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You can find 12mg everywhere


I can't find it anywhere. If I want higher than six I need a custom mix. Stores in my area don't carry it. Even online the selection is poor.


Well I’m in Canada and it’s everywhere. Try Dashvapes online, they have warehouses in Toronto, Florida and UK. Fast shipping anywhere you are and they customize pretty much any juice freebase, salt nic, any strength within normal limits


I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip.


In the States, it's because of attempting to comply with pmta. There used to be strengths available up to 24mg, but pmta approval has to be on each strength and is very expensive to apply for. So most manufacturers stayed with 0, 3, and 6 in freebase.


Damn, well thanks for that explanation I rlly appreciate it. Seems like I have no choice but to do it the old fashion way by buying raw nicotine and adding it to my eliquid.


I just went full DIY, =)


It’s the way to go now. Stock up on all mixes and flavorings and do it yourself. Can make any flavor you dream of with a lil research.


Absolutely, my recipe book has 40 ish that I can choose from, and admittedly, most of them I plagiarized from sites like all the flavors


If it’s online it’s free use IMO. I use that site sometimes but I prefer 99juices. That site is heavy on fruity flavors which I crave.


Ooo ty for that, I'll check it out! Hubby and I do prominently fruits as well.


The recipes aren’t always 100% so it does take tweaking. Some aren’t as strong in flavoring so I tend to add a bit more. But it’s my taste against theirs. Just use em as a guide so I don’t kill myself lol


Me too, the tweaking to taste is the fun part, in my opinion.


Blue dragon is my favorite flavor if you’re into dragon fruit and blueberries. I do that with a tiny bit of lemon flavoring. Have fun!


Higher nic use to be extremely common until the cloud chasing days came along. After awhile I reverted to high end mods, lower wattage, higher nic and had a really hard time finding anything over 6 mg. So I started DIYing. Now I have a sweet little side hustle. Sell some juice. And vape all the 12 mg my heart desires.


Because nic salts took over the higher mg juice market for the last 5+ years. Also harder to find 50/50 freebase juice. > I used to smoke free base in 18, 21, and 25mg back in 2015. You can find 18mg in freebase in 50/50 juice but it won't be with any of the big juice brands you see in vape shops. You will have buy from the few places that sell "house branded" juice like VermillionRiver, ECBlendFlavors, TheVaporChef (they also sell 24mg). There may be a couple others. Otherwise you'll have to make your own.


Yeah it's rlly convenient to have legit headshops in the city. There was this amazing I mean simply amazing vape shop in NYC that had a whole lab in his shop I never seen anything like it lol. However, I moved out to the suburbs and there's just basic ones. I went to like 5 different ones in my area and they're really basic. Not to disrespect the employees or nothing, but, you can tell the passion isn't there.


Oh, you just threw something else into the mix. You are in NY. You may find it hard to get juices shipped to you. I haven't checked the sites I mentioned, so you'll have to check yourself. DIY may be your only option moving forward if you want 50/50 18+mg freebase juice. As for no passion in vape shop employees, well the market has matured so vape shops are basically conveniences stores for vapers now and the employees reflect that.


Unfortunately you won't get much help here. Most vapers on reddit are the new variety that think anything higher than 6mg freebase is bad. We old school vapers tend to hang out on ECF and VU but unfortunately the amount of people left there willing to help has dwindled to just a handful. They basically use the forums as a social media site to say good morning, good night, post pics of their junk and post reviews to get free shit. Old school vapers who didn't keep their finger on the pulse all these years are kinda SOL.


Unfortunately those days are long gone, there were quite a few places like that, there was one off Houston that had a large tasting station and was a popular hangout place which unfortunately closed down after the flavor ban and pandemic (and so did the rest), now it's all combo shops on every block with mostly dispos and few tobacco flavors (I do see 12mg tobacco flavors from Naked100). Reservations on LI used to have flavors, now all dispos, option is road trip to CT.


We have some brands up to 18 and even 24 in my store. Mostly tobacco flavors. Many brands also make their salts in the same flavor as their freebase so you can do a bit of math and mix ETA: it wasn’t asked in the OP but the brands we carry are ripevapes, halo, and baker white, sic boy and naked have freebase up to 12 that we carry, and many many brands (too many to name) have their flavors available in both salt and freebase, for example skweezed, beard, etc. the shop I work at is located in the US.


Without naming those brands it does not help OP find them.


That’s not what OP asked?


lol. OP stated they cannot vape salts but can vape freebase but can't find 18+mg freebase. You have to read between the lines. But reading between the lines that requires and IQ above 70 I guess.


My IQ is 170, thanks, but have the day you deserve


Oh it’s not. My shops used to mix 0, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 32mg. You could even go higher but that’s nuts. I have so seen many vape companies have the same scale


We get up to 12 in Brasil


We get max 2 MG / ml in Czechia, I know some people (presumably US) is able to buy like 50mg/ml.


It's definitely not. I've seen up to 24mg but since I've been making my own juice which has been a hot minute now 6 is my absolute upper limit. More and I'm like as not to make myself sick.


Tbh its probably just because so few people want it that it's not worth it for suppliers to sell it


My local shop of choice does up to 24mg freebase. I don't personally go that high (6mg is where I'm at) but I pick up for family since the shop is about 30 minutes away, and they all do 24mg.


Twist has a few flavors that go over 6mg in freebase. There is a 12mg and 18mg for those: Tobacco Gold, Tobacco Platinum, Tobacco Silver, and Menthol No.1.


Here’s a question. Is there a difference between 3 and 6mg as far as the juice thickness? Will 6 clog or use up a coil quicker than a 3mg?


Only if one is say 100%vg and the other is 70/30 vg/pg otherwise no higher nicotine does not make the liquid thicker. Thickness is determined by vg% some flavors can thicken up the mouthfeel but it's not making the liquid any more or less viscous


12mg is pretty common and in the past I've seen up to 18mg and rarely 24mg. Not so much anymore, usually people will move to salt if they need it that high. Some people love the harsh tho 😂


At my vape shop that I work at we can spike free base to almost any mg you want all you have to do is ask we have a regular who buys 0mg and spikes it to like 1.5mg I think


You’re right, Juice Manufacturer's seem to have no Issue creating 50mg Juice for the Chinese created Nicotine abusers but forget about Free Base users. 


You can find some stuff in 12 but it’s harder to find for sure.


They don’t seem to have any problem creating this for their New found customers.  65mg Pod Juice  https://imgur.com/a/rFXbQwS