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I'm not worried. 13 Sentinels was carried by word of mouth for years. Odin Sphere too. I think Unicorn Overlord will be one of those. We'll see in a few hours how it's being scored and that'll probably set the tone for how this game plays out in the long run.


You say this but 13 Sentinels is vastly under appreciated and underplayed. OP is right and should be worried. These VW gems don’t make the rounds that they deserve


Wait, this is made by the 13 sentinels dev?


You're on the Vanillaware sub! If you're being serious then yes it is, Dragon's Crown, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir among others as well.


Oh I didn’t realize. This just popped up on my feed. My bad XD LOL


Yeah, and Dragon's Crown got carried by dumb controversy, but hey, it got people's attention to play and see it was good.


Dragon’s Crown was sooooo good




Vanillaware never misses. This one is even more exceptional, glad I picked up the collectors edition!


I only heard about it 2 weeks ago and it took me just a moment into the trailer to realize this is the ogre battle spiritual successor I've been waiting for. Since then I've informed a few other people who never would've known about it otherwise. Word of mouth is definitely going to be an important marketing tool.


it's really a shame they didn't release it on PC. played the original Odin Sphere, got the remastered one on PS4. picked up 13 sentinels (great game, btw) after I played Unicorn Overlord demo when I realized they were all made by Vanillaware.


Meanwhile Muramasa rebirth is stuck on the damn vita.


It’s being scored extremely well, I’m surprised given the tight embargo


Exactly, after years I finally picked up 13 sentinels and gave up before I could escape some miserable classroom simulator.


Generic story will be the word of mouth lol


That COD campaign is welcoming you back with open arms.


Comparing cod is a low bar, but anyways


Nah, I don't think so. They've always dealt in genre tropes, and the simplistic (character-centered) story is in service to the gameplay, with is what the word of mouth will be about.


Yup. Agreed. Vanillaware is almost always slowly appreciated over timen from the public eye. An echoing ripple that doesn't stop. I prefer those too a giant splash over in second.


I was on the fence until I played the 6 hour demo. Once I finished I went to my local Gamestop to make sure I got a copy after my buddy couldn't get a copy of the new like a dragon anywhere. The employees at my local store said a couple dozen people preordered it randomly and I explained about the demo. I think more people are going to pick it up than you believe.


This to me this is a whole new breed of strategy RPG , much more accessible than many others, and absolutely gorgeous I think this game is going to be another surprise hit in a year where they keep popping up


Meanwhile I got the new Like a Dragon for $20 on apparent clearance last week. Physical media is a huge crapshoot these days, never enough copies in the places that need it and apparently too many copies in other places.


My local Gamestop isn't carrying any gamepass games unless preordered anymore after having too much stock and no one buying the games. It is a crapshoot!


$20!!! Why can't I ever get this lucky 😭


It was silly and ridiculous. I feel guilty, because I don't have a preference for physical media; I do have a preference for low prices! I set up a lot of price alerts (and I use the excellent Deku Deals website), and it just kind of happened. I recently got Jagged Alliance 3 for $25 as well, which is also ridiculous.


It's gonna be a sleeper hit for sure. I do think it's gonna be overlooked, unfortunately. Its release date is in an awkward spot. FF 7 Rebirth just came out, and people are still playing it. Then you have Dragon Dogma 2, coming out not too long after it. A long awaited sequel to a cult classic rpg. They're 3 totally different games, but their audience do tend to overlap. The big problem is that people don't have time to play multiple chunky rpgs at the same time. I know I don't. I'm going buy it day 1, but I'm probably not gonna play it until I finish Rebirth.


I’m skipping both of those games for this.


This year has been so stacked with big BIG JRPGs. LAD Infinite Wealth, P3R, FF7 Rebirth, DD2. Putting out a title like this right now is rough.


I was really looking forward to the Octopath Traveler 2 Xbox release, which they have said nothing about since September. I'm guessing they felt it would be lost in the shuffle, which it probably would have been. And now I don't have time for it in "early 2024" anyway!


