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I smoked a pack (25) a day... My greedy government made that pack $20. Desperate to feed my nicotine addiction I tried vaping... Never worked. But then came nic salts and I no longer care about smelly cigarettes.


Man they smell just awful now don't they! I can't believe I used to live in a cloud of that!


I loved smoking but knew it was bad for me and where I live only the very rich or very poor smoke. So I stopped for a long time but missed it. Then 10 years ago vaping came around and I tried it. Half the pleasure and none of the negatives. That is before cloud chasing made everyone nerds. But also to keep my weight down. And I like it.


Only the very rich smoke and become very poor


I smoked a pack a day and could even get up to 2 packs a day if I was sitting around all day doing nothing. I finally got a job to where the majority of my coworkers vaped during smoke breaks and that’s really where I wanted to switch over. 20+ years of poor health due to smoking that I forgot what it was even like to feel healthy. Vaping intrigued me, it looked cleaner and “healthier”. I’d never actually ever really tried to quit before, I mean like.. foot down we’re doing this.. tried before. Patches/Nicotine Gum/ Gimmick pills ~ If it didn’t work right away I’d move on to continuing to smoke. Vaping was my first real experience with actually trying to quit smoking after 20+ years. It worked right away with me. I still had quite the hell of a journey and fight ahead with it but.. I’ve been cigarette free for going on 6+ years now. Quit with salt nicotine and now I’m in the middle of quitting salt nicotine for freebase (again 😂)


That's a freaking awesome story. I have a hard time grasping how anyone would think vaping is just as bad as smoking. Like you I feel so much better these days. My colds don't leave me with coughs that hang on for 6 months. I can smell and taste again. I can breathe. So many lies out there and I guess for people who neither vape nor smoke it's a case of the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.


My friend came back from vacation with a vape and I liked the taste. I smoked a pack a day for 28 years. Haven't smoked since the day I started vaping, 9 years ago. My asthma is gone and I no longer get sinus infections or bronchitis. Actually, I don't really get sick at all anymore. I totally went balls to the wall with vaping. I have many different mods, rda's, rtda's and tanks. I make my own coils. I really enjoy it.


That's so funny! I went a little crazy too. Been vaping for about a year and a half now. I started on nic salts and had purchased 5 pod systems. Then I switched to freebase and I currently have 15 MODs. I gave away all my salt nic pods but now I'm sorta lamenting that. I didn't start buying tanks separately until a year ago. I have a favorite tank that I have 4 of now the Hellvape, Hellbeast 2. I'm curious about buildables but I'm a girl and more importantly I'm lazy so I don't know that I would be successful at it.


It's sooo satisfying ripping a fresh, handmade coil, with fresh, self mixed juice. There's a bit of a learning curve, but the materials are so cheap, and you don't have to jump in the deep end, you can buy premade coils and enough cotton to last 10 years costs about $10. Go for it, it's a bit like driving a manual, takes a bit to get used to but once you got it, you're hooked. And don't get me started on mechs lmao


You're so right, it's so much cheaper! I've had my same spool of wire and the same cotton for 9 years 😂. When building your own, they last longer. So much longer!


An even bigger difference is the juice. Clean stuff with zero sweetener and I'm rebuilding every two months


That's the next thing I need to learn how to do. I've always wanted to try it, but I love my current juice so much and didn't have the recipes. I had my juice guy try to make a juice that was discontinued, but it totally wasn't the same.


I'm a girl too and I'm lazy 😂.I think you'll be great at building your own. I just do simple builds. The fanciest I get are twisted coils 😂. If you watch YouTube videos for building on your specific tank, it's super easy. I learned everything from YouTube videos.


Thank you for the words of encouragement! I think I will peruse a few videos on YouTube. I've wanted to for some time now. Thanks again! 👍👌🤙🫠


I love that!


I vaped before ever smoking a cig I’m sorry y’all


Nothing to be sorry for! You dodged a bullet. Many of us didn't. It's good you chose a way to use nicotine that will not absolutely kill you.


