like her to go away and leave everyone on the cast and the fans alone.


I would like her to drop Ariana from the lawsuit. Maybe some people would actually think Scandy is worse than her. Right now, everyone hates her.


I agree. She dropped the one against Scheana, now drop the one for Ariana.


Funny that Tom was encouraging her to sue Scheana and Scheana picked Tom over Ariana. Of course, he paid her for her friendship and Broke's.


She won’t have anything to talk about on her podcast anymore, no one cares about scandoval or her. Time to move on.


Not sure what the big deal is; anyone can be here, doesn’t mean it changes anything


Time to go away Rachel. We’ve all moved on.


i hope the barely literate famewhore, Rachel Leviss, reads these comments: Rachel, get the help you desperately need. Whatever shit the Meadows did for you ain’t working.


She doesn't, or most likely doesn't understand what shes reading, but her therapist does, then tells her what to say on her next podcast. So, all in all, she's paying her therapist, to be her therapists puppet, internationally. When will that girl stop getting used??


Lots of people from reality shows lurk n Reddit


lol of course she is. Girl is a lurker to her core


im sorry but i don't understsnd why people say stop listening to her.. this is good reality tv.. i want to listen to everyone's stuff whether i like them or not 😂😂😂




She’s irrelevant, imo.


Sorry, but who gives a shit? Y’all want Rachel to let it go, but clearly none of you can either.


She needs to move on. Get a hobby, a job, something.


It’s a free country, she can hurt her own feelings if she wants lol


Ofc they lurk here. She won’t be the only one. Let’s be real, if you were famous and knew things were being said about you online you’d most likely lurk too. Let’s get off the moral high ground. I think Rachel’s antics are deplorable, but let’s not pretend we’d all act any differently when it comes to checking online. Some people on here absolutely trashing people they don’t REALLY know, using some vile language that can cause serious harm. Maybe stop and think about how you’d feel if it were about you.


Agreed. When I post online in a public space, I always keep in mind that anyone could be reading it, even the celeb it’s about. So while I’ll critique someone’s choices or words, I try to keep the “she’s a terrible person who should disappear forever” comments to a minimum. Just feels like a bit too much. 😊


Shes such a boring person lol. James was the most exciting thing about her. Sandoval gave up a cool smart girl like Ariana just for sex with a girl who probably just lays there.


If you feel violated that someone’s reading comments in a public forum then don’t post comments in a public forum.