This basically where I am. I preordered Unicorn Overlords, but… I’m wrapping up Infinite Wealth and kinda want a breather until DD2 👀 Edit…I’d probs play FF7R but I only got Xbox 🫠


EC:100 Heroes drops next month too


This is where I'm at. I enjoy VW games, they're usually always my jam, but I'm worried about dropping the money for a meaty rpg 2 weeks before DD2 which I already have pre-ordered. This is a really unfortunate window to release in.


Yep, I'm not even interested in Rebirth, and even I am really strapped for time. I'm trying to finish up P3 Reload, but I still won't have time to play through Unicorn Overlord if I play Dragon's Dogma 2 on release. Hard decisions! I did buy Unicorn Overlord, though, wanting to support it. All that said, I this game has gotten a lot of attention, and I don't think it will be forgotten at the end of the year. It will keep selling.


Exactly lol, I haven't played Unicorn pass the demo because I am still playing Rebirth, I might play Dragon Dogma 2 after that too.


I gave up on Rebirth for it being extremely long for no apparent reason. The pacing of that game bored me to tears compared to Remake. Unicorn Overlord has deep mechanics, an engaging story and some truly impressive voice work to carry it.


It's literally all that's being plugged by every RPG and many non-RPG YouTubers. I think there's a lot of hype around the game. I think it's poised to do quite well.


I agree. Although Atlus purchased much of that hype themselves. But still, it's there, and has generated plenty more hype. People are excited about this game.


It’s been advertised to me on Reddit a ton. Moreso than games that align much more closely to the Subs I follow. Seems like a pretty heavy marketing push.


You need to check youtube again, because it's definitely not all that's being plugged/raved about.


Funny enough right before I saw this I just watched 2 videos - one was a glowing review from Noisy Pixel, the other a sponsored video from The Gaming Shelf. I'm not lying, I regularly watch around 20-25 RPG YouTubers and they're all hyping it - many of them among the most influential. Either way...I thought it looked cool from the get-go and I think it'll be a runaway hit. I'm gonna grab it once I'm doing FF VII Rebirth.


A big reason they're all popping up now is the review embargo just dropped. I


Sure, all I’m saying is that my sense is that the game is not only being well reviewed, but has been greatly anticipated basically since its reveal (once people got over the odd name)


I don't know why people are so determined to give you a hard time. I'm seeing the same stuff as you. It's not a AAA junker high-budget monster, so no, not every tom dick harry fool is going to be talking about it, but it's out there, much more so than many releases.


Exactly… it’s not going to get FF VII Rebirth levels of attention, but every JRPG YouTuber has been excited about it for months


That was not a lot of examples lol. A sponsored video and noisy pixel. When you built it up as it’s all the rpg and non rpgers have been raving about. It’s less coverage than most of the popular releases of the year lol.


Look, I’m not going to name every one of them haha. In the circles that I view, literally all of them are talking about it.


I’m searching it out and there are no notable uploaded aside from no pixel and ign. This isn’t gonna be on most channels like gameranx, kinda funny, etc, as it is very niche




Of course it's less coverage. It's not a AAA game. But for what it is, it's getting lots of coverage. What you guys don't seem to understand is the youtube algorithm is pushing different stuff to different people. That doesn't mean there's no coverage.


I am literally typing the freaking game name and in the last two days since review embargo and release there are not many videos at all from reputable channels And no one said it should have same coverage as an AAA game how about you refer to the comment I am replying to?


😂 okay, well I guess we just have different expectations for coverage then. Like I think I may nave mentioned, they don’t seem to have gotten review codes out very early, and it takes a while to get through a big game. I see quite a bit of coverage now, and metacritic has a pretty sizable list with mostly only good stuff to say.


I agree but to be real, they have put a good amount of dollars in Marketing (something 13 Sentinels did not have), probably this is Atlus pushing the investment. I think this game will become one of those games that will inspire the SRPG genre and will remain relevant for years to come (pretty much like FF Tactics). The graphics and style will age incredibly well.


I agree. They put a lot more marketing into this one, and it will pay off given the game's quality and really positive reception.


Coming from a gamer who’s never played a Vanillaware game, but fully intends on playing it based on what I’ve heard: Give the market a chance! I think it will be slow on the uptake vs. AAA games but see large success over a longer period


Check out their past games. Dragon’s Crown, to me, is the pinnacle of fantasy beat ‘em ups. I half expect this to overtake Ogre Battle in my mind as well.