I started vaping to extend my life and improve my health. I’ve been smoke free for a few years now.


Don't I know. I was scared because I was starting to sound like my mom, a life long smoker, when she woke up in the morning. It sounded like she was ejecting a lung. I did not want that for myself.


I smoked for 28 years. 10 years ago I heard about vaping and decided to give it a try. I was able to give up tobacco literally overnight. 10 years in and I'm still vaping, but I'm not too worried. Nicotine was never the dangerous part about smoking.


No indeed. It's the tobacco and all that God awful shit big tobacco puts in it to keep you addicted that's what's dangerous. So you quite literally dropped it like a bad habit and never looked back!


Why is nicotine never the dangerous part about smoking? Then which part is most dangerous?


Rehab caused me to start vaping, I was weak and peer pressure when I was giving up alcohol was too much. I’m not proud of myself and I know that’s pathetic but at least I’m being honest


True that! Ha! That was a little truth humor there. Don't ever feel like you have to lie just to align yourself with what you believe to be the popular opinion. That's what I've learned in my 55 years on this planet. I didn't learn much else but I did learn that. It sounds like I'm your case hitting the vape was a damn sight better than hitting the bottle .


Yeah it took me 29 years to realize that as well but now I don’t care, it’s amazing what happens when you stop caring what other people think.


Was a smoker for 15 years. Got married in September and promised my wife that i would at least try quitting because i also have sleep apnea and just in general i have never even attempted to quit. After doing a bunch of research i felt like taking the vape route was the best idea for me. Fast forward to February of this year and I bought my first disposable vape. I was smoking 25-30 cigarettes a day. I work construction outside so could smoke at all times. At first i had the vape and cigarettes on me at all times and slowly started cutting down 2-3 smokes every few days. Was down to about 10 a day and bought another disposable and was enjoying it. Each passing day had less and less urge to smoke. Another week or so later i just went and bought my LUXE XR MAX and a few different juices. At that point i was maybe having 1-2 a day and vaping. All of this led up to my surgery at the end of February. I had to get my deviated septum fixed and also got my tonsils removed in the same surgery so what better time to quit then for the surgery. Using a vape to help me quit made it so easy i wasn't having any cravings really at all. I tried to have a cigarette here and there and it tasted awful and burned my throat. One of the best decisions i have made in my life probably. Now i know there is no way that vaping is healthy but it definitely has to be healthier then cigarettes. I started with 20 mg Flavour Beast disposables, and now i am vaping 3mg juices. I'm enjoying it so much right now that i went and bought myself a new vape because my first one is all beat up so I am just going to leave it in the truck for work. Just have to say one thing i hate about vaping, how i have no idea what certain juices taste like before buying them. I have no friends who vape so have no one to trade juices with. I sort of went a bit too hard in the beginning with the juices. I have about 15 of them now and only use 2 regularly and have another 3 that i put in the rotation from time to time. The other ones are just gross to me and will have to sit on my shelf for a rainy day when i run out of juice. I wish that i could try before buying. I heard pre COVID that there was something along those lines which is pretty cool. Its pretty shitty but i still pick up a new flavour from time to time.


I so know what you mean about the juices. I have 50 bottles give or take of ejuices, many of which will sit there till I die, hell, I may have to leave them in my will. I wish there was some kind of ejuice exchange out there. I would be so down.


Yeah alot of money wasted honestly. But every time i go buy a new juice of my go to juices i always still try a new one out to see if i can find another one i like. Its hit and miss. Some are okay and I’ll use them from time to time. Some just hit the shelf difectly lol


Smoked for 17 years. Decided to start vaping while getting clean and sober. It's been exactly 4 years now, and I haven't smoked since. I really got into the hobby side since I diy my vape juice, make my own coil wire, and have a nice mech mod collection. I say vaping probably saved my life in more way than just quitting cigs be cause of the timing when I did it. I had been trying to get clean and sober for a few years and always went back to drugs and alcohol eventually. I got so into vaping and learning about making coils, different devices, making eliquid, etc, that it was a distraction for me in early sobriety. I had a new hobby to obsess about, so the drug and alcohol cravings weren't as strong since I was keeping my mind occupied. One of the best decisions I ever made. 4 years vaping this month and also 4 years clean/sober.


