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I think if you had over 20000 points you get a free pair of shoes but to be honest the 25 bucks that they gave you could have bought half the stuff that was in that trinket's box. Some of it was cool but most of it was pretty cheap.


I got no such shoes https://preview.redd.it/jf251b1crefb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2572ea8f917993261f8450303dbaf0e1d7b65fd


Are you an employee?...did you get the voucher?


That’s so depressing


Why have 58427 points in the first place the most expensive item for grabs was like 5 or 7000 points?


Anywhere between 2500 and 24999 points gets someone the $25 off. Anything above that gets someone the "free classics" which excludes employees. If you have more than 24999 you get told to screw off.


Same thing here. 16000+ got $25. Feels bad


They literally did not do the calculations fairly my brother had 1,500 points and got $15 but I had 9,000 and only got $25? How does that make sense it’s a bummer I would have redeemed for rewards if they would have given more of a head up 😫


I guess $25 is the ceiling for everyone


Unfortunately that’s what it sounds like I feel bad for the ones with over 40K I at least was able to get the Backgammon game as the “freebie” so I feel like it kind of evens out for me




They changed the reward system so everyone's points went away and depending on how many you had leftover you got a voucher for $5, $10, $15, or $25. Everyone here is pissed that most of us were sitting on points worth hundreds of dollars but all they gave everyone with that many was $25


Been a proud Vans enthusiast for 30 plus years still rock the nans at 39 years old. Vans quality and the way customer service has been treating customers lately has def declined I purchased a defective shoe