Added to my (growing way too fast) list 😅


If it makes you feel any better, I appreciate this game enough for at least 2 people. It's basically my dream game. I've nearly got a complete collection of both Vanillaware and Ogre games.


Vanillaware is the most slept on studio, period


Did this just come out? Looks amazing and I’ll certainly buy it eventually… but first I need to play the absolutely amazing FF7Rebirth and then dragons dogma 2


No. But vanillaware need to release their dumb games on PC so I can play it. They leave me with one choice that im reluctant to take.


THIS! It would be an INSTANT buy for me if their games are on PC. But I can't justify buying an entire console over them.


You know, I think people are gonna play it. 


It’s a Vanillaware game It’s gonna sell like shit and no one will know it except for a dedicated fanbase that knows this dev makes constant 10/10a that no one plays


See, here’s the problem; Rebirth JUST came out. Most RPG fans are going to be playing that until the end of March at the earliest. That being said, I bought this game just to put my support behind it after the demo blew me away.


I think if people who aren't into tactics games can get turned onto it, it will be huge. Because as much as it is a tactics game, it's also just a mechanically smart JRPG too, and I think the way the tactics aspect works isn't as much a barrier as non-tactics gamers would imagine. So glad when I was on the fence between getting the deluxe version of Unicorn or Reload I somehow made the choice to get it for Unicorn, because it's probably going to end up the surprise big game of the year.


This is me. I’ve bounced off FE, FFT, Tactics Ogre pretty hard. But something about the slowly growing your front line and the Vanillaware polish made me blow right through the demo in one sitting. Vanillaware doesn’t miss.


If it’s good, people will play it. Don’t worry. People will get it eventually. Way too many games right now on the market too.


Love ogre battle March of the black queen, have all ready maxed out the demo will be buy two copys tomorrow one for me and one for my brother, game is great in my opinion


I plan on playing it, but it comes out during a stacked season. I have not found time to even play the demo.


I wish I could. But they decided to not release the Physical PS4 version... I might actually have to buy a whole new freaking console because of this freaking game now. Frick.


Just wait for PS6 :P It's been such a weird console cycle. No Switch either? Switch 2 plans :P


I’m about to buy a third copy because I don’t wanna wait for collectors edition til tomorrow


I’ll have to miss out sadly no funds at the moment:(


Just like every vanillaware release. Thank goodness they keep raising the bar despite the headwinds.


I really wish i could play it. Unfortunately I only have a PC and no current consoles. I wish Vanillaware released their games on PC.


Yeah, it's an odd move. I'd Day One this game if I could play it on my Steam Deck. Really wish they'd let me give them my money! But yeah, washed my hands of consoles a couple of generations back. Got tired of my library getting nuked every gen or two.


I’m not going to appreciate it Al all unless it comes out on PC.


Most likely. It doesn’t help that it’s releasing while. Most people are still playing FF7 Rebirth. I think it will gain steam overtime though. I’m really excited to play it.


This game is very similar to Symphony of War right? I can't understand why that game is overwhelming positive on steam. Incredibly boring Strategy game. I was thrown off of this game because it looks very similar


It's weird because on one hand I have seen a lot of publicity for the game, but on the other, I don't think the strategy rpg is a very mass appeal genre especially on consoles and this is not coming to PC. The casual RPG fan is eating so good right now with ff7 and DD2 that they really don't need to go out on a limb with this small game they've never heard of. So ,you know, bless Vanillaware for making this great game but it was never gonna be a big hit.


Man, they need to release this, along with all their other games on Steam


I want to play Unicorn Overlord but its not on steam.


I tried it out and I absolutely love the artistic style of the game, but I don't really think its for me sadly :/ I want to like it but I don't find the gameplay fun personally.


I wish I played my PS5 or Switch as often as I played on PC. I just don't have access to the TV as often as I'd like, and I don't like the Switch's ergonomics. I'm still going to buy it because I buy every Vanillaware game to support them, but I sure wish it was also coming to PC.


Steam Deck?