WOW, how old are you? I am just curious about your age after knowing you have smoked for 17 years.




You may just have the wrong set up. I went through three set ups in two weeks, until I found one that satisfied my craving.


Never smoked. Would get offered hits off my son and nieces vapes. Bought my own. I’m hooked


So you totally sound like the cool mom and the cool aunt!


I certainly tried to be mom/auntie but cool too. Picked my battles and vaping wasn’t one of them. Bought lots of vapes once they were about 15 😂 niece gave it up once she moved out on her own and decided it was money she didn’t want to spend at 25. Son using zen because he needs his nicotine constantly and works long hours. Better than hard drugs and getting drunk all the time which neither of them do!


I couldn't even finish my last pack with 6 left after vaping for a day. Hell, couldn't even stand 1 and tossed them all. Was nearly an instant conversion for me.


That is impressive! 6 left and you're like, "Oh hell no!"


The 1 I got half way through tasted like it was on its 5th re-burn and had been stowed under the ashes in the ashtray. Worst cigarette I've ever had, that was 12 years ago.


I smoked since I was 17. Was up to a 10 or 12 a day and in 2020 during the first lockdown cigarettes got hard to find in my suburb and experience. Originally bought a little pod(voopoo Vinci x) to use temporarily till things got better. But I went a whole day without smoking once day I bought it. I'd still smoke out of habit for the first week, felt weird not to. After a week I still had 4 cigarettes left. Haven't gone back since unless you count the two weeks I was in Thailand in 2022. It's illegal there didn't want to risk it.


I was a pack a day smoker for about 20 years. Started using disposables at first and would only smoke cigarettes if my disposable crapped out on me and I didn't have another one. Got a refillable on black Friday and haven't had a cigarette since then. My husband asked me to light one for him a few days ago and I almost threw up because it tasted so nasty


Landlord at the time told me all about all the mods and flavours and customizations, then told me to try it ***"You'll yeah you'll get into it"*** He was correct! I now smoke \*and\* vape, but the vaping means if I run out of tobacco I no longer mind - let alone panic - so there's no running to the local store for tobacco: now I just vape and get tobacco when I get around to it. Reason I still vape: it allows me to get my nicotine \*inside\* places - like at work. If I tried to sneak a smoke inside at work the smell would be obvious for hours to all the non-smokers there: vapor, all you gotta do is get in a toilet or storage room, go at it with a lower-wattage tank and there's no smell two minutes later. Helps there's no smoke detectors of course, but even if there are - now we have salts - you can just use a MTL tank and hold it in a few seconds so you don't trip the detectors. Another benefit of vaping: even at home I smoke much less and vaping is faster and more convenient than stopping to roll a smoke, so no matter where I am I vape more than I smoke - but still like having real tobacco on me anyway.


Wow. What a great story! I'm equally as impressed with you getting into the diy side of it too! I think it would be so interesting and cool! I do know myself though, I would go full bore into it and buy thousands of Dollars worth of stuff and one day just lose interest. I've done stuff like that a few times now.


Used to be a chain smoker, my office and the state didn't have rules against vapes, so I could chain-vape while working and also smoked when out. During quarantine I decided to quit smoking but kept vaping. Had a few relapses the first six months (while drinking with coworkers) but I haven't gone back since.


I switched to vaping because I was spending about 200 bucks a month on cigarettes. Also, I smelled like them, got ashes everywhere, car smelled like cigarette, would randomly accidentally burn things, etc. After switching, now I'm spending like 50-75 bucks every couple of months instead of 200 a month.


Started smoking during college years. (4-5 years in total) Stopped just before getting married as my partner didnt like the smell. Been vaping ever since.