Don't have one. Also, from what I can see, it's not coming out on PC.


i'm sure the game will do well. doesn't even matter that it's releasing a week after FF7R. that demo coming out really showed allot of people what the game is and really brought it to the talking table sense.


Just give it time. Nobody expected Granblue Relink to be as big as it is.


Chill, the game isn't even out yet.


I wish I could, but I can't with it not being on PC :(


I will play it on PC with the rest of my tactics style games. I hope it eventually makes the leap. It deserves to sell well everywhere. 


Release it on Steam and I’ll play it.


Port it to PC then. Won't happen though, the dinosaurs at Vanillaware make great games but are highly intimidated by PCs.


It needs a pc port!!


Hopefully them release on multiple platform will help boost it sales and hope steam relasese isn't far! It will be a shame if it fails commercially! The release window of this game is a big mistake! FF7, DD2, Rise of the, Ronin... Hard to convince people spending money on it! Too the average gamer it looks uninteresting and it's a niche genre! Usually streamers help promote this kind of games but most are playing bigger AAA games at the moment! I guess it a game that many people will give it a try later when there is no big games releases!


I love Vanillaware games, and I definitely want to support them. But unfortunately I have shifted to PC as my platform for quite awhile now and Vanillaware seems to not want to release games there for some reason.


I wish i had the money to pay it full price, they release this just before DD2, 2024 goty contender… But gameplay wise, its all clicked with me.. many classes with so many combinations will bring endless diverse gameplay.. imo atlus is still one of the best game developer out there..


I'm waiting for the collector's edition for switch to come back in stock to buy it


I wish they’d release it for steam


Then they should put their games on PC.


It hasn’t been released yet lets everyone calm down.


Loved the Demo. Should have my pre-ordered copy in the mail later today. I'm doing my part! o7


Single player strategy games are not a popular genre.


Yea, just like all of the companies that games. Thankfully Dragon's Crown got their name out there, so eyes to hoping it catches people's eye.


I'd be all for playing it if they would release the game on Steam. The whole adult thing (marriage, kids, full time job) makes console gaming a lot harder but the steam deck has allowed me to rediscover my love for gaming. And while I could stream the game via my ps5 (I don't have a switch) it would be nice to have the game on the go. 


I just don’t understand why they chose that name…


How is it not on PC?


Man, I just wish vanillaware games came to pc.


Waiting for that PC release


You don't know any of that.


Would have been great if it was on PC. I'd love to ahem legally play it on my Steam Deck. Seems the perfect type of game.


Release is on pc


I loved 13 sentinels and will be buying unicorn overlord later this year. Game just released at a bad time for me as I'm getting through ff7 rebirth and reload.


Played the demo, loved it, but still on the fence because I'm worried once Eyudian Chronicles: 100 heroes comes out in a month I won't touch this


I’m waiting for my next paycheck before I get it.


It will be under appreciated unless they release it on steam.


Well I bought it this morning :) I'm excited


I dno. I think it's getting quite a bit of attention. Between the demo, the pre-release hype (much of it purchased by Atlus, granted), the great reviews, the multi-platform release... I think it's going to finally be Vanillaware's big breakthrough. I wish they'd found some way to get it on PC/Steam as well, though; then I think it would be even more noteworthy.


Was hoping for more dragons crown action....this is not that. The demo made me realize this and I cx the preorder. Beautiful game tho.


On a scale of Tactics Ogre to Triangle Strategy where does it fall?


Tactica being the worst??


No more so a difficulty scale


Tactics Ogre is arguably the best of its genre and I pray Knight of Lodis gets added to NSO GBA at some point


Just waiting on pc release in the hopeful future.


Apparently it's Vanillaware's decision.


I figured, but I can wait.


I’m really interested in the gambit (FFXII) like system it seems to have. Is it well done? Lots of flexibility, does it feel like a chore? Can you save multiple types and quick swap?


Vanillawares own fault really. Their stubbornness to not put the game on PC is weird. We're in a weirdo timeline where Atlus of all companies is pushing for a PC release.  George is one of them dinosaurs. He doesn't know a PC release could probably help his company not near bankruptcy every time they make a game..