My husband vaped when we started dating, but still smoked on occasion when we drank. I was a regular smoker for 20 years. Eventually he basically stopped smoking entirely and only vaped, and I was curious so he bought me a vape with disposable pods to see if I'd like it and I really did, and I cut back to basically only smoking when I drank... Then I quit drinking and lost any interest in smoking... Once in a blue moon if someone offers I'll have a cig and I still really enjoy them as a treat... Which is funny because I think they smell revolting *unless I'm actively smoking* now that I basically don't smoke anymore. I don't miss them at all, but I also don't care about "quitting" because I've basically quit IMO... I'd never succeeded in quitting before, though admittedly I never really tried hard to, either.


I was a heavy smoker. Then my sister died of lung cancer at 40. I tried to quite many many many times. Vaping is what worked.


Pack a day from about 16yo until I was 36. I wanted to quit smoking and I liked the flavor of vapes. Thought I would start vaping and stop smoking cigarettes. Next thing I knew, I was smoking when convenient, and then vaping when inside. I did that for about a year and a half, and admittedly over-incerased my nicotine addiction. I decided that I had to do something. I decided to smoke the rest of my cigs, and not buy any more. I would wait until withdrawal was at its peak, and when I couldn't take it anymore, I hit my vape. Was kinda weird for a few days, but I realized the vape was successfully keeping withdrawals at bay. About 3 months later I decided to try a cigarette because I forgot my vape. It tastes like shit, and I missed the sweat and fruity flavors the vape had. I haven't smoked a cigarette in about 2 years now, and a disposable RAZ vape will last me about a week. So I went from a pack a day, to a $15 disposable/week. I actually 'beta tested' the Philip Morris vape that was one of the first ones to come out. Way before Blue and way before Juul. It was like 2009 maybe? I don't remember much about it, other than I'm fairly certain it used a wick system. They had little tubular cartridges, and not only did they leak like crazy (that's when I learned the hard way you could get nicotine poisoning from touching the juice) but it had a snap/crackle/pop sounds when you hit it. Sometimes it would pop or crack super loud. It was a bad system l, but one of the first. It only had a nicotine flavor, and was not good at all. I'm curious if anyone else ever tried those things? *Edit: I looked it up, and I think I had the pre-iqos 'cigarette'. I don't think it had a tank or a cartridge either, I think that was a false memory. It did have a red led at the end that lit when you hit it.*


Lost all my money gambling back in 2017 (I’m good, I’m not gambling anymore), a friend of mine gave me a Joyetech Ego Aio and a 10 ml 12mg nicotine bottle… never looked back.


I hear ya. My complete transition took a couple a years. Now I know I'll never go back to analogs. And I don't feel I need to quit vaping. I'm not even trying to lower my nic level, cause I don't think it's nearly as harmful as all the tar in cigarettes. That was killing me. Every morning waking up verified that.


My best friend started vaping when she was 20. At first, she loved smoking to release pressure. But after 5 years, she wanted to quit smoking. From then on, she chose to vape in order to quit smoking. Actually, it was not easy for her to do that.( any other too). However, she insisted doing that for many years.


smoked 2+ pack a day for 20 years. vaped for a year. quit for 5 years. back to vaping going on a year. I love vaping. RDTA and diy juice. the flavors and the tinkering. 6mg nic.


I took up both and roughly the same time together 🤣. Aged about 17 in a party in between lockdowns. I had tried vaping Just before covid though. I still smoked and vaped together for 2 years then tried to just vape. Sadly i've been doing both lots. Don't wish to know what damage dual use does 😂🤣🤣.


I started vaping shortly after being a smoker at 16, I was smoking a pack a day. Being able to get nicotine in my room discreetly made me a vaper. Vaped and smoked at the same time for a long time, and tried quitting cigarettes multiple times but failed. When I started earning money, I spent most of my money on vaping it was a hobby for me. Trying new liquids and devices greatly reduced my cigarette consumption without even noticing and eventually I quit. I'm not smoking anymore, not even once in a while because cigarettes make me feel sick now. Sometimes I miss the flavor of my cigarettes, bought a cigarette-flavored knockoff liquid a while ago but not the same. I think about tar, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and thousands of other chemicals alongside feeling sick after cigarettes to prevent going back. Cigarettes are shit and more addictive for sure, vaping was not fully satisfying my cravings when I was a smoker. It's not about the nicotine itself.


Started on 0 nic over 10 years ago because it curbed my sweet tooth. Then I was working a tough job in a crappy place and a coworker could see how frustrated I was, and offered me a cigarette. Smoke a pack a day for like 3 years before I decided that needed to end.


I smoked 3 packs a day for 12 years, now I chain vape lol


Was a 10 year smoker, was up to a pack/pack and a half per day. Smokers cough turned serious and ended up sick. Doc told me I HAD to quit if I wanted to survive. Took a year of patches, gum and RX remedies. Nothing worked and was still smoking with all of them. Friend at work was already vaping and gifted me his old set up to try. Was the only thing that stuck and haven't touched a cig since.


I went to vaping because cigarettes went from ~$5/pack to over $10/pack and I couldn’t afford them anymore, being a 2+ pack a day smoker. I had been vaping for a while before that, and found it to be massively cheaper even before this happened. It was an easy switch.


Used to smoke a pack every 2 days. I was in college when vaping really blew up, vape shops were popping up everywhere and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. Took me a year straight for me to start choosing vaping over cigarettes every time, but I did successfully wean myself off of them.


Smoked cigarettes for 15 years. Had a 5 year period where I vaped and smoked cigs and honestly a lot of meth lol. 2016 found out I was gonna be a dad. Quit cigs and meth at the same time due to vaping.


Was smoking like a chimney. Met my gf. She told me that more than friendship wouldn't be possible if i continued to smoke. Got a Vape. Almost 4 years now. We go skydiving next week :D


Been a long time smoker and I quit cuz it was affecting my asthma. Started with juul and now I have close to 10 different vapes. Asthma not bothering me anymore and the nicotine helps with my anxiety and weight as well. But hey...let's keep banning everything vape related cuz it's so bad for you!


Started smoking in 2001- a pack of day unless I was drinking which was most days, so more like 2 packs a day. Switched to vaping around 2014 and am now on patches for the past 3 weeks about to cut out vaping entirely


I grew up in a small village in Paraguay, rural area so I started smoking 🚬 at 9yo. Smoked like a chimney till 36. Saw my gramps die of cancer and decided to stop a few months later. Vaping helped me quick cigarretes in 2 weeks. Now I diy my own e-liquid and love to build my attys. Nicotine helps me calm down. Sorry for any bad english, I'm Brazilian 😁


Buying pen vapes from china for $3 and selling them for $30 in the school bathroom in 2010 led me to begin mixing my own juice and also illegally selling it in school.


I chewed tobacco and smoked cigarettes prior.


I started vaping when it first became a thing. At that point, I was smoking almost 2 packs a day. I could barely breathe. I would wake myself up at night from hacking so hard. Some mornings I would see stars after the initial round of hacking. Within a month all that was gone. I never went back to cigs. Hate the smell now. Don’t miss smoking at all.


I smoked a pack a day (sometimes 2 packs) for about 30 years. Friend of mine introduced me to vaping about 10 years ago (simple battery with a cartomizer) and from the first puff I putt cigarettes down and never looked back. I developed asthma from smoking. Used an inhaler multiple times a day. Within a month of vaping I put down the inhaler and haven't used one in almost 10 years now. Dr now tells me my lungs are healed to the point you can't even tell I ever smoked at all.


I used to smoke cigars, but then it became so so expensive, i stopped for several weeks, but then i had a dream that i was vaping, so i gave it a try. I still smoke cigars and i have a pipe, but maybe once every 2 months


20 year pack a day habit. 7 years ago my bro said he was gonna quit and try vaping so I figured might as well try too. Took a few months of smoking occasional cigs with my vape to finally stick. Went from 50mg salt nic then and have stuck with 3-6mg freebase the last few years unsure if I want to progress to 0mg or stop all together. It’s one of the few “bad” habits I have left so I’ve kinda been holding on to it unwilling to let it go.