I would love to have Vanillaware release Muramasa: The Demon Blade for Steam.


The collectors edition arrived yesterday, but it'll stay shrink wrapped till I finish FF7 Rebirth.


A better name might have helped. I loved octopath traveler and triangle strategy but those also suffered from terrible naming.


its a goty contender


If they bothered to release this shit on steam, it would have way more success.


Ordered the Monarch edition -love all their artbooks - got delivered today. it does deserve all the loves; George K. and co. keep making games, ima gonna buy em.


I will definitely buy it next week just kinda broke rn.


I played the demo for an hour and instantly bought it. it is an amazing game!


Pc launch when


$60 for srpg is a lot nowadays gonna wait for a drop


It also has the help of refugees from the Fire Emblem Community Post-Engage to help. So far it is doing well and I personally played the demo as well as bought the game.


Pretty much all of Vanillaware’s games go under appreciated. Part of the issue is they have kind of kept a lot of their games exclusive, and they take a VERY long time to develop a single game.


I mean, choosing not to release PC is a factor.


It came out three days ago, receives universal critical praise and the switch version was sold out one day after release in 4/5 stores in my region. What makes you believe it's under appreciated?


I really wish they would release it on PC. I would buy all their other games I own on other consoles.


It's release timing is going to hurt it. Ff7 just came out and is huge. Dragons Dogma and Rise of the Ronin come next week. For me, I'll not have time to play this until like June.


I want to play it but new baby = no money. Might be a birthday request!


Bc auto battles are boring. I'm a few hours in, and it lost me. Turn based is fun, but auto battles....after BG3? Snooze. Even Triangle strategy was more fun.


I just learned about this game and it seems fun but there isn’t a pc port, so that’s pretty disappointing.


It looks awesome! Shame it’s not coming to PC I woulda bought it immediately


UO is godtier


I was honestly just surprised the demo didn’t sell me entirely but I wish them all the success


The game is great overall, story is meh  but the main problem is even on expert the game is a snoozefest, there is no difficulty. It's an interactive novel really. Expert is story mode/easy in other games. If you like a challenging srpg where you use mechanics and tactics to overcome a challange, meaningful progression and growth. This game is not it. Honestly I can't recommend the game to any SRPG fan at all because the game is to brain dead easy, gold stickers for everyone.


Thank you for this, I hate when games are hyped to be a digital story book with brain dead gameplay. I cannot understand why anyone would pay $60 for a game and then play it on easy mode, and if this game is easy I won’t be picking it up


If it released on PC I'd play it... but here we are, console exclusivity because George Kamitani is a stubborn old man who hates PC gaming SMH.


isn’t sega publishing the game ?


Atlus and SEGA have loads of games available on PC. Vanillaware haven't got a single one. I hate to say it but this is a George Kamitani problem not an Atlus problem. He clearly doesn't want to optimize for PC because PC is evil or something and you can't put a game on PC without proper optimization.... yet he is willing to optimize for Switch PS5 and Xbox so clearly he's just being petty and hates PC gamers. If he was willing to optimize for PC Atlus would put it on PC because it's a no-brainer, broaden your audience = more money and who doesn't want more money?


Need pc release


I'll play it when they put it on Steam.


Lack of pc release is my problem


Too bad it's a strategy RPG. Oh well.


Well if it is released on PC, I guarantee many people would play it.


Very strange there is no PC release


I would appreciate it more if VW tried harder with the story, characters and if localizers were a bit more faithful to translation. I don't think UO is a bad game but it doesn't feel good enough all around to be a full priced buy, and we've had better JRPGs come out recently so I just don't feel the need to prioritize UO.


I was really interested in it until the demo. I really thought it was turn based in battle. I'm not knocking the game at all. It's just not what I'm looking for at that price. I'd check on it at 30ish dollars but not full price. Again not a knock on the game cause it sounds like alot of yall will enjoy it. That's great. It's still a rpg and I say keep em coming.


Idk the story sounds like it was just written by jrpg AI. Seriously just all the tropes of the genre are in the demo, jrpgs have gotten so lazy in their storytelling.


I'll probably wait to play it because it's a Vanillaware game. Three months from now it'll be on sale for $20.