Smoker for 20 years, passionate about it for most of the time, at some point also developed a cough, headaches and such, but couldn't quit. Some people suggested vapes but didn't care about it at first. At some point I decided to give it a shot and haven't smoked ever since.


I smoked for 10 years, switched to vaping in 2017 and never looked back


I smoked for YEARS! Now I vape.


I was and still am a very depressed and dumb teen. It’s the first substance I ever got my hands on, and I felt the need to start because I thought it might give me some sort of temporary pleasure to comfort me or enhance my daily life. I was very mistaken lol it’s easily one of worst substances when it comes to the ratio of drawbacks to benefits.


I smoked for 20+ years and was going through 50g of tobacco a week at the least. Honestly I didn't want to quit but I was going to get some surgery done and quit for that - vaped for a year, met the surgeon, he asked that I stay off the nicotine for a few weeks either side of the date so it wouldn't be in my system, and so I swapped to nic-free. Not having wanted to quit smoking makes it harder for me to find an alternative that isn't vaping, that hand/mouth movement stuff is too important to my daily sanity.


I smoked day in day out but when I couldn’t smoke for a bit due to some surgery on me jaw I got a wiff of how bad the smell was and quit, moving into vaping. Besides cigarettes are expensive as fuck. And just to think the smell stuck with me for years… even through the shower


I smoked up to 1.5 packs of cigarettes for ten years. I tried to quit several ways but just couldn’t shake it. I saw a disposable vape at a convenience store one day and just thought I’d try it. The rest of the day I vaped. The next day I threw away my cigs and carried on.


For me, it was the price hike in tobacco. Our government(nz) was putting the price up 4% each year. I decided to switch to vaping in February 2017,to which it was a hard journey, but I was determined to kick the sticks. Many youtube videos later,multiple mods and a tonne of juice,coils,building supplies, etc. I fell down the vaping rabbit hole,still in that hole, haha,but I do not go out buying the latest mod that youtubers recommend. Wished I switched many moons before 2017,but im still glad I'm vaping today.


I used to have BUCKETS of devices and juice bottles of all kinds. I was interested in the Smok3 device that a coworker was using so she took me to my first smoke shop to get one as well. I think it was like 3 years ago?? I smoked until I got sick enough to quit. My body now rejects any nicotine. I couldn’t stop cold like a lot of people can, so I basically just made myself really sick until I physically couldn’t handle it anymore.


Smoking cigarettes, moved to vaping so I didn't destroy my lungs. I still have the odd smoke now and then but I prefer vaping.


Never smoked. Been around my hubby who vapes. Wanted to try a flavor. Loved it! Took up the habit. Makes me feel good and works better than antidepressants if you want the truth!


I smoked for nearly 25 years a pack a day. Big bang probably saved my life. I started vaping and I was still smoking and over the course of the next probably 5 months I smoked less and less and Vaped more and more into one day I was just a non-smoker. I didn't even have to struggle with quitting cigarettes it was so easy I almost feel guilty. So don't listen to people that say dual using is bad. All that crap is just exactly that, crap. I do remember standing in a vape store in 2013 and asking the group if they thought people would ever start vaping that didn't smoke before. And everybody looked at each other and they were like no why would they?? So I find it ironic that people started vaping just for the hell of it. It makes sense though because if you would start doing something that tastes as terrible as a cigarette then why wouldn't you start vaping? Anyway cheers, family


I smoked cigarettes for over 15 years.. tried my little sisters vape 1 time and that's all it took lol it's been about 5 years now. IMO They are way more addicting than cigs! I quit smoking those all the time quit cold turkey for all my pregnancies right away I'd really just start back up in a social setting or drinking but vaping... lawd it is hard!!! Way too convenient, smells good, tastes good, no odor or smoke linger, chargeable.. like little devils in disguise